Chapter 437: Things will fall into place (7)

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 On the day he left Greece, news spread that football star Wang Ai was about to receive the IAAF Annual Award.

Wang Ai was very surprised, and the officials of the Athletic Association who came to Cyprus in advance to meet Wang Ai were also surprised. Only the French TV crew who secretly followed Wang Ai were not surprised: they were the ones who spread the news!

In previous years, due to the similar themes and the similar growth of the protagonists, it was difficult for their feature films to shine, but this year is different. Wang Ai himself is a news source and a legend, and he has caught up with the IAAF. The Frenchman's romantic blood has already

It's boiling.

The cadres of the Athletics Association are like curious babies. Not long after they got acquainted with Wang Ai, they asked here and there. Football players are curious about track and field, and vice versa. Without Wang Ai, a cross-border player, the two sides would be like East and West Germany.

Wang Ai broke the dimensional wall right away.

This time, five cadres from the Athletics Association came, including a chief, a secretary, an assistant, and a security guard. They all stayed at Wang Ai's house. Four French TV crew members, including a reporter, a photographer, a photographer, and a director, all stayed in the hotel. Wang Ai didn't want to

Please, they don't want to live either.

Both sides looked at each other well as they distanced themselves, and if they got together they might have to fight.

"It's not easy to save such a house just by relying on track and field." After listening to Wang Ai's introduction, the leader of the Athletics Association marveled at this luxurious villa: "Even Bolt can't do it. He can't spend it as lavishly as you do.


"Football has a high degree of commercial development, and this is also one of the business rules." Wang Ai sat on a chair in the backyard indifferently in the afternoon: "In addition to leading professionally, you must also lead life, otherwise there are other ordinary things like ticket and jersey sales.

Endorsements are not convincing.”

"We really need to learn from football in this regard." The leader of the Athletics Association looked at Wang Ai with a smile: "Captain Wang, do you have any advice for us? You are not only the best in terms of performance, but also the most successful in business."

"Don't praise me. I earned everything from football. Track and field is a small increase. Maybe it's because the audiences on both sides are overlapping. It's also maybe because football took my age, nationality, and image first."

Almost all the businesses that can be developed have been developed. Anyway, I have almost no experience in track and field business. If I started from track and field, I would have the experience to report to you."

"But we don't have Bolt, we only have you. In any case, you are very successful in business, and as a professional athlete, your experience and lessons are of great significance. If we look to the future, track and field athletes cannot become you."

Such a professional athlete."

"Really?" Wang Ai nodded unexpectedly: "If you say so, it's really possible. It's very similar in star events like sprinting."

"Yes." The leader of the Athletics Association breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back on his chair: "It is easy to change the system, it is nothing more than a piece of paper. But what to do after the change is a big problem, like football, which does not require state investment and still turns over profits every year.

Economically, it meets the goals of the restructuring, but what about performance? What about reputation? From our point of view, only the income of a small number of players at the top has greatly increased, but the income in the middle, especially the bottom, has remained stagnant, not even there.

Previous guarantees. If we want to reform track and field, we must learn from the experience and lessons of football, not only to reduce the burden on the country economically, but also to make necessary institutional arrangements for performance, reputation, career development and career security of athletes."

Wang Ai nodded frequently after hearing this: "You are right, there are indeed deficiencies in football reform in this area. However, I'm afraid I can't give you much advice on such a macro-level issue. After all, I am now a member of the leadership of the Football Association, and I can't deal with football matters.

I don’t understand it. Instead, I hope you can explore a mature model for our football community to learn from.”

"Ahem, Captain Wang, don't forget, you are essentially a member of Chinese track and field. How can you say 'your track and field'?"

"Hehe." Wang Ai looked at the people from the Athletics Association: "If I remember correctly, an athlete can receive athlete certificates for different events in different events. But now I only have one international athlete in football, not track and field."

Speaking of this, Wang Ai said with a smile, "Or am I not strong enough?"

Wang Ai spread his hands and turned to look at his wife: "So, why am I from the Athletic Association?"

"Haha." A group of people from the Athletics Association laughed at the same time. The leader waved to the secretary, took a satchel and stood up: "Comrade Wang Ai, on behalf of the Chinese Athletics Association, I would like to reissue the second-level certificate and first-level certificate for Chinese track and field athletes for you.

,Athlete Certificate, International Athlete Certificate!”

Wang Ai was driven by the serious attitude of the other party and had to stand up. He took the four small notebooks in his hands and opened them curiously: "Hey, what are your photos of me there?"

"Chairman Guan Gao wants it." The leader just sat down and then stood up: "Oh, by the way, there are also medals."

Wang Ai took it and looked at the certificate for a while before handing it to his curious wife, and then calmed down: "Is it a reissue?"

"Yes, a reissue." The leadership secretary helped explain: "According to relevant regulations, to receive the corresponding certificates, medals, and participate in the selection, you must register and apply with the competent unit. When you participated in the National Games in 2013, the Liaoning Sports Commission helped you

You have to register, but you need to do it yourself later.”

The leader took over: "It is precisely because of this procedural issue that you have never been officially included in the list of track and field athletes in our country. Every time you participate, it is equivalent to us making a special case for you. This also leads to the fact that these certificates and medals have not been applied for.

It has always been vacant. If we hadn't done a systematic check this time, we wouldn't have found it. I'm afraid you don't know it yourself, right?"

Wang Ai chuckled and looked at his wife. The meaning in Xu Qinglian's eyes was: It's almost done, I'll give you a step.

"Of course, we are also responsible for this matter. For you, a special athlete, our departments at all levels have the obligation to remind you, but I don't know what went wrong in some link, and we have not reminded you in place. Fortunately, you did not care about this, and have repeatedly represented

China has participated in track and field competitions and achieved great results repeatedly, which shows that your patriotism is pure and goes beyond these superficial things."

"Thank you for the leader's praise, then this can be considered..." Wang Aihua pulled out a few certificates: "I have officially returned to the team?"

"Yes, he has officially returned to the team, the pride of Chinese track and field, Comrade Wang Ai."

Wang Ai raised his eyebrows after hearing this: "It's a pity that I joined the list a little late, and I haven't been able to summarize anything in terms of experience and lessons. I rely more on my good physical condition formed by years of training in the football world.

I worked hard on the field and achieved some good results.”

"Heroes don't ask where they come from. It doesn't matter where you come from. What matters is that you have both achievements and level now. I heard that you have achieved great results in your work at the football academy. How about you, if you are interested in joining the Athletics Association, you can also take a part-time job."


This chapter has been completed!
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