Section 113 The Strongest Patch (3)

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 Wang Ai brought ten flying dragons with him this time. Fortunately, these things were not too big to clean up, otherwise it would be quite difficult to get them.

Now Idiot's breeding farm can produce about 2,000 birds a year, most of which are used for breeding, and a small number have been ordered by various people, with an average price of 500. According to Leonie, the population will be expanded this year to prepare for next year.

It will be launched on the market in the second half of the year, and then it will be a huge source of income. It has been said for too long that ordinary people will try it if they have the conditions. However, the Forestry Bureau means to let the stupid food be released into the wild first to expand the wild.

Populations, especially in various protected areas in the Northeast, Leonie has agreed.

However, the embassy has quite a lot of older people, and one person can probably share two of them, so Wang Ai brought a lot of reed chicken at home to make up the amount, so that one person can share one bowl.

In fact, the agricultural assistants in the north also cultivate fungus and mushrooms, but they are a bit unusual and not worth bringing. In addition, Ganoderma lucidum is also cultivated, but this thing is still a popular commodity. The only thing worth looking forward to is Tai Sui. Since it was accidentally dug up by a farmer a few years ago

After it came out and was confirmed to be Tai Sui, people from all walks of life became very interested. After all, this thing is said to be a "miracle medicine" and more "spiritual" than Ganoderma lucidum. Needless to say, scientists have already done some research, but there seems to be no results.

Idiot also bought a small piece here and is working hard on breeding it. It is said that there has been some progress.

Once a breakthrough is made and it can be eaten, the idiot will become fat, and Wang Ai will be awesome if he uses it to give gifts.

After dinner at the embassy, ​​we went to Ambassador Liu's room to chat for a while, and then Wang Ai and his party rested in the embassy. Isn't there a saying? The overseas mission is your home, and others don't know it. Wang Ai did it

, no matter where he goes, the embassy or consulate has his bed.

Although the accommodation conditions are not comparable to those of hotels, they are free of charge.

The next day, Wang Ai said goodbye to everyone and returned home at noon. In the process, he still made some phone calls, but it was much less than the previous few days. The closest contacts were with his teammates, but the pace of life in Europe is different from that in China.

Spring Festival has nothing to do with it.

The next game is coming and the opponent is Chelsea.

Chelsea's performance has improved since Mourinho's return and is currently third in the league, but 15 points behind Manchester City. Arsenal, currently ranked second, was also tied with Manchester City due to an unexpected draw by Southampton in the last round.

The difference reached 10 points, and Liverpool was fourth. In the first half of the league, Manchester City achieved complete victories against these three opponents, and even recorded a 7:3 record against the second-placed Arsenal in the league! Now the entire Premier League is

It is said that Manchester City is unstoppable this season and is very likely to win the second Premier League title after winning the first in team history two years ago. The three opponents either remained silent or pretended not to know, which is rare even for Mourinho.

Didn't say anything.

During Matilde's frequent phone calls due to Xu Qinglian's pregnancy, he once revealed the Portuguese's view on the matter: His biggest regret this past summer was that he did not persuade Abramovich to bring the Chinese back to Stamford Bridge, otherwise Manchester City would now

The situation should be the Blues'.

Wang Ai could only sigh when he heard this statement. Not to mention his previous unhappiness, Mansour's efforts for two consecutive years even mobilized UAE officials to communicate with each other. How could Abu compare? Although Wang Ai and Abu have never broken up.

, there is still contact information, but Abu did not call Wang Ai this summer.

In this case, it was impossible for Mourinho to convince Abramovich, but he really convinced him and gave Wang Ai money. Wang Ai actually did not dare to go. He had to consider that if his salary was too high, Abu would not be able to offend him.

I'm happy, but the money is not secure. More importantly, the Portuguese who was personable, confident, and willing to protect and help players has changed a bit. It seems that the three years at Real Madrid have changed his personality from strong to strong.

Overbearing, Wang Ai can detect this through various channels.

Under such circumstances, I don’t know whether working with him again will be as harmonious as before.

So forget it, Wang Ai told himself, let's forget each other in the world, for the good years of fighting side by side.

In Wang Ai's memory, Chelsea came to Manchester on the third day of the Lunar New Year and appeared at the Etihad Stadium at 9pm on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year. Dzeko and Jovetic both scored in the previous game.

In the starting lineup, Negredo was still injured, while Wang Ai and Aguero sat side by side on the sidelines.

Pellegrini wanted to try the power of the Balkan combination of Dzeko and Jovetic. Aguero was not in good condition. Wang Ai took two days off in the past four days to celebrate the New Year. According to the "custom" of previous years, every year

The Premier League matches in January have been nothing short of devilish. A large number of stars have been injured during this period. The Chileans are worried that the current good situation will be ruined, so they are very cautious in using Wang Ai.

Wang Ai doesn't care, he is the type who shines brightly when given a little sunshine. As long as he is not deliberately excluded, he does not need to pursue playing time.

Chelsea came prepared today, but the combination of Dzeko and Jovetic did not show the expected results. Even David Silva was there to guide them. Manchester City only had one shot in the first half, and it was David.

Silva's sneak attack was just a hair's breadth away. Instead, Chelsea created many dangers, which made Wang Ai, who was watching, frown and look unwavering.

Finally, at halftime, Wang Ai silently walked back to the locker room in the queue. Many fans called his name as he passed by the stands, but he didn't respond much. Under the attention of many fans, his figure

Disappears into the player tunnel.

In the locker room, Pellagrini analyzed his opponents and arranged tactics in his usual slow tone. Wang Ai didn't listen much and kept his eyes closed to think about things. Only now did he notice that although Manchester City has five forwards, the real

In fact, there are only Aguero and him at the center. The other three Negredo have excellent footwork and average body, suitable for playing as an attacking midfielder or shadow forward. However, Dzeko and Jovetic both have the body of a center, but do not have the body of a center.

Psychology always wanders on the periphery.

Without the powerful generals to break the formation, the defenders can form the tightest formation, and the long-range shots from the outside will also lose their power. Otherwise, they are both tall forwards and have the ability to move at their feet. Dzeko and Ibrahimovic

Why is his performance so different? He is five years younger than Ibrahimovic.

"King, you have to prepare to appear. We need to rely on your attack power."

While he was deep in thought, he suddenly heard a Chilean calling him. Wang Ai opened his eyes and was confused for a moment before nodding.

There's nothing bad about the faces of Dzeko and Jovetic. Maybe it's because the relaxed atmosphere of the team makes them not nervous enough?

This is also Manchester City's problem. They have risen too fast, have too much money, and are not good at fighting tough battles.

This chapter has been completed!
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