Chapter 256 Water Drops (6)

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 "Yes, this is easier. They have all developed a strong sense of confidentiality, which will of course affect your words and deeds, making it natural for you to refuse other people's inquiries. The more you take it for granted, the more it will be taken for granted by others, and your problems will naturally disappear.

At this point, Wang Ai smiled: "It's not that we are pretending, it's not that we look down on people, but the organization has discipline and cannot be said, everyone can understand this, right?"

Xu Qinglian curled her lips: "There will definitely be people who don't understand."

"If it's true, then don't interact with each other. No matter whether it's bad or stupid, it will lower our style." Wang Ai said nonchalantly.

While the two were talking, there was a knock on the door of the suite, and Marisa, who heard Wang Ai's voice, opened the door and walked in: "Doctor, this afternoon Xinhua News Agency announced the top ten athletes of 2016, and also announced the news of granting you diplomatic privileges.

The domestic Internet has been discussing this matter all day long.”

Wang Ai was stunned for a moment and smiled: "I understand, I will take a look, you can go to bed early."

Marissa smiled and exited. Xu Qinglian pinched Wang Ai's earlobe: "Marissa is pretty."

Wang Ai rolled his eyes and ignored his wife's daily precautions. He turned on his laptop and went online, and began to browse the major domestic online communities. Sure enough, whether it was Weibo or Zhihu, the words "diplomatic privileges" were on the list.

Hot list, and the discussion is extremely hot.

When Xu Qinglian came back from washing, Wang Ai was still watching, and she was very happy: "Look at this, 'A few days ago I was wondering why foreign governments were so enthusiastic, while we ourselves were silent, so we are waiting here.'"

Xu Qinglian smiled along and pressed Wang Ai's shoulder: "We'll see after we get on the plane tomorrow. You should wash up early. It's already late at night."

"Okay." Wang Ai stood up reluctantly: "I feel that it is more comfortable for ordinary people to praise me. Do you think I am sick?"

"The words of ordinary people are more true." Xu Qinglian pushed Wang Ai: "Go quickly."

When Wang Ai came back, Xu Qinglian was immediately attracted to her. The couple's visit in the past ten days had been a hot topic in the domestic social news. She also became known to more people, and now she was looking everywhere for comments about her.

Well. Especially the hateful speeches made by some little girls made her feel extremely comfortable.

Wang Ai wanted to pull her away, but refused, holding the computer tightly. Wang Ai had to change the path to harass her, but she was so focused that she could withstand the sensory stimulation. This made Wang Ai fly to Malaysia the next day.

They were still laughing at her on the plane.

"It's rare for me to become famous." Xu Qinglian said plausibly: "I used to watch you from the side, but this time it's me. What a novel experience it is."

"What did you experience?"

Xu Qinglian came close to Wang Ai and whispered: "Naked."

Looking at Wang Ai's eyes, Xu Qinglian laughed loudly, and after a while she said: "Don't you explain it? I see that netizens explain it in a mess, and some say you don't have to pay taxes in the future, calling it unfair.


"Let me ask." Wang Ai stood up and found the deputy director. The deputy director pondered for a moment: "I don't know much about this. Maybe my superiors have arrangements."

"Then I'll wait for another day. I think I need to explain it anyway, but I don't know who the superiors plan to ask."

When they arrived in Kuala Lumpur, they were surrounded by flowers. Looking at the "familiar" faces, Wang Ai and Xu Qinglian breathed a sigh of relief. Then they consciously showed bright smiles and waved as they walked down the gangway to accept the greetings from senior executives of the Malaysian sports department and representatives of overseas Chinese.

Greet and congratulate.

There was a lot of business on the first day, and even lunch was in a hurry, but maybe it was because the trip was coming to an end and he came to Malaysia with a good climate, so Wang Ai felt okay. It was just like when he was in Japan and Korea at the beginning, he often had spontaneous

Yes, the urge to come up with some ideas is completely gone. I basically just do whatever I’m told and say whatever I’m told.

The activities on the second day were much more relaxed. Wang Ai actually got a nap for the first time in many days. He was even more relaxed when he visited the AFC headquarters in the evening. Chairman Zhang Jilong and senior official Shen Xiangfu.

They were all old acquaintances, and everyone had a happy dinner.

After dinner, Wang Ai returned to the hotel and found Xu Qinglian, who had spent a day in Kuala Lumpur shopping street today: "One million ringgit, which is about 600,000 yuan."

Xu Qinglian took the check: "It just makes up for my shortfall today."

"What did you buy that cost so much?"

Xu Qinglian was about to report to Wang Ai that Comrade Deputy Director-General came to visit and said that he was notified by the country that after landing at the Capital Airport tomorrow, he would be interviewed by the Sports Department of Xinhua News Agency and explain the matter of diplomatic privileges to the public.

Officials must continue to remain aloof.

There was no interview during the whole journey. The Xinhua News Agency reporter team who was just filming honestly also took over the interview outline. Xu Qinglian lost interest after taking a look at it and continued to think about the gifts she would bring to her family during her trip to ten countries, adults and children.

A lot.

Wang Ai's bonus is not necessarily enough. Fortunately, in addition to bonuses, various countries also gave some worthless but quite commemorative souvenirs, which can be used as fake gifts when they go back.

Early the next morning, Wang Ai originally wanted to go for a run in the gym, but there were many overseas Chinese waiting in the lobby on the first floor. Seeing that they were still quite young, they all stood up when they saw Wang Ai.

I did nothing this morning, just chatting with the overseas Chinese, listening to them talk about the past, listening to them talk about the impact of Wang Ai's 9 Seconds 48 on Malaysian society, and listening to them recall the moment when the Chinese warships visited. According to them, warships

Demonstrates the strength of the country, and athletes demonstrate the abilities of the race.

To the world, they are yellow people, but to Malaysia, they are Chinese.

This gave Wang Ai a different understanding of the idiom "Yi Yourongyan".

At nine o'clock in the morning, the overseas Chinese arrived at the airport. When they got off the plane, they were quite reluctant to say goodbye.

"It would be nice if you were Malay-Chinese, right?" Xu Qinglian looked away and hurt Wang Ai.

"Kiss or not, I'm from my hometown." Wang Ai also looked away and leaned on the back of the chair and raised his head: "Finally, I'm done with my work. These ten days, eh, I want to tell you how tired and annoying I am. Will I call someone?

Call it hypocrisy? Are you still annoyed that you are treated like a state guest wherever you go?"

Without waiting for Xu Qinglian to speak, Comrade Deputy Director of the Asia Department returned to his side and said with a smile: "This is because we did not arrange it well and gave you too little time to rest. The main reason is that it is too rare and you are young, so we let you have more time."

You have to bear some responsibility. In fact, we have tried our best to shorten the itinerary and the countries for this trip. Many countries have the intention to invite you, but your winter break is only a few days, so there is really no way."

Wang Ai scratched his face: "You mean, I still have a lot of money I haven't earned?"

This chapter has been completed!
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