Section 232 Chen Tao's Defection (3)

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After listening to Chen Tao's repressed words, Wang Ai felt excited and complicated. Although he is also the owner of the club and the future boss of hundreds of thousands of corporate employees, Wang Ai has always looked down upon Foxconn-style companies.

In this age, are you still doing the same thing as Zhou Papi? Is there any difference between getting paid to work overtime and the chicken crows in the middle of the night? Isn’t it all about coaxing long-term workers to work hard? But no matter how much overtime you work, can you earn a small goal?

Although today's Chinese society needs to use "exploitation" methods to urge the people to work hard to quickly close the overall gap with the top power, otherwise it will be easy to be beaten, but exploitation must be limited, which has really attracted people's resistance and

When revolutionary consciousness awakens, the first to be guillotined are the bosses.

In other words, in this era and in this country, exploitation must be done in a certain way, and capitalists must also show some respect.

Of the four ancient civilizations, only China still exists. It has gone through countless hardships to this day, which shows that the Chinese people have a very rebellious spirit. The Yuan Dynasty ruled the Eurasian continent, but was eventually overturned in China. The Manchu and Qing Dynasties ruled China with both literary inquisition and butcher's knives.

However, the rebellion lasted for more than two hundred years and lasted for more than ten generations. In the end, Sun Wen, who shouted "expel the Tartars", succeeded in the resistance.

Internal oppression and resistance; external aggression and resistance, too. This is the fundamental force for the endless growth of Chinese civilization.

Wang Ai and his family business developed against the background of the massive layoffs in Northeast China. Contrary to other companies that took advantage of the opportunity to exploit them fiercely, they paid great attention to the issue of wealth distribution from the beginning, and the company's welfare was the highest among all companies.

Industry, this is the internal driving force for the company's stable development over the years. Although Wang Ai's family has also accumulated huge wealth, their family expenses are very limited, and they spare no effort in doing charity.

As a philosopher, this is what Wang Ai considers to be an ideal wealth use model for the new wealth class with "Chinese characteristics." This can ensure China's overall rapid development while being relatively stable internally, and the new wealth class can also maintain long-term relationships with other classes.

Friendly coexistence.

Chinese society cannot withstand another bloody revolution, which will interrupt the overall rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, but the premise is that the country must formulate reasonable rules, and the bosses must also control their greed, otherwise things will turn to the extreme. The resistance of laid-off workers

And numerous mass incidents have sounded the alarm.

If we don't wake up, the alarm bell will turn into a death knell.

From proletarian to capitalist, Wang Ai remains deeply alert to labor-capital conflicts and overall social trends.

"Boss, what should I do?" On the other end of the phone, Chen Tao couldn't help but ask Wang Ai, who had been silent for a long time.

"Oh!" Wang Ai woke up with a start, thought quickly and said: "You go out immediately, don't take anything with you, leave immediately, take a taxi to Hunnan, and find Liaozu."

"Is this okay?" Chen Tao, who was a little panicked, subconsciously asked: "They are all clubs, can they control me?"

Wang Ai took a deep breath: "Old Chen, Liaozu is mine! Just because I don't care about things doesn't mean I can't! You leave now. The nights are long and the dreams are long. Don't take anything with you. Leave now and I'll call over there right away!"

Putting down Chen Tao's phone, Wang Ai directly called Manager Cao of Liaozu and asked him to arrange for someone to temporarily receive Chen Tao and arrange the people at the same time. Manager Cao answered such a call in the middle of the night. Although he was a little unhappy, he still

Knowing the relationship between Chen Tao and Wang Ai, he agreed, but reminded Wang Ai that the matter could be handled this way temporarily, but it could not be done this way in the end.

After putting down Manager Cao's phone call, Wang Ai relaxed a little. He stood in the room and thought over and over again. According to China's current system, Wang Ai will definitely suffer a loss if he does this with regard to Chen Tao. The "Labor Contract Law" has not yet been promulgated, and he is still facing chaos.

Due to disordered labor-capital relations, let alone being unable to fight this lawsuit, even if it were fought, it would be difficult for Wang Ai to hold the case to the Supreme Court.

Besides, Wang Ai doesn’t want to break up with the domestic football world, because it’s not just Jin De who is doing this. After all, Jin De is still a member of the Chinese Super League, and there is a lower limit for playing dirty, but you have to go and see.

Middle A, middle B, that’s the jungle world.

Therefore, this matter cannot be approached by the government or the Football Association. It can only be handled through personal relationships, and it is best to handle it in a low-key manner.

It's just temporary. Wang Ai hopes that Chen Tao can calm down for a few days after escaping from Jinde, and Jinde Club can calm down before finding someone to make peace with him.

Unexpectedly, Jinde Club got the news the next day. The Liaoshen football circle itself is not big. Chen Tao ran to the gate of Hunnan Liaoning Football Club in the middle of the night without even bringing his luggage, which alarmed many people.

Man, I can't hide this anymore.

The next day, "Liaoshen Evening News" published an interview with Jinde Club. A deputy manager angrily accused Chen Tao of "defecting" this time and publicly shouted to Liaoning Football: "For the sake of the unity of Liaoshen Football, don't protect Chen Tao.

Send people back!"

Although "Liaoshen Football Unity" can only be heard, but on the whole, mutual respect is still required. But this time Chen Tao's "defection" with the support of Wang Ai broke the pretense of warm feelings of Liaoshen Football in one fell swoop.

It also broke all the unspoken rules in football.

If it is not handled well, Liaoning Football Club will suffer collective hostility from the other 13 Chinese Super League clubs.

So Manager Cao couldn't sit still immediately. Since he was actively preparing for the Champions League final in Spain, the domestic news was not well-informed. Wang Ai was not aware of Jinde's fierce reaction.

"Xiao Wang, you have to think of a way. Our phone calls have been crazy these days. Jinde specially sent people to block the door of our club. The Liaoshen football circle and the domestic media are all fried. We can't delay it.


"You dare to block our door?" Wang Ai also got angry: "What's wrong with not letting us compete?"

"Oh, it's not that serious. We have a special person keeping an eye on Chen Tao. I think if he dares to show up, he will be arrested."

"Where's the city government? Where's the Football Association? What's their attitude?"

"The city government is definitely leaning towards Jinde, and the Football Association is having a quarrel. You know that our Liaoning Football Association is under the control of the Liaoning Football Association, but Jinde belongs to the Shenyang Football Association. Both sides are on the same level. I heard that Jinde is planning to file a lawsuit with us!

If we really go to the official level, we have little chance of winning. Besides..." Manager Cao breathed a sigh of relief, "Xiao Wang, I know what you mean, and I think it's quite outrageous, but you are always doing it for your brother.

Good, right? But if this matter doesn't calm down soon, once it causes a real strife in our Liaoshen football world, you may be fine, and our Liaoning football team can get through it with gritted teeth, but you, brother, will be in trouble.


This chapter has been completed!
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