Chapter 293 In My Name (3)

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 Just when Leonie scolded "Princess Coruña" and asked her to come as soon as possible to fulfill her job of "working for him during the day and sleeping with him at night", Leonie's cell phone suddenly flashed, and Wang Ai took it casually.

I came over to take a look and found out that it was a message forwarded from Cy Sports: "Chelsea and New York announced the departure and joining of Frank Lampard."

When Wang Ai saw it, he immediately got up and walked into the room and turned on the TV. Sure enough, all the major news channels and sports channels had interrupted the news, but the heavyweights had not spoken out yet. It was a regular routine for old stars to go to the major leagues to dig for gold, so it was nothing.

Trouble, Manchester City, the key player in the matter, is still pretending to be dead.

Turning on the computer, some online comments have appeared, such as Chelsea fans sending sincere wishes to Lampard, and some are condemning the club.

Wang Ai walked around for a while and came back out with his hands behind his back. Leonie had already hung up the phone and said to him: "Promise me, I will come back from China in late August and report my work in Spain."

Wang Ai nodded: "Okay."

"You really don't miss her? It's strange, don't all men like new things? You two have only been together for three or two days, right? Don't you? Instead, you want me every day?"

"Isn't it bad?" Wang Ai asked back.

"It's good, but it seems to go against your nature. It makes me suspect that you are sick."

"I have evolved to a high degree of freedom from my animal nature."

"You mean there's still a little more?"

Wang Ai shrugged: "When she comes, you can see for yourself, I can't hide it from you." Remember the website

"That's it." Leonie took her cell phone: "You can browse our cell phones and check them at will, but you don't know when you developed this habit."

"How do you call it a problem? My phone is never locked. Why are you going behind my back? We already have this kind of relationship, what else can't we share?"

"Some things are more secret than the secrets of the body. This is a popular modern concept."


"When did you develop this habit?"

"Maybe it has something to do with Huang Xin, right? Before that, I checked Huang Xin's mobile phone every time I returned to China. In fact, I did this when she went to a bj to accompany me when she was in school, and she was used to it."

"Did you have the intention of dealing with her in the future?"

"No, at least not when I was in school. Probably when I was seventeen or eighteen, I found out that she was already twenty-five or six, and I delayed her, and then I realized that I should be responsible for her."

"She's obviously grown up. I feel like she's easy to bully so I won't let her go." Leonie teased Wang Ai while looking at her phone: "Hey, has it been announced? A storm is coming, what should we do?


"If there is a reporter interviewing me, I will welcome it and won't say too much. This is the relationship between him and Chelsea fans, the club, Manchester City, Manchester City fans and Manchester City players. It has nothing to do with me and him." Wang

Ai thought: "However, I have to call his wife and ask if he has anything he likes to eat."

"Daughter-in-law? Her ex-girlfriend has broken up. You don't know, right?"

"Ah? Oh, yes, I think I've heard of it, then who is it now?"

"She seems to be a TV host, right? Irish, with black hair. By the way, why are you asking her?"

"You want to give Lampard a surprise? Forget it. I'll ask Terry. They are tied together all the time. They are more like a couple than a couple."

The call was quickly connected, and Leonie sat on the grass like a farmer's woman, hugging her beloved cat, blowing the breeze, looking at the scenery far and near, and listening to the man's conversation with his friend.

After the call was hung up, Wang Ai showed his hands to Leonie: "I'm so pitiful for the British people, they don't eat anything all day long."

"It's not even as good as our German recipes." Leonie smiled and pulled the hair around her mouth.

"It's similar to our neighbor Japan. It's an island country with poor resources and few products. There are only a few edible things, so we can only castrate ourselves mentally to avoid the instinctive pursuit of delicious food that destroys civilization." He said.

Wang Ai lay on the grass and looked at the long blue sky and slowly flowing white clouds above his head, without speaking for a long time.

Seeing that Wang Ai was asleep, Leonie put the little flower on his belly, got up and walked gently to the corridor, took the book she had not finished yesterday through the window, poured herself a glass of lemonade, and sat down

Beside the small table, her temperament also changed from a peasant woman to a poetess.

The sun gradually set in the west, and the strong red light reflected through the clouds shone on Wang Ai's face, making him seem to be aware of it. When he opened his eyes, a bunch of cats were lying around him, following Wang Ai's hand.

While petting wiwi and lili, the meowing sounds of the two big cats made the four kittens meow like this.

"Are you hungry?" Leonie put down her book on the corridor and looked over.

"Maybe? Maybe just to say hello to me." Wang Ai walked over: "Why aren't you sleeping?"

"It's not like you who need to rest your mind. I sleep well at night, rest in the morning, and sleep in the afternoon?" Then, Leonie pointed to the philosophy journal in her hand: "If you need to supplement some knowledge, you can go swimming in the backyard.

, Be energetic, it’s time to eat later.”

Wang Ai responded and walked to the backyard. Leonie put down her book and followed her: "I just had a phone call with my family. Originally, Xiaomei was coming over. I have something to do and I can't make it. It may be in the middle of next month. I'll probably be with Kang."

Silk front and rear feet."

"You were about to come over originally?" Wang Ai turned around unexpectedly and said, "Didn't you take the senior leader to hand over?"

"It went relatively smoothly. Although Director Gao took up the post alone, the secretarial team is still there, and whoever takes the lead can take charge. Besides, who among the superiors and subordinates does not know the relationship between Director Gao and your teacher and student? So there is nothing to worry about, little one.

Mei considered establishing the authority of the high-level guide as soon as possible, so she returned to BJ early. She originally planned to come over in the next few days."

Wang Ai heard that she had arrived in the dressing room, and Leonie leaned against the door frame of the back door and continued to tell Wang Ai: "But she was kept by her family when she returned to BJ. You may not know it, but the family's investment is free."

Did the stadium complete the country’s goal of 10,000 seats during this year’s World Cup?”

"Oh?" Wang Ai hurriedly walked out before putting on his pants: "Ten thousand?"

"No." Leonie sighed: "I didn't believe it when Xiaomei told me. I remember that Director Li asked me when we were in South Africa at the last World Cup. At that time, I remember that there were 6,000 people across the country built by others.

Come on."

"Then why haven't I heard any news?" Wang Ai blurted out happily: "Ten thousand seats, this is a milestone goal, why haven't I heard any news? It stands to reason that such a grand plan cannot be realized.

Senior officials must attend the cutting, right? By the way, is there anything special about the 10,000th building? Have walls and stands been built?”

This chapter has been completed!
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