Chapter 388 The Battle of the King: Dora

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 December 13th, 14:40 pm, Tübingen Lions Stadium.

On the withered turf, Cologne's team was doing warm-ups in twos and threes, but the home team's players hadn't even taken the field yet. I don't know why.

In the commentary box, Kugel looked at a big list handed over by Xiao Meng's sister while the fans were noisy playing "Forever".

After a while, the singing in the stadium stopped, and Kugel's powerful and deep voice sounded: "Citizens of Tübingen, I am Kugel!"

Instantly, boos broke out everywhere.

The old Kugel often boasted in the game commentary about how visionary he was and how wisely he let go and handed over the team to new investors. Only then did he have today and many fans are happy.

After being booed a lot, Kugel didn't care anymore and continued his passionate speech: "Six months ago we were promoted to the Bundesliga 2. We were overjoyed at that time. But at that time, who would have thought that we could actually be ranked second?

Now, our opponents who once suffered a heavy defeat to us are standing in front of us in fear, waiting for our conquest. If the German Football Association does not arrange this game, they will be very happy."

The fans in Tübingen burst into laughter.

"Our great journey is about to come to a halt today to survive the long and cold winter. So in today's last game, what kind of result do you want?"

"sieg! (Victory)" the whole audience shouted in unison, and the shaking Lions Stadium seemed to be echoing in response.

"You hear that? Ridiculous Cologne? That's the roar of a lion before it eats, and you don't get a very tasty meal!"

The Cologne team seems to have never heard of it. As a veteran team, they have heard too many such ridicules.

"Now, let us solemnly invite our soldiers, the outstanding soldiers of the great Tübingen youth. They are... No. 6 Boateng!"

Lions Stadium crowd response: "Barbarians!"

"Mesut No. 10!"


"Pell No. 5!"

"travelling poet!"

In the tunnel, teammates ran out one by one. Kugel said his jersey number and name, and the fans cheered his nickname.

"What is a thresher?" Qu Bo, the substitute in this game, asked Wang Ai in a low voice: "Is this a kitchen item?"

"This describes Özil's ability to hit the ball frequently and quickly, as if he was specifically responsible for threshing corn. Oh, bards are usually not only poets in history, but also often chivalrous knights. This is about Pell's performance.

Diversity on and off the field, a player who can attack and defend, a star with a melancholic temperament, a freshman in the literature department of the University of Tübingen, wow, it’s really complicated.”

"What about you?" Qu Bo squinted his eyes.

"When it's my turn, you'll know." Wang Ai chuckled.

Just outside, Kugel shouted: "Number 13!"


As the fans chanted, Wang Ai ran out of the players' tunnel and waved to nearby fans.

"Next, our defender who has performed very well recently, No. 2 from China!"


The stadium was silent for a moment, and the fans looked at each other blankly. Luo Tongliang rose too late, and the fans didn't have time to give him a loud and widely recognized nickname, so they fell into silence for a while.

It's also because Kugel was so excited that he forgot about this, and the situation on the court suddenly became awkward. Even if Luo Tongliang was heart-warming and smiled and waved around after running out, the fans felt very sorry. But.

I couldn't think of a good nickname for a while.

"Dora!" At this moment, a sharp child's voice came from high in the stands.

Twenty thousand fans turned their heads in unison. They were a group of men, women, and teenagers. At the top of the main stand, a tall teenager stood up, waved his arms toward the court, and shouted: "Dora, Dora.

La, Dora!"

Kugel had an idea and shouted into the microphone: "Cannon Dora, Dora!"

The fans suddenly realized that Germany's longest-range train gun during World War II was exactly the characteristic of Luo Tongliang. So, inspired by Rudy, the young star of Kugel's orphanage, and led by Kugel, they shouted "three times in a row"


There are only two train guns in total, and the official name is "Gustav". "Dora" is the nickname given to him by the engineer who designed it, just as Tübingen fans love Luo Tongliang.

"The following is our last player. He is the biggest discovery of our Tübingen youth. He has the ugliest appearance and the best skills. He is a super shooter with 21 goals in 16 games, No. 9!"

As this very long introduction was going on, the fans in the audience were holding their breath. Finally, when Kugel's voice just fell, the entire audience, including Kugel, shouted together: "Stu~~ka!"


When Bai Guanghai ran out of the tunnel, his heart beat faster just like when he was cheered enthusiastically by the audience for the first time. For many sleepless nights, he looked forward to the day when he could score a wonderful goal for the fans and make the fans happy.

Chanting his name in unison.

Even if it’s a nickname!

The same appearance ceremony as the emperor superstar is worthy of his status in the team today.

In Tubingen Youth, his topicality has surpassed that of Wang Ai. Whether it is his absolute main position on the field, his contribution as the first shooter or his unique celebration ceremony, etc., he is the most beloved object in the eyes of fans.


When Tübingen fans mentioned these three Chinese people in private, their expressions were different. When they mentioned Wang Ai, they all showed respect. The founder of Tübingen youth who brought everyone endless happiness, the scene was

He is a master tactician and conspirator on the court, and an outstanding scholar off the court. Luo Tongliang is mentioned with an indifferent expression, because Luo Tongliang is equally humble on and off the court. Many fans have called the municipal government, but "Technician Luo" came to repair it.

After his experience in the sewers, Luo Tongliang was just like an ordinary person among them, without the brilliance of a football star at all. When it comes to Bai Guanghai, his expression is much more vivid. Most people will dance and perform a Bai family celebration ceremony first. He is in Tubin

In the eyes of fans, he is not only a football star, but also a fucking comedian!

The sun is shining brightly in Tübingen today. This is a rare good weather.

After the players from both sides entered the stadium, they immediately warmed up on the court. A few minutes later, under the witness of the referee, the captains of both sides guessed sides, shook hands, and exchanged team flags.

As the "Stuka" that everyone cheers for, both the visiting team captain and the referee have given them enough respect. You must know that Bielefeld was the top scorer in the Bundesliga last season with only 20 goals.

Only 18. And the number of goals scored by Mainz's Voronin, who is second in the scorer list this season, is less than half of Bai Guanghai's!

This chapter has been completed!
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