Section 17 Wang Chaoju's Self-Cultivation (7)

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 A truly good contemporary house must be convenient to live in, have excellent lighting, and have an appearance that matches the owner’s temperament, style, identity, and status. Does Ronaldo’s temperament fit with a rural gas station? Can Kaka and pie be associated together? This is

failed work.

"The lion still understands me." Wang Ai looked around and finally thought that Leonie's choice was suitable: "Look at this house, the large glass curtain wall is full of modern temperament, it is more luxurious and at the same time unobtrusive, but... alas


"Don't worry about money." Huang Xin comforted: "It's the best community in Madrid after all. It's safe, convenient, and has a good view. By the way, it's halfway up the mountain, and the air is good and quiet. Look.

In this big yard, we can also set up a goal specifically for you to practice ball. I saw it is almost the size of a small court, which is enough for you to use."

Xu Qinglian also agreed: "Look around, the neighbors are 30 meters apart, and there are trees in the middle, which is very well covered. If you want to explore new technologies, you don't have to worry about others peeping. I'm afraid people here are not interested in peeping on you. Moreover.

, if you want to make your decision to buy it early, houses here are in short supply. It is said that other people are also interested in the house recommended by Leonie, but they are a little hesitant about the price."

Wang Ai pursed his lips and finally struggled: "Then you can check it out and see if it's suitable. It's cost-effective! You can't be a big head if you have money. If you spend money and then make people laugh at you, you are a fool."

Both women rolled their eyes at Wang Ai, knowing that he still felt unbalanced when he used such intense words. In the past, when they lived in the countryside, a house of similar size only cost hundreds of thousands of euros. The house in Bayern Munich only cost two million.

Is this good? 8 million directly!

"In fact, in recent years, people in China have become less passionate about the gap between rich and poor." Huang Xinxu said: "In the past, if you had to spend so much money, you had to have a group of people say something about you, but now..."

"Actually, it's just numb." Wang Ai commented sharply: "I'm tired of scolding, and there's nothing I can do. If someone has money, you can't help but let them spend it, right? Alas, my ideal has fallen."

Xu Qinglian looked at Wang Ai and laughed: "You are the beneficiary. Do you want all of us to squeeze into an apartment of more than 100 square meters? We have to queue up even to use the toilet?"

A picture immediately appeared in Wang Ai's mind: he woke up in the morning after holding in his urine, and found three children and two women running in circles outside the bathroom. There were two people, one older and one younger, in the bathroom. He had no choice but to go to the pool to secretly drain the water, and then was

The women grabbed him and scolded him. After that, the whole family was unhappy all day because of this incident. They went out and drooled at other people's big houses.

After that, it’s time for them to get divorced!

Thinking of this, Wang Ai stopped beeping and nodded directly: "Okay, you study it, I will listen to you. If you ask me to go east, I will not go west. If you let me eat dry food, I will not eat watery food. In the end, I will take care of the flowers."

Money. By the way, remember to ask the lion if I have enough money in my home card, and how much more... is there in my salary card?"

Xu Qinglian said: "The household card is definitely not enough. Don't you regularly allocate 50,000 euros from the salary card every month? There is basically nothing left. The salary card is now about 70 million. I saw it last month."

"Only 70 million?" Wang Ai was confused for a moment and then relieved: "That's right, the salary is not much."

"As I said, be careful about hanging street lights for you."

"No, aren't I always associated with billions or tens of billions? I thought I was always rich, and there were billions in my salary card, but I didn't expect it was only 70 million." Wang Ai explained.


"Your real wealth is in the business card, where you have more than 300 million." Xu Qinglian was a little impatient that Wang Ai delayed her in looking at good things: "You have almost 400 million in the bank, and you only spent 8 million to buy one and you will have to live in it for several years."

Why do you feel bad about a house that has not depreciated in value? Just change your perspective and regard it as an investment. Who has 40,000 yuan in their pocket and spends 800 yuan to buy a house and still feels bad about it? I’m not asking you to buy diamonds.”

"Okay, okay, okay." Wang Ai didn't dare to grind anymore and said to himself: "It seems that I have to try to play for a few more years. It will be easier to make money after becoming a super giant. I want to be thirty."

How much money will you lose if you retire at an early age?"

What Wang Ai said made Huang Xin, Xu Qinglian and Kang Si all think a lot. Kang Si smiled and said: "Isn't your biggest investment the 10,000 stadiums? This is a monument in the history of Chinese sports and a monument in the hearts of the people.

Think about the millions of people who use your court to hone their skills every day, and the millions of people who chant your name and thank you for your contribution. Your money is not in vain, you just can't see it from a distance."

Kang Si's words finally soothed Wang Ai's anxious heart and freed him from the money panic. He pinched his waist and looked at the backs of the women gathered in front of the computer and waved his hand: "No matter what, I can't treat you badly.

When we go out next week, you guys take turns coming with me. Let’s walk around and play. By the way, remember to buy souvenirs. There are so many empty houses in our house. Open one of them and put it in souvenirs, not just toys!”

"Are you embarrassed to mention toys?" Xu Qinglian said: "Leoni sent a container of toys from Manchester, but our family only has five children planned by Kangsi, which is enough for them to play until they graduate from college!"

Speaking of this matter, Huang Xin, an important participant, had nothing to say. She was driving a small train very hard at that time. The name was to explore and study the psychology of young children. In fact, she loved to play and she wanted to compensate for her childhood.

Kang Si actually gave an idea: "How about donating it to a welfare home?"

Xu Qinglian shook her head: "One welfare home is far from enough. Forget it, I'll contact the Youth Foundation to see if there are any needs in the poor counties in HEB province around BJ, and donate to them. By the way, Wang Ai, don't you

Do you still want to play? Don’t donate it and then buy it from home?”

"Speaking of it, it's a bit." Wang Ai was so moved.

"What the hell, how old are you?" Xu Qinglian was furious.

"You have to play when you are older?" Wang Ai said plausibly: "I am just playing with toys at home and you still care about me? Do you want me to play cards? Go fishing? Or drink and dance at the disco? Am I 100% pure and good?

Is your hobby good? It’s enough to be praised in the newspaper for 100 yuan!”

Xu Qinglian was speechless and finally pointed at the warehouse: "Go play with your toys, but don't come to us tonight!"

[A book-chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend I have known for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It is so easy to use. I rely on this app to read and listen to books while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here]

In this way, the house was settled. Wang Ai will be neighbors with Ronaldo in the second half of 2015. The straight-line distance between the two houses is about 200 meters, and the walk takes no more than 10 minutes. Kangsi also suggested that Leonie make this house a neighbor.

Talk to Real Madrid about the matter and try the club's true attitude, or force the club a little to make some people change their minds.

This chapter has been completed!
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