Chapter 291 The Second Battlefield: Using Body as Bait

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Chapter 291 The second battlefield: Using yourself as bait

"Any fighter must use the right combination to win by surprise."

This is an important combat concept put forward by the Chinese military sage Sun Wu.

Although this combat concept was proposed by Sun Wu in the Spring and Autumn Period, this idea is very advanced.

The specific explanation of this combat ideal is: when the two armies are engaged in a tense battle, the leading general should deploy mobile troops at the appropriate time.

And if this is done well, then the mobile troops subsequently invested by the general will become the key to victory.

The "unexpected troops" in Sun Wu's words should accurately refer to the mobile forces or reserve forces of the army.

That's why Sun Wu said this immediately after saying: "Therefore, those who are good at extraordinary things are as infinite as the heaven and the earth, and as endless as the rivers and seas."

As for many people interpret this sentence to mean that the leader of an army should learn to win by surprise, this is not actually a fallacy.

Because making good use of mobile forces is a flexible and changeable tactic.

It can even be said to be the most important tactic in ancient marching and fighting.

Just these nine seemingly simple words spoken by Sun Wu have become a seemingly insurmountable threshold for countless generals in China to become famous generals for thousands of years.

When is the right time to invest one's own mobile forces, how many mobile forces should be invested at one time, and which part of the mobile forces should be used? Once the general wants to use surprise troops, he will undoubtedly consider these three aspects.

Problems in these three aspects often affect the whole body.

If there is even the slightest mistake in decision-making, it may cause the army to panic and even collapse in an instant.

The consequences of this are undoubtedly very serious. This is the situation where one general is incompetent and the three armies are exhausted.

Precisely because the consequences are so serious, whenever the leader of one party is about to use surprise troops, there will be great psychological pressure.

The lives and deaths of tens of thousands of people depended on just one thought of his.

The most important thing is that using surprise troops without making mistakes will test the general's judgment of the battlefield situation and his ability to adapt to the situation.

Except for some talented people, most generals can only slowly develop this ability through years of military experience.

Guan Yu, the leader of the Han army, was one of those generals.

Since Guan Yu entered the army, he was first famous for his personal bravery, but at the beginning he was not good at commanding large armies in battle.

Precisely because Guan Yu was not as talented as Han Xin at the beginning, there were many examples of him being defeated in the early stages.

Guan Yu's beginning was the same as that of most people, but the three brothers Liu, Guan, and Zhang were all people with outstanding aspirations. Their firm determination made Guan Yu very eager to learn.

In the repeated failures, Guan Yu continued to learn experience and continue to grow. Now, Guan Yu can already perform amazing and outstanding battles that shocked China.

Now Guan Yu could judge the current combat situation between the two sides almost instantly.

After understanding that the current situation was unfavorable to the Han army, Guan Yu ordered his subordinate Liao Hua to wave the command flag.

The armies of Han and Wei that have already started fighting are just each other's front armies, and both sides still have tens of thousands of reserve troops that have not yet entered the battlefield.

And the next surprise troops from both sides will be generated from these tens of thousands of troops.

When Liao Hua waved the flag in his hand high, bursts of high and powerful drums suddenly sounded in the Han army's formation.

The high and vigorous drum beats combined with the orderly command of the flags made the Han troops who were not engaged in the battle understand Guan Yu's intentions.

When Guan Yu's order reached the rear of the Han army led by Mi Yang, Mi Yang's eyes showed rising fighting spirit.

When the front army of the Han army gradually fell into an unfavorable combat situation due to their inferior weapons, Guan Yu did not order his central army to attack.

Instead, he ordered the rear troops who were originally covering the flanks of the army to attack.

Guan Yu had multiple considerations in issuing this order.

Although the armies of both sides have not yet fully engaged in battle, the figures of both armies outside this vast plain can be clearly seen by the generals of both sides.

After observation, Guan Yu knew that the only cavalry in the Wei army was 3,000 light cavalry led by Xu Chu.

The three thousand light cavalry troops had little effect when the two armies were in close combat.

Previously, Guan Yu specifically asked Mi Yang to lead the army to protect the flanks of the army, in order to prevent Cao Pi from transferring a large number of cavalry from Guanzhong or Hebei.

Now it seems that under his strategy, his worries have not come true.

In the current war situation, there is no need to worry too much about the safety of the Han army's flanks.

In this case, the rear army led by Mi Yang is currently the most important mobile force in Guan Yu's hands.

As for the Chinese army he personally led, since it was the Chinese army, of course it could not be used easily until the final moment of the war.

However, despite this, Guan Yu, who had always been careful with his troops, still only ordered Mi Yang's army to dispatch 10,000 troops to support the front army.

Although Guan Yu wanted to protect Mi Yang in his heart, Guan Yu was not a person who abandoned public service for personal reasons. Moreover, he protected Mi Yang when the Han army was defeated.

Now the armies of both sides are fighting fiercely, and the outcome is not yet clear. It is the time for everyone in the Han army to shed their lives and blood.

After understanding Guan Yu's order, Mi Yang decided to lead the 10,000 Yibei army he brought to support Zhang Fei.

Guan Yu's order did not name Mi Yang to personally lead the army to support him. In this case, Mi Yang could have appointed a general to lead the army.

However, although Mi Yang was limited by experience, he was unable to make accurate judgments on the combat situation of the Han army's front army as keenly as Guan Yu.

But he knew that when Guan Yu used mobile troops before the enemy, that was when his own side began to fall into a disadvantage.

At this time, the 10,000 Han troops he dispatched played a role in reversing the current battlefield situation.

In this case, Mi Yang must go into battle personally.

He knew that he was not as powerful as Guan Zhang, but the 10,000 troops he was leading now were his direct line troops that he had trained outside Shangyong City.

Mi Yang's kindness and power have long been deeply rooted in the hearts of these ten thousand troops.

As long as he is in the formation of the 10,000-strong army, then the 10,000-strong army will be able to exert its strongest combat effectiveness.

After quickly reorganizing the army, Mi Yang ordered his deputy general Zhang Yi to take charge of the remaining 10,000 troops, while he personally led another 10,000 troops toward the battlefield ahead.

When Mi Yang's army moved into action, Zhang Liao quickly noticed the actions of the tens of thousands of troops.

Zhang Liao was not surprised when he saw an army of about 10,000 people in the rear of the Han army beginning to march slowly toward the front.

Like Guan Yu, he was a veteran general who was good at commanding large armies in battle. This reaction of the Han army had been expected by him.

However, when they saw that the 10,000 Han troops were flying Mi Yang's flag, Zhang Liao and other Wei generals had a look of fear on their faces.

Two battles between the Public Security Bureau and Xicheng City resulted in the death of two famous generals in the world.

When a general like Cao Ren, who had great reputation in the Wei army, died in the hands of Mi Yang, the generals in the Wei army were afraid of Mi Yang, and almost formed an instinctive reaction.

Soon after, after learning that Mi Yang was personally leading the army to support him, Zhu Shuo, who looked fearful, immediately rode his horse to Zhang Liao's side and said to him:

"If this thief does not die, Your Majesty will be uneasy, and the country will not be at peace."

As Cao Pi's confidant and close friend, Zhu Shuo expressed in just eight words Cao Pi's fear and even hatred for Mi Yang.

After hearing Zhu Shuo's words, Zhang Liao nodded with the same feeling.

Cao Pi's thoughts are also Zhang Liao's thoughts.

It's not that Zhang Liao is afraid of Mi Yang like others, it's just that Mi Yang's record is too dazzling and he is too young.

With his youth, as long as nothing happens, he can kill any famous general in the world.

At that time, it might have been a disaster for Wei.

As a loyal minister of the Wei Dynasty, Zhang Liao naturally would not allow this to happen.

His ancestors had already changed their surnames once because of the Mayi Conspiracy. If the Han Dynasty was really revived for the second time, would it be possible that his family would have to change their surnames again?

Under such thoughts, Zhang Liao immediately conveyed the order, asking his valued general Sun Li to lead an army of 20,000 to attack Mi Yang's troops.

Twenty thousand versus ten thousand, a double strength gap, is already a great advantage on the plains.

From this arrangement, we can clearly see Zhang Liao's fear of Mi Yang.

So just when Mi Yang led an army of 10,000 out of the battle, 20,000 Wei troops in the Wei rear army formation not far away almost simultaneously came out.

The only difference from Mi Yang's 10,000-strong army was that Mi Yang's 10,000-strong army headed towards the battlefield where the battle was taking place.

The 20,000 Wei troops, led by Sun Li, came straight towards Mi Yang's 10,000 Han troops.

The formation of 20,000 Wei troops was quickly noticed by Guan Yu.

Looking at the direction in which the 20,000 Wei troops were advancing, Liao Hua, who was beside Guan Yu, hurriedly reminded Guan Yu: "General, General Zuo is short of troops, please send troops to support quickly."

However, Guan Yu seemed not to hear Liao Hua's reminder.

His eyes were just staring at Mi Yang's back.

It's not that Guan Yu didn't know the thoughts of the 20,000 Wei troops, and it's not that Guan Yu didn't worry about Mi Yang's safety.

But if Mi Yang can't even handle such a scene, how can he be worthy of being Guan Yu's successor?

Moreover, the current strength of the Han army is less than that of the Wei army, which is 10,000. If he sends another 10,000 troops to support Mi Yang, then he will have to send the Chinese army to support Zhang Fei.

In that case, after his mobile forces are exhausted, the overall situation of the Han army will fall into greater danger.

Compassion does not control soldiers. Once the war begins, there is only a distinction between life and death, not status.

The person facing danger now is not his son-in-law Guan Yu, but the Han general Zuo!

Although the Wei army was afraid of Mi Yang, Guan Yu unexpectedly sent an extra 10,000 troops directly towards Mi Yang's headquarters.

But in this situation, Guan Yu also keenly seized a fighting opportunity.

It can be used to reverse the unfavorable situation of the Han army, which has fewer troops than the Wei army, in a certain situation.

To complete this fighter, the next thing to look at is Mi Yang's performance.

When Mi Yang led 10,000 Han troops toward the battlefield, he quickly noticed a Wei army of about 20,000 troops in front of him on horseback. They were moving towards his 10,000 troops with ill intentions.

The Han army came.

Not only Mi Yang saw this scene, but also Deng Ai who was beside Mi Yang also saw this scene.

After seeing this, Deng Ai immediately looked back subconsciously.

But he saw that there were no reinforcements coming behind the 10,000-strong army.

After realizing this, a heavy look appeared on Deng Ai's face.

If the general didn't realize it at first, Zhang Liao would send 20,000 Wei troops to stop them.

So now they have seen 20,000 Wei troops coming towards them, and it is impossible for the general to not see it.

And with the general's combat experience, it is even more impossible for him not to know how much pressure the 20,000 Han troops will face next compared to 10,000.

It's just that the general knew it, but he didn't send reinforcements to support him. It was obvious that he wanted to use his 10,000-strong army as a bait to hold back the 20,000 Wei troops.

Deng Ai quickly told Mi Yang his judgment.

After listening to Deng Ai's inference, Mi Yang fell into a brief silence as he led the army forward.

Just when Deng Ai thought Mi Yang would be angry about this, Mi Yang showed a smile and said to Deng Ai:

"When I met Cao Cao at Hanshui, Cao Cao said that if my uncle had been summoned by him, I would be his."

"Cao Cao's emotion back then, now those unscrupulous descendants who rebelled against Wei have just woken up and are eager to get my head.

Isn’t it too late?”

"Although the army of thieves is large, there is nothing to fear. We are Han, and if I were not here to bait the thieves today, I fear that there would be no survivors in the army."

After saying these words, Mi Yang immediately issued a new order to the 10,000 troops behind him.

The whole army turned three hundred steps east.

It was obvious that Mi Yang wanted to use himself as bait to attract the 20,000 Wei troops who were approaching him to another battlefield.

Since today's battle is a crucial battle for Dahan, he is naturally willing to pay for Dahan.

Mi Yang is usually a very cautious person, which can be seen from the fact that he always takes his personal guards with him when he travels.

Just being cautious does not mean retreating.

Now the fates of Mi Yang and Da Han have been intertwined in every aspect. He cannot retreat in terms of emotion, reason, public or private affairs.

And since you can't retreat, try to take some initiative.

When Mi Yang's army suddenly turned around in front of the two armies, the movement of his 10,000-strong army was clearly seen by the generals of the two armies.

When Sun Li, who was leading 20,000 Wei troops, saw this, he immediately ordered the Wei troops behind him to speed up their pace.

When Cao Xiu, who was leading the army against Zhang Fei, saw this, he immediately conveyed an order to Xu Chu, asking him to lead the remaining two thousand light cavalry troops to assist Sun Li.

Other generals may be afraid of Mi Yang, but Cao Xiu is jealous of Mi Yang.

None of the Wei generals present were mediocre. Even without prior communication, they knew what Zhang Liao's purpose was.

Guan Yu, who had been paying attention to Mi Yang's movements, turned his attention away from Mi Yang after seeing this.

This is his Guan Yu's son-in-law, and this is his worthy successor to Guan Yu!

Because he set off from the Han army's formation first, Mi Yang arrived at the predetermined position before Sun Li and Xu Chu's troops arrived.

After leading the army to the predetermined position, Mi Yang immediately ordered the Han army behind him to form a formation.

Although it was three hundred steps away from the battlefield between Zhang Fei and Cao Xiu, the deafening howls and killing sounds could still be clearly heard in the ears of the Han army.

This shows that the fighting situation between the two sides in that battlefield is still very fierce.

Then Mi Yang looked at the more than 20,000 Wei troops approaching him. He jumped off his horse and raised the spear that Ding Feng handed over from the side.

Now that we have joined forces to fight against the male and female, then I shall share in the blood!

There is still 1 chapter left in the early morning.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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