Section 295 Olive Corolla: Wang Daqian is proud of the Aegean Sea (middle)

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 In terms of influence in the football world, Wang Ai is of course far inferior to the two vice-chairmen. However, when it comes to the women's football league, the development of women's football, and the commercialization process of women's football, Wang Ai can really talk to them. Since the establishment of the women's football league last year

From the beginning, Wang Ai spent a lot of effort in this area. He almost defied all opinions and even set up a related company.

At present, the Chinese Women's Football League only has its name but no reality. It is normal that no one comes to watch the game except relatives. The management of the club is no different from that of the Sports Team in the past. It is just a name change. A league where no one comes to watch the game is just a league.

Since it is not a commercial league, it cannot be said to be professional. The Football Association has a very clear understanding of this and is very anxious.

From last year when Chaoyue started to raise funds for the league, to this year when Chaoyang Women's Football League started at the same time as the Chinese Super League, the official name was "Liaoning Women's Football League", which attracted the attention of the Football Association. Cadres such as Xue Li who are responsible for women's football are paying close attention to it.

, almost all actions of Transcendence are seen.

She knew that Beyond Sports, as the largest private sports operating company in the country, would never joke. The early Idiot Cup was a bit of a joke, but looking at the subsequent development, a few years later it has become the "Sichuan-Liaoning Middle School Student Football Championship Competition"

, there are nearly 300 participating schools, and the finals are full of advertisements, which has initially shown strong commercial potential. Although it is not clear whether this was expected and planned at the beginning, the operational capabilities beyond sports are very outstanding.

An amateur competition can achieve a balanced revenue, what else do you need?

Therefore, she has great expectations for Chaoyue's trends in women's football. However, she has never had time to communicate with Wang Ai, the real planner behind it. The Liaoning Women's Football League has just started and nothing has emerged yet, so she has been waiting.

Now, Wang Ai suddenly intervened in the Olympic women's football team, and Vice Chairman Xue Li came to ask what happened.

Ever since the two vice-chairmen entered Wang Ai's room, Shen Xiangfu's heart was hanging in the air. This kind of thing can be big or small, it depends on how the leader determines it. If it is small, it is completely fine, and it can even be praised, but if it is big

Said, this is called sabotaging the work of the Olympic Games! Especially the women's football team, which has high hopes.

He waited for more than an hour before the two leaders came out. He didn't know what they were talking about, but judging from their expressions, they seemed quite satisfied. Before going out, Vice Chairman Xue took Wang Ai's hand and said with a smile.


After sending away the two leaders, Wang Ai also breathed a sigh of relief. Currently, the Women's Football League is still trying and has not yet produced results, so Wang Ai does not dare to say that it will work. Anyway, the loss will not be much, "Liaoning

"Women's Football League Company" is owned by Beyond Sports, Liaoning Football Association, and Liaoning Football Association. The Liaoning Football Association holds 5% of the shares. Although it does not produce a single point, it is responsible for game supervision and coordinating the work of the municipal football associations.

Because Beyond Sports does not have women's football youth training, it relies entirely on the municipal sports committees.

The "Liaoning Women's Football League Company" has 13 branches in 13 prefecture-level cities. Chaoyue is responsible for the wages and bonuses of the women's football girls. The local football association promised that the girls will solve their problems after they retire, and then the league was established.

Get organized. The local football association will also share 5% of the expected advertising revenue. Of course, the rental of the competition venue must be paid, but it is just the cost of the turf and other things based on the internal price. After all, there is no profit yet, and everyone knows that killing the goose creates the eggs.


As for commercial sponsorship, Wang Ai's family's company is currently supporting it.

Fortunately, this was Wang Ai's "brave big step, brave attempt", so Xue Li was also very happy. Before going out, she agreed that after the Olympic Games, she and Wang Ai would attend the postponed "

"Liaoning Women's Football League Company" founding meeting.

As for whether the women's football team will have a holiday today, she has already agreed. Originally, this model of having meetings in the morning, training in the afternoon, and meetings in the evening is unscientific, and it does not lead to such an increase in intelligence.

Wang Ai made it clear: "When you arrive at Athens, an ancient civilization, and at the Aegean Sea, you don't say anything. Everyone also wants to go out and have a look. Many people may come once in a lifetime, but you just hold on. Can you hold on? Everyone.

The little idea has always been there. Instead of making everyone unhappy, it is better to go out and relax on this day that is supposed to be a holiday. Who wouldn't feel aggrieved after losing like that? Girls are actually good."

I don’t know which words touched Vice Chairman Xue, but she agreed very simply and even discussed with Nan Yong, can our men’s and women’s football teams go out to play together? To enjoy your happiness?

What can Nan Yong say? Although he has greater authority than Xue Li, he has been in charge of football for so many years and knows that he should have a holiday the day after the game. Zhang Haitao was confused and did not dare to take a holiday, but it is not that he should not

Have a holiday.

The men's football team had a holiday long ago, so as soon as Wang Ai saw off the two vice presidents on this day, the tour bus hired by Northern Paper arrived outside the Olympic Village. Wang Ai contacted his parents urgently and said many things about the women's football team.

Wang Bin fully agreed to the matter of calling people.

Having money makes things easier, and this is especially obvious in a capitalist society. With almost a phone call, the travel company immediately sent another bus to pick up the Chinese women's football team.

By noon, both parties were already eating their own delicacies at the Aegean Sea, enjoying the cool sea breeze and basking in the warm sunshine. It was as if the game last night had disappeared, regardless of the outcome.

The girls were chatting and laughing in a relaxed manner, and the boys sometimes mingled among the girls. Even the frowning Zhang Haitao seemed to be in a much better mood.

After lunch, the athletes were a little restless. Generally speaking, they all have well-developed limbs. They felt uncomfortable without moving for a day. I don’t know who suggested it, so they decided to play beach football on the beach. They rented it at the store.

With a set of equipment, I chose a large beach and played a five-a-side beach football game.

Reporters from Xinhua News Agency, sports and other media also followed, so they called the game the "China Olympic Men's and Women's Football Team Beach Soccer Match." Wang Bin, who happened to be playing with them, and a delegation of outstanding corporate employees led by Ai Xiaoqing also

So I sat on the sidelines and acted as a fan. There were more than 200 people, including local tourists.

After 90 minutes of the game, the women’s football team beat the men’s football team 9:3!

In addition to the fact that the boys are embarrassed to be too close to the girls, which limits their performance, it also has the purpose of warming up the girls and strengthening their confidence.

Of course, there was really no compromise during the competition, but the girls said: They need to be of the same weight, otherwise what if Zhang Yuning is so big that he can't push or squeeze away? So, the "overweight" Zhang Yuning, Qu

Bo, Dewey, Xu Liang, Yan Song, Zheng Zhi, Shao Jiayi and other main players were dismissed one after another, leaving only the thin and small Wu Pingfeng and others pitifully playing with the girls.

This chapter has been completed!
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