Section 343: Delacco's Emergency (Part 1)

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 After the game, when Wang Ai returned to Beijing with the "golden three-piece suit" of golden boots, golden balls and gold medals, a large number of fans came to the airport to pick him up again. This was the first time in 20 years that China won the Asian Youth Championship.

Won the championship again in 2016. Although the entire society does not attach much importance to the Asian Youth Championship, however, this is the last heavyweight competition for the Chinese team this year, and it is also the last time Wang Ai plays for the country this summer.

Likewise, this glorious summer has once again raised Wang Ai's domestic popularity to the level of the World Cup two years ago.

However, Wang Ai only rested at home for one day before leaving the "golden three-piece suit" in his personal honor cabinet and hurriedly took an international flight to Spain!

For no other reason than Irueta sent an urgent message, urgently summoning Wang Ai back to the club! In the first six La Liga games that ended the 04-05 season a few days ago, Deportivo has only achieved one victory so far.

!Especially in the first five games, three draws and two losses, it is simply unimaginable. This was the European champion last season!

This summer, Depor has been too busy. In addition to Belleron and other main players participating in the European Cup, they also participated in a large number of commercial activities. In order to satisfy the club's ambitions, they won the European Super Cup and Spanish Super Cup consecutively.

, trying to create a "Depor Dynasty", however, the final excitement was only reflected in these two games, which caused the league to plummet from the beginning, and even lost to Ajax in the Champions League group stage!

To make matters worse, Depor, which sold Pandiani and Luque, saw its offensive capabilities decline too quickly. The veteran Hao Haidong, introduced from China, had no chance to play and did not really gain the club's trust. He

After all, at such an old age, he still hasn’t practiced much with the entire Depor team.

Therefore, although the next game was still ten days away, Irueta and even boss Lendoiro couldn't wait any longer and reluctantly gave Wang Ai a day to return home to celebrate and hurriedly summoned him.

Wang Ai had expected the decline of Depor. Last season, the triple crown of La Liga, King's Cup, and Champions League eased Depor's financial pressure and allowed the club to breathe a sigh of relief, although the debt it carried was still as high as 100 million euros.

, but it is getting better after all. The gold content of the European champion and the European runner-up is more than twenty times different. For example, the TV broadcast rights, even after ten years, can be reflected in the price of the Champions League team, and the improvement of the runner-up

The magnitude is similar to the level ten years after the championship. Because no one will remember the Champions League runner-up, and there will always be people who will never forget the championship even after many years. But a club that has been poor for a long time will definitely not let go of the opportunity to make money.

It's just that Wang Ai didn't expect that the decline would be so sharp. He had no wins in the first five rounds. This was unreasonable. The only victory was against the absent-minded Real Madrid, or in other words, the "Galaxy Battleship" was about to disintegrate and seemed to be inseparable. Fortunately, in sixth place

Between the first round and the seventh round, there was a half-month offseason, which allowed the tired Deportivo to take a breather. Wang Ai was also called back at this time.

When Wang Ai was in transit in Madrid, he bought a few newspapers and used them to learn about some recent information about Deportivo. Although these newspapers often messed up, they could also reveal some real things, especially if they were accurate.

Reflecting the current Spanish society and Spanish football's views on Deportivo.

When he came out of La Coruña Airport, his personal assistant Constance came to pick him up and introduced the situation of the club to him in a low voice as he walked. Wang Ai came back this time and did not tell Hao Haidong and Li Weifeng. He did not want to stir up trouble, but just let Constance

Si was ready, he wanted to know if there was any other reason for Lako's sudden slip.

Fortunately, with Constance's introduction, we learned that the main factors for Deco were that the players were too tired, and the decline in offensive ability caused by the sale of Pandiani and Luke. Tristan is a qualified fulcrum.

and center, but not as agile as Pandiani. After Luke left Barcelona, ​​the only left midfielder left was the old captain Fran, who is one year older than Hao Haidong! And the right midfielder Victor's scoring ability is not very good.

Strong, so the main problem for Depor in these games is that it is difficult to score goals. As for the opponents in the first five rounds, no one is busier than Depor this summer. Depor not only came to China, but also went to

A trip to the United States! So, after a whole summer of rest, everyone was in full swing, but Deco finally couldn't stand it any longer.

It was noon when Wang Ai came home, and the four of them went to a restaurant for a meal. In the afternoon, Wang Ai went to the University of A Coruña to cancel his vacation, and prepare to attend classes in the next ten days. Due to the Spanish literature undergraduate course, which started from one year

The delay lasted for two years, so studying became relatively easy. In the afternoon, Wang Ai returned to the club to report.

The club members were on vacation, and the head coach Irueta was there, actually waiting for Wang Ai to come back.

"Congratulations Rey, your competition this summer is brilliant, especially in the Olympics, it's amazing!" Irueta gave Wang Ai a hug and gave a thumbs up.

"Haha, it's okay. It's mainly because I've been training well this year at Deportivo."

"Um, how are you doing?" Irueta was also impatient. After a few casual remarks, he started asking more serious questions.

"It's not bad, I'm a little tired, but as you know, I participated in three cup competitions this summer, so I have been training and my condition is not bad."

"Phew! That's good!" Irueta sat down on the chair: "Let's do it, let's talk."

Wang Ai sat down. At this time, they were the only two people in the conference room. Yan Zhu went out with Wang Ai during the day, but did not come in. Constance went to class. She really just went to college, unlike Wang Ai.

This is the third university that I have attended, so I am not as "relaxed" as Wang Ai.

Irueta was silent for a while and then said: "The club does not plan to spend money in the transfer market. The average age of the team is increasing. The older the age, the slower the recovery of physical fitness. This season we will still have three lines.

In addition, I didn’t have a good rest this summer, so my results will definitely not reach last year’s level.”

"Do you want to give up part of the competition?" Wang Ai asked tentatively.

Irueta nodded with difficulty. As the man who completed Deportivo's unprecedented triple crown last season, he has reached the pinnacle of his career. The next step is to go to a wealthy club to verify his driving ability. Facts

Yes, this summer, several wealthy teams have extended invitations to him. For example, AC Milan!

"We cannot give up the league, which is the foundation for maintaining this team. We cannot give up the Champions League, which is a financial need. Therefore, I am ready to give up the King's Cup. Rey, I know your ability. Last season you were basically a substitute. This season

You have to take on more responsibilities, and I don’t mean chasing five goals in a row, but the league!"

This chapter has been completed!
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