Chapter 647: Never Disappointed (7)

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When Wang Ai came out of the gym that night, he found Leonie still sulking and couldn't help but feel a little funny.

"Our family already has a trillion yuan, and we still need money from you?" Wang Ai walked over and put his arm around her shoulders: "Wouldn't it be nice to donate the little money I have to keep a good reputation?"

Leonie twisted her waist to express "I'm not happy": "Tell me, more than ten years ago I was still jumping up and down for several thousand euros a month. Even earlier, when I was a child, my brother and I relied on the money my father sent me every month.

At that point in Mark's life, every time the end of the month comes, we wait and look forward to it and even starve. You said that I am like this, how can I feel comfortable when I hear you say you don't want hundreds of thousands?"

Wang Ai was silent for a while, and subconsciously flicked his fingers on the lion's shoulders: "Maybe it's because I owe you a loss and didn't let you really enjoy the feasting and entertainment of a superstar. The money has been returned to my account, and I have

You are also the only heir. I can use billions or tens of billions with just a wave of my hand, so I feel at ease. But you, and of course Kang Si, Huang Xin, and the little beauties are different. You are bystanders and financially subordinate.

Yes, although you are richer than ordinary people, you are still poor next to me, so you have a gap and cannot understand my state of mind."

Leonie slowly leaned on Wang Ai's shoulder and breathed softly: "It's my fault. I actually completely understand your intentions, but I just can't get over it emotionally."

"Well..." Wang Ai turned away: "Then let the superstar, the super rich second generation, personally serve you and give you billions at a time!"

"Haha!" Kang Si couldn't help laughing.

A few days later, Real Madrid faced Leganes at home. After a break, Real Madrid was in good condition. Under the leadership of Wang Ai, they beat their opponents with 80 points. Wang Ai once again scored two goals and provided two assists, firmly establishing himself as the only core player in the team.

, also put Hazard, Ronaldo and others on the bench.

The only thing they can look forward to is that Wang Ai's position is not fixed and there is always a chance for rotation.

But when King Ai came home late at night, he was greeted not with congratulations from the women, but with censure.

Leonie stopped on the front yard road angrily: "Tell me, why did you give me money? Am I here to sell it?"

The stern-faced Kangsi next to her burst out laughing, then quickly covered her mouth and assumed the posture of a princess in front of Leonie's murderous gaze.

Just when Wang Ai was about to say something, the phone rang, and the voice that answered was the little beauty's voice. From a distance of more than 10,000 kilometers, you can imagine the sarcasm on her face: "What's wrong? What's wrong? I want to take Xiao Liu'er home."


It took Wang Ai a while to understand, and he couldn't help but said angrily: "Are you mentally ill?"

"That's right, it's stupid to be pregnant for three years. Otherwise, how could I give you the opportunity to eat secretly? Tell me, who is Xiaoliu?"

Wang Ai suppressed his anger and reasoned; "I have two foreign girls with me..."

"You can fight against five, but these two foreign girls will definitely not be able to stand each other. Otherwise, why did you insist on taking Huang Xin away?"

Just as he was talking, he heard Huang Xin's voice over there: "Where are you on the phone? I said why can't I get through?"

The little beauty turned to talk to Huang Xin: "Did you receive it too?"

"Really? It's so early in the morning, I was cooking for my children, and the bank called me to notify me that I had received a large transfer. If I hadn't remembered his account number, I would have thought I had encountered a scam. Have you finished telling him?"

"No, I was scolding him. I suspected he had done something wrong!"

"Maybe, just keep scolding me and give it to me later."

"No, come on, I'll come back later."

Wang Ai just listened and didn't dare to hang up or push the two foreign girls' heads away. He just listened to Huang Xin's gentle words: "We are suddenly given 100 million each. What are we doing? Breakup fee?"

"No, no..." Wang Ai shook his head and pushed the heads of the two foreign girls away: "You can understand it as... um, dividends? Yeah! Yes, dividends! Super huge dividends!"

"Dividends? Have we signed an agreement? Why didn't I know?"

"Is it because you didn't sign the contract that you feel unsure? I was also negligent."

"Who told you what? The lion told you nonsense, didn't he?"

Leonie shouted in Wang Ai's ear: "I didn't!"

"Lion, you sweat like white hair whenever you do something wrong." Huang Xin said to Leonie slowly: "You must have had nothing to do and acted wildly again, which made him think he owed us. It's only so early in the morning.

I'm trying to scare people one by one. Do you think you both have 100 million each? I guess Qinglian will come soon. If you know it was you who caused it, I will give you double love if you are a pregnant woman."

Leonie shrank when she thought of Xu Qinglian's fighting power and her current invincible aura.

"Wang Ai, do you have anything else to say?"

"Ahem." Wang Ai coughed: "Just keep it if I give it to you. We are all a family. What's the difference between yours and mine? Just treat it as the bottom of the box for you. Don't blame the lion, if not

She reminded me that I didn't even notice how simple you are."

"Simple? Us?"

"Yeah, relative to me, isn't it? How can anyone in my income circle buy clothes in complete sets? Aren't they all custom-made? They are all a few levels below me. Being simple for a long time will create a sense of imbalance."

"Aren't you afraid of giving us the habit of spending money indiscriminately? If we really want to let go of this money, we can't afford to spend it."

"They are no longer children and cannot be raised."

"So you're giving it now?" the little beauty suddenly interjected.

"I never thought of it before. Anyway, just keep it for you and don't talk nonsense to me. Even if it makes you sleep peacefully, it's worth it. Anyway, there's no difference between yours and mine. Just in case something happens in the future

I'm bankrupt, but with your little foundation, I can still live a good life."

"Save money." Xu Qinglian's voice sounded slowly.

Wang Ai suddenly became furious: "I have never spent money so frustratingly! What are you doing? You are scolded for giving money, are you bitches?"

"Yes, we are bitches, so you are too."

"I'll beat you up!"

"Come on! My belly is really big, let a black tiger take out my heart!"

Seeing that it was about to turn into a husband and wife quarrel again, Huang Xin quickly stopped the topic: "Okay, I still have to cook and send the children. That's it this time. Don't do it next time. You two listen, I make the decision.

Take it all, it's rare to be careful after all. You two take good care of him and don't let him act recklessly. He's such an adult and spends all his time on whims. To be honest, if he couldn't make money, he would be so unrestrained.

Anything without a plan will be ruined."

Leonie came to her senses now, and said with a low eyebrow, "I know, sister."

Huang Xin felt happy when she was called "Sister": "Be good!"

The two foreign girls and Wang Ai returned to the third floor affectionately, but they unanimously refused to share the same room: "You can do whatever you want tomorrow, but not today, otherwise we will always think that we are out for sale."

This chapter has been completed!
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