Chapter 325: The full moon is a loss (5)

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 Since Wang Ai started the game on the 24th and played the entire game, he played as a substitute in the game on the 27th. Before the game, the Chilean specifically approached Wang Ai and Aguero to explain to them: "You are all relatively tired this summer.

I don’t want you to get injured or be in poor condition, so I decided to rotate you in the starting lineup, with Dzeko as your substitute.”

Wang Ai had no objection, and neither did Aguero, so the matter was settled.

The team performed well in today's game, with more than ten high-threat attacks and four results. Although the opponent tried their best to resist, they only scored two goals in the end, giving Manchester City an away victory.

On the 29th, the Roma team came to Manchester to prepare for the start of the Champions League group stage. The team included Prince Totti of Rome, whom Wang Ai was familiar with, and Maicon, who had played alongside Inter Milan.

Around this game, many newspapers and TV shows more or less mentioned Wang Ai's recent unstable state when taking stock of both sides. Some Spanish media also paid attention to Messi and Ronaldo's recent consecutive goals, game status and running distance.

They are also improving, which shows that the two giants are gradually getting rid of the consumption of the World Cup, and they are even on par with Wang Ai again in the European Golden Boot rankings.

Although neither of them took a stand, and the media close to the two clubs didn't say anything, some neutral media couldn't wait to call out the "third super giant war."

My mouth, accustomed to delicacies from the mountains and seas, is a little dissatisfied with the humble meal.

"Will they attack by surprise?" Leonie asked on behalf of everyone at the dinner table the evening before the game.

"It's hard to say." Wang Ai shook his head: "There are too many factors, and I can't measure them at the moment."

"What if you keep scoring at your current rate?"

When Wang Ai heard the sound, he raised his head and glanced at the lion. He suddenly understood and couldn't help laughing: "Then the two of them will probably fight impatiently."

Similar discussions have also appeared in many places, such as Muller's home in Munich. Robben, who is a guest today, also thought for a while when faced with Thomas's question: "The two of them tried their best but still lost, lost twice, well

Maybe more. In short, unless our friends give up voluntarily, it will test their courage."

In Mourinho's villa in London, Matilde, who had just had a phone call with Xu Qinglian, came back and sat next to her husband who was reading the newspaper: "Is there going to be a super giant war again?"

"They don't want to play." The Portuguese put down the newspaper and pointed out: "Since there is a platform for different leagues in the Champions League, of course it is also inseparable from cross-league competitions between players. It has existed before, but it is more intense now."

"They have caught up with a good time. The role of Internet media is too great and the earth is flattening."


"Xu said there was no injury to him."


"How about you call and ask? He will definitely tell you the truth."

"I won't fight! If I want to fight, he will fight me!"

Mathilde casually touched her husband, who was as stubborn as a child. As a result, the Portuguese just sat upright and let his Kochi wife play with his short hair, like a angry poodle: "I'm here

When I was at Real Madrid, he didn’t go. When I left, he went away. Am I so annoying? Even if I asked him to come to Chelsea, he wouldn’t come, huh!”

After dinner at Wang Ai's house in Manchester, everyone rested for a while and then each got up and took a bunch of footballs to the back hill for training. Leonie laughed playfully at the door and touched Wang Ai's forehead: "We have to practice heading tonight? I have to give it to the coach tomorrow.

A good-looking one?”

Wang Ai let out a hey, hugged the ball and left home.

On the current European scorer list, Messi has 6 goals, Cristiano Ronaldo has 5 goals, and he has 4 goals. Of course, all three of them have their own ideas. He has dominated the European Golden Boot for eight years, and it makes no sense to be the two closest.

I don't want to kick him down.

After Wang Ai left, Leonie opened the computer and looked through the chat history during the day. The family was very concerned about whether the super giant war would continue and in what way. Huang Xin analyzed: Even if the doctor has been occupying

The European Golden Boot will not prevent the super giant war from unfolding in other ways, such as competing for the best goal, competing for goals plus assists, etc. In short, there are a large group of sponsors behind the three people. It is not easy for the World Cup to pass. These have

Qian's bosses would not allow the conversation between the three of them to stop.

Shi Wenjun took some time out of his busy schedule to follow up the analysis and said, since whether the doctor gets the Golden Boot or not doesn't affect the start of the war, it's better to get it.

"If you don't take it, it won't be forgotten. It will still be taken out and competed with again and again. After all, there is no reason why they can't see the huge Chinese and East Asian markets behind the doctor. Once the doctor falls behind, how can they hold back?"

Why not add insult to injury?"

At the end of the discussion, Xu Qinglian said briefly and concisely: "Is this what is called being involuntarily?"

Leonie looked through everyone's chat history and gradually made a decision in her heart. She looked at the dark night outside the window. She stood up and took two guards with her. She also took a ball and went out to the back mountain. Soon she was there.

Wang Ai was found in the forest glade.

Her man was practicing heading the ball with the assistance of multiple guards. In the misty starlight and moonlight, Wang Ai's tall figure flashed quickly, and a muffled sound could be heard.

"Why are you here?" During the break, Wang Ai wiped his sweat and walked next to Leonie: "You want to practice headers too? I think you are in trouble."

Leonie threw the ball up casually and bounced it a few times with her forehead: "Don't forget, I started this business earlier than you. When you weren't here, I was the team leader, and sometimes I would accompany you to practice.


Just when Wang Ai was about to continue teasing, Leonie caught the ball: "Okay, no more chatting, I just remembered what I was chatting in the group during the day, and I will analyze it with you."

After talking for a while, Wang Ai understood. When he turned and walked towards the open space, he left behind a sentence: "Since there is no way to escape, let's do it. They will find a way anyway, right? It just so happens that I can't bear to part with the European Golden Boot."

"I'm planning to make ten more." Wang Ai turned around and said hey.

Tonight's heading training produced good results. The guards took turns delivering the ball to him in the forest. He continuously caught the ball up, down, left, and right, and soon found the feeling and happiness of heading the ball.

"I will give Roma a surprise tomorrow!"

That night, Wang Ai practiced header against Leoni, and Leoni giggled. Especially when Wang Ai exclaimed, "Why is there still a valve core?", she was so laughing that she could hardly survive.

On the evening of the 30th, after Wang Ai had a good meal at home, he went out to the base. Leonie took the initiative to accompany her, saying that she wanted to see the effect of Wang Ai's header on behalf of the whole family. Instead, Wang Ai scolded her for not paying attention as an assistant: "Let me watch every

Isn’t that what a game should be?”

This chapter has been completed!
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