Chapter 344 Returning to Nanzheng

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Chapter 344 Return to Nanzheng Five Questions from Fa Miao

In early April of the second year of Emperor Zhangwu of the Han Dynasty, Mi Yang's army, which returned from Jingzhou, finally arrived outside Nanzheng City.

Long before Mi Yang returned with his army, Liu Bei's edict to worship Mi Yang as the shepherd of Liangzhou had been conveyed to Hanzhong County.

When Mi Yang led the army to the outside of Nanzheng City, he saw a large number of civil and military officials waiting outside Nanzheng City.

After seeing Mi Yang's return, all the civil and military officials, led by Wu Yi and Fa Miao, bowed respectfully to Mi Yang.

From the moment they received Liu Bei's edict, their identities changed dramatically.

In a broad sense, they are all ministers of the Han Dynasty.

But in a certain respect, they were also Mi Yang's ministers from then on.

During the Three Kingdoms period, the differences in customs between counties were as great as between countries.

And this situation is even more severe from state to state.

Due to the existence of this objective situation, states or counties in the current era were often nicknamed after the names of ancient vassal states.

For example, Wu in Yangzhou and Chu in Jingzhou.

Although Liangzhou was just established, it was already a state in name after all.

A state is a country, and Mi Yang, as the shepherd of Liangzhou, is undoubtedly the de facto "monarch" of this country.

A county is called a county dynasty, and a state naturally also has a state dynasty.

Currently standing in front of Mi Yang are the mainstays of his state's court.

After all the Liangzhou officials bowed to Mi Yang, Mi Yang dismounted and came to them in time.

He first took the initiative to help the two leading subordinates, Wu Yi and Fa Miao, up, and then he signaled the dozens of officials behind Wu Yi and Fa Miao to stand up.

Mi Yang's humble behavior immediately made many Liangzhou officials present feel favorably.

Although Mi Yang is now their state king in name, Mi Yang has only been the pastor of Liangzhou for a short period of time, and his kindness and power have not yet been deeply implanted in the hearts of everyone present.

Under such circumstances, Mi Yang was definitely right in maintaining a humble attitude.

After asking all the officials to stand up, Mi Yang raised his head and looked at the tall city gate not far in front of him, with many emotions in his heart.

In its original history, the city of Nanzheng entrusted Ji Han with too many ideals.

In this city, countless heroes of the Han Dynasty launched the Northern Expedition one after another for the ideal of reviving the Han Dynasty in their hearts.

They all failed in the end, but this could not erase the fact that this city left a mark in the entire history of Jihan.

Now that he has taken control of this city, what kind of chapter will he write in this city?

At this moment, Mi Yang felt both yearning and emotion in her heart, as well as spirit and pride.

Just when Mi Yang was looking up at the head of Nanzheng City, Fa Miao, who was acting as the prefect in Mi Yang's absence, couldn't help but step forward and said to Mi Yang:

"The army is tired. The state pastor will order the army to disarm and rest."

After hearing Famiao's reminder, Mi Yang glanced at the thousands of soldiers behind him with tired faces.

When Mi Yang set off from Wudang, he took with him an army of ten thousand.

However, in the Battle of Xiangfan, Mi Yang's troops suffered the most serious damage due to their numerical disadvantage.

Since then, although Mi Yang's troops have not fought again, due to the unstable situation in Yiyang, they have been in a state of mental stress and preparation for war.

If you think about it carefully, this situation has been going on for a long time.

Now that these thousands of soldiers have returned to Hanzhong, it is time for them to have a good rest.

At Fa Miao's reminder, Mi Yang immediately ordered the thousands of soldiers behind him who had returned with honors to take a ten-day break starting from today.

Soldiers in the Han Dynasty had public holidays, but each place was different, and the days of vacation were also different.

Perhaps in Cao Wei, the ten-day holiday was too short.

But that's because Cao Wei's soldiers were all from other places, and it would take a long time for them to just return home.

In the Han Dynasty, since most of the Han troops were recruited nearby, the ten-day holiday was already considered a long time.

At least among the Han people, it is currently the only one.

This can be regarded as a reward from the newly appointed Liangzhou Mu to his soldiers.

When Mi Yang's order spread throughout the army, the thousands of Han soldiers raised their guns and cheered excitedly.

These thousands of warriors who licked blood from their swords were willing to follow Mi Yang through life and death.

But if they can return home safely and reunite with their families after being born and died, this will undoubtedly be the happiest thing for them.

Seeing thousands of Han soldiers raising their guns and cheering happily, Mi Yang also had a smile on his face.

Mi Yang then handed over the specific affairs of the rotation of soldiers to Meng Da and Deng Ai, and he led a group of family members of his guards into the city of Nanzheng under the respectful welcome of Wu Yi and Fa Miao.

Nanzheng City was originally the base camp of Zhang Lu. With the expansion of Zhang Lu, a wealthy man in the late Han Dynasty, the city was no smaller than Xiangyang, Jiangling and other large cities.

The Zhoumu Mansion in the city, which was originally Zhang Lu's residence, far exceeded the standards of an ordinary mansion.

When Mi Yang entered the Prefectural Mufu's Mansion, he couldn't help but secretly sigh that the Prefecture Mufu's Mansion he was in was not inferior to the imperial palace in Chengdu in all aspects.

Just thinking of what Guan Yan said about Mi Yang, at this moment, the idea of ​​splitting up the Prefectural Mufu was already in her mind.

On the way into the Prefectural Shepherd's Mansion, Mi Yang asked Wu Yi and everyone else to leave first on the grounds that they had just returned and needed to rest.

He left only Fa Miao to lead the way.

After Wu Yi and others retreated, Mi Yang ordered the family members behind him to retreat.

After a while, only Mi Yang and Fa Miao were left in a wide corridor.

When there was no one else around, Mi Yang stopped Fa Miao in front of him.

After Fa Miao stopped, he immediately turned around and bowed to Mi Yang.

Seeing Fa Miao's respectful manner, a smile appeared on Mi Yang's face.

They have been playing together since they were young, and they are just shy in front of outsiders. Now that they are the only two brothers left, why are they so cautious?

After Mi Yang helped Fa Miao up, she took his hand and sat down at the edge of the corridor.

But after Mi Yang sat down, he kept in mind the etiquette of superiority and inferiority, but still refused to sit next to Mi Yang.

Mi Yang saw that Fa Miao was very stubborn, so he gave up the idea of ​​letting Fa Miao sit next to him.

Mi Yang looked at Fa Miao standing in front of him and said directly: "I have just been ordered by the emperor to become the state shepherd. I am sincere and frightened. I am afraid that improper governance will cause unrest in Liangzhou and live up to the emperor's expectations."

"The Emperor often taught me: "If you want to achieve great things, you must first employ people." In terms of talent, the Emperor once praised you for your ability to manage politics. In terms of closeness, you and I come from the same family, and we are actually brothers.

Therefore, I want to call you to serve as a farewell driver in Liangzhou, but I don’t know what you want.”

Fa Miao's father Fa was Mi Yang's mentor. When Mi Yang was studying art in Fazheng Mansion, he and Fa Miao studied together and lived together, so the relationship between Fa Miao and Mi Yang goes without saying.

Even if we just talk about the closeness of the relationship, in this world where teachers are respected, Fa Miao has a closer relationship with Mi Yang than Zhang Bao and others.

Mi Yang knew that he would implement a series of reforms next. Every reform would be met with resistance.

In order to eliminate those resistances, in addition to having great prestige, he must also find some capable people to assist him.

Fa Miao is the first assistant Mi Yang wants to find.

Because the relationship was too close, Mi Yang didn't want to beat around the bush with Fa Miao. He directly explained his feelings to Fa Miao.

However, after Fa Miao listened to Mi Yang's words, he bowed to Mi Yang and said, "Miao has little talent and little virtue, so he should not be held in any other position."

Biejia, the full name of Biejia is engaged in work, which is an official subordinate to the prefecture governor or prefectural shepherd since the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Biejia has the highest status among the state officials. When the state pastor goes out on patrol, he is not allowed to ride in a car, so he is respected as Biejia by the world.

Since Huan Ling, the power of local state pastors has continued to increase, and the power of Biejia has also continued to increase.

To this day, Biejia is already a subordinate official in a state responsible for the government affairs of the state pastor and prime minister.

If the state pastor is compared to the "monarch" of a state, Biejia is the "prime minister" of a state whose power is only under the state pastor.

The reason why Fa Miao declined Mi Yang was not only because Biejia's power was very deep, but also because Biejia's status meant that a state's Biejia Council was often held by a famous person in the world.

Fa Miao believed that his current reputation was not enough to hold the post of Liangzhou Biejia.

It's not that Mi Yang is unaware of Fa Miao's concerns.

It's just that if you have a state pastor, you must have someone else. Among the talents under his command, only Fa Miao is suitable for this position.

So Mi Yang smiled and said to Fa Miao: "Talent does not lie in your age. Since Huan Ling, there have been so many young people in high positions in the world."

What Mi Yang said is true.

Every time in troubled times, many talents will emerge. One very important reason is that young people are more likely to stand out in troubled times.

At that time, when the heroes were divided, many of the world-famous talents were only in their twenties when they were in high positions.

After saying this, Mi Yang continued: "Moreover, you come from a famous family in Guanzhong. With the reputation of your family, you will not be criticized too much in the eyes of the world."

What Mi Yang said is also true.

The Fufeng Fa family is a famous family clearly recorded in history books.

Historians who can cherish words like gold have specially recorded this, which shows that Fufeng Fa family is also famous in the world.

After saying these two points in succession, Mi Yang finally said: "Manjusri, you don't need to belittle yourself, I am only over 20 years old this year."

"Since there is a state pastor who is more than 20 years old, why can't he be someone who is more than 20 years old?

When my mentor passed away back then, he told us brothers to work together. Now that our mentor has passed away not long ago, are you about to forget his instructions?"

What does it mean to move with reason and understand with emotion? This is it.

When Mi Yang finished what he said, Fa Miao's heart was already shaken.

As the son of Fa Zheng, he is naturally not a pure-hearted person.

The reason why he declined Mi Yang's call just now was simply because he was worried about the criticism from the people in the world.

Now under Mi Yang's words, the worry in his heart gradually dissipated, and he naturally no longer had any thoughts of rejection.

But before accepting Mi Yang's call, Fa Miao slightly raised his head, looked at Mi Yang and said: "You are your king.

Although Miao and Zhou Mu have a personal relationship as brothers, once Miao becomes Zhou Mu's farewell friend, Miao will definitely plan for Zhou Mu with all his heart.

I wonder if Zhou Mu can agree to Miao’s five suggestions?"

Seeing that Fa Miao had not yet taken office, he offered five pieces of advice. Mi Yang was extremely happy.

He smiled and said to Fa Miao: "Manjusri, please tell me."

Facing Mi Yang's expectant eyes, Fa Miao said to Mi Yang:

"Since the time of Huan Ling, the rule of law has been lax, and there has been local chaos. I would like to enforce strict laws first, is that okay?

Zhou Mu's continuous battles have made the people's livelihood in Liangzhou unstable. I hope that Zhou Mu will temporarily suspend the war. Unfortunately, it will be a side effort. Is this okay?

When Zhang Lu was in power, he was very courteous and received tributes, and the trend of contribution and flattery became prevalent in Hanzhong. I hope that the governor of the state will have a pure heart and few desires, and will not receive any property other than taxes. Is this okay?

Since Zhang Wu, the military system of Hanzhong and Han Dynasty has been changed many times, and the military system has been changed, and the order of the squads is chaotic. Is it okay for the ministers to ask the state pastor to fine-tune the troops?

Hanzhong is adjacent to the territory of an enemy country. However, there may be talented people in the enemy country who have great ambitions for the Han Dynasty. Is it okay for me to ask the state pastor to recruit talented people?"

After listening to the five pieces of advice offered by Fa Miao, Mi Yang intentionally adopted the other four pieces of advice. However, Mi Yang was a little hesitant about Fa Miao's second piece of advice.

The world is uncertain and wars are rising. This is the main theme of this world.

But thinking about Liu Bei's instructions to him before leaving, and thinking about the continuous wars fought by the Han Dynasty in the past few years, the national power of Jing and Yi states has indeed been severely depleted, not to mention that Liangzhou is still just a new state.

Therefore, for the sake of long-term planning and to fish without drying up the lake, Mi Yang promised Fa Miao: "I will accept everything you say."

After hearing what Mi Yang said, a smile appeared on Fa Miao's face.

He quickly bowed to Mi Yang and said, "In that case, Miao is willing to accept the post of being a master."

Seeing that Fa Miao was willing to serve as a farewell driver, Mi Yang's smile reappeared on her face.

He immediately stood up and held Famiao's hand and said: "From today on, you and I, brothers, will work together to build Liangzhou into a paradise."

After expressing this expectation, Mi Yang gave Fa Miao a shot in advance and said, "I have many reform strategies in my mind. If I implement them, I am afraid there will be great resistance. I hope Manjusri will take precautions in advance."

After hearing this concern in Mi Yang's heart, Fa Miao's face did not show a heavy look. He said firmly:

"Since Miao is the state pastor's farewell driver, if the state pastor encounters difficulties, Miao must go to great lengths to eliminate them.

If anyone dares to oppose the policy of benefiting the state, herding, the country and benefiting the people, Miao will punish them severely."

Mi Yang was stunned by Fa Miao's answer, and then he started laughing.

With such a charming demeanor, he is the son of Fa Zheng.

While Mi Yang and Fa Miao were discussing state affairs in the corridor of the Prefectural Mufu, Deng Ai was also receiving a friend from afar in his camp.

Deng Ai looked at Shi Bao, who was sitting across from him and was devouring food, with a smile on his face but also some surprise.

As far as Deng Ai knew, although Shi Bao was from a poor family like him, Shi Bao was very popular, so he dressed quite appropriately in the past.

How did Shi Bao end up in this situation today?

Looking at the weeds on Shi Bao's head and the scars scratched by thorns on his face, the surprise in Deng Ai's eyes became even stronger.

"Zhong, Zhong"

After hearing Deng Ai shouting for a long time, Shi Bao, who was trying hard to fill his stomach, couldn't help but roll his eyes before he could call out all his words.

In ancient Chinese, the pronunciation of the word Zhong is similar to that of pig.

Is this Shizai trying to make him angry on purpose?

Today's chapter.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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