Chapter 607: Sunshine, Weights, Great Battle (7)

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"Haha." Wei Di laughed: "You want to take a vacation, but we don't want it? We don't have paid vacation. When have we had a good rest in the past few decades? It's a rare opportunity, and you can take it.

, we just want to be relaxed for a while."

"Really?" Wang Ai said suspiciously: "Why do you think you two are digging a hole for me?"

Lao Gao said in a sullen voice: "Can we dig a hole for you? If you want to dig it, you have to dig it yourself."

"Huh?" Wang Ai turned around and looked at Lao Gao: "Director Gao, why don't you just tell me what's wrong with me? This isn't like you. How about we go out and have a wrestling match?"

Lao Gao was furious: "You want to beat up your superior? I've turned against you!"

"Hey!" Wang Ai pointed at Lao Gao: "You admit that you can't beat me, right?"

Lao Gao rolled up his sleeves and put them down calmly, saying calmly: "I can't beat your children even if I'm going to attack your parents."

Wei Di was not worried when he saw the two talking nonsense. He was really a bit calm and carefree as a retired veteran cadre. Lao Gao was impatient: "Go back to work quickly. Why don't you challenge three people? There are a lot of things to do, right?"

"Aren't I a little unsure about something that I need to discuss with you?"

"Is there still this matter? I heard that your Vice Chairman Wang is showing off his great power?"

"Alas!" Wang Ai sighed: "Isn't this all a trap left by two irresponsible exes?"

Wei Di was also happy: "Tell me, what trap did those two irresponsible people leave for you?"

"It's a long story." Wang Ai took out the mineral water and his notebook to teach the two of them.

Lao Gao noticed something was wrong and quickly pulled Wei Di out of the car: "Go back to work. I want to report to you after we both get to work."

"Hey, something really happened!"

The old man raised his hand: "If you need anything, call China Unicom or World Unicom. You can do it!"

When Wang Ai saw that both of them had gone to their own car, he was helpless. Seeing that it was almost noon, he simply called his secretary to explain that he would go home for lunch today and not prepare anything for him.

"Why do you think they were running away?" Wang Ai said to himself.

"Humph, I'm not stupid. Why don't you run away if you plan to take the blame?" Xu Qinglian said contemptuously.

"What did I blame? When did I let my subordinates take the blame? Especially his superiors!" Wang Ai turned pale with anger.

"Humph, although I haven't paid much attention to your work, I also know that the World Cup venues are being renovated and renovated. We have to look at the standards of the seats, the standards of the turf, the standards of the exterior walls, and the standards of the media center.

From the Football Association? Now you are the leader, you have the final say..."

"It doesn't matter what I say, it's all left to the people below to study."

"Ah...I didn't mean it rigorously! But in the discretionary space of this matter, your opinion is the most important. For example, if everything is reasonable, legal and compliant, what standard should be used? There are reasons. At this time you

You can choose one.”


"But different standards involve companies with different qualifications, capabilities, and product lines. It can be said that which standard is chosen will determine which companies are selected. If a niche standard is chosen, it is basically equivalent to specifying certain companies.

." Xu Qinglian slowly opened the car window a crack, and the wind blew through the corner of her mouth and sent vicious words: "Isn't this just a carrot pit? As long as there are enough conditions, you can reasonably and legally say who is.

Who is it?"

Seeing that Wang Ai was sullen and silent, the car just stopped and everyone else got off. Xu Qinglian turned her face and teased him with a smile: "If you are not merciful, you will offend a lot of people. If you are merciful, it involves violating discipline. Such a hot position,

Why should they support you in such a hot matter? They have never been promoted. Let me tell you, people have been plotting against you since last year when you were asked to give an internal speech. Otherwise, why would the bidding happen to be like this?

When? I’m afraid that people have long wanted to push you to stand up to me during this summer vacation. Now you find that the limelight is not right and you want them to come back? Why should they come back? You, just bear it honestly, caveman!"

Wang Ai took a deep breath: "I am not a caveman! I am Sun Wukong, the stick-playing Sun Wukong! Yeah, witch, take a stick from me!"

Xu Qinglian got out of the car and kicked Wang Ai: "Get out, you fool!"

In the afternoon, Wang Ai spread out a piece of paper in the cool breeze blowing from the Summer Palace and wrote two sentences: bidding, new regulations, half a month.

After finishing writing, he put down his pen and lamented: "I don't have much time to do."

Leonie, who was half asleep on Wang Ai's shoulder, lazily picked up the juice on the table, took a sip and planned to continue lying on Wang Ai. Wang Ai looked at her: "Help me think of a way, you

He is best at solving problems unexpectedly.”

"What?" Leonie opened her eyes.

"No?" Wang Ai shook the paper.

"Don't ask me about the new regulations. You already have a rough draft. Ask Huang Xin and Qinglian to help you improve it. We'll discuss it at the meeting. If it doesn't work, just issue a trial notice. Anyway, you don't have a few days left. What's next?

It's all Director Wei and Chairman Gao's business. As long as you start this, they can stick to it."

Wang Ai nodded thoughtfully.

Leonie took another sip of juice and became a little more energetic: "This bidding, judging from my experience in contact with the Football Association, inbreeding is inevitable. After all, sports are a small category, the inheritance ratio is high, and the turnover of personnel is not that big.

This situation will be long-term unless we promote sports for all."

At this time, the little beauty Shi Ran came over and sat down to drink water. Leonie patted Wang Ai on the shoulder: "If you have enough time, you can fundamentally improve the bidding system and plug the loopholes, but it's not like you don't have it."

? Then no matter what you do now, you can't avoid acquaintance relationships in all aspects of bidding, and it's difficult to completely avoid the transfer of benefits in terms of mechanism, unless you do everything yourself."

When the little beauty heard this, she raised her eyes and looked at the confused Leonie seriously. She saw that the lion softened again and slid towards Wang Ai's shoulder, muttering: "According to the time when I took over Huang Xin's class

Based on our experience, we can only urgently prepare another set of supervision mechanisms that are independent of the acquaintance society, select people known for their principles to perform secret supervision, and combine this with mass supervision, just like..."

Leonie has fallen asleep.

Wang Ai was thoughtful, the little beauty frowned and took out her phone to search for a while, then showed it to Wang Ai.

Therefore, in 2017, a master's degree student in biology who was transferred to another tutor by the school for reporting academic misconduct on his tutor's behalf, and who was actually forced to drop out of school with neither a project nor funding, suddenly received a letter from the Research Department of the Chinese Football Academy three days later.

Recruitment phone number.

When this master came to the Xianghe base full of doubts, he met the same few people who were full of doubts and had vicissitudes of life on their faces. When I asked, some were in engineering management, some were in automation...

This chapter has been completed!
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