Section 274: The Golden Asian Cup: a twists and turns conference (3)

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"Hello Wang Ai, this is Huang Jianxiang, a reporter from CCTV. I just heard your response to Mr. Veerappan's two questions. Is this your personal opinion or the opinion of the Chinese team?"

Wang Ai pretended not to know Huang Jianxiang, and nodded with a serious expression: "Of course this is my personal opinion. Although this is not a press conference organized by me, it is an impromptu idea and an expression of my personal opinion."

Huang Jianxiang breathed a sigh of relief. The Xinhua News Agency reporter beside him also nodded slightly at Wang Ai, with a faint smile on his face: It's good if it's yours! Otherwise, if our Football Association says: What's so great about you, a Frenchman?

That's going to cause big trouble.

"So, what do you personally think of Mr. Veerappan's opinion? I mean, after your response and clarification, what do you think of Mr. Veerappan's criticism itself?" Huang Jianxiang asked.

Wang Ai frowned and thought for a moment. It wasn't that he didn't know what to say, but that the matter was too important. If he didn't say it, it would easily trigger fierce protests from the Beijing fans and hurt the feelings of the upright secretary-general.

It affected Zhang Jilong, who had been friends for many years. Even when his superiors questioned him, the entire Football Association must be held responsible.

"Let me say three points." Wang Ai raised his head: "First, Mr. Veerappan is my friend. No matter what he said, I believe his starting point is well-intentioned. We Chinese people are very tolerant towards our friends and treat our friends well.

When it comes to friends' opinions, we should correct them and encourage them when they are not. Even if he is wrong, we will not be angry, but will thank him for speaking out. Only true friends will care about us so much. Second point,

Mr. Veerappan's speech today, please note that he does not represent the Asian Football Confederation, but just like me, he only represents himself and does not have an official position. So no matter what he says, it is his personal opinion

Expression, don’t think too much about it. For example, I am now a student at the University of La Coruna. You can’t say that I am sitting here today and represent the University of Deportivo, the club, or the Spanish Ministry of Education. People’s identities are multiple.

, we cannot always treat him with the same identity. As far as I know, Mr. Veerappan was once a teacher, and everyone knows the characteristics of teachers, which is to be outspoken. This is also the character and bearing that a teacher or scholar should have.

.As a scholar, I understand and respect his speech. Third, the Beijing Olympics is a grand event for our country and our nation. We have been looking forward to it for many years. The humiliation of modern history is the pain that our 1.3 billion people have collectively shouldered.

Memory. For this grand event, we have not only gone all out to organize and arrange it, but we will also humbly accept criticisms and opinions from friends from all walks of life. Of course, this also includes the opinions of international friends like Mr. Veerappan."

After speaking a long paragraph, while the reporters in the audience were reviewing the records, Wang Ai calmed down and concluded: "In short, my personal attitude towards Mr. Veerappan's criticism is: if it exists, it will be corrected.

We will encourage you. Where we have done poorly, we will learn lessons, and where we have been misunderstood, we will actively communicate.”

When Huang Jianxiang and other Chinese reporters were satisfied, the cadres on the scene pointed at a "Chinese reporter." As a result, the man stood up and opened his mouth and realized that this was actually a Japanese reporter.

The cadres and Wang Ai were on guard involuntarily, but unexpectedly the female reporter asked a strange question.

"Dr. Wang, as far as I know, you have never set foot in Japan. When will you go to Japan? You may not know, but you are the idol of many of our Japanese teenagers."

Wang Ai breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "Idol? Isn't it? I remember you called me the 'Big Devil'. I also hope to have the opportunity to visit Japan in the future."

"I guarantee you will fall in love with Japan. Do you like it now?"

Wang Ai hesitated and nodded: "I don't like some people in Japan, but I like this country."

"So are you considering immigrating to Japan? We in Japan have very strong support policies for outstanding football players like you."

Wang Ai suddenly realized that this smiling and beautiful reporter actually came with bad intentions. Sino-Japanese relations have not been going well in the past few years! It’s just that her preparations were not very good, and she didn’t know Wang Ai’s net worth.

Wang Ai pondered for a moment before smiling: "As far as I know, Japan's land area is one-thirtieth of China, but its population is one-tenth of China's. So Japan is already very crowded, so I won't give it.

The Japanese people are causing trouble. On the contrary, Japan's outstanding talents can apply to the Chinese government to live and work in China, helping the Japanese people relieve land and population pressure."

The Japanese reporter was speechless and sat down with an unnatural expression. She never imagined that Wang Ai would actually refute her from this angle and even try to seduce outstanding Japanese people to come to China. How is that possible!

But it's not without gain, huh! She has personally seen how powerful the Big Devil is, and presumably the most outstanding star in Asia will become a much more famous name in Japan.

After that, several reporters asked questions. The Chinese reporter's questions were a little boring, but the security was high. The foreign reporters were very provocative, but Wang Ai was not fooled at all. No matter how you asked, Wang Ai said Veerappan is my friend.

, his criticisms are well-intentioned, we should correct them if they are not, and encourage us... they are watertight, mellow and smooth!

Finally, the enthusiasm of the reporters asking questions subsided. The Football Association officials at the scene quickly announced the end of the press conference. Wang Ai stood up, shook hands with the reporters and said goodbye, and accompanied several reporters to take photos. After everyone left,

Wang Aicai let out a sigh of relief.

He usually scolds people, but this time he wipes their butts for them!

When he and Wu Jingui, who was worried, left the scene and walked to the passage, they suddenly saw the black face of Yan Shiduo. After the game, he went to the locker room to congratulate the players, but he heard that Veerappan was setting off cannons here.

, halfway along the way, I heard that Wang Ai was also going up, and I was very anxious!

He hid in the passage and listened to Wang Ai's "third phase" press conference, which was almost without incident. His own senses felt that it was okay. Although he was rash, he acted decisively before the reporters spread the news.

I didn't extend it casually, and before I wrote it out, I set things right and turned the big things into trivial matters. This is still the right way to deal with it. Although the content of the speech is not as standard as the official statement, it is not flawless, but overall it is good, at least it is not off track.

!Besides, his status advantage is also a plus.

But now I don’t know what the superior’s attitude is, so I don’t give Wang Ai a good look.

After Wang Ai returned to the hotel, he didn't bother to convene a meeting with Tubingen players. He pondered over the matter in his private room. After a short meeting, he received a call from Zhang Jilong. On the phone, Zhang Jilong criticized Wang Ai for being unorganized and undisciplined.

Acting without permission, daring to talk nonsense in any situation, and asking Wang Ai to wait for processing!

This chapter has been completed!
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