Chapter 121 Lu Meng Spits Blood Ten

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Chapter 121 Lu Meng Vomits Blood (Ten updates! Please order first!)

Yu Fan was beside Lu Meng at this time, his face turned pale with fright, but he remembered what he just said.

But when Yu Fan looked at Lu Meng, he found that Lu Meng's face was much uglier than him.

Yu Fan learned a lot and was proficient in everything, especially medical skills.

When Lu Meng wanted him to come to him, it was because Yu Fan was proficient in medical skills.

He didn't pay much attention to it in the past, but now he was standing next to Lu Meng. After carefully observing Lu Meng's face, Yu Fan felt as if a storm had stirred up in his heart!

Inner City Police Department.

Huang Gai looked at the groups of elite soldiers walking out from the ruins of houses in front of him, and watched the torches light up in the dark night.

He couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart.

I'm afraid his Jiangdong spear will be broken here today.

As groups of finely armored soldiers lined up in formation on the wide road, Guan Ping appeared in front of the soldiers with a broadsword in hand, surrounded by numerous firelights.

As the son of Guan Yu, Guan Ping knew Huang Gai.

When Zhou Yu was still alive, Huang Gai even fought with Guan Yu under Zhou Yu's command.

When he saw that it was Huang Gai who led the troops into the inner city, Guan Ping felt as if he was in another world.

Once upon a time, they were allies, but now they are at war with each other.

Guan Ping rode his horse to Huang Gai and said to him, "Old General Huang, surrender."

Guan Ping's call to surrender reached Huang Gai's ears along with the screams of many Jiangdong soldiers, but Huang Gai's heart was not shaken at all.

Huang Gai, who had fought together with Guan Yu, admired Guan Yu in his heart, but unfortunately each had his own master.

Huang Gai stroked his long beard and said, "I am an old minister of the Sun family. If I surrender today."

"After I die, how will I go to see Wentai?"

"Since we are surrounded, we can only fight to the death."

I remember that back then I was famous all over the world with my fire, but now I am blocked by the fire and am in a state of death.

Huang Gai couldn't help but feel that life was unpredictable, but this ending was not a bad ending for him.

Huang Gai rode his yellow horse, raised a spear, and took the lead in killing Guan Ping.

As Huang Gai moved, the more than a thousand soldiers behind him were afraid, but they were all Huang Gai's private soldiers and were loyal to Huang Gai.

Therefore, they all followed Huang Gai brazenly and charged towards the enemy in front.

Seeing this scene, Guan Ping sighed.

Then he also rode his horse and led the soldiers behind him in formation.

In front of the two armies, when the two generals Huang Gai and Guan Ping were about to meet, their horse heads were raised high at the same time.

The next moment, the spears and knives of the two men collided with each other, causing a burst of sparks.

Samoko, who was outside the city, was already furious.

It has been a month since he came to Gong'an City. During this month, he was grateful for Mi Yang's kindness to him and wanted to repay Mi Yang.

He asked Mi Yang to fight several times, but Mi Yang declined him on the grounds that the time had not come yet.

This made Shamoko hold his breath in his heart.

During this period of time, he was like a beast that had been hungry for a long time.

Tonight, when he received Mi Yang's order to send troops, he immediately led most of the barbarians to the west gate of the Public Security Bureau.

After he arrived at the battlefield, he saw thousands of Jiangdong rats gathered outside the west gate. At this moment, Samoko became excited.

He was willing to stay in the police, not only to repay Mi Yang for his favor, but also to make contributions.

And in this world, what can be done faster than harvesting the enemy's heads?

As a result, Shamoko led thousands of screaming barbarians and charged into the more than a thousand Jiangdong soldiers who were already frightened.

The morale of these more than a thousand Jiangdong soldiers had already collapsed. They were no match for the barbarians led by the tiger general Samoko.

Compared with ordinary Han soldiers, the barbarian soldiers who have lived in the mountains and fields for a long time have an extra wild and bloodthirsty nature.

When a tiger joins a flock of sheep, it is not a battle, but a massacre.

Because there were many barbarians and few Jiangdong soldiers, in order to compete for credit, the barbarian soldiers took the lead bravely, chasing and killing the Jiangdong soldiers who were fleeing in all directions.

The barbarian soldiers who were not familiar with the Han military system, after killing the enemy, directly cut off the corpse's head and hung it on their waist, and then continued to kill the next enemy.

After a while, the good warriors among the barbarians had several heads hanging on them.

Then he took these bloody heads and hunted down the Jiangdong soldiers everywhere.

The head on his body kept beating with the movements of the barbarian soldiers, and the blood covered the whole body of the barbarian soldiers, which was terrifying.

If Gong'an City at this time was the realm of the underworld, then these barbarian soldiers were like bloodthirsty demons released from hell by Mi Yang, the king of Yama, and they were frightening to watch.

Mi Yang saw the crazy fighting state of the Wuxi barbarians on the city wall and couldn't help but secretly gasped.

No wonder Ji Han liked to recruit ethnic minorities as soldiers in history.

With this combat power, coupled with the advanced weapons and equipment of the Han army, it is enough to compete with any elite force in the world.

While Samoko was leading the barbarians to massacre Jiangdong soldiers, Zhou Tai also led his troops to the moat.

When Zhou Tai and the soldiers behind him saw the murderous state of the barbarians on the opposite side, they couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Where did these thousands of people come from?

But the situation was critical. At this moment, Zhou Tai vaguely heard shouts of killing coming from the police station.

He knew that the two generals Huang Gai and Jiang Qin in the city were leading the remaining troops to resist the enemy's attack.

Worried about the safety of the two of them, Zhou Tai hurriedly ordered his soldiers behind him to build a simple pontoon bridge.

This simple pontoon is not sturdy, but because it is quick to build, it is suitable for temporary use.

But how could Mi Yang, who was on the city wall at this time, allow Zhou Tai to successfully build the pontoon bridge?

So at Mi Yang's order, arrows rained down from the city wall, flying towards Zhou Tai's soldiers.

Even though Zhou Tai had taken precautions and ordered the soldiers behind him to raise their shields to block the arrows, many soldiers were still hit and fell by the dense rain of arrows.

Especially those soldiers who were building the pontoon bridge, none of them survived.

This scene made Zhou Tai gnash his teeth angrily, but facing Mi Yang's condescending advantage, he had nothing to do.

Jiangdong’s soldiers can’t fly!

If looks could kill Mi Yang, Mi Yang would have been cut to pieces by Zhou Tai.

At this time, Mi Yang, who was on the city wall about to let the soldiers fire a second round of arrows, received letters from various cities asking for help.

Seeing that Huang Gai was still fighting with Guan Ping in the city, and that the more than a thousand Jiangdong soldiers outside the city had not been cleared away, and that Mi Yang had not completed all the plans in his heart, he shouted at the messengers,

"The enemy is attacking the city late at night, so why should we be afraid!"

"The enemy troops at the west gate have not yet been cleared, and no reinforcements have been sent."

"Go back and tell you, the generals, that as long as I repel the enemy forces at Ximen, the rest of the enemy forces will disperse."

"Now is the time for us to kill the enemy for our country, why are we so timid?"

"Anyone who dares to speak out and ask for help will be killed!"

This is the first time Mi Yang has lost his temper in front of everyone, but despite this, with Mi Yang's current prestige, his anger is enough to make people fearful.

Pity the messengers, they were frightened by Mi Yang's fierce shouting, and then hurried back to report to their respective generals.

The reason why Mi Yang refused to ask for help was not because he was not worried about the safety of the remaining city walls.

But in his opinion, the safety of those city walls was not in danger of falling in a short period of time.

It is not easy to attack a field at night in today's world, let alone lead an army to attack a city late at night?

This move is more of a bluff.

Do you really think that all the generals in Jiangdong are Han Xin and Sun Wu?

Moreover, although Mi Yang sent most of the city's defenders to the west city, he left enough soldiers to garrison in the other gates.

Even if Lü Meng attacks one gate together, the soldiers can hold it for a long time, let alone attacking in three gates now.

The reason why Lu Meng sent troops to attack the remaining city walls at this time was to surround Wei and rescue Zhao, and to create conditions for Zhou Tai to rescue Huang Gai.

The more Lu Meng planned this, the more Mi Yang refused to let him get his wish.

It's true that everyone in Ji Han is easy to bully. He deceived him once and did it again.

Mi Yang will definitely make Lu Meng pay a heavy price tonight!

Under Mi Yang's firm attitude, not a single Jingzhou soldier from Ximen was transferred.

The battle between Guan Ping and Huang Gai was in full swing below the city, but on top of the city, Mi Yang was also constantly directing the soldiers to fire arrows to prevent Zhou Tai's soldiers from building a pontoon bridge.

Under Mi Yang's constant firing of arrows to stop him, the casualties of Zhou Tai's men were increasing, but almost an hour had passed and a pontoon bridge had not yet been built!

Seeing this scene, the brave Zhou Tai couldn't bear it anymore.

Tonight, if you die, you will die.

When we meet on a narrow road, the brave wins.

Zhou Tai immediately ordered all his soldiers to hide behind their shields and take off their armor.

Zhou Tai planned to lead the soldiers behind him to swim through the water.

But what Zhou Tai never expected was that there was another person who had the same idea as him and was more decisive than him.

That person is Samoko.

Thousands of barbarians have been cleared away, and there are more than a thousand Jiangdong soldiers outside the city gate.

However, they felt that they had not yet exhausted their killing pleasure, so they immediately looked at the thousands of Zhou Tai's infantry on the opposite side, eager for credit.

So, driven by the desire for credit in his heart, Shamoko commanded his barbarian soldiers in the Wuxi barbarian language, and they all entered the water and swam directly to the opposite side.

Zhou Tai on the opposite side and Mi Yang on the city wall were stunned when they saw this move of thousands of barbarian soldiers.

Zhou Tai's soldiers were still taking off their clothes and armor, but the Wuxi barbarians dared to directly wear their armor and enter the water to come towards him.

Maybe Zhou Tai's soldiers are very good at water, but compared to the Wuxi barbarians who regard fishing and hunting as their survival instinct, they are still slightly inferior.

When Mi Yang saw this scene, he was also stunned.

He never gave Samoko the order to pursue across the river.

At this time, Wang Hong, who was beside Mi Yang, said to him, "Master, although the barbarian soldiers are extremely brave, they have their own wild nature."

"If we don't tame these wild animals first, it may be difficult to control them later."

Wang Hong's words made Mi Yang feel the same way.

It is true that Samoko valued friendship, but in order to truly take these barbarians for his own use, kindness alone was not enough.

But this is not the time to worry about these things.

Mi Yang reacted quickly. He immediately asked the city to release a rain of arrows to cover the crossing of thousands of barbarians.

Thousands of barbarian soldiers fell into the river one after another like dumplings.

It was as if they had released their innate skills in the water, and their speed in the water was not slowed down by the weight on their bodies.

Because the barbarian soldiers all carried bloody heads around their waists, the river turned red in an instant after they entered the water.

Fortunately, they were all wearing specially treated cloth armor. Otherwise, if they were all iron armor, it would be useless no matter how water-resistant they were.

Soon after, a small group of barbarians landed ashore, and the first one among them was Samoko.

The demon-like Samoko has the most heads on his body, but he is the fastest.

Shamoko held a huge iron caltrop and howled at Zhou Tai to kill him.

Zhou Tai originally wanted to lead his army halfway across the river and attack, but with the cover of the arrows from Jingzhou soldiers on the city wall, his plan could only be stopped abruptly.

When Shamoko charged towards him, Zhou Tai, who always relied on his own strength, angrily stepped forward with his troops and met Shamoko head-on.

As soon as he took over, Zhou Tai was knocked back several steps by Shamoko's huge force.

Zhou Tai's retreat caused the morale of the soldiers behind him to drop a lot.

Compared to Shamoko, whose strength is at its peak, Zhou Tai is also a fierce general, but he is already old after all.

Just after Samoko came ashore, more and more barbarians began to come ashore and started to kill Zhou Tai's soldiers.

Soon after, the two armies formally clashed together.

The morale of the Wuxi barbarians was high, and they were led by a fierce general like Samoko, so for a while the Wuxi barbarians had the upper hand on the battlefield.

Just as Shamoke led the Wuxi barbarians and kept charging and killing Zhou Tai's infantry, Guan Ping had already led Huang Gai's head to Mi Yang's side.

Looking at the bloody human head, Mi Yang felt extremely happy.

At this point, the six thousand elites and two generals sent by Lu Meng have been lost in the public security city, but our own losses have been very few.

This was a huge and hearty victory.

After the war, Jiangdong's army was not far away from retreating.

Looking at the camp in front of Jiangdong not far away, Mi Yang asked thousands of soldiers in the city to shout one sentence:

"Lü Du's clever plan to calm the world, he lost the general and lost the army"!

The public security soldiers who had just won a great victory were full of morale.

Under Mi Yang's instructions, when they shouted these words, they also kept beating the city wall in front of them with the weapons in their hands, thereby making a celebratory collision sound.

The cheers and shouts of thousands of soldiers and the celebrations of thousands of weapons hitting the city wall were first heard by Zhou Tai's infantry below the city, which made their morale even lower.

And when these thousands of sounds were carried along the wind to Lu Meng's ears who were on a high platform not far away, he heard the words Mi Yang specially prepared for him: "Lu Du's clever plan to calm the world, he lost the general and lost the army."


Lu Meng, who had already guessed the fate of Huang Gai and Jiang Qin, could no longer suppress the pain in his body because of the shame and anger in his heart.

A mouthful of blood that had been suppressed for a long time sprayed directly from Lu Meng's mouth onto the faces of the generals in front of him, and then he fell straight down, clutching his chest.

Lu Meng's fall caused horror to appear on the faces of all Jiangdong generals present.

The whole place was instantly in chaos.

At this time, the cheers of the public security soldiers were still floating in the air.

The high morale of the Public Security City is in sharp contrast to the current chaotic Jiangdong Camp.

Mi Yang finally reported Jiangdong’s hatred for betraying the alliance!

I originally wanted to wait until evening to write, but there were too many comments urging me to update, and some people joined the group to say they wanted to "kill" me, so I had no choice but to update first while I was at work.

The promise of ten updates has been paid.

The last update is 4,000 words long.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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