Chapter 105 The Seeds Planted by Mi Yang

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Chapter 105 The seeds planted by Mi Yang

After the mission was completed, Yu Fan just wanted to leave the public security city as soon as possible.

But just when Yu Fan was about to leave, Mi Yang stopped him.

"Yu Jun."

"When the late master Sun Bofu was in power, he loved you so much."

"He treats you as a friend and regards you as his meritorious service."

"And you have lived up to the great love of Marquis Wu and stabilized the southeastern half of it."

"Because of the kindness shown to you by Marquis Wu, you have sincerely remonstrated with me several times."

"Because of the kindness that Marquis Wu showed to you, you call yourself the "family treasure" of Marquis Wu."

"The deeds of Wu Hou and Yu Jun, the king and his ministers getting to know each other, are also circulated for a while, which is enviable."

"But now that Sun Quan is in power, he demoted you because you repeatedly remonstrated with him. Don't you have any resentment in your heart?"


Mi Yang was about to say more, but Yu Fan started to get furious as if the words hit a painful point in his heart.

Yu Fan's face turned livid because of his anger. He said to Mi Yang, "You don't need to separate me from General Sun."

"The Marquis of Wu has shown me the kindness of knowing, favoring and trusting me.

Unfortunately, he died young, but I am not an ungrateful person, so I will naturally transfer my loyalty to him to General Sun."

Seeing how angry Yu Fan was, Mi Yang also stopped talking.

Seeing that Mi Yang had stopped quarreling, Yu Fan fluttered his sleeves and stepped onto the hanging basket, just as he slowly descended with the hanging basket.

Mi Yang's words drifted from the city to Yu Fan's ears.

"The Marquis of Wu was very kind to you, and Lord Yu knew how to repay his kindness and helped his younger brother. This kind of mutual understanding between the king and his ministers is really touching."

"But I just don't know where the heirs of Marquis Wu are now."

"Are you the new Marquis of Wu?"

As soon as Mi Yang said this, Yu Fan was so angry that he hit the edge of the hanging basket with his palm.

Didn't you stop talking about it?

After hearing Mi Yang's words, even Sun Huan's expression changed drastically.

At this moment, Yu Fan happened to pass by Sun Huan, and the two of them looked at each other again.

But at this time, the eyes of these two people were full of deep guilt.

Then the two people's eyes subconsciously turned away from each other.

At that time, Sun Huan's father, Sun He, was really loyal to Sun Ce.

Moreover, it was Sun Ce who changed Sun He's surname to Sun and listed him as a clan member.

Sun Huan had heard his elder brother mention this kind of deep friendship between his father and his father since he was a child.

In the ears of Yu Fan and Sun Huan, who both had a deep connection with Sun Ce, when Mi Yang mentioned Sun Ce's son Sun Shao, both of them looked guilty.

It's not because Sun Shao is now dead, but because neither of them has completed Sun Ce's original commission.

Although Sun Ce handed over military power to Sun Quan before his death and ordered him to protect Jiangdong.

But his title of Marquis of Wu at that time was not passed on to Sun Quan.

Although Sun Ce did not make any special arrangements for his only son for the sake of Jiangdong's stability.

But judging from the fact that he did not pass the title to Sun Quan and named his son Shao, Sun Ce hoped that Sun Shao would inherit his title.

The word Shao originally means inheritance.

After all, there is nothing wrong with Sun Ce wanting to pass on the title he earned with his life to his son.

However, Sun Ce did not express this matter in front of Jiangdong ministers at that time.

Sun Ce's purpose was to maintain Sun Quan's prestige and ensure that there would be no setbacks in his succession.

Sun Ce gave all his power to Sun Quan and thought about Sun Quan before he died.

He thought that after his death and Sun Shao grew up, his beloved biological brother would fulfill his last wish.

But nearly twenty years have passed, and Sun Shao has grown up, but Sun Quan seems to have forgotten this matter.

Not only Sun Quan, but all Jiangdong officials seemed to have forgotten this matter.

Even under their deliberate neglect, it seemed as if Sun Ce had no descendants at all.

Nearly twenty years have passed, but the last wish of Sun Ce, the true founder of Jiangdong, has not yet been fulfilled.

How could this not make Yu Fan and Sun Huan feel guilty?

After feeling guilty, the two of them thought of all the actions Sun Quan had taken against Sun Shao over the years.

The more I think about these two people, the worse I feel.

Once some things that have been deliberately forgotten are remembered, thoughts will come flooding back.

And this trend will continue to impact their original concepts.

Yu Fan, who was going down to the city, had cold eyes and didn't know what he was thinking.

Sun Huan, who was hanging on the top of the city, stopped whining and seemed to feel something.

On the city wall, Yu Jin asked Mi Yang, "Zisheng, what's the use of alienating Yu Zhongxiang, who is humble and insignificant?"

Facing Jin's question, Mi Yang smiled and replied, "How can I say this is a estrangement? I'm just reminding Yu Zhongxiang of some facts.

Although Yu Zhongxiang is now in a humble position and has little power, he comes from a wealthy family in Jiangdong.

Because of his background, although his official position is not high, his prestige among the Jiangdong clan is high and he is the best choice."

"Such a person's ideas will affect many people."

When speaking, Mi Yang's tone was determined.

In fact, not only did people in later generations laugh at Jiangdong's fighting prowess, many people in the current generation also looked down on Sun Quan, such as Guan Yu.

But in fact, Jiangdong gives people a feeling that their combat power is stretched. It is not that Jiangdong's soldiers have low combat power, but that they encountered a master whose combat power is seriously negative.

Danyang's infantry is the best in the world.

At that time, Cao Cao even went to Danyang County specifically to recruit elite soldiers.

The fact that Cao Cao was interested in this source of troops shows that the fighting power of Jiangdong's soldiers was very strong.

When Sun Ce proposed to take over Jiangdong, who would say that Jiangdong's fighting power was not good?

The flag of the Sun family must be lowered in every city. This was the impression Sun Ce gave to the world at that time.

However, after Sun Quan succeeded to the throne, he suffered repeated defeats in battles, which drained the entire Jiangdong's energy.

During the Battle of Chibi, the world laughed a lot at Zhang Zhao and other ministers of the Yuan Dynasty who surrendered.

But at that time, it was actually because of Sun Quan's performance that Zhang Zhao was extremely disappointed.

Sun Quan fought against Jiangxia County for several years.

The key point is that all the elite troops in Jiangxia County had already been wiped out by Sun Ce when he was in power.

With such a military strategy, how could Zhang Zhao and others have confidence in Sun Quan?

During the Battle of Chibi, if Sun Ce was still there, Zhang Zhao, an old man with a strong personality, would most likely not have thought of surrendering.

With the failure of Sun Quan's military strategy, everyone lost confidence.

Naturally, the ministers in Jiangdong will miss their scenery during Sun Ce's era.

After Sun Ce died, their nostalgia for Sun Ce would naturally be transferred to Sun Ce's son Sun Shao.

Mi Yang took the initiative to mention Sun Quan's injustice to Sun Shao in front of Yu Fan today, and mentioned the existence of Sun Shao, Sun Ce's son, in order to amplify Yu Fan's longing for Sun Ce in Yu Fan's heart.

It won't be of much use now.

But there is no doubt that this move will plant a seed in Yu Fan's heart.

This seed will one day thrive in the future, until it finally grows into a towering tree, and finally breaks through the sky of Jiangdong.

Including Sun Huan under the city.

A thousand-mile embankment was destroyed by an ant nest.

It's just that this kind of thinking is not understandable to outsiders.

Historically, Sun Quan never became a Marquis of Wu. His title was Marquis of Nanchang and later King of Wu.

Wu Hou was always referring to Sun Ce.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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