Section 73: The ball skills soared, and the idiots attacked

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 Li Lin, who has been with Wang Ai for four years, is still not very keen on football, so he does not know how powerful Wang Ai's skills are with the help of "training tools" and full concentration. Although during the summer vacation of 1999,

Wang Ai can accurately hit the goal anytime and anywhere in the penalty area. He still doesn't think this is amazing. After all, he is watching Wang Ai's shots become more accurate and more natural, relaxed and casual. It's like

People who meet every day will not notice any changes in the other person.

But if this scene is seen by others, especially professional football professionals, they will be shocked from ear to ear. Because Wang Ai's "accurate shot" is not only shot into the goal, but any 40-year-old shot into the goal.

One-fifth! There are 15 partitions from left to right and 5 from top to bottom, dividing the entire goal into 75 small squares roughly half a meter in diameter.

Qingnian Street Primary School is not open during the summer vacation, and it is surrounded by flat land, so Wang Ai who comes to practice ball every evening does not attract anyone's attention, and Wang Ai does not deliberately publicize it. Even when they reunited during the summer vacation,

The high school team played a few games, but Wang Ai didn't play any special games.

Because Wang Ai knows that it is not the time yet.

Next, in his second academic year at Renmin University, Wang Ai plans to further train in shooting during confrontation, such as shooting when the body is out of balance, under pressure, moving at high speed, etc. Of course, this must be done by Li Lin.

Role-playing. In fact, in the second semester of his freshman year, Li Lin sometimes transformed from an auxiliary coach into a goalkeeper to put pressure on Wang Ai. Only shooting in this confrontational environment can have

Practical value.

Wang Ai's football skills grew rapidly without anyone paying attention or knowing about it. At the same time, Stupid Food, which sponsored three Liaoyang Idiot Cup high school football games and two student loan programs for poor college students, finally started to make progress.


In the first half of 1999, under Wang Ai's suggestion, Stupid Food purchased a complete set of braised production lines and began to try to marinate Stupid Chicken, Stupid Chicken and Stupid Pork, still targeting the high-end markets in various cities. Since the prices of Stupid Food's products are

It is very expensive, so it does not have the ability to cover the low-end market.

Braised eggs are packaged in brown-red vacuum plastic bags marked "Idiot", which are available in one egg, two egg and three egg packages. Each egg costs an average of three yuan, which is indeed not something ordinary people can enjoy. But Idiot Food

The ultra-high safety has given a group of wealthy people a great sense of food security. Therefore, once it was launched, it quickly won the love of people with strong spending power. Even Xu Qinglian who lives in Wang Ai's house also likes it very much. Everyone

When I go back to school on Monday, I always have dozens of them in my schoolbag.

After three months of preparation in the Liaoyang market, braised "idiot", "chicken legs", "pig feet", "chicken feet" and other products began to develop into the Anshan and Shenyang markets. The consumption power of these two cities is much stronger than that of Liaoyang.

Once launched, it quickly aroused enthusiastic response from the market.

Stupid Food had to reduce the sales of some fresh eggs, fresh chickens, and pigs, and switched to producing braised products with higher profits.

Now Aunt Li's entire village is producing raw materials for stupid food, and the appearance of the entire mountain village has also undergone tremendous changes. The current village chief no longer talks about selling people, because there are not enough people! Five or six thousand kilograms of stupid eggs a day

, the demand for more than 500 stupid chickens and more than 20 stupid pigs has made the entire mountain village busy.

The price of stupid food is twice that of ordinary products, but the quality requirements are also extremely strict. The old lady's village is okay. Under the leadership and self-restraint of the village chief, the phenomenon of substandard goods rarely occurs. But the jealousy

It is different in other villages. The problem of adulteration of eggs has occurred more than once. Stupid Foods conducts random inspections of ten kilograms of eggs, which has never changed, so this adulteration is easily discovered.

Since Stupid Food adopts a door-to-door purchase system, the transport truck goes outside the village, the villagers load the goods on the truck, weigh and pay, and then return to the city for random inspections, so many times when they are discovered, the payment has already been completed.

Stupid Food introduced the red and yellow card system at Wang Ai's suggestion. If adulteration is discovered once, a yellow card warning will be issued. If it is discovered again, cooperation will be stopped immediately and the cooperative relationship will never be started again. Of course, the goods of the cargo owner who is listed with the yellow card will be

Key inspections are being carried out, so yellow cards and red cards are almost coming one after another from some people who are lucky. There is nothing you can do if you are not satisfied. If you don't accept it, you won't accept it. If you have the talent, you can sell it to others for twice the price.

Stupid chickens, stupid pigs, especially stupid pigs, grow slowly, but the cost is also low. The piglets are caught and driven up the mountain every day. The mountain is blocked by barbed wire. There is no need to worry about the pigs running away. They will be full by the evening.

After drinking enough, it will circle back on its own, and the same is true for stupid chickens. Although they grow slowly, they can be grown well and the cost is low, so they can win by relying on large quantities.

Of course, if there is not twice the purchase price of Benben Food, this is still slightly unworthy. After all, Bennzhu grows small and slowly. Wang Ai also specially sent people to the south to purchase a lot of traditional Chinese high-quality pork, such as Jinhua ham.

The two black pigs grew much slower than the large white pigs that were later introduced nationwide, and the adult ones were also smaller. Later, Jinhua Ham no longer used this kind of pork. But Wang Ai's stupid pig plan didn't matter. He didn't care about speed in the first place, because there was almost no need for it.

Cost, so you can win by relying on large quantities.

During the summer vacation, Xu Qinglian returned to Yingkou for a week and then ran back. She and Lao Xu missed each other when they were far away, but they grew tired of each other when they were close. So after returning to Liaoyang, she and Wang Ai read at home every day during the day.

Sometimes we watch TV together, and of course we go out to play together. At night, he and Ai Xiaoqing sleep in the same room. Throughout the summer vacation, Wang Bin was busy in Beijing, fighting lawsuits with Zhongyuan Paper Group and Donghai Paper Group, signing agreements, etc.

Matters are almost absent in Liaoyang.

Ai Xiaoqing's flower company has already entered Beijing, mainly because the flower planting base it invested in has large products, good quality, and obvious price advantages, and has gradually entered the flower raw material market in Beijing. Stupid Food is still entrenched in Liaoning Province

Central China, but the momentum of expansion is also obvious.

But what can most "help" Ai Xiaoqing enter Beijing is beyond Internet cafes.

Through continuous self-replication for more than two years, the current Beyond Internet Cafe has established a head office and four flagship stores in all prefecture-level cities across the province. In some cases, it has also developed a varying number of branches, such as

In some counties, one branch is enough to occupy the high-end market. By the summer of 1999, Beyond Internet Cafe had 13 main stores, 58 flagship stores, and 71 branches. It owned a total of more than 26,000 computers and made a monthly net profit of more than 3,000 yuan.

million, infinitely approaching the profitability of Wang Bin's Northern Paper Group.

Of course, the expansion beyond Internet cafes has basically reached its limit now. It relies on various relationships in Liaoning Province to occupy the high-end markets in various places. But if you want to go beyond the province, this advantage will no longer exist. But that’s it, Ai

Xiao Qing stares at the profit statement of Beyond Internet Cafe every day and is terrified. The money is too much, 400 million a year!

Therefore, under Wang Ai's suggestion, Beyond Internet Investment Company was quietly established in Beijing. Ai Xiaoqing and Wang Bin will reunite in Beijing in the future. Because of Wang Ai's love for courtyard houses, the couple bought two adjacent courtyard houses.

, this time it is not as cheap as last year, and it cost more than 20 million in total. We simply started construction and decoration together this summer vacation, and invited the construction team from the Department of Ancient Architecture of Tsinghua University through You Hong's relationship.

For Wang Ai, it is now time to start copying the Internet industry! Countless Internet giants in later generations are now waiting for support. They are extremely hungry for funds and are constantly scanning all enterprises and wealthy people in China. However, it is difficult to understand the Internet these days.

There are very few people, and almost none are willing to pay. The vast majority of bosses prefer things that are tangible and tangible. Most people think that they are liars when it comes to ethereal things like the Internet.

This chapter has been completed!
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