Section 159: Flamenco by the Sea (9)

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 "Why do I feel like I haven't been relaxed at all since I didn't go to school this year?"

On the evening of May 6th, Wang Ai stood up from the computer desk in his bedroom and followed Leonie downstairs for dinner. A routine "family video conference" had just finished on the computer screen. Several adults and small people in the country also came down.


"You said I just can't stop, right? I stopped going to school and started doing scientific research. After I finished helping my family, I started helping the Football Association. Then I have to write letters. After all these are finished, maybe something else will come up." Wang

Ai poked his temples with two fingers: "My head is so big."

"Others see you enjoying it." Leonie joked: "Well, I bought you some good fruit today, one hundred euros per kilogram."

Wang Ai's expression showed yearning: "I've long heard that people in the entertainment industry spend a lot of money... Oops, will I not be able to eat ordinary food in the future?"

Leonie shook her head: "Whether you like it or not, I eat it anyway, I can afford it."

I don’t know what kind of mango it is, but it tastes... like money. Wang Ai looked up at the others. The expressions of the male guards and Wang Ai were similar: That’s it? The female guards were very excited, and they didn’t know if they were really eating it.

When I came out, I still deliberately fooled people.

"If you can break through 60 goals tomorrow, Manchester City will have a double blessing. It will have an unprecedented double championship for the team and a Premier League scorer record. You can hold the league championship trophy while holding the 60th Premier League goal commemoration.

A trophy.”

Probably because she felt better after eating fruits, Leonie was thinking about tomorrow while eating during dinner: "Will the cabinet at home have no room for it again?"

Wang Ai hummed a few times before he had time to answer: "I managed it last year, but I definitely can't pretend this year. By the way, my mother mentioned it to me when I went back to my old house last summer. I went to take a look at the honor cabinet. Okay.

Guys, I don’t recognize most of the trophies, and I don’t even know when they were given to me.”

"I know this. Many trophies are evaluated by various magazines. Because they are not very influential, they are embarrassed to invite you to go. Even if you send an invitation letter, our assistant will help you recommend it. They usually just send a manuscript to tell you

Check the results of the selection, and then mail the trophy to the Chinese Football Association, and the Chinese Football Association will send it to your home, and there will be more people coming and going." Leonie suddenly remembered something and smiled: "Did you know there are many world football players? We

Usually I only care about FIFA’s evaluation, but in fact many magazines also evaluate it. Your family has almost twenty World Player of the Year trophies.”

Wang Ai put down his chopsticks after hearing this and said melancholy: "If someone else catches one, it will last a lifetime regardless of whether it is authoritative or not. I don't know how many I caught, but it will be troublesome."

The whole family, including cats and dogs, looked at Wang Ai and said: "If we don't arrange it well, we will look arrogant. If we clean it up, we will look arrogant. What do you think we should do? It's not rare to send it to the National Museum of China, and it can't be rated as a cultural relic."

.In fact, it stands to reason that the output is not high, right? Each one is produced annually, so it should be considered a cultural relic."

"Cultural relics must also be ranked according to their value. Only those with high value are called cultural relics." Leonie hummed twice: "Are you sure you can go up there tomorrow?"

"Yes." Wang Ai was surprised: "Didn't I tell you? I will fight for at least an hour tomorrow?"

"Well, Adidas sent a copy based on your 60 goals. A team will be sent over tomorrow to shoot a feature film. Your contract will expire in one and a half years. When we renewed the contract with Gucci at the end of last year, it was not very

It went well, Adi was very nervous when he heard about it."

"Don't blame me, Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo's endorsement fees have increased, why doesn't Gucci give me an increase?" Wang Ai spread his hands: "The sales have been so good in China in the past few years, and they didn't even say they would give me an extra point.

Money. If Gucci’s brand image is not bad, can’t I switch to another brand? There are not many other brands in Italy, but there are many fashion brands.”

"Then how much will your salary and Adi's salary rise the year after next?"

"...We'll talk about it later. It's still early. Maybe there will be an economic crisis and I will have to cut prices."

After chatting and laughing, after dinner, Wang Ai went upstairs to get a book, moved a chair and placed it in the yard, enjoying the warm sunset. The dog lay at his feet, and two big cats lay under the chair.

Four little kittens were running around dishonestly.

A few days ago, the second and third children ended up in the swimming pool for some reason and almost drowned. Lili caught a cold after getting into the water and took medicine. But the second and third children have liked going into the water since then, probably because they see the humans at home all day long.

Going into the water has been rewritten as a habit.

After the sunset completely set, Wang Ai also put away his book and one finger. The dog was going back to the house and the cat was going to go out for a walk. Wang Ai also changed his clothes and went out for night exercise. The night before the battle was so peaceful and quiet.

Early the next morning, as soon as Wang Ai returned home from the tranquil mountains, he was disturbed by the noise. I don’t know who organized it, but nearby Manchester City fans came to the door of his house, holding the banner of Manchester City, making it difficult for Wang Ai to hide.

When I entered the house, I had no choice but to go forward.

After asking, I found out that this was actually Manchester City's championship celebration. It started very early in the morning and was said to last for three days. They joked for a while and after taking a group photo, the fans left singing. When Wang Ai went home for breakfast

After taking a look at the internal communication group of his teammates on social media, I found that he was not the only one being harassed, but everyone who had their home address publicly exposed was being harassed.

Wang Ai stayed in the study room as usual in the morning, but even so he felt the enthusiasm of Manchester City. Most of the city was preparing for the evening. White and blue decorations lined the streets and alleys. Even some Ontology media had their websites posted.

The logo of Manchester City: the blue sea and the golden sail.

In the afternoon, there was a lot of noise from the Etihad Stadium not far from the City Football Academy. Some small bands and even bands organized by fans had already started performing at the Etihad Stadium. Today’s ticket price remains unchanged, but the club shares all

I don't take any money from the bands and singers, big and small, who come to perform.

The training ended at 2:30 in the afternoon, and everyone took a rest in the luxurious bathroom of the training center. After an hour, everyone got up, ate some fruits such as bananas, and then collectively headed to the stadium, which had been noisy for most of the day.

Today's opponent is Aston Villa, which has escaped from the relegation zone. The opponent has no desire to cooperate with the new champions to put on a show, so there is nothing to say. When Manchester City officially communicated that they hope to adjust the game time to 4 p.m.

At 30:30 to cater to Far East fans, he readily agreed.

When Wang Ai and the others walked into the stadium to warm up, the stage in the center of the lawn had just been removed, and the fans stood up one after another. Today's celebration finally reached the core program and reached its destined climax. When the players finally officially appeared on the stage, each player

His name will attract huge cheers.

This is the home court!

This is the undefeated Etihad.

This chapter has been completed!
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