Chapter 173 Ascension to the altar to win the alliance, the end of the wedding day!

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Chapter 173: Promotion to the Altar and Alliance: The Wedding Day (End!)

The anger on Sun Quan's face disappeared before he even took a breath.

The current situation is not with him, and he doesn't even have the confidence to get angry.

After the anger on his face dissipated, Sun Quan's expression turned silent.

And his expression was also noticed by Deng Zhi.

Deng Zhi knew that Sun Quan was already willing to compromise.

Deng Zhi continued to say to Sun Quan: "I, Wang Ren, believe in the world, and I signed the alliance with the general sincerely."

"Now my king just wants to put the covenant with the general on paper. This is a reasonable thing. I don't know why the general is still hesitant."

"The general's hesitation may make my king doubt the general's sincerity."

"Cao Cao is a traitor to the country."

"Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the evil deeds he has done cannot be washed away even if all the water from the Yangtze River is poured out."

"If the general still hopes to get along with him, it is tantamount to seeking the skin of a tiger."

"If the general is willing to sign a formal alliance with me today and announce it to the world, with my king's trustworthiness, I will live up to the general's promise."

"If the general insists on seeking skin from a tiger, I can't dissuade him."

After finishing speaking, Deng Zhi shook his sleeves, then stood up, as if he was about to leave.

Seeing this scene, the silence on Sun Quan's face disappeared in an instant and turned into anxiety.

He quickly got up and called Deng Zhi to stop him.

After Deng Zhi was stopped by him, Sun Quan walked down the steps, grabbed Deng Zhi's sleeve and said, "Why is Bo Miao so impatient!"

Faced with Sun Quan's pull, Deng Zhi did not resist, or in other words, he had been waiting for Sun Quan to make such a move.

Sun Quan held Deng Zhi's arm and pulled him to his original seat.

After asking Deng Zhi to sit down, Sun Quan returned to his seat and sat down, then he said with a look of anger on his face:

"Bo Miao was too impatient. The alliance announced that the world was of great importance and I was just considering it, so Bo Miao became angry."

Facing Sun Quan's false accusation, Deng Zhi's face remained solemn. He asked Sun Quan: "General, has he thought about it now?"

Under Deng Zhi's questioning, although there was a hint of dissatisfaction in Sun Quan's eyes, a smile appeared on his face and he said:

"Gu's sincerity can be proved by Changsha and Guiyang."

"Now that the King of Hanzhong has signed a letter of alliance and asked for it, how can Gu ignore the sincere wishes of his allies and refuse?"

Hearing what Sun Quan said, a smile appeared on Deng Zhi's face.

Seeing the smile on Deng Zhi's face, although Sun Quan was dissatisfied, he was helpless.

After all, it was his intention to ask for peace from Liu Bei and even restore the Liu-Sun alliance.

Although his original intention was just to buy time for Jiangdong to recuperate, but now that his invitation has been made and Liu Bei has agreed, there is no room for change in the matter in a short time.

After all, he had handed over Sundeng and Changsha counties at this time. If he refused to sign a formal alliance at this time and offended Liu Bei, he would not be willing to bear the consequences.

The reason why Sun Quan was unwilling to sign a formal alliance with Liu Bei was because he was worried that it would offend Cao Cao.

But under Deng Zhi's words, he understood that Jiangdong was currently the weakest among the three. Even if he did not anger Cao Cao, there was no guarantee that Cao Cao would not attack him first and attack him first.

In this case, he might as well firmly ally with Liu Bei, at least Sun Quan can trust Liu Bei's credibility.

As long as Cao Cao is not destroyed, Liu Bei will not easily have thoughts about Jiangdong.

The world is divided into three parts, and the three families are at odds with each other. It is not feasible to make friends with both sides. The final result is most likely to be enemies of both families at the same time.

Alliance with Liu Bei can at least guarantee that Liu Bei will not send troops to it, and when Cao Cao leads his army to attack Jiangdong in the future, Liu Bei will send reinforcements.

Sun Quan, who was good at weighing the pros and cons, had already made a decision in his mind.

Sun Quan looked at Deng Zhi and said to him: "Bo Miao, please stay in Yong'an City for a few days. I will immediately order people to repair the high altar by the Yangtze River. At that time, I and Bo Miao will climb the high altar together to swear an alliance."

Deng Zhi readily agreed to Sun Quan's proposal.

A few days later, on the bank of the Yangtze River outside Yong'an City, a high altar had just been repaired.

On this high altar, which is several feet high, Sun Quan, the hussar general of the Han Dynasty, and Deng Zhi, the king of Hanzhong, stand together.

Under the high altar, standing in Yong'an City, were a group of Jiangdong civil and military ministers and tens of thousands of Wu troops.

At this time, the tens of thousands of eyes below the high altar were looking at Sun Quan and Deng Zhi above.

These tens of thousands of people all know that today is the day when their supreme leader will formally sign an alliance with the envoy sent by Liu Bei.

The Liu-Sun Alliance began at the Battle of Chibi in the 13th year of Jian'an, but since that year, several alliances have been made, but the two parties have never signed a formal covenant document.

So today is a special day for Liu Sun Alliance.

Once this incident spreads throughout the world, it will undoubtedly have profound changes in the current world situation.

Among the tens of thousands of pairs of eyes staring at the high platform, the eyes of those Jiangdong ministers were the most complicated.

Some people's eyes showed relief, lamenting that Sun Quan was wise and resolved a possible catastrophe for Jiangdong.

Some people's eyes showed confusion, as if they didn't understand why Sun Quan kept saying that he wanted to eliminate Liu Bei last year, but now he has changed so quickly and formed an alliance with him.

Some people's eyes showed dissatisfaction.

Among them, Zhonglang General Xu Sheng is the representative.

Xu Shenggu said to those around him: "We can't risk our lives to serve as the supreme leader and Xu Luo, swallowing Jingyi.

The defeat of the public security forces will not avenge Jiangdong's shame, but it will cause the Supreme Leader to form an alliance with Liu Bei, which is not a shame!"

When Xu Sheng said these words, a look of indignation appeared on his face.

When the Jiangdong generals who were with Xu Sheng heard Xu Sheng's words, some of them showed approval on their faces, such as Lu Xun, Han Dang, etc.

There were also expressions of dissatisfaction on the faces of some people, Quan Cong being the most prominent among them.

Quan Cong said to Xu Sheng: "Wen Xiang is very courageous. Mi Yang is leading his troops at Xiakou, a hundred miles away. Wen Xiang would not be better off going to defeat him."

"If Wen Xiang can win a great victory, the Supreme Being will definitely not make another covenant with Deng Zhi."

Hearing what Quan Cong said, the anger on Xu Sheng's face froze. He was about to explode, but how could he?

Are you really going to lead the troops to fight Mi Yang?

Although he is brave and courageous, he is not a reckless man. Mi Yang is not so easy to defeat.

Quan Cong moved Mi Yang out, which instantly made Xu Sheng speechless and stopped speaking angrily.

After the battle with the police, unknown to others, Quan Cong no longer wanted to fight Mi Yang.

Moreover, as a native of Jiangdong, Quan Cong wants the stability of Jiangdong most, especially now.

That's why he interrupted Xu Sheng's speech.

After Quan Cong's interruption, the Jiangdong ministers below the high altar had their own thoughts, but in the end they did not make any more "lofty words."

There is an altar in front of Sun Quan and Deng Zhi on the high altar.

The smoke from the altar rose with the wind and floated into the sky.

After Sun Quan ordered his attendants to read the contents of the alliance letter in public, he stretched out his fingers to dip the blood in the jade basin on the altar, and then smeared the blood on his fingers on his lips.

This move is called "惃."

It is an ancient covenant ceremony handed down from the Spring and Autumn Period, mostly performed by princes.

After Sun Quan sealed his lips with blood, Deng Zhi also followed Sun Quan's instructions.

On the altar on the high altar, there are two documents of alliance, which have already been stamped with the seal of the King of Hanzhong.

After Deng Zhi sealed his lips with blood, Sun Quan took off his official seal from the wooden plate in the hands of the attendants on the side, and then he put his official seal on the two alliance letters on the altar.

At this point, the entire covenant ceremony is coming to an end.

After Sun Quan put the official seal back on the wooden plate, he held Deng Zhi's hand and said: "Since today, Sun and Liu have made an alliance, and they have worked together to defeat the traitor Cao!"

Hearing Sun Quan's assurance, Deng Zhi had a smile on his face, but he was very sober in his heart.

Even if there is a promotion to the altar and alliance, even if there is a formal seal document as evidence, these do not guarantee that the Liu and Sun families will be completely close in the future.

The only thing that can guarantee the validity of the covenant is one's own strength and the current situation.

Not only Deng Zhi knew this, but Sun Quan also knew it, and even Liu Bei in Xiangyang City also knew it.

However, by making the alliance between the two families known to everyone in the world by elevating the altar to the altar, it can at least ensure that before the general trend of the world changes, Sun Quan will side with Liu Bei and there is no possibility of reconciliation with Cao Cao.

After Cao Cao learned about this, he would naturally regard Sun Quan as his enemy and even take the initiative to send troops to attack Jiangdong.

As long as this is achieved, Sun Quan's presence will take some of Cao Cao's energy away, and Liu Bei will be more confident when he launches his Northern Expedition in the future.

As for where the Liu-Sun Alliance will develop in the future, it depends on the general trend of the world at that time.

Whether they continue to be friends or enemies depends on how the trendsetters in the three families act.

This is the Three Kingdoms. The situation is changing, everyone is pursuing their own intelligence, and the future is unpredictable.

After signing the alliance, Deng Zhi declined Sun Quan's offer to stay, and he immediately returned to Xiangyang City with the alliance letter.

But before Deng Zhi left, he made a request to Sun Quan. Sun Quan agreed to the request after thinking about it for a while.

So Deng Zhi, who had completed all his tasks, returned to Xiangyang City with peace of mind.

After Liu Bei learned that Deng Zhi had completed his mission, he immediately issued an order to let Guan Yu and Mi Yang lead the retreat.

After receiving Liu Bei's order to retreat, Guan Yu and Mi Yang also led their troops back to the outside of Xiangyang City soon after.

As soon as Mi Yang returned to Xiangyang City, he became the focus of the entire Xiangyang City.

Because, his wedding day has arrived.

There were six rites in marriage in the Han Dynasty, namely: nacai, asking for names, naji, nazheng, asking for an appointment, and personally welcoming.

Among the six rites, only the last one, the personal greeting, required Mi Yang, the new son-in-law, to complete. The other five rites had already been completed with the mutual cooperation of Mi Fang and Guan Yu.

On February 20, the twenty-fifth year of Jian'an in the Han Dynasty, Fang Shi said: Today is a good day to get married.

There is a saying in the Book of Songs: "King Wen Jiazhi, a great state has a son. A great state has a son, the sister of Qian Tian. Wen Dingjue is auspicious, and he personally welcomes Wei."

Today, Mi Yang will personally take his bride back to his home just like King Wen did back then.

As soon as the early morning sunshine hit Xiangyang City, Mi Yang was woken up early by the maid in the palace, and then began to put on complicated wedding clothes under the service of the maid.

After dressing for a long time, Mi Yang finally put on all the clothes.

Standing in front of the bronze mirror, Mi Yang looked at herself in the mirror with a slight smile on her face.

His appearance is not bad to begin with, but under his specially dressed up today, he looks even more energetic and extraordinary.

At this time, Mi Fang arrived at Mi Yang's room. Seeing that Mi Yang hadn't left yet, he hurried forward and pulled Mi Yang out of the house.

Mi Fang pulled Mi Yang and said anxiously: "It's no time and we haven't set off yet. What if we miss the time to pick up the bride?"

Mi Fang, who is nearly sixty years old and has always wanted to have a grandson, has been busy all night in order to arrange for today's wedding. His son is lucky, and now it is dawn and he looks unhurried.

Mi Yang was pulled by Mi Fang and kept walking out. Because of Mi Fang's impatience, Mi Yang's figure was a little unstable. The jade on his waist made a pleasant sound due to the collision.

Seeing Mi Fang's eager look, Mi Yang couldn't help but feel funny.

Why is it that Mi Fang is the groom today?

Mi Fang pulled Mi Yang all the way through the mansion, which was decorated with lights, and came to the gate.

When Mi Yang came to the gate, he couldn't help but be shocked by the scene in front of him.

In the wide alley outside the door, hundreds of motorcades filled with gold and silver gifts were crowded together, and on both sides of the hundreds of motorcades stood numerous cheering bands in festive costumes.

This is too exaggerated.

Haven't you already submitted the tax?

When Mi Yang appeared at the gate, Guan Ping, Zhang Bao, Zhao Tong, and Guan Xing, who were in front of hundreds of convoys, immediately got off their horses and came to Mi Yang.

These four people got up early to dress up for Mi Yang's wedding today.

The four of them were already handsome, but with their specially dressed up, standing together with Mi Yang, they looked like five handsome men in the world.

Mi Fang felt anxious when she saw Mi Yang not getting on the horse quickly.

He was about to pull Mi Yang onto the horse, but at this time Guan Ping and others had already arrived in front of Mi Fang. Guan Ping bowed to Mi Fang and said, "Uncle, leave the rest to us."

After finishing speaking, Guan Ping, before Mi Yang could react, he, Zhang Bao and others lifted Mi Yang from the ground and directly onto the tall horse with the wedding ball hanging on its chest.


Mi Yang was caught off guard. When he reacted, he was already sitting on the tall horse.

After carrying Mi Yang onto the horse, Guan Ping and others also mounted their horses one after another.

Then Zhang Bao raised the joy drum on his waist and beat it, and the entire huge motorcade began to move.

Watching Mi Yang's figure gradually disappearing, Mi Fang's eyes were already wet with tears.

He has been waiting for this scene for twenty years.

But fortunately, God blessed him and allowed him to see this scene in his lifetime.

Strings of bells hung on more than a hundred carriages made jingling sounds in the wind as the carriages moved forward.

And when the wedding convoy started moving, the drumbeating band next to the wedding convoy also played their musical instruments.

The sound of the celebratory ritual music complemented the crisp sound of bells, and soon turned into bursts of intoxicating and sweet vocal music, resounding throughout the alleys of the still slightly silent Xiangyang City.

This woke up the people who were still sleeping.

When the awakened people opened the door one after another, they saw the huge motorcade, with huge expressions of surprise and envy on their faces.

Which family's husband is getting married in such a flamboyant manner!

Mi Yang rode a tall horse and guided the huge convoy towards the former general's mansion with a joyful expression on his face.

Today, because of Mi Yang's move to welcome the bride, Liu Bei has issued a royal order to clear the way to Xiangyang City.

The wedding convoy led by Mi Yang moved very fast without any obstruction.

Soon after, Mi Yang and the wedding team arrived outside the former general's mansion.

After Mi Yang arrived, Guan Yu in the former general's mansion had a smile on his face after hearing the news.

He personally supported Guan Yan, who had finished putting on makeup and was as beautiful as a fairy, and walked step by step towards the outside of the house.

In the Han Dynasty, the custom of covering brides with red headscarves was not widespread.

When the figures of Guan Yu and Guan Yan appeared in Mi Yang's eyes, he immediately dismounted and came to Guan Yu. He bowed to Guan Yu and then took Guan Yan's white hand from Guan Yu.

When Mi Yang's warm hand touched Guan Yan's delicate hand, Guan Yan tried to avoid it, but in the end Guan Yan took the initiative to put her hand in Mi Yang's hand.

Feeling the tenderness in her palm, Mi Yang felt a sense of responsibility in her heart.

From today on, he is a husband.

Hold your son's hand and grow old together with him. This is an oath passed down from the pre-Qin Dynasty to this day.

Mi Yang will also comply.

After taking Guan Yan from Guan Yu, Mi Yang helped Guan Yan step by step to the most luxurious carriage in the wedding procession, and then Mi Yang carefully helped Guan Yan onto the carriage.

After completing this step, Mi Yang bowed to Guan Yu again, and then mounted the horse again.

Mi Yang left the more than a hundred carriages filled with gold and silver gifts outside the former general's mansion, and then he led Guan Yan and the wedding team back to the outside of Mi's mansion.

After returning to the outside of Mi Mansion, Mi Yang dismounted and helped Guan Yan down from the carriage, and then led her step by step towards the lobby of the mansion.

Mi Yang was taught everything about wedding etiquette yesterday.

After arriving in the lobby, Mi Yang took Guan Yan to a desk in the middle of the lobby. He and Guan Yan stood opposite each other across the desk.

At this time, there were many maids holding red candles outside the lobby, and they entered the lobby in pairs.

The lobby was already filled with guests who came to observe the ceremony: Zhao Yun, Wang Fu, Zhao Lei, Yu Jin, etc. Anyway, the officials of the King of Hanzhong who could spare time to come today all came to Mi Mansion to bless Mi Yang on her wedding.

The entire hall was crowded with Hanchens of all sizes, and their faces were all filled with smiles.

Mi Yang and Guan Yan first bowed to the guests present to express their gratitude for coming. After completing this, the couple bowed to each other.

In the Han Dynasty, there was no etiquette for worshiping heaven and earth that would be known to later generations.

After completing the obeisance, Mi Yang took Guan Yan's hand and bowed to Mi Fang, who was sitting in the middle of the lobby.

Mi Fang was already smiling from ear to ear. After Mi Yang and his wife saluted him, Mi Fang gave each of Mi Yang and Guan Yan a glass of wine.

After drinking the wine, a maid brought a copper basin filled with water to Mi Yang.

Mi Yang reached into the copper basin and washed his hands and face with the water in the copper basin. After Mi Yang finished doing this, Guan Yan also did the same.

Then Mi Yang and Guan Yan ate the meat of an animal in front of everyone.

After eating meat together, Mi Yang poured two glasses of wine. He and Guan Yan drank the wine in their hands by exchanging glasses.

Finally, Mi Yang took off the red tassel on Guan Yan's green silk hair. After taking off the red tassel, Mi Yang took off two strands of his and Guan Yan's long hair, and tied the two strands of hair together with the red tassel.

This red tassel knot will be kept in a safe place until Mi Yang and Guan Yan share the same acupuncture point in the future, and will be put into it together.

After completing this step, the entire wedding ceremony officially ends, and then it is time for the guest of honor to enjoy the banquet.

Watching Mi Yang send Guan Yan into the inner hall, bursts of cheers erupted in the hall.

As the gongs and drums sounded outside the hall, the servants in the Mi Mansion began to arrange for the guests to take their seats.

After all the guests were seated, dishes of delicacies and wine were served by the servants of the Mi Mansion.

The aroma of fine wine and delicious food instantly filled the lobby.

For a time, the lobby was filled with people drinking and laughing.

Mi Yang, who had just sent Guan Yan into the inner hall, was immediately surrounded by many guests as soon as he appeared in the lobby.

Zhao Yun, Yu Jin, Ma Liang, Deng Zhi, She Yuan and others looked at Mi Yang who was surrounded with smiles.

And those of the same age as Guan Ping, Zhang Bao and others were the new force that directly surrounded Mi Yang.

Guan Ping, Zhang Bao and others surrounded Mi Yang, saying words of congratulations while the wine in their hands was being poured into Mi Yang's mouth.

Often, before Mi Yang had even finished one cup, the second cup would already be in his mouth.

After being continuously toasted, Mi Yang soon became a little tipsy.

What are you doing!

Will you let me into the bridal chamber later?

But before Mi Yang could say anything more, a new round of toasts came again.

"Happy wedding to the general!"

"I wish Zi Sheng will have a son soon!"

"Heaven, a match made in heaven, a hundred years of good luck."

In the end, even Deng Ai joined the ranks of the army to persuade people to drink.

Words of blessing and cups of wine completely overwhelmed Mi Yang.

At this time, outside the Mi Mansion, the king's carriage of the King of Hanzhong was parked in an alley.

Liu Bei, who was sitting in the king's chariot, looked at the brightly lit Mi Mansion in front of him, where laughter could be heard endlessly, and a smile appeared on his lips.

It’s great to be young!

The attendant outside Wang Jia asked Liu Bei cautiously: "Won't your Majesty go in?"

The attendants didn't understand why Liu Bei had no intention of going in even though he was here.

Facing the attendant's question, Liu Bei smiled and shook his head.

Given his status, once he goes in, the people inside may become restrained.

Let them relax tonight.

Liu Bei picked up a glass of wine from the table in the car and drank it in one gulp in the direction of Mi Mansion.

"Zisheng, uncle wishes you a happy wedding."

After saying this, Liu Bei ordered Wang Jia to set off for the former general's mansion.

He will return to Yizhou soon, so he will accompany his second brother.

In the twenty-fifth year of Jian'an in this time and space, Guan Yu was not dead, and Liu Bei still had the opportunity to talk with him at night.

Moreover, Jingzhou was not lost, but the territory of the two counties was recovered. Everything is developing in a good direction.

The new history of the Three Kingdoms has arrived. For Mi Yang, his fate has been completely tied to Ji Han's national fate.

Today, whether it is Mi Yang's fate or Ji Han's national destiny - the future is promising!

This is the second chapter from yesterday.

The first volume is over, and the content of the second volume will officially begin.

In the first volume, I gained nearly 10,000 fans and my work became a masterpiece.

This result is great for a newcomer.

Next, I will continue to work hard to conceive the plot and present a more exciting volume to everyone.

The second volume will be the theme song of the Northern Expedition and Development. I hope everyone can continue to support it.

It’s too late to write tonight, so I’ll update it later tomorrow, but I’ll have nothing to do tomorrow, so I’ll have three chapters.

I found that it felt good to code late at night.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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