Chapter 419 The Eagle and the Lion (Act 2: Muddy)

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 Zhang Lu frowned, and it took him a long time to say: "Although I don't want to admit it, I also want to dream about this dream for a longer time, but to be honest, from my experience, no matter how much the members of the Tubingen youth team

Whether it is skills, consciousness, body, competition experience, age structure or even schedule, there is a certain gap with the opponents. Let alone other things, let’s talk about the selection of national players. The Lazio team has more than 8 international players from various European countries, and the Tubingen Youth

How much? The real core international player, to put it bluntly, is only Qu Bo. Wang Ai can only be a substitute. Bai Guanghai and Luo Tongliang are all newcomers. Although Boateng was selected for the Australian national team, he is also a substitute. So you start from this

You can tell by comparing the lineups, the strengths and weaknesses of both sides are obvious. The only variable is that Xu is an experienced coach, and his tactical play may make the opponent very uncomfortable."

"Oh, of course." Zhang Lu said with a relieved smile: "I forgot that there is also a low-key Dr. Wang. This is a player who may bring surprises no matter what the situation. How far can we go? How far can we go?"

It depends on whether there is any useful information in Dr. Wang’s bag that has not yet been revealed.”

Liu Jianhong frowned slightly. He knew that Zhang Lu admired Wang Ai very much. But these words put Wang Ai in an awkward position: If he loses the game, does that mean Wang Ai didn't try his best? This is a failure.

Real population.

So Liu Jianhong quickly changed the subject: "Okay, fans in front of the TV, we like Tübingen, and we also like Lazio. These are two teams whose tactics are highly valuable, so let us watch them with peace of mind.


Zhang Lu turned his head and glanced at Liu Jianhong, as if he had some realization. Although he has a deep relationship with the domestic football community, he has been more of a guest on sports channels in recent years, and his relationship with CCTV is relatively closer. He

It was clear that Wang Ai's relationship with CCTV was better than his relationship with the Football Association. So when he thought about what he said just now from Wang Ai's perspective, he understood what Liu Jianhong meant.

As a good friend, you can’t dig holes for Wang Ai!

Zhang Lu quickly passed over this situation and began to concentrate on explaining the game.

After a few minutes of testing, the two sides began to gradually enter the game state.

Lazio was unhurried and faced the aggressive Tubingen youth and continued to put on a defensive counterattack posture. Mancini saw that the Tubingen youth were stronger in offense than defense and used solid defense to resolve the problem.

Tübingen's troublesome offensive attack, and then used several players in the frontcourt to attack Tübingen's aging defense.

However, Tübingen can only attack. This is not only determined by tactical thinking, but also by the fragile defense. It can also be said that it is precisely because of the lack of talent in the backcourt that Mr. Kimbers's "pressing style of play" is fully committed.

The game started fiercely in Lazio's half.

The ferocious little lion clawed and bit, while the high-spirited golden eagle soared in the sky.

This is the first time that Wang Ai and the whole team have experienced the peak chain defense. Relatively speaking, the German team is more balanced in offense and defense, while the Serie A team is defense-oriented, full of utilitarianism, and plays the league like a cup.

Even though Lazio is not so absolute, in such a football environment for a long time, defensive counterattack has become a subconscious thinking.

As a result, Tübingen's fierce and sharp frontcourt fell into a quagmire created by the Italians.

Although Bai Guanghai, who is 177 centimeters tall, is famous for his headers, he is quite powerless against defenders who are over 185 centimeters tall. What's even more frightening is that the opponents are very strict in marking. Qu Bo's speed also lacks room to display in the dense defense.

Ozil on the right faced the experienced Favalli. Several attempts to directly attack failed, and he had to distribute the ball. Wang Ai on the left was in a similar situation, because Ozil has been very expressive recently.

, so he rushed forward, and Wang Ai's position was relatively behind. Therefore, facing Wang Ai was Simeone, the captain of the Argentine national team. Even the giant Mertesacker in the middle was caught in a game.

In the midst of trouble, Stankovic and Gianni Keda focused on him. In Lazio, a team with tacit cooperation and beautiful play, the speed of the "Giant" restricted his performance, although he threatened the opponent's defensive midfielder many times.


The game time slowly reached the 18th minute, and the score was still 0:0.

Wang Ai was a little anxious. He wanted to use this game as a request for leave. Only if he performed well and shared the pressure with his teammates could Mr. Jinbos continue to approve his big training. Although it is most correct to participate in the national competition.

Yes, but what about the scoring. Now in the eyes of Chinese fans, it is really hard to say whether it is the national youth, the national youth or the Tubingen youth, especially after many people are selected for the national team. This team is

Now that they have become a small national team, let them choose whether the World Youth Championship, the World Youth Championship or the UEFA Cup is more important?

This is definitely a painful choice.

Therefore, the Football Association, Liu Chunming, and Mai Chao are all open to whether Wang Ai will continue to return to Hainan. The World Junior Championship and the World Youth Championship are held every two years. If not this year, there will be another one, but who can guarantee when they will be able to return to Hainan?

A team with Chinese investment, Chinese coaches, and Chinese players has reached the top 16 of the UEFA Cup? Sun Jihai's goal in the UEFA Cup qualifying round made the domestic football world climax for several days.

Especially as the foundation of domestic football is gradually weakening, it may be far away. If it were not for the national interests, I am afraid that the Football Association would have to persuade Wang Ai to return to Tübingen as soon as possible.

It’s good that Tübingen is a foreign team, and it’s good that it’s not under the management of the Chinese Football Association. But Tübingen’s achievements today are also due to the Chinese Football Association! In case they win the UEFA Cup, this year’s end-of-year summary will be good


But Simone is very difficult!

This old guy is especially good at dealing with young players. In the World Cup in France five years ago, he deceived Beckham and the England team. So Mancini probably had bad intentions when he sent him to guard them.

Although Wang Ai is currently popular, it is hard to say that his global influence exceeds that of Beckham. He is a heartthrob, and his wife is a hottie!

When Wang Ai saw Simeone's face coming towards him at the start of the game, he thought: This is just a UEFA Cup game. As a result, Simeone was not polite at all. The two fought many times in the left front field, and there were frequent physical collisions.

Although Wang Ai is short, with a low center of gravity and a strong body, it is not possible to get hit. Simeone's footwork cannot steal the ball from Wang Ai, but Wang Ai still wants to pass the ball in this situation.

It’s also even more difficult.

Just when the Tübingen people were unable to use the veteran Lazio's defense and were about to retreat slightly, Inzaghi suddenly stood up in the backcourt of Tübingen.

This chapter has been completed!
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