Chapter 5 Restlessness (7)

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 "Miss you?" In the quiet first-class cabin, Wang Ai asked Huang Xin in a low voice who was sitting by the porthole.

"Huh? Oh, no." Huang Xin smiled: "It's too noisy around me."

"I don't mean what I said." Wang Ai looked back and saw that only Wang Ai and his group were in the first class cabin today. The eight-seat first class cabin occupied him, Huang Xin, Li Jun, Yan Zhu, Yang Li and other five people.

The other guards refused the first-class treatment. Liu Liang said bluntly: Of course I can take first-class with you, but I always have to go out to do errands. What should I do then? It is difficult to go from luxury to frugality, so I tried it twice.

That’s it.

Li Jun was studying something on his laptop, and Yan Zhu was resting his head with his eyes closed, seeming to have fallen asleep. Yang Li, who was flying first class for the first time, was curiously flipping through the menu.

So, Wang Ai reached out and picked up Huang Xin's chin. When Huang Xin rolled her eyes in dissatisfaction, she refused to let go. She even squeezed and whispered: "I know you feel sorry for the child, but you should feel sorry for me more. The child can

If you want more, I only have one."

"Am I not good to you?" Huang Xin shook her head and moved away Wang Ai's hand, sighing softly: "Sometimes I think I might as well just stay at home. I'm not like Xiaomei who can't stay. I'm still okay.

I like taking care of my children at home every day.”

"Because you like it, that's why you don't want it."

Huang Xin turned around and looked up and down: "You just can't find it happy?"

"People, you can't stay in a comfortable environment for too long. People need encouragement." Wang Ai quietly covered Huang Xin's hand and leaned her head over: "Finding a balance between encouragement and comfort is like the relationship between husband and children.

It’s like finding balance.”

"Is it like you are looking for a balance between us?" Huang Xin, who was taught a lesson, couldn't help but stab Wang Ai, but she immediately backtracked: "I still like to work, but sometimes I just look at the children, well, I just want to accompany them.

grow up."

"You are indeed the most suitable person to take care of children in the family. You have a good personality, patience, and professional knowledge. But the more this happens, the more I want to pull you out, enrich and perfect you. The little beauty's personality is opposite to yours.

Instead, she has to make up classes at home." After Wang Ai said this, he adjusted his seat and put his legs in front of him and stretched them out: "Speaking of which, I have been worried that you will return home and be our old mother. It's too scary.


"Isn't it good? You said I'm so good."

"But you are my lover. I want the independent, strong, and confident Huang Xin, not the hard-working and weathered Huang Xin. I want you to be forty, fifty, or sixty years old. After seeing you, you are still

If you have the urge to suppress you, you should also shape yourself in this way." Wang Ai's fingers rubbed the back of Huang Xin's hand: "Don't you realize that simply being nice to someone may not necessarily be able to get it back? If you do it for

My child, if you quit work and stay at home for me, I may be very grateful to you, but I may no longer love you.”

Huang Xin's gentle face was illuminated by bursts of colorful lights and shadows under the flickering display screen in front of her. She suddenly leaned forward secretly and kissed Wang Ai's cheek: "I am already over thirty years old. Over the years, so many things have happened.

We’re all here, don’t always worry about me running away.”

"No, oh, just get used to it. Hehe, I'm very proud to keep you by my side these years."

"The more you talk, the more you go too far." Huang Xin's face turned red: "You are a love saint! I am eight years older than you, but...sister, sister, even...don't always lock me up."

"I lock you up and let you go out to work? The one in the cage is called a canary."

Gu Tan

Huang Xin looked gently into Wang Ai's eyes, with a sincere and affectionate smile on her face: "The best way to lock a person is to lock her heart."

Wang Ai twisted his body: "So I'm so powerful."

Huang Xin snorted softly, probably feeling that what she said was too insensitive, so she decisively turned her head and ignored the hateful little man, but she did not take her hand out until the smiling flight attendant brought dinner.

When the plane arrived over the UK, it was already the night of the 10th local time. Looking at the lights outside the window, Wang Ai was arranging the seats and packing various small items that he carried with him. He didn't have many things, Huang

It's amazing that first class cabins are so spacious that sometimes some things are missed.

As soon as he left the airport, he saw the car picked up by the Consulate General. Although Wang Ai notified the club, he refused the fans arranged by the club to pick him up. He is now a little afraid of the fans' eyes.

When the news of his departure from Bayern was finally settled this summer, many Bayern fans expressed regret, reluctance and nostalgia on social networking sites, and a large number of photos, texts and commemorative literature were widely disseminated.

Although Wang Ai only stayed at Bayern for two years, he was the only World Footballer to play in the Bundesliga in the past 20 years. He broke the 40-year-old Bundesliga single-season scoring record twice in a row. He brought 8 goals to Bayern.

Champion trophies, including the "triple crown" of the most important league, Champions League, and German Cup, and defended the title at the same time!

His achievements on the field are unmatched, and he is known for his gentleness and friendliness outside the field. Almost everyone who has met him or come into contact with him said that he is a close and trustworthy partner.

Every Bayern fan knows the reason for his departure. He was not betrayed, just helpless, just like he left Germany for the first time many years ago. After hearing that the Samaria Manor was only sealed and not put up for sale, German fans became even more excited.

I am convinced: Wang Ai loves this place.

Although the road ahead is unclear and it is difficult to say whether Wang Ai will return to Germany to play football again, the past two years have been eternal.

"How do you feel? Returning to the UK?" In the Consulate General, Consul General Pan took Wang Ai's arm with a smile: "Come, come, come, visit our consulate, it will be your home from now on. Yours

We have had someone look after the house, and Ms. Hartman entrusted her with some tasks when she left, such as food shopping and so on."

Wang Ai winked at Li Jun, who then quietly went to the finance room of the consulate.

Consul General Pan was very clear-sighted and did not refuse after seeing it. After all, it was a public account. If Wang Ai did not reimburse him, the consulate would have to tighten their belts.

"Let's have dinner at the consulate. Let us do our best as landlords. We will need your help for many things in the future."

"Yes, the motherland is my backing, and I should also do things for the country and do my best."

"Okay, okay, come on, this dish is specially made by the chef of our consulate. She has been working on it for several hours. Usually she won't cook it for me if I want to eat it."

Facing the enthusiastic comrades, Wang Ai and his party were not polite.

There was not much chat after the meal. Consul General Pan knew that Wang Ai had not returned to his new home, so he let Wang Ai go after leaving each other's contact information. However, before leaving, Wang Ai left a large suitcase for the consulate, which was full of things.

Ingredients brought from Stupid Food.

This chapter has been completed!
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