Chapter 510 The Single-Core Era (10)

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"I have heard rumors that Mr. Chairman has a little hobby and likes to record when he is talking to people."

"Really?" Xu Qinglian was surprised: "As for that? Such a big shot does such a thing?"

Wang Ai shrugged: "Maybe it's because of this kind of thing that you become a big shot."

Xu Qinglian thought about it carefully and still shook her head: "It won't be a big problem even if your words are released tonight. Private conversations will inevitably be more broad. But you are very conservative on political topics, and you don't criticize when talking about other people... Well ,Congratulations, Dr. Wang, you have matured!"

"And." Although Wang Ai was disdainful, the smile on his lips betrayed him: "Help me think about who the first batch of coaches should be. This is something I fought for personally and has nothing to do with the college or the Football Association."

"It's as if you are in charge of the whole country during the winter camp. Don't worry, no one will accuse you of this. It's not the dean who plays football!"

"It's hard to satisfy your desires. Come to think of it, it's better to keep a low profile. If someone finds out, just say it's because of my personal connections. Well, that's it. Help me think about who to contact."

"Can you draw a circle?"

"Of course he is my friend, followed by Liaozu, then Liaoshen, and then the whole country."

"You really put yourself first!"

Wang Ai spread his hands: "I can't use my favor anymore? What kind of world is this!"

"Old horse." Xu Qinglian suggested seriously: "I thought of him first. If he hadn't made way for you in the World Cup 16 years ago, you wouldn't have become famous so early, and then you would be affected in the future. He is a humble, simple man who is worthy of trust."

"I don't know about his coaching ability. Is it too high to go to Real Madrid?"

"He is doing youth training in Sichuan. You can let him go to the echelon. It can last a little longer."

"That's right." Wang Ai nodded: "Okay, Lao Ma Tou is the first one, who else is there?"

"Luo Tongliang, he is also a humble and simple person. He is also engaged in youth training. You said that he is an internationally renowned football star and actually went to work as an assistant for Yu Ming. Isn't this practical enough?"

"That's right, okay, he's the second one, what else is there?"

"You're asking me? You decide for yourself! I only know these two people."

"Okay, okay, I'll send it to the group and see who else there is. If it doesn't work, let Mai Chao decide. No one will give it this time, but this is from our company!"

"You were selfless once and then went out of your way to make amends because you felt guilty, right?" Xu Qinglian was suspicious.

"Baga!" Wang Ai blew his beard and stared, but he couldn't say a word to defend himself, because he really thought so and was not prepared to be peeped at.

Xu Qinglian covered her mouth and laughed all the way, as if Baga was not scolding her.

When the women in the family heard the news, they had different reactions. Leonie asked Wang Ai to directly give the quota to Mai Chao. The little beauty asked Wang Ai to ask his former teammates. Don't give them all to your own company. Always take into account your image. Kang Si I feel that everyone is right but I have no idea. Finally, Huang Xin summarized everyone's opinions and suggested that Wang Ai make an informal report to Lao Gao and "donate" the quota to the Chinese Football Association in a private capacity. At the same time, he suggested that Lao Ma and Lao Gao Luo has two choices.

In this way, both public and private interests are taken into consideration, and the reputation is good.

Everyone praised Huang Xin for being cunning.

Lao Gao answered Wang Ai's call, understood it, said "ok" and hung up. The next day he sent three names: Yang Chen, Xie Hui, and Xu Yunlong.

Wang Ai looked at these three people, plus the two he chose, okay, Liaoning Football Team, Beijing Football Team, Shanghai Football Team, Sichuan Football Team, one representative for each place of the four major Chinese football bases, BJ is the capital, so there are two!

Moreover, these people have all been teammates of Wang Ai, and have had many interactions with Wang Ai off the court. Wang Ai especially has a good impression of Yang Chen. Such a list is stable and comprehensive, showing Lao Gao's increasingly sophisticated skills.

Coincidentally, the force that opposes Lao Gao in football is this group of young and middle-aged people. Now Lao Gao has given them a golden opportunity, and they are only the first batch...

Wang Ai replied happily to Lao Gao: No problem.

Soon, Wang Ai's WeChat was pulled into a group, built by Lao Ma, and several people were in it, and there was a sudden excitement. Only now did Wang Ai know for sure what everyone was doing. For example, Xu Yunlong retired last year and is now idle.

It's okay, Xie Hui is working as an assistant coach at the club, Yang Chen is working as an assistant coach for the national team, and Lao Ma is the general manager, but his mind is still on youth training.

Due to the support of Lao Gao and the rare opportunity, several people went through the relevant procedures very quickly. At the same time that Wang Ai set off with the team to the Basque Country for the fourth round of the new season's league, five people arrived in Madrid.

Both sides played mediocrely in this game, and even Wang Ai was mediocre. He scored two goals in 45 minutes, which was mediocre.

But he made the five old Chinese international players in the hotel drink several boxes of beer!

The reunion of old friends is one, the unexpected opportunity to come to work at Real Madrid is one, the sight of the young brother in the past is still there, and the free drinks brought by the two assistants who came specially to receive him are also...

"Is this still ordinary?"

Wang Ai went to the hotel as soon as he returned to Madrid. Yang Chen tried his best to shake his shoulders when he heard him talk indifferently: "Ask some of us, how many times in your life have you scored two goals in a single game?"

"That's right, the old horse who bullied me is the midfielder!"

"I'm a defender..."

Xie Hui turned around and looked down on Luo Tongliang: "You defender is the fourth top scorer in the history of the national team!"

"Hey, hey, I am an exception, I am an exception, I am a pure, pure defender!" Xu Yunlong raised his hands in the air.

Wang Ai opened his arms and hugged his big brothers one by one. Xu Qinglian who followed him could tell just from Wang Ai's back how happy he was, and all the negative emotions of summer were gone.

"Sure enough, they have a lot in common as men."

Giving up their seats to a few old international players, Xu Qinglian and Kang Si got into another Iveco, and the car made a special circle around the Bernabeu as it drove to Wang Ai's house.

The car in front gradually approached the Bernabeu amid laughter and laughter. Even if it was not a match day, there were many fans lingering here. The thought of working here often in the future, even though they were not players, still made the five of them excited.

At this moment, the car passed by the main entrance, but unexpectedly found that the giant poster hanging high on the main entrance had been updated. There were no longer two super giants in the first row, but only Wang Ai. To his side and behind him were Benzema.

With Bale, then Marcelo, Modric and Ramos, a six-man position.

Although it is highlighted that Ramos is the captain, the representative of the local players, and the political core of the team, what is more attractive is still the only person in the first row, who is also the younger brother of the Chinese guests who came from afar.

This poster heralds that Real Madrid has officially entered the single-core era.

This chapter has been completed!
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