Section 364 The Pride of All Asia (4)

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The love of the fans did not shake Old Tang's determination to arrange for Wang Ai to serve as a substitute. After the short ceremony, Wang Ai returned to the bench and watched the game quite quietly. For him, the informal welcome ceremony just now was enough.

If there is more, the remaining time still has to be given to the competition.

There was not much suspense in the game. The Chinese team, which played half the main force, still won easily. Gao Lin completed a hat trick steadily, and Wu Lei, who came on the bench, also scored one. Old Tang did not respond to the fans' calls and asked Wang Ai to come on.

At the press conference after the game, it was explained that Wang Ai was very tired from traveling long distances and needed to rest and adjust according to the rhythm.

As long as Wang Ai himself doesn't want to fight for anything, Old Tang is happy to let Wang Ai play as a substitute: he can train newcomers and be sure not to lose, so why not?

Today's Asian Cup can no longer arouse much interest in Wang Ai, especially when his teammates are far better than his opponents. He went up to kill the chicken with a knife. The more important thing for him to come back this time is to fulfill his obligations as the captain of the national team.

After the game, the Chinese team moved to Melbourne, the third city of the competition, overnight. Leonie, who had not been able to get enough exercise in two days, had no choice but to take her bodyguard with her. Kangsi did her duty faithfully these two days, but a lot of work had already begun.

Leave it to her assistant, and she will be directly responsible for Wang Ai's social accounts. When Wang Ai moved back to live with her teammates, she was living a happy life.

After arriving in Melbourne, Tang considered that most of the team members were physically and mentally exhausted after playing in the professional league for half a season, so he announced a day off. Those who wanted to go out would be given a tour by someone from the consulate, and those who didn't want to go out would be given a tour.

Do whatever you like in the hotel.

Wang Ai originally wanted to spend this day at the training ground. He thought that no one would go, and the training ground was empty, so he could continue to explore new technologies and take his two women for a picnic or something. Unexpectedly, he received the call from the consulate alone.

Overseas Chinese in Melbourne, Chinese-funded enterprises, international students, etc. really want to see him! Some local friendly people also want to see him very much. It is usually difficult to specially invite Wang Ai to Melbourne, the second largest city in Australia.

, now the opportunity has come.

After receiving the invitation, Wang Ai instinctively wanted to refuse, because during this period of time due to the intensive competition, super giant war and other factors, he has not developed new technologies. It may be that after a long time, he suddenly felt something and wanted to verify it. At the same time, his family

After all, the conditions in Shanna are not a professional training ground, and some ideas cannot be realized. After finally finding a "exclusive" golf course, Wang Ai can't bear it.

As I said this, I considered hanging up the phone. Wang Ai looked at Leonie who had already prepared a picnic cloth. The lion waved his hand indifferently: "Go ahead, go ahead, I know."

A wave of heat rushed to Wang Ai's heart, but he still suppressed it: "Come with me. We certainly can't arrange all official activities there. At least half of the time is for eating, drinking and having fun."

Leonie was a little tempted and looked around: "There are too many of us, so it's not good. You can take two of us, and Kang Si and I can take one each, and the others can move around freely."

Wang Ai nodded, picked up the phone again and called the consulate. The person there breathed a sigh of relief and enthusiastically promised to send a car to pick him up. He left at about the same time as his teammates, and the consulate also sent two cars over. Everyone

We got on a bus to tour the city, and Wang Ai got on a bus to go to the consulate.

After a day of activities, although he was not hungry, he was also not idle. When leaving in the night, Wang Ai called Ma Dong and then directed the car to drive directly to the training ground rented by the Chinese team for a short period of time. The security guard who followed Ma Dong came

Following Leonie's order, they brought a picnic cloth and a lot of food. Wang Ai's small team was very stubborn and had a picnic next to the training ground in the evening.

February is summer in Australia, the temperature is pleasant, and there are no outsiders at the training ground. Apart from the short time, the picnic was quite delicious.

The meal was almost done. Wang Ai couldn't help but pick up the ball to ponder new technologies. After drinking some beer, Leonie lay down on the turf and looked at the Australian team after the guards put away the picnic cloth and other things.

In the night sky, Kang Si was pulled to whisper. Apart from a few guards on duty wandering around the corners of the training ground, and the two training partners running around with Wang Ai, the guards also had a rare free time.

It was already ten o'clock when we returned to the hotel. Wang Ai wanted to go swimming. When passing by the leader's room, Guo Bingyan waved with a smile: "Captain Wang, I have something to discuss with you."

Leonie and Kangsi took their troops back to the room. Wang Ai turned into the team leader's small room, sat down, and said with a smile: "Leader, if you need anything, just tell me."

Guo Bingyan poured a cup of tea for Wang Ai: "The football cultural work conference held by the Football Association last summer was very effective. In the past six months, various football associations and clubs have taken actions, and the public response has been very enthusiastic. So the Football Association felt that the time was ripe, and wanted to try it.

Let’s try the football skills competition you proposed.”

Seeing that Wang Ai was obviously interested, Guo Bingyan continued: "Considering that you are all very busy, it is difficult to spare time alone, and summer is the intensive period of the Chinese Super League and it is difficult to arrange, so we decided to schedule it for this Asian Cup.

After that, everyone returned to China and went to Guangdong first, one to play a Football Association Cup match with last year’s Chinese Super League champion Evergrande, and the other to support this event.”

Wang Ai nodded repeatedly without any intention of interrupting, and Guo Bingyan continued to introduce: "More than two hundred football teenagers have been selected from all over the country, some from clubs, some from football schools, and some from private enthusiasts who signed up online.

We have set up two groups and eight events. Considering that our country’s football foundation is relatively weak and it is difficult to attract the interest of young people, so you international football players will not arrange to participate for the time being. However, everyone’s voice for you is very high, and you will not be allowed to participate.

It's not good for you to go out for a while, so I want to arrange for you to be a guest performer. How about it? Are there any difficulties?"

"No, no." Wang Ai laughed: "But I'm curious, what should we perform?"

"Of course it is based on your strengths and the wishes of the fans." Guo Bingyan said with a smile: "Initially, we are considering letting you, Chen Tao and Zhao Xuri, the three captains, come forward to demonstrate your forward skills, attacking midfielder skills respectively according to your three positions.

Back midfielder skills. If this year's activities go well, we will replace them next year. For example, Xiao Zeng's goalkeeping skills and Gao Lin's foot skills are both good."

"Okay, I have no objection." Wang Ai nodded: "I originally shouted for this. The leaders have been busy for half a year and finally organized it. I have no reason not to take care of it."

This chapter has been completed!
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