Chapter 325: The Great Demon King's Deterrence (Part 2)

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 The "massacre" planned and executed by Wang Ai had a profound impact on Chinese football. His personal influence in the World Cup was once again enhanced, and it also shocked football people at home and abroad, especially those in East Asia.

Football man.

In the first half of the final, we had already secured the victory by leading by four. There was absolutely no need to add six more in the second half. The crazy "Dr. Wang" not only frightened foreigners, but also the Chinese people. I have to say that it happened once or twice.

Just think of it as crazy, but you can't always be crazy, especially when facing some friendly countries. When others have already given in, you have to leave some room, otherwise you will not leave them a single thought and push them into a corner...

And Wang Ai's philosophy is: What's wrong with being pushed into a corner? You resist.

This arrogant and unreasonable face really makes people love and fear each other. The young generation with flamboyant personalities are of course full of joy, while the stable and conservative middle-aged and elderly people are full of worries. Therefore, the main purpose of Yan Shiduo's trip is to

We encourage the National Olympics to keep up the good work, but we must also guard against Wang Ai exerting too much force.

The unanimous opinion of the top management of the Football Association is: to put a rein on this thousand-mile horse, it's fine if you run faster, but don't run away without a trace and smash the stable by the way. Some people also suggested that it should be reined in.

Yan Shiduo did not agree to chew the chew, fearing that it would bite someone...

At 6:30 pm on October 10, at the Ulsan Stadium in South Korea, the Chinese National Olympics met the Thai National Olympics.

Although Wang Ai agreed to Yan Shiduo, he still made a small move: while waiting in the player tunnel to enter the stadium, he shook hands and hugged the Thai Olympic players in a friendly manner.

The message was unclear, but at least the Thai team breathed a sigh of relief: Just die, but don't look too ugly.

The Thai team unexpectedly eliminated the North Korean team two days ago, and North Korea's draw results were obviously "submittal". As a result, North Korea failed to live up to expectations, allowing Thailand to enter the semi-finals. Thailand is located in Southeast Asia, and its height is biased.

Short, but with nimble feet and good coordination. Thai society is also very fanatical about football. The famous "King of Thailand Cup" is the most famous tournament in Southeast Asian football, and it can also be said to be the "mini World Cup" of Southeast Asian countries. So the Thai team

There is no lack of self-confidence as a strong team. After all, it is a result of fighting. It is just the gap in absolute strength that makes it difficult for the Thai team to make big achievements in real international competitions.

Wang Ai was put on the bench as usual. In the past few days, Wang Ai's body finally got rid of the sequelae of the massacre. Not only were the bruises all over his body healed, but after Schubert's rigorous diagnosis, the problem with his calf bones also disappeared.

. So Wang Ai and everyone at the National Olympic Games are very confident about reaching the finals.

However, the Thai team's "compliance" before the game does not mean giving up the game, it just requires the Chinese Olympic team not to continue to collect data once the victory is locked. And before the victory is locked, the Thai team still wants to compete.

No matter how powerful the deterrent power of a superstar is, it will not frighten people into giving up without a game. The gap between superstars and ordinary players cannot be as wide as that between supermen and ordinary people.

Therefore, the Thai team performed very actively from the beginning, but the Chinese Olympic Games obviously did not adapt well. The short height made the Thai team's frontcourt players inferior to the Chinese players in terms of physical confrontation, but dribbling and stealing created a lot for the Chinese team.

Trouble. Dewey, Zhang Yaokun, and Xu Liang began to run out of energy under the skillful organization and cooperation of the Thai team's frontcourt.

Zhao Xuri looked nervous, but Wang Ai was there.

"Danger, danger, danger." Zhao Xuri muttered, "Boss, you are not afraid."

Wang Ai shook his head: "My height and weight are about the same as theirs, so I'm not worried at all. To be honest, this Thai team is at the level of the Nigerian national junior team last year."

"They have good technology."

Wang Ai sneered: "I'm still afraid that their skills are good?"

Zhao Xuri covered his face and said in a muffled voice: "Boss, what I admire most is your face."

"Okay, stop arguing, let's watch the game." Tang Pengju interrupted, stopping the bickering between the two.

In the 18th minute of the game, the Thai team's forward received a long pass from the backcourt under the push of Dewey, but failed to catch it well. After stopping the ball with his chest, he failed to control it and slowly rolled out of the control range. Dewey bypassed the opponent's forward to grab it.

As a result, a midfielder from the Thai team barely got it.

At this time, the Thai team's skillful cooperation in a small area showed its power. When Dewey went up to grab it, the Thai forward did not follow up, but ran in reverse. After the midfielder grabbed the ball, he did not move at all.

Stopping the ball, without waiting, he directly passed the ball diagonally and hit Dewey behind him.

Zhang Yaokun left his opponent behind and rushed to cover up the defense. The Thai forward who got the ball moved to distribute the ball while running, shaking Zhang Yaokun. As a result, Zhang Yaokun hesitated and he kicked to hit the goal.

This shot was so sudden that it took less than ten seconds from the pass in the backcourt to the final kick. Therefore, An Qi was completely unprepared and watched as the Chinese goal, which had maintained clean sheets in four games, was broken.


The Thai team's bench was in jubilation.

The Chinese team didn't feel too depressed when they arrived on the bench. They waited for everyone to finish celebrating before kicking off. Dewey and Zhang Yaokun studied the possibility of whispering to each other on the court.

"Do you see it? It's their tactics." Wang Ai nuzzled at the Thai team: "While I'm not here, try to score a few more. Wait until I come on the field and keep fighting, maybe there will be a chance to win."

Zhao Xuri nodded approvingly: "That makes sense, but why don't I like hearing it so much?"

Qu Bo on the other side laughed out loud. They fought too hard with the Japanese team in the last game, so Lao Shen put Qu Bo on the bench for this game.

At the next kick-off, the Thai team's offensive was even more vigorous, and they really had the momentum to defeat the Chinese team in one go. Dewey, who had just made a tackle that indirectly caused the ball to be conceded, adjusted his defensive strategy. He no longer rushed to make a tackle, but frequently followed the opponent's players with small steps.

, squeeze the opponent's attack space, not seeking merit but seeking no fault.

This response strategy was very restrained to the technical characteristics of the Thai team. Therefore, although the Thai team frequently created dangers in front of the Chinese team, they had no chance to expand the score again. On the contrary, near the end of the first half, the Thai team was beaten by the Chinese team's Yan.

Song scored a header.

After returning from the intermission, Lao Shen replaced Qu Bo. This sharp knife was already sharp enough and had obvious advantages in physical confrontation. Therefore, within five minutes of coming on the field, a long-distance attack came and the opponent's goalkeeper shot hard.

After missing the ball, Qu Bo followed up with a follow-up shot, turning the score into 2:1.

Wang Ai stood up and shouted at Qu Bo, who was hugging Shen Xiangfu: "Old Qu, if you have the ability, don't let me play!"

This chapter has been completed!
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