Chapter 219 The Tale of Two Kings (Act 4: Thunderstorm)

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 Although he has received professional training for many years, Wang Ai often still has his own thoughts about football. This is the benefit of having a high degree. When encountering problems, he always thinks more and thinks about the deep-seated issues behind it. But most coaches

When it comes to players facing physical confrontations and even injurious actions, the instructions given to players are very rough: "Don't be afraid."

Although this also hits the core of the problem, this kind of persuasion lacks the support of rules and logic. The players can only force themselves to "don't be afraid", but they should still be "afraid". This is not a rational fear, but a physical fear.

Instinct reactions and self-protection mechanisms are at work. Once in a game, your body cannot be completely controlled by your brain, and the self-protection mechanism is frequently activated, which will naturally greatly affect your game state.

Just like an honest child's hands and feet will tremble involuntarily once he fights with someone, and he wants to slap him: I'm not afraid, what are you afraid of? But you are afraid! Relatively speaking, old gangsters like Porto are much stronger, at least they can bully

He doesn't shiver when he's human.

Depor are all honest kids. Starting from the old captain Forlan, there has been almost no off-field news, let alone any scandals or scandals. Especially the backbone Belleron is an absolute model player, even if

They endured all the malicious infringements silently. So once these teammates faced the old gangster, they couldn't do anything, even if they weren't afraid.

Why do some old hooligans habitually use elbow strikes to hurt their opponents in a way that does not affect the opponent's athletic ability at all? At this moment, Wang Ai finally figured it out.

While Wang Ai was thinking, the anxious situation on the field was still going on. Porto's sophisticated and harmful moves were still going on, and this time they targeted the right winger Victor. In the 30th minute of the game, Victor competed with the opponent's player Maniche for the top.

, Victor knew that the opponent was dirty, so he subconsciously made a protective move. As a result, he rubbed the opponent's lower abdomen in mid-air, and then the opponent fell to the ground. Collina accurately gave a verbal warning, but within five minutes, the opponent's young general and forward

Alberto deliberately ran back to the backcourt and tackled Victor.

Of course, Collina would not sit back and watch such malicious retaliation, and immediately showed the yellow card. In view of the fierce fighting situation in the last game, Collina deliberately watched the game video when he learned that the law enforcement was about to begin. Before the start of this game

, he also specially counted that eight people in Porto had received yellow cards, and Deportivo also had six yellow cards, so his yellow cards were quite a deterrent. Once these 14 people were shown yellow cards by him, it meant they would be absent.


However, the free and uninhibited Victor is not as simple as the handsome Luke. He was not really affected much and continued to be active in Depor's right front field. Then, less than a minute after he was last tackled, in Depor

Behind Riina, Porto's Valente hit him in the neck with his left elbow.

This blow was very severe. In Wang Ai's subconscious concern as he stood up, Victor swayed and covered his neck, seeming a little dizzy. He was hit in the neck that was transfusing blood to the brain, so dizziness was unavoidable.

After two vicious revenges, Victor's state was finally suppressed and he couldn't lift his spirits for a long time.

At this moment, Wang Ai suddenly missed Li Weifeng very much, who was still going through the process and could only join next season but didn't know whether he could play in the game. After some thinking and re-recognition, he realized Li Weifeng's character.

Benefits for impulsive players.

He is like a big torpedo, and he can't tell when it will explode, or even if it doesn't explode. As long as his reputation is known, opponents will subconsciously feel physical fear when they see him. Subconsciously, they realize that this easy person

Injuring others will affect the level of self-protection mechanism in physical contact. In other words, even if a player like Li Weifeng often blows himself up and is sent off, as long as he is there, he can act as a real deterrent and reduce the risk of injury.

The opponent’s competitive status.

In other words, this kind of player has both "thorn aura" and "evil aura", which can frighten the opponent and interfere with the opponent's game state, while also boosting the morale of the team!

The Deportivo team currently lacks such a person. The corresponding functions are performed by the players themselves, but because of their unskilled skills, they are always caught by the referee. Thinking about it again, the Chinese national team seems to have this problem too.

In every competition, the players are gathered together obediently. Once they are shown a red or yellow card, they will definitely be scolded. Even the domestic media always blame the players who are sent off because they don't understand football. This leads to this kind of character.

Players, there are fewer and fewer players with the "halo of thorns", and their hands and feet are tied more and more severely. Therefore, no matter what opponent competes with the Chinese team, there is no psychological pressure and they all perform at a super level.

For example, the Korean National Olympics, which the Chinese National Olympics defeated in the last game, lost at home. These Koreans did not think highly of the Chinese team. In interviews before the Wuhan defense battle, they still expressed contempt for the Chinese team in their words.

Deportivo and the Chinese team are really similar in this respect. The most powerful person in the team is always the head coach or leader, and the coach or leader cannot rush to the field and beat people, even the Basques.

Just as Wang Ai was thinking about it, neither side made any achievements in the first half, and the game was even ugly, with only a few shots from both sides. In the game, Porto continued to launch dozens of small moves against Deportivo, constantly

The process of compressing Depor's space and performance ended, and the score was 0:0. However, in the time of possession, Porto was 57, while Depor was only 43, showing a hint of danger.

After returning from the second half, Wang Ai continued to sit on the bench and watch the game, but his heart became more and more anxious. Obviously, this reason could not be mentioned to Irueta right away. The game was so anxious that his brain was thinking nervously.

How to deal with the game, Wang Ai cannot interfere with his commanding energy.

The game situation was just like Wang Ai's anxiety, with Depor becoming more and more unfavorable. The players relied on their personal tenacity to continue to block Porto's offensive. However, the decline in form and physical fitness were all making the team slip in a dangerous direction.

"Why didn't Collina stop them?" Wang Ai finally couldn't help but grumbled on the bench.

Fran, who had his hands on his shoulders and a dull expression without moving his head, said, "Why do you think His Majesty the King came in person?"

"Huh?" Wang Ai didn't expect this: "Isn't he the head of state? Shouldn't he attend various major competitions?"

"That's just one aspect. We in Spain are a second-rate country in Europe, so in all aspects... In short, the king is here to help us. After all, he is the head of state. UEFA dare not... Besides, don't be petty.

Look at these Portuguese people.”


Fran finally turned around and said meaningfully: "G14!"

Wang Ai took a deep breath and leaned back on his chair. It turned out that Porto was also a member of the G14. No wonder! This giant league is preparing to compete with UEFA. It is no wonder that UEFA is leaning towards it.

No matter where you are, crying babies are fed the same thing. Isn’t the Chinese league also brewing a "G7" now?

In the silence between the two, the situation on the field suddenly changed fatally.

This chapter has been completed!
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