Chapter 680 The wind is howling and the rain is pouring (10)

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The league was finally suspended, which was expected by Wang Ai, who had been paying close attention to the development of the epidemic from the beginning.

But when the league was really suspended, the huge impact and life changes still made Wang Ai somewhat uncomfortable.

"I can't seem to remember the last time I took a break in March." Wang Ai forwarded the news of La Liga's suspension on his social account and commented: "It seems that I will have to go to preschool all of a sudden? I don't know.

What are you doing? Do you eat and sleep all day long and eat after sleeping?"

Netizens immediately left messages, and one of them reminded Wang Ai: "You have said many times that you will teach us to play football, but you have never fulfilled it. Now that the league is no longer playing, you can't go out for activities. Is the opportunity here?"

Wang Ai was still thinking about how to respond, but this reminder became popular. A comment with many likes said: "Wang Ai, pay back the money!"

Wang Ai was so happy that she asked Anna through her home network and left a message: "We are currently raising money..."

After the short-term joy, before Wang Ai could seriously formulate a video recording plan, trouble came to his door. "Milan Gazzetta dello Sport", which had a close relationship with Wang Ai and had a friendly interaction to this day, suddenly called and hoped that Wang Ai could make the best use of his talent in Milan.

The huge influence among the fans is to persuade the overly lively local fans to accept the lockdown and stay at home.

Wang Ai was a little confused. He answered the phone and searched on the computer casually. "Okay, Milan fans are fighting guerrillas with the police. The police here have driven them home, and they have appeared over there. Not only are there young people, but also...

For young, middle-aged and elderly people, the main focus is one of joy and one of indifference.

In fact, according to Wang Ai's understanding, their government actually doesn't care very much... But the problem is that ordinary people spreading the disease indiscriminately may also make rich people sick, so this is not possible.

"With the lockdown now, the sales of newspapers will also be reduced, right? Can I guarantee the reading volume if I publish it in your newspaper?" Wang Ai suddenly asked.

"You can post it on our official website. During this period, we can only rely on advertisements on the official website to survive. It just so happens that everyone has nothing to do, so the number of clicks should be good."

"Okay, let me think about it for a while. Once you've written it, send it directly to your official website?"

"I'll give you our email address..."

Wang Ai searched for the current situation in Milan, and inevitably saw the Meazza Stadium again. The scenes from eight years ago reappeared in front of his eyes. Italians and Spaniards are similar, both are a bit "cheap", they are more provocative, and they spend a lot of time together.

The main reason is that if you provoke them in turn, they won't be too angry. In short, Southern Europe is mainly a group of fun-loving people.

"Okay, write!" Wang Ai thought for a long time, reconstructed a document and wrote...

"It's been a long time since I've been back to Milan, but I was really happy during those three years in Milan, from my cabin in the countryside and the nearby mountains to the stadium, from Dad Moratti to the most special one, and me joining Inter Milan.

The first person I met was Zanetti, who was also the last person I met as a gift after I left Inter Milan. Now I am 31 years old, but I was only 24 years old at the time. Thinking of this, my youth stayed in Milan."

The editor of "Gazzetta dello Sport" read this paragraph in his mailbox and was sure that their special invitation would be a great success.

"I often regret that in nearly four years, I didn't even have a chance to visit Milan. I spent most of my time in my hut and the training center next to the hut, and occasionally I went to the stadium or other places.

The... stadium is just like the school organizing spring outings when I was a kid. Maybe this can explain why my game is always in good shape? Haha."

Zanetti saw this paragraph in the office and couldn't help but smile. This was really Vivi's style that he was very familiar with.

"The league was suspended, and I suddenly had some free time, so a lot of news that I didn't pay attention to at ordinary times became everywhere. For example, the happy Milan citizens were fighting guerrillas against the people who advised them to accept the blockade... To be honest, this and

My understanding of Milanese people is the same. They seem to never be sad, never afraid, and always brave...well, a bit reckless and brave. If it were normal times, I would probably laugh it off, but now, I'm sorry, I have to say something.

The real thing. The mortality rate of the new coronavirus infectious disease is very high, and everyone who died was probably very confident before they fell. But the virus does not care whether you are happy, confident, brave, or even healthy. It is more like the god of death in the air.

Differential executions. So, when I saw the performance of the Milanese people today, I felt very worried. Because I know that many, many Milanese people like me and are still thinking about me after so many years. Every time my social account is under

Comments from Milan people make me feel warm. I am sure that some of them are running around today and not accepting the blockade. Please, this is not the time to advocate freedom, this is not the deprivation of freedom. You are in human society, even if you

You are an orphan, and you still have colleagues and friends. You don’t want them to cry at your funeral because of your carelessness, right? Even if it’s for them!”

The diplomats at the Chinese Consulate General in Milan nodded silently when they saw this paragraph.

"Although I am a relatively successful football and track and field star, I am sure not everyone can listen to me. I only hope that those who care about me and love me can accept my advice: I don't want you to become one of the unfortunate ones.

As a member of the team, I hope you can get through this difficult moment as safely as me. I hope that when the league resumes, I can still play for you and you can still cheer for my goals. Such a delicious moment, I

I hope you are with me."

Kang Si scrolled the mouse and saw this paragraph and couldn't help but look in the direction of the garage.

"Dear Milan fans, I am your vivi, you must listen to me this time, and you must be good."

The article was read by many Milanese. Most of them let out a sigh of relief. After a moment of silence, they stood up to check their own reserves. They called their friends, especially those who were still happy, and asked them to go to the official website of "Gazzetta dello Sport".

This article is on the most eye-catching place on the home page, and the title given by the editor is "vivi's love letter".

In fact, after the article was published, Wang Ai also saw it on the official website for the first time. After reading it, like many fans, he also fell into a loss of time, but this loss only lasted for a few minutes. Kang Si sent a voice message: "Doctor,

Qinglian called, saying that the epidemic is serious and you have to be quarantined when you return to the country, so don’t go back."

"Huh?" Wang Ai came back to his senses, looked down at the date on the phone and suddenly realized, he sent a voice back: "When is the due date?"

"...around March 15th."

"Where is the textile worker's number?"

"Fly back tomorrow, doctor, won't you listen to my advice?"

"The little beauty's due date is May, right? It's just the right time to quarantine and take care of two children at once."

"Would Wang Sheng, Zhonghua, and Hongzhuang take them back?"

"Take it back with you. It's almost two months since you played with it. You can't delay school."

This chapter has been completed!
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