Section 283: Knife (3)

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 After Comrade Liu, the No. 2 Big Trash Man, calmed down his family, he finally had a hard time confronting his work.

The Chinese Football Academy has a great reputation, but it is actually located in a three-story building in the Xianghe Base, which is still a rundown building.

Lao Liu is responsible for staff transfer, funding application, office location arrangement, team meeting and running-in, project application and approval, collection and arrangement of study’s a lot of things!

Big Trash No. 1, Comrade Wang Ai, is making a big show of his power, but Lao Liu, faced with the complicated work, feels that he should communicate with Comrade Dean, who is recovering from illness.

When Lao Liu was about to communicate, Wang Ai was already preparing to get up and go to Nyon to take the UEFA junior coaching exam. After passing this, there are advanced levels, and the advanced level is the full level. Although the exam will not be difficult, this thing is originally

It's not to raise the bar but to force the popularization of education, so as to save a bunch of former stars who don't even understand psychology from working blindly and dragging down the level of football.

Therefore, people with an attitude like Wang Ai can get through no matter what.

Lao Liu made the call in the evening of the 5th, which happened to be the morning of Wang Ai's side. He heard that Wang Ai was going to take the UEFA coaching qualification examination. Although Lao Liu was surprised, he didn't say much. After expressing his meaning, the two of them started talking.

We agreed to communicate at this time the next day.

At this time, Wang Ai was walking as usual. After arriving at the UEFA headquarters, he shook hands with the vice president who received him, and then was led to the examination room. Among this group of people who took the junior coaching examination, Wang Ai was not the youngest.

Several former players who retired a long time ago also came to participate, but no matter whether they were older or younger, they all stood up as soon as Wang Ai walked into the room.

The exam lasted all day, and all seven or eight courses required written examinations. Wang Ai chose to answer the questions in Spanish, which was in line with his current status. In terms of foreign languages, Wang Ai is firstly good at German. After all, he lives a long time. Secondly,

As for Spanish, he studied Spanish literature seriously for two years at the University of A Coruña, so he even has a good sense of rhetoric.

After a whole day of exams, Wang Ai already had a good idea. The difficulty of the exam questions was very low. They were basically reproductions of the training materials as they were. As long as you study a little more seriously, you can pass. However, it is said that one-third of the exams are still eliminated every year.

, I don’t know if it’s because I’m too busy or because my cultural level is too low.

You have to pay to study and take exams. The fee is not high, just a few hundred euros, but it is uncertain if you want to attend a training class. Wang Ai heard from "students" that the highest cost is several thousand pounds. Of course, this is not just

Responsible for the junior certificate, Wang Ai doesn't need it anyway.

The test results would not be announced until a few days later, and the certificate would be mailed directly to him. Since Wang Ai’s brand was so big, and there was almost no doubt about the test results, Wang Ai directly asked for the next stage of study materials, and by the way, he was kindly received by UEFA.

I was invited to visit the UEFA headquarters and nearby training facilities.

On the evening of the 6th, Wang Ai returned to Tübingen to prepare for the next stage of diagnosis and treatment. When he got home, the women at home cooked him a sumptuous dinner, claiming to congratulate him on passing the exam. In fact, Wang Ai himself was a little emotional.

, since he finished his undergraduate mathematics course at the University of Munich four years ago, he has not taken an exam again, and he still misses it a little now.

On the morning of the 7th, Wang Ai dialed Lao Liu's phone number. Hearing that Lao Liu was still at work, Wang Ai insincerely praised Comrade Vice President for his dedication and dedication, and then instructed him to turn on his office computer and go out to shout:

A kid came in and asked for a QQ number, and then started a video.

"What age are we in, and we still only communicate on the phone?" Wang Ai laughed at Lao Liu as soon as he came up: "Isn't it good to watch people and chat with each other? It doesn't cost money!"

Lao Liu was startled by the sudden appearance of Wang Ai's big face on the screen: "I have heard of this thing before, but I have never used it. Isn't it stuck?"

"What age are you still stuck in? Now it's fiber optic to the home, Director Liu!"

Lao Liu adjusted his sitting posture for a long time to his small square at the bottom of the screen before he finally became comfortable: "I haven't seen you for a long time, and we are working together again. How are you, Xiao Wang'er? How are you feeling recently? My foot injury is fine.

not good?"

"It will take a few days for the foot injury." Wang Ai looked down at his feet and then raised his head: "I was in Tubingen recently. This place is nice. It's quiet. Nothing happened all day long. I had enough food and slept soundly.

How are you, Director Liu? The academy has just started, and there are so many things to worry about, so it’s quite busy, right?"

After hearing this, Lao Liu immediately smiled and said, "Thank you for the leadership's concern. It's actually not too busy. It has been prepared for a long time, and the Atsugi Association will not fail to provide for it, so there are no surprises and it went smoothly."

"Are all the team members in place?"

"The main members are all here, but you know, except for you and me and the director below, all team members currently have part-time jobs."

Wang Ai nodded: "How many days a week do they work here?"

"Theoretically half or one-third, but in reality they might not come over if nothing happens here."

"Let's find a time. We've got everyone together and let's have a meeting. Although we don't plan to hold an 'opening celebration', it's still a new yamen. We have to fight side by side for a long time in the future, so we have to meet and have a chat."

"Okay." Old Liu nodded directly. This is what it should be: "What about our daily work? I will have a meeting with you every day?"

Wang Ai understood that what Lao Liu was referring to was that he did not have the final say in all decisions, but daily work could not be delayed, so Wang Ai had to review and approve it every day. This involved a work process and method issue.

"I decided to hold a work meeting through video at eight o'clock in the morning every day, well, it's three o'clock in the afternoon in China. Whatever matters you report to me every day, you should study them first, then take pictures of the report and send it to my mailbox.

It’s nice to look at. We all know what’s going on when we have the meeting, so it’s easier to communicate.”

Old Liu nodded: "Okay, I'll go back and find someone to teach me how to do this. You young people have broad ideas and can solve any problem. I can't keep up."

Wang Ai smiled: "Every meeting should be held in one or two hours, so as not to delay your get off work. It is best to have representatives from the three departments of training, scientific research, and approval. It is best to ask in person before we make the final decision."

Lao Liu nodded again: "They are all full-time people. Generally, they will not leave in advance. It is easy to call them. But after you approve it, how do you put it into the file?"

Wang Ai pondered for a moment: "You can send me the electronic version of the documents that need to be approved. You don't need photos. I'll download and print them out. If possible, I'll sign them and send them to the fax machine for you. Well, official seal.

I have received it and I will stamp it and send it back to you."

This chapter has been completed!
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