Chapter 150 The Three Greatest Reunions Rumors of the Wei Army

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Chapter 150 The Three Heroes Reunite Rumors about Wei Jun

After several days of marching, the reinforcements led by Liu Bei personally finally arrived outside Xiangyang City.

Guan Yu and other Han generals had received the news in advance, so they waited outside the camp early to greet Liu Bei's army.

Guan Yu and other generals did not have to wait for too long, and the huge marching team came into sight of Guan Yu and other generals.

The sound of tens of thousands of troops stepping on the ground came from far and near, shocking.

On the endless wilderness, the Hanzhong King's Banner whistled in the cold wind, and it was Liu Bei, the King of Hanzhong, who was riding his horse under the Crimson King's Banner.

Liu Bei, who was accustomed to the hard work of traveling and riding, did not want to sit in a car. He was dressed in military uniform, like a general, riding in front of tens of thousands of troops, and personally commanded tens of thousands of troops towards the Han army camp not far away.


As he said in Yufu County, "Brothers support their brothers, and they are the vanguard generals."

Liu Bei, who was walking at the forefront of the army, soon saw Guan Yu and others outside the Han army camp. His face showed joy and he quickly galloped towards Guan Yu with his whip raised.

After quickly arriving in front of Guan Yu and others, Liu Bei immediately dismounted. Before Guan Yu and others could salute him, he stepped forward and hugged Guan Yu tightly.

Liu Bei hugged Guan Yu and slapped Guan Yu's back several times with his palms.

"As long as nothing happens, it will be good."

Liu Bei's words were full of joy.

Liu Bei's kind words resounded before the generals. Those who had followed Liu Bei early were not surprised by Liu Bei's reaction, but those who later joined Liu Bei's camp were all surprised.

This is not how a monarch should behave when meeting his ministers, and the relationship between compatriots is nothing more than this.

Seeing Liu Bei and Guan Yu embracing each other, the ministers behind Guan Yu were all stunned.

Should I pray at this time or not?

Not to do so would be disrespectful to you.

Bye, if they interrupt the meeting between Liu Bei and Guan Yu, they will make Liu Bei unhappy, right?!

Among the ministers, cold sweat began to break out on Pan Jun's back.

In the 14th year of Jian'an, he was appointed by Liu Bei to serve in Jingzhou and follow Liu Bei to station in the public security department. Guan Yu was appointed by Liu Bei to be the prefect of Xiangyang and led troops to station in Jingbei.

Although he heard that Liu Bei and Guan Yu had a deep relationship at that time, he felt that no matter how deep the relationship was, it was just that of a monarch and his ministers. Therefore, after Liu Bei entered Shu, he and Guan Yu, who were appointed by Liu Bei to manage Jingzhou affairs, had always been at odds with each other.

Even Pan Jun thought he had a clean reputation and often acted against Guan Yu.

In the past, Pan Jun didn't think it was a big deal. After all, he was a contemporary celebrity, and Guan Yu was just a warrior no matter how favored he was by Liu Bei.

How can there be a monarch who does not love celebrities and warriors?

Now he saw that Liu Bei's request to Guan Yu was nothing more than a relationship between a monarch and a minister. It was nothing more than that between brothers.

Then the panic in Pan Jun's heart began to emerge uncontrollably.

He was afraid that Guan Yu would sue him to Liu Bei, so how could he be better off?

Faced with Liu Bei's caring actions, Guan Yu also had a smile on his face.

His smile was brighter than when he flooded the Seventh Army, and even brighter than when he learned that Mi Yang had defeated the Wu Army.

It was an uncontrollable pleasure.

In the 16th year of Jian'an, Liu Bei led his army into Shu. From then on, Guan Yu stayed in Jingzhou.

In the 18th year of Jian'an, Liu Bei's attack on Shu was unsuccessful, so he ordered Zhuge Liang, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun and other generals to go to Shu to support him.

Later, in the 20th year of Jian'an, due to Sun Quan's surprise attack on Jingzhou, Liu Bei went to Jingzhou in person to resist Sun Quan together with Guan Yu.

All in all, Liu Bei and Guan Yu have not seen each other for nearly six years.

Guan Yu was in sole control of Jingzhou for nearly eight years.

Time flies, and the nearly six years since we have not seen each other is enough to change many people.

The eight years that Guan Yu held sole control of a state were enough to change a lot of things.

However, Liu Bei did not have any doubts about Guan Yu who stayed in Jingzhou because of the long absence of each other and Guan Yu's many years of monopoly power. Instead, he continued to favor him.

In Liu Bei's heart, Guan Yu has always been his most trusted and most important general.

Guan Yu did not have any dissatisfaction because he had held great power and ruled a state for many years.

He has always been loyal to Liu Bei and guarded Jingzhou, which could help Liu Bei achieve his imperial career.

We haven't seen each other for many years, but our love is still as strong as gold. You don't doubt your ministers, and your ministers don't doubt you.

Later generations often envy the friendship between Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang, where the emperor and his ministers will fight to the death, but the same friendship has been written many times in Liu Bei and Guan Yu.

Enough to be passed down through the ages.

After Liu Bei patted Guan Yu's back a few times, he let go of Guan Yu, and then he began to look at Guan Yu carefully.

When he saw a newly healed wound on Guan Yu's forehead, he couldn't help but frown.

He asked Guan Yu: "Who hurt this?"

Seeing that Liu Bei noticed the wound on his forehead, Guan Yu bowed to Liu Bei and said: "Your Majesty, this is Pang De's wound."

Hearing what Guan Yu said, Liu Bei began to look angry on his face.

The forehead is already considered a vital part of a person's body. Even if Pang De didn't kill Guan Yu with an arrow at that time, it should have caused Guan Yu a lot of injuries.

Thinking that he might not be able to see Guan Yu because of Pound, Liu Bei said angrily: "When the news about Yunchang's execution of Pound reached Chengdu, some ministers were still talking about it, saying that Yunchang was not magnanimous."

"Now it seems that the person who hurt me, Yunchang, deserves to be killed!"

Then Liu Bei asked Guan Yu, "Since this matter has happened, why didn't you report it to me?"

Guan Yu saw that Liu Bei was showing signs of dissatisfaction because of this incident, so he smiled and reported back: "It's just a minor injury. Your Majesty has everything to do, so there is no need to retaliate from thousands of miles away."

"At that time, the battle situation was critical. Considering the overall situation, even if you were injured, you should remain motionless."

Guan Yu did not lie.

He was shot in the forehead with an arrow by Pang De, and he was bleeding continuously.

However, in order to stabilize the morale of the soldiers, he still endured the pain and got up to inspect the camps after a simple bandage, which calmed the morale of the soldiers.

Without this move, there would have been no subsequent flooding of the Seventh Army.

Liu Bei has known Guan Yu for many years, and of course he knew what Guan Yu would do after being injured, but because he knew, he felt unbearable.

He knew that Guan Yu did this to complete his great cause.

At this time, Liu Bei looked at Pan Jun behind Guan Yu. Liu Bei asked Pan Jun in a serious tone: "It's fine if Yun Chang doesn't report this matter."

"You have been appointed by Gu as the second deputy of Jingzhou to assist Yunchang."

"The coach was injured, but you didn't report the matter to me. Why?"

Liu Bei is famous for his kindness to others, but his kindness is not bottomless.

He also has a fierce scene when facing some people and things.

Pan Jun was already in a state of fear, but then Liu Bei looked at him with a stern tone, which made Pan Jun panic even more.

He was so eloquent for a moment that he was unable to answer.

Seeing Pan Jun hesitating, Liu Bei became even more dissatisfied.

However, Guan Yu took the initiative to rescue Pan Jun, saying that he was the one who made the decision to block the news at that time in order not to worry Liu Bei.

Hearing what Guan Yu said, Liu Bei just turned his stern eyes away from Pan Jun's face.

The reason why Liu Bei was harsh towards Pan Jun was actually not just because Pan Jun did not report Guan Yu's injury to him.

After he led his army to Jingzhou, he summoned many Jingzhou officials to inquire about the situation in Jingzhou in recent years.

After understanding, Liu Bei also heard the news that Pan Jun and Guan Yu were not getting along.

In Liu Bei's view, the crisis in Jingzhou this time was not only due to the duplicitous foreign threat of Sun Quan, but also because of internal troubles under his rule.

For example, Shiren, who had been following him, as a public security guard, actually had an affair with a foreign enemy.

For example, Liu Feng, who was stationed in Dongsan County, as his son, actually supported his troops and respected himself.

Without these two people, Jingzhou would definitely not be in such a critical situation.

After knowing this, Liu Bei was determined to start a major personnel adjustment after the war for the long-term peace and stability of Jingzhou.

Otherwise, if the internal worries are not eliminated, Jingzhou will always be in trouble.

Pan Jun, who had always been at odds with Guan Yu, was naturally on Liu Bei's inspection list.

While Liu Bei was having a conversation with Guan Yu and his ministers, the 20,000 troops behind Liu Bei had already arrived outside the camp.

The ministers who accompanied the army on the expedition also came one after another behind Liu Bei.

Although Liu Bei brought 30,000 troops into Jing this time, he previously sent Li Yan to lead 5,000 troops to support the public security.

Later, Guan Yu and Mi Yang won successive victories, which resulted in many prisoners in Jiangling City, so Liu Bei assigned 5,000 troops to Mi Fang to garrison Jiangling.

After two divisions of troops, only 20,000 of the army he brought were left.

Liu Bei saw that all the ministers had arrived, so he ordered them to enter the camp to discuss military affairs.

Mi Yang, among the ministers, had just seen the meeting between Liu Bei and Guan Yu from afar on his horse.

When he saw that scene, Mi Yang felt a huge sense of joy at making up for the regrets in his heart.

In the original history, the meeting in Jingzhou in the 20th year of Jian'an was the last meeting between Liu Bei and Guan Yu.

In the twenty-fifth year of Jian'an, Liu Bei received the news that Guan Yu's head was missing, and he could not control his grief.

Now, with his efforts, all the regrets in history have been changed by him. Mi Yang only feels that his efforts during this period were not in vain.

Later, relying on his original memory, he saw Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong and others beside Guan Yu.

Huang Zhong died of illness naturally, so there is no need to worry about him.

As for Zhang Fei, this needs careful planning.

After all, what really killed Zhang Fei was his character.

It's just that Mi Yang doesn't know yet that he has been designated as his son-in-law by Guan Yu.

Guan Yu's commander's tent in the Han army's camp was not large, and could only accommodate dozens of ministers for discussion at most.

And this time Liu Bei alone brought more than a few dozen named ministers.

Therefore, Liu Bei ordered that only military officers with a rank above general and civil servants with a rank above Yilang should enter the tent to discuss matters.

As a partial general and a Marquis of Guan Nei, Mi Yang was of course qualified to enter the palace to discuss matters.

And because he was a marquis, he was seated quite near the front.

If a young man like Mi Yang dared to sit in such a high position in the past, he would naturally be dissatisfied by the officials.

But now, with Mi Yang's military exploits, if he doesn't sit near the front, at least half of the people in the big tent will not dare to sit down.

After Liu Bei sat on the commander's seat and all the ministers took their seats, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei looked at each other, and then they both walked behind Liu Bei and acted as guards.

This move by Guan Yu and Zhang Fei was completely spontaneous.

When Liu Bei saw Guan Yu and Zhang Fei behaving like this, he only showed a gentle smile on his face, and his eyes were full of memories.

He did not stop the now world-famous Guan Yu and Zhang Fei from acting as his bodyguards.

When Liu Bei's status was not high and his reputation was not high, whenever he was entertaining guests and discussing affairs, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, two men with ten thousand enemies, would stand by Liu Bei's side to protect him.

Later, as Liu Bei's career grew stronger, Guan Yu stayed in Jingzhou and Zhang Fei stayed in Langzhong. This scene of Liu Bei discussing affairs and guarding Zhang has not happened again in the past ten years.

No matter how powerful Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are today, they have never forgotten their original intentions.

No matter how noble Liu Bei's status is now, he will always trust Guan Yu and Zhang Fei to give his back.

This is a memory that belongs exclusively to Liu, Guan, and Zhang, and no one can replace it.

The three heroes reunited, and what they gathered was loyalty.

After all the ministers were seated, Liu Bei looked at Wang Fu and asked him what the recent movements of the Wei army on the other side were.

Wang Fu was in charge of intelligence collection for Guan Yu, so after Liu Bei asked, Wang Fu immediately came out and told Liu Bei all the intelligence during this period.

The first thing I want to say is: since Zhang Liao discovered that there was a place for troops in the lower reaches of the Han River, Cao Cao ordered Cao Ren and Zhang Liao to take advantage of their strong military strength to sneak across the Han River in various places downstream.

water river bank.

Because the Wei army had a large number of troops, and the Wei army had many cavalry and moved quickly, several places on the lower reaches of the south bank of the Han River were eventually lost under the continuous attacks of the Wei army.

But fortunately, because Zhao Yun blocked Zhang Liao's previous battle, Guan Yu had already taken precautions against the downstream.

In addition, the reinforcements from Zhang Fei and Huang Zhong arrived in time, so Guan Yu led the army to block the attack and blocked the Wei army in the lower reaches of the south bank of the Han River, preventing them from advancing any further.

So today, generally speaking, the Han and Wei armies still maintain a confrontational situation.

Hearing this, Liu Bei nodded slightly.

Then Wang Fu talked about a story that was spread among the Wei army.

That was at the Wei army's New Year's Day banquet a few days ago, when Guan Yu read Mi Yang's battle report in order to attack the tens of thousands of Han troops.

The officials of Cao and Wei who heard the report of Mi Yang's battle on the high platform seemed to be in panic.

King Cao Cao of Wei even fell down on a high platform. According to rumors, he was drunk.

At the New Year's Day banquet that day, Cao Cao held a meeting with his ministers on a high platform. Almost all the prominent Wei ministers in the army at that time attended.

But because of the large number of people, only the middle and high-level officials of the Wei army were qualified to gather on the high platform.

As for most of the rest of Wei Chen, most of them are just distributed on the left and right floors of the high platform steps.

Both Guan Yu and Cao Cao had spies stationed in each other's camps, but the spies' positions were not too high.

The highest level that spies can come into contact with is Wei Chen like this.

Those Wei ministers were not on the high platform, so they did not know that Cao Cao was so angry that he had a headache and fainted because of Mi Yang's battle report.

But from their sight, they could vaguely see Cao Cao falling.

But they couldn't tell for sure, after all, it was night.

Since then, rumors spread among the Wei army that Cao Cao fell drunk after singing drunkenly at a banquet.

After Liu Bei heard this information, his eyes lit up, and he asked Wang Fu: "Has Cao Cao appeared in the army in recent days?"

Wang Fu thought about the intelligence he had collected recently, shook his head and replied, "Nothing."

Wang Fu's answer made Liu Bei start to express his thoughts.

Although Liu Bei already had some ideas in his mind, he could not make an accurate judgment because the current information was too little.

One was that Cao Cao was drunk, and the other was that Cao Cao had not shown up for several days.

As the king of Wei, although it is a bit strange that Cao Cao has not shown up for a few days, it is easy to understand.

After all, even if he wakes up, unless something big happens, he will mostly meet with senior Wei officials in the big tent.

As for the drunkenness, Wang Fu bluntly said it was a rumor.

Although rumors are also a kind of information, if you want to use this information, you must first determine whether it is true or false.

This is also the reason why Guan Yu kept his troops stationary after hearing this rumor before Liu Bei arrived.

After Mi Yang heard these two pieces of information, his eyes flashed brightly.

It seems that Cao Cao is going to drive Hexian soon.

I'm going to code Chapter 2 now. I slept too late last night.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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