Chapter 551 The Golden Age (1)

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"Publish books, win awards, become famous, and make money. On one side is football and on the other side is track and field; on one side is career and on the other side is the country; on the other side is the attack arrow and on the other side is the brains of the team..." Mr. Kimbos pushed up his glasses and looked across the screen.

Large round table and arrangement of cups and plates on the round table: "Bistdunichtüde"

Wang Ai was startled and spat out the ribs: "Have you forgotten your German? That's right, I don't have Alzheimer's disease."

Mr. Jin Bosi is very free and easy: "As long as we who practice sports survive our youth, we will live longer. Because we have a solid foundation, we can play the zither longer than the average person. But being young is not a difficult hurdle.

Injuries are one thing, and the accumulated bad habits are also another thing. It’s also hard to accept the gap after retirement, and many of them suddenly become incapacitated at a young age.”

Wang Ai looked at the master and blinked; "Although I have a lot of things to do, my overall arrangements are quite reasonable. My daily physical consumption is controlled within a certain range. I don't have any bad habits. I also get enough sleep and rest. Occasionally

I also give my body and mind a vacation. I don’t have any mental stress, but I feel a little lethargic and lazy.”

Mr. Jinbos picked up his chopsticks again, and when he heard this, he tapped his chopsticks in the air: "It's okay to be lazy. I think most people are lazy, but you are too diligent. Only you and I say it's okay to be lazy."

Wang Ai laughed in relief: "Thank you, Master, for your concern."

"Hmm, don't you expect me to have Alzheimer's disease?"

"It's better that you stay healthy and help me make money."

The old man ate a piece of duck meat and looked at Xu Qinglian next to him: "Xiao Xu, this kid is good at everything, he's just neither big nor small, but I, an old man, still do this, don't you think it's strange?"

"You are an immortal person, and your heart is even more immortal."

"As soon as you say this, I feel even more that this boy is not worthy of you!"

"Then would you like to introduce another one?"

"No, he is my boss now, unless he doesn't want you anymore, otherwise he has to deduct my money."

Xu Qinglian said across the table: "Husband, you don't want me anymore, right?"

Wang Ai clapped his hands: "Great, I didn't want you a long time ago."

Liu Shangjie, a triathlete, stayed by the side to watch the two couples flirting and flirting. From time to time, he would glance at the master who was in a good mood and lament that this trip was not in vain. The super couple came all the way back just to see the old man.

, the old man stopped doing a lot of things and came over to see them, but he had nothing serious to talk about. It was just nonsense.

Perhaps, nonsense is the most important thing to them.

"If you have nothing to do, come to our base tomorrow morning."


"Okay, are you full? That's right. Only when you are full can you have the strength to quarrel. When you are full, let's go. I'm tired too. Let's go home and sleep."

Being accustomed to the old man's ruthless rebellion, Wang Ai picked up the chopsticks and picked up the last piece of duck and stuffed it into his mouth. He got up and dressed and went out. He put the old man and Liu Shangjie into the car under the sign of "Designated Cooperative Catering Store of Stupid Food". Wait.

The car merged into the traffic flow, and Wang Ai went back again. He hadn't eaten enough yet!

In the past, Wang Ai basically didn't dare to eat out. No matter how beautiful the restaurant was, how good the scenery was, or how famous it was, he wouldn't dare. The risk was extremely low, but it was also a risk. His drug tests were dozens or hundreds of times a year. This trip

When I came back, I originally planned to visit the old man at the base and then have a meal at the base, but Liu Shangjie laughed at me, saying that Idiot Food not only supplies the base, but now several partners in Shanghai who specialize in Idiot Food have been designated to put up labels!

The place is in Pudong, and the scenery is certainly good. Wang Ai accompanied the old man while chatting and eating. The old man had a small appetite and talked a lot. Wang Ai could not say a word no matter how much he ate, so in the end he was only six cents full.

"Come on, come on, everyone is gone. I'll order again. Everyone, come." Wang Ai greeted the two guards.

Everyone laughed and sat down again, calling the boss and waiter to try again. This time Wang Ai was really full.

The next morning, Wang Ai went to the Genbao Base where the club was divested. In his capacity, it doesn’t matter if he came to inspect, to conduct research, to talk nonsense, or even to play. Anyway, Wang Ai just came.

Qing Che simply entered the base and looked around, chatted with the young team members, and played on the training ground for half an hour when he was interested.

I wanted to have dinner at the base at noon, but Lao Gao called me and had to leave early. We had lunch together at the hotel where the ceremony was held in the evening. The focus was on whether he would still run for election next year and how to avoid it.

He plays for the best club in the world and is the captain and the number one star. Unless he is seriously injured next year, he will still have no opponent. But Wang Ai is also the vice chairman of the Football Association and the dean of the academy, which inevitably gives people the impression of giving and receiving in private.

No matter how in compliance with the rules, it is easy for people to gossip. Besides, Wang Ai is not bad at this. Lao Gao also hopes to inspire others more, so the two of them need to discuss a solution.

Wang Ai meant to tell the judges during next year's selection that it would be over if no one selected him. Lao Gao disagreed and said that we can't do this kind of secret operation. Even though we are doing the opposite, it's best not to do it.

Wang Ai was dumbfounded and asked what to do?

Lao Gao answered slowly: Next year's selection will have the dean's vote.

"Okay! This is a reasonable and legal way to remove me from the candidate list." Wang Ai took a sip of juice with satisfaction: "That's it, it saves me running back and forth."

Xu Qinglian, who was accompanying him, also toasted Lao Gao: "He has been working hard every day. Last night, Director Xu ordered him to be careful not to get tired. Anyway, thank you brother-in-law for taking care of him."

Lao Gao was very satisfied with the toast given by Xu Qinglian, an economist: "I feel more and more that he is not worthy of you."

This time Wang Ai rushed to answer: "The old man said the same thing last night. Have you two agreed to destroy our relationship as husband and wife?"

Lao Gao made a meaningful comment: "The relationship between you two is being tempered every day, who can destroy it?"

Wang Ai and Xu Qinglian ran out of power at the same time, and Lao Gao coughed: "You young people, you can handle your own affairs. As long as everyone is fine, we seniors can't understand how it works and how it works, and we don't force our understanding. In short, the principle

It’s just that you are comfortable and good to you.”

Wang Ai gave a thumbs up: "Enlightenment!"

Lao Gao shook his head: "If I met you, I would have been mad to death if I were not enlightened."

"That is to say, your progress is brought about by me."

Lao Gao coughed and said, "Let's talk about something else. As my senior brother-in-law, I'm too far away. Do you want to make your book into a series in the future?"

"I haven't thought about it for the moment. After a book broadens your horizons, everyone should be able to actively fill in the shadow zone before and learn to consider a game from all aspects. Then my goal will be achieved. If I publish it in the future, I will just use my brain.

It’s time to change their minds.”

This chapter has been completed!
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