Chapter 218 Mi Yang's Secret Play Three Views of the King

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Chapter 218 Mi Yang’s Secret Memorial Three Views of the King

Liu Bei's Wang Ling soon arrived in Xicheng.

The person who acted as Liu Bei's envoy to announce the king's order was the minister Dong Yun.

Dong Yun, courtesy name Xiuzhao, was a native of Zhijiang, Nanjun, and the son of Dong He, the general in charge of the army.

Dong Yun's father, Dong He, was named Youzai. The ancestors of the Dong family were originally from Jiangzhou, Ba County. Because of this origin, when the world was in chaos, Dong He led his family to move westward.

After Dong He entered Shu, because of his reputation, he was successively appointed as Niuchang, Jiangyuan County Magistrate and Chengdu County Magistrate by Yizhou Mu Liu Zhang.

At that time, Shu was rich in products and luxurious.

A businessman's family dresses like a prince, drinks jade and wine, and spends almost all their wealth on weddings and funerals.

Dong He set an example for others with his frugal behavior.

He wore rough clothes and was vegetarian, and followed etiquette as his code of conduct. As a result, the local luxury customs changed greatly, and everyone was afraid of him and did not dare to offend him.

Some powerful people in the county were afraid of Dong He's harshness, so they encouraged Liu Zhang to transfer Dong He to be the captain of the Badong vassal state.

But he did not expect that thousands of officials and people in Chengdu County would support the elderly and the young to persuade Dong He to stay. Liu Zhang had no choice but to let Dong He stay in office for two years and then be promoted to the prefect of Shu County.

Dong He was still as frugal and frugal as before when he was the prefect.

Moreover, Dong He was good at dealing with the foreigners in South China and was loved by the foreigners in South China.

Later, after Liu Bei pacified Yizhou, he recruited Dong He to be in charge of the army, Zhonglang General, and together with the military advisor general Zhuge Liang, he took charge of the affairs of General Zuo and the Grand Sima Mansion.

Dong He and Zhuge Liang made plans together, and they worked together happily and had a profound friendship.

Precisely because of Dong He's relationship, Zhuge Liang also looked at Dong Yun, Dong He's son, in a different light.

As the son of Dong He, Dong Yun was born into a famous family and his reputation spread throughout Shu at a young age.

People at that time often compared Dong Yun to Fei Yi, another outstanding figure in Sichuan.

Dong Yun was recruited by Liu Bei not long ago as a minister. A minister is a kind of attendant who is mostly responsible for conveying orders to the monarch.

Mi Yang saw that it was Dong Yun who came to convey the king's order. After placing the incense table and respectfully receiving the order from Liu Bei, Mi Yang welcomed Dong Yun to another room and asked about the current situation in Chengdu.

Although Dong Yun's ancestors were from Yizhou, they were killed by Junzizhe for five generations, and now the Dong family can be regarded as an authentic Nanjun gentry.

Therefore, if we want to divide Dong Yun into different factions, then Dong He and Dong Yun's father and son can be regarded as members of the Jingzhou faction.

Mi Yang has a special status. In addition to not getting along well with the Shu sergeants, because of Zhuge Liang's relationship, he has always had a good relationship with the Jingzhou clique.

What's more, Mi Yang's sister-in-law is considered Dong He's clan sister according to the relationship, so Mi Yang and Dong He are half relatives.

Dong Yun is an upright person with a clear sense of right and wrong. With such a character, he has a preference for people with good character.

Mi Yang holds a high position at a young age, but he is not arrogant about taking credit. Instead, he has always been very humble towards his peers or elders.

More importantly, Dong Yun had heard from Dong He many times that Zhuge Liang praised Mi Yang for being benevolent, filial, and intelligent, and Dong Yun trusted Zhuge Liang's vision.

So even though Dong Yun didn't have a close relationship with Mi Yang in the past, he had a good sense of Mi Yang.

After Mi Yang asked Dong Yun about the current situation in Chengdu, Dong Yun also told Mi Yang about two things.

One thing is that before, Mi Yang arrested Liehou Shendan without authorization, which caused criticism.

However, although this incident caused a stir in public opinion as Mi Yang had a firm ally, it actually did not have a too bad impact on Mi Yang.

At that time, Dong Yun was also one of the people who defended Mi Yang.

The second thing is that the officials in Chengdu city persuaded him to move in.

From Dong Yun's narration, Mi Yang roughly understood what happened in Guangde Hall that day.

And all this was not what Mi Yang expected.

Although Mi Yang also has many news channels in Chengdu, it is helpful for Mi Yang to analyze the situation by listening and understanding the current situation in Chengdu from different people.

Although Mi Yang is now in the public security department like before, he is the leading general of the place.

But at the beginning, the police were besieged by hundreds of thousands of Wu troops, and they were like an isolated island overseas.

Hanxing County is different from the Public Security Bureau. Hanxing County's adjacent sides and rear are where our own camp is located, and the traffic is smooth.

And Mi Yang has now officially entered the eyes of the world, so under such circumstances, it is very important to always understand the major events in the Chengdu court.

In ancient times, politics was more important than anything else.

After answering Mi Yang's inquiry, Dong Yun already wanted to leave.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Mi Yang originally intended to keep Dong Yun, but although Dong Yun had a good impression of Mi Yang, he was still a person who put official business first.

Liu Bei's words of rejecting the ministers' urging to advance had already spread throughout the city of Chengdu.

As for whether Mi Yang had received it, Liu Bei asked him to carefully investigate Liu Xie's safety, and the ministers in Chengdu were also very concerned.

Under such circumstances, Dong Yun thought of returning to Chengdu as soon as possible to report the matter.

Mi Yang knew why Dong Yun was leaving in a hurry, so he didn't try to persuade him to stay.

Mi Yang personally sent Dong Yun to the ship. In the cabin, Mi Yang took out a letter from his arms and asked Dong Yun to deliver it to Liu Bei.

He also specifically stated that this letter was a secret memorial.

Secret memorials are not an original creation of some later dynasties. As early as the Han Dynasty, there were precedents for some ministers to submit private memorials to the monarch.

The reason why they are called secret memorials is that most of these memorials are not sent to the minister's desk, but are sent directly to the monarch through special channels.

One of the special channels is to give it to the ministers next to the monarch and let them forward it.

Originally, Mi Yang wanted to send this secret memorial to Chengdu and have his uncle Mi Zhu deliver it to Liu Bei.

But now that Dong Yun has arrived, Dong Yun's character is still trustworthy.

It was important for all ministers to report secret reports to Lord Chen, so Dong Yun accepted Mi Yang's letter to him seriously.

Then, with Mi Yang's gift, the ship carrying Dong Yun slowly left Xicheng.

As the ship gradually moved away from Xicheng, Dong Yun walked out of the cabin.

He looked at the hundreds of long-dried heads on the top of the city and the busy civilian soldiers building houses outside the west city, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

I hope he can see a different scene next time he comes to Xicheng.

After Dong Yun left, Mi Yang returned to Xicheng.

From Dong Yun's narration just now, he roughly understood the current situation of persuading people to move forward in Chengdu.

In his petition, he not only stated the fact that Cao Pi usurped the Han Dynasty, but also pointed out that news of Liu Xie's murder was spreading in the north.

In fact, this point was not reflected in Lu Yi's initial report to him. Mi Yang added this point himself.

Mi Yang's purpose in doing this was to encourage Liu Bei to proclaim himself emperor early.

Mi Yang is a time traveler. He understands the process of Liu Bei becoming emperor in history.

Historically, after Cao Pi usurped the Han Dynasty and established himself in October of this year, Liu Bei officially proclaimed himself emperor in April of the following year.

The exchanges between Shu and the outside world have improved a lot after Zhuge Liang took charge of Yizhou.

The exact news that Cao Pi usurped the Han Dynasty and proclaimed himself emperor would reach Liu Bei's ears in no more than a month, but why did it take nearly half a year for him to proclaim himself emperor?

Because during that nearly half a year, Liu Bei may have been sending people to investigate the authenticity of a rumor.

Historically, after Cao Pi usurped the throne, rumors that Liu Xie was killed by Cao Pi began to spread in the north.

How true is this rumor?

"Wei Lue" records: "At the beginning, when Su Ze (Su Ze) was in Jincheng, he heard that the Zen throne of the Han Emperor had collapsed, so he mourned him. Later, when he heard about his presence, he thought he would not judge him, and he was quite silent."

"Three Kingdoms: Biography of Su Ze" records: "At the beginning, when Ze (Su Ze) and Linyi Hou Zhi (Cao Zhi) heard that the Wei family had succeeded the Han Dynasty, they all cried in sorrow. Emperor Wen heard that Zhi was like this, but he didn't hear Ze Zhi."

It was so true that even Su Ze, the minister whom Cao Pi relied on at the time, and his younger brother Cao Zhi thought Liu Xie had died.

This is still recorded in the history books, and I don’t know how many are not recorded.

Some people of later generations thought that the reason why Cao Zhi "wept bitterly" was because he was weeping for the fall of the Han Dynasty, not for the death of Liu Xie, but this is inconsistent with historical facts.

Because before and after Cao Pi became emperor, Cao Zhi wrote two articles, "Qing Shou Zen Biao" and "Wei De Lun", to build momentum for Cao Pi.

This shows that Cao Zhi was in favor of Cao Pi's move to usurp the Han Dynasty and establish itself, so his mourning was just like Su Ze's, thinking that Liu Xie had died.

This shows how widespread and true the rumors of Liu Xie's death were at that time.

This rumor later spread to Shu, making Liu Bei and other emperors and ministers suspicious.

Therefore, in order to explore the authenticity of this news, Liu Bei delayed his formal proclaiming of emperor until the following year.

In history, the result of Liu Bei's investigation should be that he knew the actions of Su Ze and Cao Zhi.

Now that Mi Yang has released this rumor to Liu Bei and his ministers in advance, Liu Bei will of course ask Mi Yang to investigate the authenticity of the news.

As early as when Mi Yang's report was sent to Chengdu, he had already sent two teams of spies to the northwest and the Central Plains to investigate the actions of Su Ze and Cao Zhi.

Once rewarded, Mi Yang can immediately report such news to Liu Bei.

In this case, the day when Liu Bei becomes emperor will be greatly advanced.

As for whether the news will be discovered, Mi Yang is not worried.

The actions of these two people can be recorded by historians dozens or hundreds of years later, and it is impossible for them to remain silent in the current world.

All developments of things now are developing according to Mi Yang's imagination.

Although Mi Yang is not in Chengdu, he is secretly promoting the development of Liu Bei's proclaimed emperor event by taking advantage of some foresight.

Seeing that there were no unexpected changes in the situation in Chengdu, Mi Yang summoned Meng Da.

He needs to know how far Meng Da has reached in "friendly communication" with Xia Houshang.

What a busy life!

A few days later, Dong Yun and his envoys to Hanxing County returned to Chengdu.

After returning to Chengdu, the traces of Dong Yun and his party were quickly discovered by various spies in Chengdu.

After the ministers in Chengdu learned that Dong Yun had returned, they sent people one after another to inquire about Dong Yun's business.

Many people sent by ministers claimed to be concerned about Dong Yun, but in fact they were exploring whether Mi Yang had collected evidence to prove that Liu Xie was dead.

Most of the people who could send people to inquire about Dong Yun were ministers who had good relations with the Dong family.

Those Shu ministers also wanted to send someone to question Dong Yun, but they had just argued with Dong Yun about Mi Yang before, and they really couldn't bear to do it.

But even in the face of these good ministers, Dong Yun still smiled and declined all the visitors, never revealing the slightest hint of his words.

Soon after, Dong Yun came to the palace to report back to Liu Bei. When they saw Dong Yun entering the palace gate, the people sent by many ministers could only sigh to themselves as they looked at Dong Yun's back, and then stamped their feet and returned.

Dong Yun is Liu Bei's minister, and his government affairs tasks are directly assigned by Liu Bei and do not go through the chancellery.

In a side hall of the palace, Dong Yun met Liu Bei.

Seeing Dong Yun return, Liu Bei just nodded to him without paying much attention.

But Dong Yun didn't get up after saluting. Dong Yun's behavior made Liu Bei a little strange.

Then he realized that Dong Yun probably had something important to report, so he dismissed the rest of the people in the side hall.

After only Liu Bei and Dong Yun were left in the side hall, Dong Yun took out a letter with a complete wax seal from his arms, and then respectfully placed it on Liu Bei's desk.

After completing this move, Dong Yun bowed to Liu Bei and took the initiative to retire and left the side hall.

During the whole process, Dong Yun didn't say a single unnecessary word, and his eyes didn't even pay attention to Mi Yang's secret performance.

After Dong Yun left, Liu Bei looked at Mi Yang's secret memorial on the desk. His eyes narrowed, and then he opened the wax seal and took Mi Yang's secret memorial out of the envelope.

I saw that in the secret memorial, Mi Yang wrote this:

"I paused and bowed my head: There are rogue bandits in the north, blocking Heluo and blocking the king's army from the northern expedition. Cao Cao's thieves have usurped the throne and are showing off their power in the north. Every time I think of this, I feel so worried that I forget to sleep.

As a minister, you should adopt good advice and defeat thieves to be effective. The Han Dynasty was prosperous and its ministers were educated and grew up, but the minister did nothing, and he was unworthy of the Han Dynasty's kindness.

The king ordered his ministers to guard the northern frontier, but as a minister, how can he know how to guard and not know how to conquer?

My subordinates have devised a plan to make Mengda pretend to serve Xiahou Shang and secretly communicate with him to lure the enemy.

It has been successful this time. I am thinking about it, and am filled with joy and fear. I am afraid that this person cannot be captured, and if I try to do it, I am afraid that it will not be credible. I should plan on it slowly, and it will be convenient at the right time.

I have been raised with kindness by the King since I was a child, and I always want to serve you. The police force in the past was really powerful, and it was really God's help.

Today, the northern thieves are stationed in Wudang, and I would like to contribute my meager strength to defeat the thieves. This is my long-cherished wish, and it only happens once in a thousand years.

I have tried my best to supervise and exert all my little wisdom. I know that there is no astonishing wisdom among the ancients. In addition, I havetily implemented the strategy. I am afraid of being embarrassed, afraid of being underestimated and foolish, and betraying the king's favor.

When I heard about Yao's actions in the Tang Dynasty, I asked Heaven beforehand, but Heaven never disobeyed it. Your Majesty, Shen Mo, is bound to look after your ministers with grace and authority, and since you praise the holy rules, I will send them to you.

If you send him off yourself, your ministers will surely surround the six armies, and there will be no survivors. You will be so majestic and powerful that the whole world will look at you.

I hope that your Majesty will give me the task of punishing the thieves. If it works, it will be a forerunner of the Northern Expedition. If it doesn't, I will protect the northern border and will not worry your Majesty.

I would like to bow to you to hear this, and then bow your head again!"

When Liu Bei finished watching Mi Yang's secret performance, his face began to turn red, and his chest even heaved violently.

After Liu Bei read Mi Yang's watch, he picked it up and read it again soon.

So repeated, the king's three views.

After reading it three times, Liu Bei couldn't help but stand up and pace back and forth in the side hall.

Since the news of Cao Pi's usurpation of the Han Dynasty spread, most of the officials were thinking about how to persuade him to proclaim himself emperor so that he could take a further step.

Only Mi Yang, only he was thinking of defeating the thief!

This made Liu Bei very excited. This is his good son and nephew, and this is the famous general of the Han Dynasty!

Although Mi Yang might not succeed this time, Liu Bei was very happy because of his heroic spirit.

After pacing back and forth, he walked to the candle and wanted to burn Mi Yang's watch for confidentiality purposes, but in the end he was reluctant to do so.

Finally, Liu Bei placed Mi Yang's secret music into his belt, and at the same time he murmured:

"It's good to do it, it's good to do it!"

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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