Chapter 30: Three Steps from Wang Ai (Part 2)

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"In the past we said, 'If you don't go to the Great Wall, you're not a hero.' But today we football players have to change it, 'If you don't go to Europe, you're not a hero'!" Wang Ai slapped the table: "It doesn't matter how famous you are in China.

, I haven’t experienced it in Europe, so you are just a bit shorter than someone who has been abroad, do you believe it or not?”

Mao Jianqing wasn't very convinced, but he didn't dare to talk back because his neck was stiff.

Wang Ai could tell at a glance: "Hey, Xiaomao, don't be unconvinced. Are we better than us in European football? What did the ancients say and how did we do it? There is a saying that 'those who are close to red are red and those who are close to ink are black'

, if you were in that environment, you wouldn’t be able to grow like a dog. Have you heard the allusion about Meng’s mother moving three times?”

Jiang Ning raised her hand: "Boss, you told us."

"Xiao Jiang is good." Wang Ai nodded approvingly: "Why the hell...Mother Meng always moves? She just wants to change to a better neighbor and give her son a good influence. This is the same as our football team.

Inside, you have a good friend and a good teammate who will help you improve together, but you are now the most outstanding group of people of your age. It is too difficult to meet someone who is at the same level as you. What should I do?

Play out at home as early as possible and go abroad as early as possible to accept greater challenges."

"Maybe some of you are thinking, it's not good for me to make a lot of money in China. I have to learn foreign languages ​​when I go out, and the food is not good. Why should I suffer like that? Isn't that right, Gao Lin?"

Gao Lin winced: I didn't think so, but I'm not the boss. I'll leave as soon as I say it. There are still people rushing to get it. It would be so easy to go abroad, and there wouldn't be only a dozen of us now.

"Let me give you an example. You all know Yao Xia, right? Yao Xia, a fast horse. His annual salary in Qingdao is 2 million, but in Tubingen, it is only 1.5 million a year. Even if he loses money and reduces his salary, he will leave. Why?

In addition to what I just told you, if you don't go out, you will look shorter. Only when you go out can you have the opportunity to make more money. Now our top stars in A-A only earn more than three dollars a year.

One million, including bonuses and so on, five or six million. It’s a lot, right? But do you know how much my salary is this season?”

Just when Wang Ai was about to brag, Xiao Zeng raised his hand: "I know, you showed off 7 million."

Wang Ai raised his eyebrows and lowered his head to look for something, daring to dismantle the boss!

After a while of commotion, Wang Aicai calmed down and didn't look at Xiao Zeng at the chicken coop: "Then I won't count, I have a high starting point. Let's talk about Lao Bai, two years ago, in Liaozu, his monthly salary was 5,000

If you go to Tübingen, it will be ten times as much. But two years later, how much will your salary be in Dortmund? The annual salary is 20 million!"

"Which one is more? Which one is less?" Wang Aibi asked: "Hey, he played abroad for one year and caught up with our best domestic players for four years. This does not include various advertising endorsements, which is more than at home.

.Think about it, what do you look for in advertising endorsements? Look at your popularity. Do you have a higher reputation playing football at home, or abroad?"

"Twenty million!" The team members were still immersed in this huge impact.

These days, winning a five million lottery ticket is a sign of smoke coming out of the ancestor's grave, and one person can earn more than four a year!

One look at the expressions of these guys and Wang Ai knew that reasoning was useless, showing money was the most useful.

After everyone recovered from the mental shock, Wang Ai patted the table: "So, young people, you are still early. Even though Lao Bai has never won a national championship, he makes a lot of money now, and he

Some of those of the same age who have entered the national league cannot even play in professional competitions now. You guys, don’t think that in the future you will definitely be in the National Youth, National Olympics, and the country. There is a long way to go. As long as you fail to keep up.

, if you relax for one day, you will never catch up, and you will never reach Lao Bai’s goal of 20 million."

"Do you know how hard it was for Lao Bai to train in Tübingen? He and Luo Tongliang were squeezed into a two-story building. I had to go out for a run before dawn every day. By breakfast, we would have covered twenty kilometers.

.I come back in the afternoon and continue practicing, and I have to practice after dinner in the evening. Every night when I go back, I stagger when I walk. I fall asleep on the floor without even going to bed. 365 days a year, every day never falls, even in winter.

During the break, I went to Hainan Island for self-funded training, and in the summer I went to Kunming for self-funded training. How many people were drinking wine and laughing at Lao Bai, saying he was a fool who was just living a good life, but who was the fool in the end? They laughed at him for being a fool and earning 8,000 yuan a month.

But one month today can equal your entire career income, and one year can equal your entire life! Who is that stupid?"

The conference room was quiet. The teammates only knew about the glory of "China's No. 1 center", but they didn't know the story behind it. And listening to Wang Ai's story today, of course there is no doubt that this is Lao Bai's "noble man"

, a witness who experienced Lao Bai becoming a god.

"Let me tell you, just like our 86 National Young Masters, if you return to China and disband, there will be no second time. If you are 17, don't even think about being 16 again! The days are moving forward, and there is no turning back!

If you slack off for one day, your highest achievement will be reduced by one meter. If you slack off for one year, don't say you know me when you go out! I will lead the team to the Olympics or the World Cup in the future, and I will definitely not lead you. No one can say it.

, it’s not easy for you to know anyone! Why? Your level is not good enough! Do you believe it or not, most of you will not dare to relax for a day after returning to China and practice every day? Even if you have the best skills now and others practice every day,

If you don't practice, if you pretend to be a master, if you go crazy, then you will be finished in the end! When I look for people to form a team, I will compare you, you are the worst, and someone wants you, do you have the nerve to come? My teammates all have to

I have to let you go so that you can keep up. Do you have the nerve to do so?"

Wang Ai's harsh words made the "little ones" tremble with fear.

Finally, Wang Ai felt that he had been frightened enough, so he changed his tone and said in a gentle tone: "Brothers, we have been together for more than two years, and now that we are parting, I can't bear to leave you. I hope that no matter where I go in the future, there will always be people around me."

With you all here, we brothers will strive for a higher stage together. I don’t want anyone to fall behind. But there is a skill gap between you and me now, and when I get to La Liga, I will have stronger teammates to stimulate me, and I will make progress.

It's faster, and I won't let up, so what do you do? You have to work harder than me!"

In the evening, Wang Ai saw off his worried teammates at the airport. He looked at the plane flying to the motherland with complicated eyes. He didn't know how much these guys could listen and how long they could persist.

There are still few talents!

Wang Ai sighed and took out the phone. After a few dozen seconds, he asked, "Sister Huang Xin, what are you doing?"

"While I was washing my face, I put the phone on speakerphone."

"Hey, I thought of something. Do you think we should also invite some youth training coaches from Germany? Hey, please come to Liaozu and help us figure out the youth training system. We should spend money. This idiot cup

If we do it every year, we will definitely be able to unearth a lot of good talents, but if the youth training is not up to standard, the success rate will be too low, right?"

When Wang Ai finished speaking, there was a splash of water over there, and Huang Xin picked up the phone: "Okay, I understand, hang up."

"You should take it seriously!" Wang Ai said anxiously.

"Haha, what do you, Dr. Wang, think that I, the general manager of Beyond Sports, am busy all day long? How can you run the company well with just a hammer and a stick? The person arrived three months ago. Two free gifts

I gave them to Xu Xu and left six to Liaozu, are you relieved now?"


"Ah what? Go to bed quickly, I want to have breakfast."

This chapter has been completed!
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