Chapter 357: Little Black Hand (7)

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Seeing that Wang Ai had no objection, the director simply played a clip for Wang Ai on his mobile phone. Wang Ai pointed to the shot of launching missiles: "This is interesting, it feels epic. Isn't the soundtrack up yet?"

"I heard I'm busy."

"Do we have investments?"

"I heard there is."

Wang Ai nodded, turned around and shouted: "Mr. Shi, do we have investment in Wolf Warrior 2?"

Shi Wenjun came over and said, "Yes, when Wu Jing wanted to sell his house, his girlfriend came to us through someone else. After reading the script and the scenes, Mr. Huang felt that at least he couldn't pay for it, so he voted for it, almost half of it."

"Wu Jing's house hasn't been sold?" Wang Ai said with a smile.

"Probably not sold." Shi Wenjun also smiled and said: "What? Are you interested?"

"Do you think I should be interested?" Wang Ai laughed again.

Shi Wenjun glanced at the advertising director: "Everyone is begging you all the time, why don't you take a look? After all, we have invested half of it, and it's not easy for Wu Jing. All that money was spent on production.

Now that we don’t have any publicity fees, you, a super giant, will have to deal with a lot of trouble."

"It's not easy for Wu Jing, but it's easy for me? My reputation has been earned through hard work over the years."

Shi Wenjun came and sat down next to Wang Ai. The advertising director walked away with a look, and Shi Wenjun began to tell Wang Ai.

As he listened, Wang Ai's expression became serious: "Did he really participate in the full set of recruit training at the age of 40? He also stayed in the military camp for a year and a half?"

"It's true, it's spread throughout the industry."

"But what he said, I'm a special soldier, I'm not very good, it's like a child's game."

"People must have a process of progress." Shi Wenjun advised: "Don't you always say that we go beyond entertainment and make good films without following the trend? Wu Jing also has this pursuit, and for this point, I think no matter what, I have to give him a


"If it's really a good film, you don't need to give me a chance... Okay, it will be shown tonight. Has the editing been finished?"

"The editing has been completed a long time ago. Now I am busy going to various departments to ask for support, but I heard that people can't take it. Some people say that the film is too popular and they are worried about the market reaction."

"What are you talking about?" Wang Ai disagreed: "Red is not right? Black is right? What kind of ideology is this!"

"Then I'll make an appointment with Wu Jing and let you watch a show tonight?"


At 8:30 p.m., the lights in the small screening room of Beyond Entertainment came on.

Wu Jing, who was standing across from Shi Wenjun, turned slightly nervously and looked at the tall young man in the middle of the front row. He was not only the world's best player, the world's best player, but also a big boss who transcended entertainment. Wu Gang, who was next to Wu Jing, was also a little nervous. The film was currently being blocked everywhere.

, the production costs have been spent long ago, there is no promotion fee, and Wu Jing is selling his house again.

If this real Weibo fan in front of me could say a few nice things about a superstar with 150 million people, not to mention half of his fans, but 10% of his fans would go to the theater, and this movie would be a hit!

Now it depends on whether he is willing or not.

The end of the film was over, and Wang Ai was still in a daze. It wasn't until Shi Wenjun poked him that he came back to his senses. He looked at Wu Jing and Wu Gang apologetically: "Sorry, I watched it, and I kept thinking about it... Oh,

What a great movie!”

Wu Jing smiled shyly. The hardships of life and the difficulties of his acting career have caused him to lose the courage to move forward in his early years. Wu Gang was calm: "Captain Wang, do you think there are any shortcomings? There is still time."

Wang Ai shook his head and stood up: "I don't know anything about literature and art. I'm just an ordinary movie fan, but frankly speaking, I was moved. It was a little bit of a second grade, which made me a little uncomfortable, but it doesn't matter. This should be my very

It’s a rare domestic film with an epic feel. I can’t explain why, but it’s just good.”

Looking at Wu Jing, Wu Gang breathed a sigh of relief. Wang Ai smiled and said: "What, I've caught up now. You let me watch a good movie, and I'll treat you to a drink! Let's go!"

Wu Jing and Wu Gang followed, and the group walked out of the door. Wang Ai suddenly stopped: "Hey, I'm not familiar with this BJ City. Where can I go to drink?"

Wu Jing and Wu Gang looked at each other. Before they could suggest anything, Wang Ai suddenly patted his head: "Well, come to my house, let's drink and chat. Let's go, Su Shi, you get in the car and lead the way, two teachers Wu."

Come get in my car too, it’s a minibus, it’s spacious.”

As the car drove out, Wang Ai suddenly said: "Go to Dongcheng."

When Shi Wenjun heard about it, he advised: "Don't go there yet. The two bosses haven't seen the film yet."

"Oh, that's right. Okay, let's go back to Haidian. The quality of this film can't be inferior without the help of my family's business organization."

When the two teachers Wu heard what Wang Ai said, they almost blurted out "We want it", but they endured it.

When the car arrived home, the meal had already been prepared, and the two teachers Wu also helped. Soon, under the outer wall of the kitchen, on a large table on the lawn, cups and plates were laid out, including Wang Ai, Wu Jing, Wu Gang, and Shi Wen.

The four of you are seated.

Wang Ai raised his cup: "Teacher Wu Jing, let me toast you first."

Wu Jing quickly raised his glass: "I should respect you. Without the support of Beyond Entertainment, I would have no place to live."

Wang Ai shook his head and clinked glasses with Wu Jing before finishing the drink in one gulp, and then sighed: "I have been struggling all these years for what? In the final analysis, we athletes are to bring glory to the country and enhance national confidence, but I have been struggling to become a world player.

You are the king, you are the most popular person in the world, guess what? People say who doesn’t eat dumplings during the Chinese New Year!”

"Haha." Wu Gang laughed.

Wang Ai shook his head: "Some people, their bodies have entered the 21st century, but their minds are still in the 20th century or even the 19th century. They still habitually talk about the bad nature of the Chinese people and the ugly Chinese people. I have been in Europe these years.

Who is not ugly? Who is not bad? As the only civilization that has never been interrupted, our existence itself proves our greatness, glory, and correctness!"

Wu Jing raised his cup excitedly: "Captain Wang, just for this reason, I propose a toast to you."

Several people drank it all in one gulp, and Wang Ai put down the cup: "Slowly I came to understand that sports, economy, and even military strength alone are not enough. Strong national self-confidence cannot be separated from the shaping of literary and artistic works. Although this thing is

It's soft, but it has a profound impact, touching people's emotions, and people's emotions will affect people's reason. What a pity, our literary and artistic circles... Let's put it this way, I only know after working in the athlete field that the most unwilling to admit defeat is the most

The most confident and the most arrogant, apart from soldiers, are athletes. Our group of people really don’t have any sense of national inferiority. We have long regarded foreigners as equals. But we are not good at talking, and we only know what to do.

So I have to rely on you in this regard, and this film is a good one. Come on, have another drink!"

The three men clinked glasses again and drank it all in one gulp.

This chapter has been completed!
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