Section 81: The Birth of a Ball King (1)

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"Alvaro's few goals early in the first half inspired me." On the TV, Wang Ai, who was sweating and wearing a sky blue jersey, talked to the reporters on the sidelines: "Teammates of a team are good at what they do.

They influence each other. Everyone is like a family when they are together for a long time. When one person is happy, others will also be in a happy mood. When one person is sad, others will also become sad. When Alvaro played the fastest song in his career, it was probably the fastest in his career.

When he scored a hat trick, we friends were all happy and excited for him, so we were also excited, especially since it was easier for us forwards to influence each other in shooting. When my teammates performed so well, I myself would also become

More eager."

The reporter asked questions quickly outside the camera, while a circle of Chinese football bosses sat in the conference room outside the TV, waiting with smiles on their faces.

"Oh, of course the whole team performed quite well. I haven't got the data now, but I feel that maybe our team's running distance will be very large. From my intuitive feeling, everyone in the whole game

They didn’t stop running or attacking.”

"Oh, no, how is it possible? How could such a thing be arranged before the game? This completely happened bit by bit during the game. None of us could have imagined it, including our opponents."

"How do you evaluate the opponent? I think today's victory with such a big score is also related to the opponent." Wang Ai pondered for a moment: "If the opponent uses hurtful actions, we may not be able to fully demonstrate our talents, and the game will not be able to become

It looks so good. Although this is indeed a disastrous defeat from the opponent's point of view, the opponent has always maintained the grace and confidence that a top English team should have. With this kind of confidence, even if they lose, they will quickly improve.

stand up."

"With the development of modern football today, the fans of every team, especially the top teams, are no longer in the stadium. In the stands, there are more fans watching the game on TV, the Internet, and more neutral fans. Civilization

There will be more high-level performances in the competition. Although the losing side will be under a lot of pressure, when you are in good condition and your opponents are also civilized, you will be the winner. In the end, everyone will benefit, and football will be a better place.

The level of the sport has been further improved." Wang Ai faced the camera with a serious expression: "FIFA has been promoting gentleman's football, and I personally agree with it. It is not inconsistent with the traditional blood and passion of English football. Gentlemen are external.

Performance, not hurtful, jointly create more exciting performances, attract more fans to watch the game, passion is the core, is the spirit, to support the players to fight hard, just like both sides of this game. We fight to the end, but the opponent is the same

Fighting to the end, even in the last minute of the game, even in the despair of no recovery, they still did not give up the attack. Today's opponents are a group of warriors who fell on the charge. They have the unique tenacity and bravery of East London and are worthy of everyone's admiration.


"As for the team, I just realized it when I was chatting with everyone. It should be the last game. We were unexpectedly tied by our opponents. Well, we are now the half-time champions, and our opponents are currently ranked in the middle and lower reaches? Yes,

We expected it to be a relatively easy game before the game, but we didn't expect to achieve our goal." Wang Ai moved his legs uncomfortably when he said this, but held it back and continued: "So after the game three days ago, maybe everyone

Everyone has the idea of ​​proving themselves, and then everyone worked hard today, and it ended up like this."

"Well, I am a member of the team. Everyone performed well, and of course I was inspired by it. Everyone also believed in me and gave me many opportunities in the second half, so that's why...well

, yes, the most goals I have scored in a single game in my career... Yes, it is worth remembering."

At this point, the reporter finally let Wang Ai go, but the camera was still chasing his figure. Wang Ai left the reporter, took two steps, bent down, and began to straighten his knee pads. The camera zoomed in, and it turned out that Wang Ai's knee pads had already been removed.

The damaged and broken rubber band had been tightly tightening Wang Ai's knee. No wonder he felt uncomfortable.

The TV was put here, turned into a small screen, and the host's face was revealed: "Perhaps this detail is the best example of gentleman's football. He has been uncomfortable just now, but out of respect for our reporters and audiences, he just accepted it without moving.

I can’t wait to sort out the entire interview. Next, let’s take a look at the interview with today’s lucky girl, Victoria, the goddess of victory.”

The TV screen flashed again, but a hand outside the TV pressed the remote control, and the Chinese Football Association conference room became quiet again. Director Wei Di picked up the tea cup and took a sip, then put down the cup with satisfaction: "Everyone, take a look at this proposal.

Well, it just so happens that everyone is here today, let’s discuss what to do. Xiaobai is now a member of the Liaoning Football Association. This proposal was submitted through the Liaoning Football Association. In the past few years since his retirement, he has successfully started a clothing store called Sanhai Clothing.

The brand, oh, now the company is called Sanhai Clothing, which is a joint venture between him, Sun Jihai, and Zhang Yonghai. The brand of the product is Heart of the North. Well, it is developing very fast. I won’t rule out becoming the main sponsor of some of our teams in the future.


After Director Wei Di briefly introduced Bai Guanghai's development, he unfolded the document in front of him and gave his colleagues time to read it.

The name of this document is "Recommendations on Granting Wang Ai the Honorary Title of "Ball King"".

Wang Ai himself didn’t know that the sly Lao Bai had already put him on the receiving end of criticism from his football colleagues across the country. Oh, criticism. He was still preparing for the next game, which was also the last game before the FIFA awards ceremony.

prepare for.

According to the arrangement of manager Leonie, Wang Ai still has to go all out in the 21st round of the Premier League away game against Newcastle, striving to produce a Ballon d'Or-level performance to suppress the pressure from the other two super giants and even unknown players.

Where did the doubts, opposition, and slander come from?

After three years of hard work, it’s time for a breakthrough. If there is no breakthrough this year, it means that Wang Ai still can’t win the Triple Crown for two consecutive years and created 88 league goals, which will have a strong negative effect: many

The forces that already dislike him will be greatly encouraged. From now on, Wang Ai will bid farewell to the Golden Globe Awards, and may even decline from now on.

To use the words of martial arts novels to describe Wang Ai's current situation, he is in a world where he can't help himself.

In the words of the school: sailing against the current, if you don’t advance, you will retreat.

Wang Ai must break through and reach a new level. This is the ceiling for him and even the other two super giants in Chinese football.

After the breakthrough, the sea and sky are brighter!

This chapter has been completed!
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