Chapter 18 Jingzhou can't be lost

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Chapter 18 Jingzhou cannot be lost

In Guan Yu's Chinese army tent, after discussing the matter of sending generals to replace Shiren, several important ministers of Jingzhou put forward other suggestions accordingly.

These important ministers were all Xunli. Although they did not have any amazing strategies, they could no longer come up with good strategies like Mi Yang, which made Guan Yu praised day after day.

However, the suggestions they put forward were all in the spirit of seeking the country, and they played a very good role in checking and filling in the gaps for Guan Yu.

Historically, because Guan Yu was unprepared, Lu Meng easily captured Jiangling and cut off his retreat.

Therefore, the role of these officials is not great.

But now, with Mi Yang's early warning, Guan Yu and the officials in Jingzhou knew that Lü Meng was about to attack Jingzhou. Under such circumstances, the role played by these officials cannot be underestimated.

After Mi Yang took the order to go to the police, he returned to his seat and sat down. After sitting down again, he remained silent and listened carefully to the other Jingzhou officials' suggestions for Guan Yu.

This is the knowledge that Mi Yang, who has never participated in political affairs, needs most urgently.

How to allocate and mobilize the food and grass for the mobilization of the army, how to consider the surrounding situation, analyze which generals who support the army can be trusted to ask for help, and even how to write to Liu Bei and suggest which generals he should send to support Jingzhou.

All of this will be discussed item by item in the following discussions.

Similarly, Mi Yang was also very eager to quickly absorb and comprehend this knowledge.

Now that she has traveled to the current world, Mi Yang doesn't want to be idle all her life.

And if he wants to make a big difference in this world, it is not safe to rely solely on the historical knowledge in his mind.

Those things should be used once and less often.

After all the discussions were finalized, it was still noon when Mi Yang arrived, but now it was gradually getting dark.

In Guan Yu's large tent of the Chinese army, the lights were brightly lit and the figures were flickering.

After discussing everything in general, Guan Yu felt as if he had just seen the completely dark sky.

Seeing that it was getting late, he said to the ministers in the tent,

"It's getting dark now, and all the matters discussed have basically been settled, so please go and rest first."

As soon as Guan Yu said this, the officials in Jingzhou, who had been busy in the tent and thinking, suddenly came to their senses.

Only then did they notice the dark sky outside.

The news that Mi Yang brought today was too shocking, and because of this, they consumed a lot of energy.

When Guan Yu asked them all to go and rest, they all immediately felt tired.

Feeling tired, the ministers of Jingzhou bowed to Guan Yu one after another, and then left the Chinese army's tent one after another.

Guan Ping and Mi Yang, who were farthest away from Guan Yu's seat, saw everyone in the tent gradually retreating. They all stood up and were about to leave. Unexpectedly, before they even stepped out of the tent door, they all stopped.

"Frankly, Zi Sheng and the two will stay for now."

Guan Yu's seemingly casual words immediately caused Guan Ping and Mi Yang to lose the opportunity to go and rest early.

At this time, everyone in the tent had almost left, and the tent of Guan Yu's Chinese army suddenly became much deserted.

After hearing Guan Yu's instructions, Guan Ping and Mi Yang turned around and came to stand in front of Guan Yu's seat.

Guan Yu rubbed the corners of his eyes with his hands.

He is nearly sixty years old, already an advanced age in this world.

The ministers in the account spent a lot of energy today, but as a decision-maker, the energy he spent was definitely several times more than those of those ministers.

Because the ministers are only responsible for making suggestions, and Guan Yu, as the top leader arranged by Liu Bei in Jingzhou, has to choose the most suitable one from many suggestions to implement.

Because of this, he needs to think more than his ministers,

Because of this, the consequences and pressure brought about by this suggestion are all on him alone.

Under such a hugely demanding situation, even Guan Yu, who had always dominated by force, could not help but feel a little tired.

Guan Yu, who was haunted by a sense of exhaustion, saw Guan Ping and Mi Yang standing in front of him.

Looking at the two rising stars in the army whom he values ​​most now,

Looking at their faces full of vigor and hope, Guan Yu seemed to recall his green days when he followed Liu Bei in his army.

Back then, he was also so energetic.

Now that I think about it, it has been almost forty years.

Thinking of Guan Yu in those days, a smile appeared on his lips. He stood up and came to Guan Ping and Mi Yang.

He opened his mouth and said, "Jingzhou occupies the Han Dynasty in the north, Mian, and has access to the South China Sea. It is connected to Wuhui in the east and Bashu in the west. This is a country that uses military force, but its owner cannot defend it. This country is almost destined to be a general. Does the general have any intention?"

Mi Yang thought Guan Yu had some instructions, but she didn't expect him to recite a passage from Zhuge Liang's "Longzhong Dui" as soon as he opened his mouth.

Facing this ancient and wonderful article, Mi Yang was naturally very familiar with it.

After reciting a short paragraph from "Longzhong Dui", Guan Yu said melancholy,

"Back then, Your Highness stationed troops in Xinye, and the troops he led could only be more than ten thousand, and the people he ruled could not travel more than a hundred miles.

But today, he has achieved what Kong Ming said that day, there are thorns in the road, and it is beneficial. Looking at it now, this huge change only happened in the past ten years."

"At that time, I thought that Kong Ming was just an armchair scholar, and I didn't like his rhetoric. However, over the past ten years, His Highness's step-by-step development has been exactly as Kong Ming expected.

Kong Ming is truly a divine man."

"Kong Ming is the person I admire most besides His Highness.

When he was in Jingzhou in the past, he told me many times about the importance of Jingzhou to His Highness. If Your Highness wants to dominate the world in the future, Jingzhou must not be lost."

"His Highness trusted me and ordered me to guard Jingzhou. I will never let down His Highness's trust due to such kindness."

After saying these words, Guan Yu suddenly looked at Mi Yang, his eyes full of determination and said,

"Zisheng, do you know the importance of public security?"

"With your suspicious plan ahead, it may be possible to delay Sun Quan's launch of the army.

But Sun Quan also knows that since I have learned about his sneak attack on Jingzhou, he will definitely raise an army in the end."

"Because the current time is the best time to seize Jingzhou."

"But if the Sun thieves want to take Jingzhou, they must first attack the public security.

The Public Security Bureau is not only the gateway of our army in Jingnan, but also the eastern gateway of Jiangling.

As long as the public security is not lost, the Wu army will not be able to enter the territory of our army in Jingzhou, and as long as the public security is not lost, our army's two counties in Jingnan will definitely be protected."

"Jingzhou is too important to Your Highness. Today I have taken precautions. I am not afraid that Lü Meng will lead his troops to attack Jiangling.

But they were worried that after Lu Meng captured Gong'an, he would not go north, but instead go south to attack Wuling, Lingling and Jingnan counties. By then, our army would only have Nan County in Jingzhou.

There is no response in the south, and there are strong enemies in the northeast. Under such circumstances, our army cannot defend Nanjun."

"And if Nanjun is also lost in the end, Your Highness will lose Jingzhou completely."

"Such a result will be a fatal blow to His Highness' great cause."

"So the police must not throw it away."

Guan Yu's tone was full of worry, which was completely different from the calm and composure he had shown in front of his ministers just now.

Mi Yang was about to persuade Guan Yu, but Guan Yu waved his hand and continued,

"Jiangdong is rich and prosperous. If you attack me this time, your troops should not be less than 50,000."

"And the general who leads the army should be the famous general Lu Meng."

"Tanzhi's headquarters only has 3,000 soldiers and horses. After my repeated deployment of the garrison in the public security city, the number now is only 3,000 at most."

"Six thousand soldiers and horses are used to fight against an army of 50,000 tigers and wolves, and the leader of the opponent's army is Lü Meng, a man who is good at fighting and resourceful.

I know this is extremely difficult.

But I don’t have many soldiers and horses in my hands that I can assign to you two, and I don’t have any good soldiers in my tent who can replace you two to guard the public security."

"In this difficult moment, you shined brightly and finally gave me a new choice.

At this moment, I can only hope that you can come up with any more clever ideas to protect the public security for me."

Guan Yu's tone was full of helplessness.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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