Chapter 386: The Attack Begins, The Emperor Leaves His Seat

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Chapter 386 The attack begins. The emperor leaves his seat

Author: Soy Sauce Mixed History

Chapter 386 The attack begins. The emperor leaves his seat

As the solemn morning bell rang in the palace, Chengdu instantly became noisy in the early morning.

At least hundreds of chariots of different specifications appeared in all directions in Chengdu, and then they all drove towards the same destination almost at the same time.

That destination is the Chengdu Imperial Palace, the highest power center among the Han Dynasty today.

The sound of hundreds of rolling wheels and the neighing of hundreds of horses pulling trailers soon spread throughout Chengdu and woke up many people who were still sleeping.

By the time the sunlight from the sky completely covered the entire city of Chengdu, the streets near the imperial palace had already been paved with gorgeous chariots.

When the people who had just woken up saw a grand scene that had been rare to see a few times this year, their hearts were filled with wonder.

Usually it is difficult for them to see a minister, but now the noble carnivores in the past are like weeds in the rice fields, popping up one after another.

Not only many common people had this feeling, but also the Han ministers who met on the road would feel a little surprised in their hearts after seeing each other.

Many ministers couldn't help but have an idea in their minds - why did he appear?

The reason why these ministers had such thoughts was that in the Han Dynasty, there were only a few serious court meetings.

Different from later generations, during the Qin and Han dynasties, the imperial court often did not formally refer to "going to court".

As far as the current political system of the Han Dynasty is concerned, many government affairs of the imperial court are initially handled in their respective official offices, and then reported to the Chancellery for final processing.

Only some matters that the minister or the prime minister could not make up his mind would eventually be reported to the emperor, who would make the final decision.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, unless they are officials in the same official office, there are not many opportunities for public meetings between two ministers, even if they are both one of the Nine Ministers.

Even because the management of ministers in the Han Dynasty was quite loose, as long as one minister handled his own affairs well.

Then it will be fine if he lies at home every day or travels to other places.

Just like Mi Zhu who has been recuperating at home.

Of course, this is just a general situation. There was a situation in the Han Dynasty that required the emperor and many civil and military officials to be present.

This situation is the "Great Court Meeting".

The Dachaohui is a court ceremony with the highest etiquette that began in the Western Zhou Dynasty. The Dachaohui originally referred to the gathering of civil and military officials to worship the emperor.

The Han Dynasty had strict regulations on holding court meetings.

According to common sense, a grand ceremony like the Dachao Hui is usually held on the first day of the first lunar month to celebrate the New Year.

But there is another situation where the emperor of the Han Dynasty will hold a court meeting at a special time.

That is the time to "measure the affairs of the world."

Since many ministers said that Mi Yang's new policy would shake the foundation of the Han Dynasty, then Mi Yang's new policy must be regarded as "a matter for the world."

So when the emperor and his ministers discuss Mi Yang's new policy together, it can naturally be called "the matter of measuring the world."

Because of the special political system of the Han Dynasty, the ministers would be surprised when they saw colleagues they had not often met in the past.

It was precisely because of this feeling of surprise that many ministers truly realized the impact Mi Yang's new policy had had on the entire Han Dynasty.

However, although every minister has different thoughts in his mind, people's hearts are unpredictable, and today's situation is even more unpredictable.

Therefore, many ministers looked at each other on the carriage and did not directly communicate with each other through words.

They just turned their gazes towards the majestic palaces ahead.

An hour after the morning bell rang in the palace, many ministers' chariots had already arrived outside the palace gate.

At this moment, no matter what status the minister is present, even Xu Jing, one of the three princes, must consciously step out of the chariot.

According to etiquette, only the emperor could drive on the imperial road behind the palace gate.

Of course, some ministers who have received special permission from the emperor also have such an honor and can directly enter the palace gate by car.

It's just that among the hundreds of ministers gathered outside the palace gate, no one has such an honor.

After almost all the ministers gathered outside the palace gate, the ceremonial officers who had been waiting outside the palace gate began to lead all the civil and military officials to enter the palace gate one by one according to their rank.

When many Han ministers entered the palace gate one by one under the guidance of the visitors, they found that there were many elite tiger warriors displayed on both sides of the imperial road.

Behind the rows of tiger warriors were the red flags of the Han Dynasty flying in the sky.

Ministers who are qualified to participate in the imperial meeting must have entered the palace gates in the past.

Therefore, many of them were very keenly aware that the number of tiger soldiers at the palace gate seemed to be much larger today.

However, the doubts in their minds disappeared in an instant after they remembered that today was a great court meeting.

What's more important is that before more people could think about it, the word "qu" came out of Li Guan's mouth.

Under the influence of this word, the numerous civil and military officials following the ceremony officer immediately bent down in order, and then they lined up in east-west classes and walked quickly towards a large hall in front.

When many civil and military officials were getting farther and farther away from the palace gate behind them, the palace captain remembered Mi Wei's instructions and immediately asked his soldiers to close the heavy and majestic palace gate.

As the palace door slowly closed, it meant that the escape route for many civil and military officials who entered the palace was in the hands of the Tiger Army led by Mi Wei.

It's just that the civil and military officials don't know about this yet.

The imperial palace in Chengdu is not that big. After walking quickly, many civil and military officials arrived outside the main hall where the great court meeting was held.

After many civil and military officials arrived outside the main hall, they did not rush in. They were waiting for someone.

And did not keep many civil and military officials waiting for too long. Amidst the sound of bells and drums, Liu Bei, wearing a majestic imperial robe and holding a royal sword in his hand, sat in a gorgeous chariot and headed all the way, surrounded by many internal servants.

Come to the main hall.

After seeing Liu Bei's chariot appear, many civil and military officials who were lined up on both sides immediately lowered their heads and greeted their Majesty's arrival with a humble posture.

Liu Bei was sitting under a raised chariot. As he passed through the passage composed of civil and military officials on both sides, he looked down at some ministers with scrutinizing eyes.

The Li family of Guanghan, the Qiao family of Brazil, and the Yang family of Shu County.

They all arrived one by one, which was great.

Liu Bei's meaningful eyes were not noticed by the courtiers who were scrutinized by him.

After Liu Bei was carried into the main hall, many civil and military officials, under the guidance of the courtesy officer, raised their heads slightly and continued to move towards the main hall.

While many civil and military officials were walking towards the main hall, many people's attention was focused in front of them.

They did not realize that an unexpected scene was happening a hundred steps behind them outside the palace gate.

A rather simple chariot began to appear slowly outside the palace gate.

At this time, the palace gate captain had just closed the upper palace gate, and the time for the civil and military officials to enter had already passed, so the palace gate captain wanted to shout on the palace wall to stop the chariot.

Anyway, such a simple chariot would probably not be used by high-ranking officials.

But before the palace captain could say anything, as the chariot approached, his sharp eyes saw the flag hanging on the chariot.

That flag instantly made his eyes narrow nervously.

And as the chariot came under the palace gate, the owner in the chariot seemed to realize that the palace door was closed, so he who was sitting in the chariot opened the curtain, revealing his pale face.


Although his face was pale, when Colonel Gongmen saw his face, an order immediately came out of his mouth.

"Open the door, open the door quickly!"

Colonel Gongmen's mouth was filled with eagerness.

Perhaps the eagerness of the captain of the palace gate was not understood by his subordinates. Given the importance of the palace gate, how could he just open it?

But no one dared to disobey the superior's order.

So soon Huben reopened the palace door that had just been closed.

When Huben opened the palace door, he was still thinking about who the big shot was who could make the palace door open like a child's play.

But before the doubts in their hearts could be resolved, the scene that happened soon left them stunned.

I saw that after the palace door slowly opened, the minister sitting in the chariot did not get out of the car, but continued to sit in the chariot and marched towards the palace gate.

This scene undoubtedly exceeded the cognition of many people present.

Only the captain of the Palace Gate was not surprised at all by this scene.

Just because other ministers are not qualified to do this does not mean that this minister is not qualified to do so.

Because this minister is called Mi Zhu, who is not only his highest commander, but also the benefactor of today's Han Dynasty.

Because Mi Zhu suffered from leg problems while protecting the emperor, the emperor gave Mi Zhu the supreme honor of being able to drive inside the palace.

Otherwise, how could Mi Zhu's special status be reflected among the Han officials?

The captain of the palace gate watched the chariot carrying Mi Zhu enter the palace gate and walk step by step towards the main hall in front. Knowing some secrets, he unconsciously tightened the knife on his waist.

When many ministers began to enter the hall, Liu Bei was already sitting on the throne.

In the spacious and bright hall, Liu Bei watched the minister, who enjoyed great honor among the Han Dynasty, step into the hall with a respectful look on his face, with some sighs on his face.

It would be great if the respect and sincerity on their faces were true.

Soon, many civil and military officials had entered the hall and took their seats.

After everyone was seated, under the leadership of the etiquette officer, hundreds of civil and military ministers bowed down and saluted Liu Bei who was sitting on the throne:

"See your Majesty, may your Majesty be blessed."

Hundreds of uniform and powerful worship sounds instantly echoed through the hall, and they continued to echo under the special structure of the hall.

Under the constant echo of the sound of worship, Liu Bei waved his hand slightly to let the ministers stand down.

When Liu Bei made this move, a great dynasty meeting was officially held that would profoundly affect the future national destiny of the Han Dynasty.

Looking at the hall that instantly fell silent due to his waving of hands, Liu Bei's questions completely ignited the emotions of many ministers in the hall.

"Recently, the government and the public have been talking about the badness of Liangzhou's new pastoral policy, and the Qing Dynasty has been agitated, causing instability in various places.

Today I specially convened this great meeting to discuss with you the pros and cons of Liangzhou's new policy.

If the new policies in Liangzhou really do more harm than good, I will issue an edict asking Liangzhou Mu to stop implementing all new policies."

When Liu Bei's last words floated throughout the hall, many ministers in the hall who had been prepared for the day felt as if they had been given blood.

You have no joke!

Soon in this excited mood, a minister came out and said to Liu Bei:

"The wise rulers of ancient times judged the conduct of their ministers in order to establish the order of the country. If they explored the four chaos and discerned the four dangers, then the country would not be in chaos.

What are the four chaos? "Guanzi" says: If there is a concubine who is suspicious of his wife, the family is in chaos; if the common people are suspicious of the legitimate son, the clan is in chaos; if there are officials in the court who are suspicious of the government, the country is in chaos; if an official is incompetent, the whole family is in chaos


What are the four dangers? It is also said: If the shepherds are not popular, the country is in danger; if the subjects are not in harmony, the country is in danger; if the soldiers are arrogant, the country is in danger; if the people do not care about their property, the country is in danger.

Today, General Zuo is arbitrarily implementing the so-called New Deal in Liangzhou because he doubts the laws of his ancestors. This is a sign of national chaos.

General Zuo also allowed his subordinates to exercise power and massacre a group of good people without trial. This is an incompetent official and a sign of chaos.

The country is in chaos, and signs of mass chaos have appeared. As for the four dangers, General Zuo has violated all of them.

Anyone who is a monarch has clear magic and sure rewards and punishments. Although he has no words, his power is autonomous;

If the magic is unclear and rewards and punishments are not necessary, even if the order is given, the situation will be chaotic.

Yao and Shun did not do anything but had more than enough, which is the reason for the momentum; Hu Hai and Wang Mang galloped towards the goal but did not have enough, which is the chaos of the situation.

The lessons learned from the past are fresh in our minds.

Your Majesty has once again created the foundation of the Han Dynasty. He is an unparalleled wise master. How can you tarnish the reputation of the Qing Dynasty because of General Zuo's dangerous actions?

How can we remain indifferent to General Zuo's dangerous and chaotic actions?

If the Ming Dynasty presides over laws and decrees, the world will be in order.

Therefore, I sincerely request your Majesty to punish General Zuo for his crimes in accordance with the law!"

After the minister spoke eloquently, he raised his head and looked at Liu Bei sitting on the throne.

The first person to attack Mi Yang was Liu Ba, who had long been suspicious of Mi Yang.

As he took the lead in attacking Mi Yang, many ministers present were undoubtedly shaken.

Liu Ba's literary talents are beyond words.

Under his clear and logical explanation, which he quoted from scriptures, let alone those ministers who were originally wavering.

Even the ministers who had originally made up their minds to support Mi Yang would inevitably have some influence on their thoughts after listening to Liu Ba's discussion.

Liu Bei, who was sitting on the throne, saw that his fellow minister was the first to attack Mi Yang, and he felt a mixed feeling in his heart.

It was obvious that Kong Ming had given him a chance, but why didn't he cherish it?

However, although he felt sorry for Liu Ba's choice in his heart, Liu Bei knew that now was not the time to dwell on regrets.

Under the hint in his eyes, some ministers also thought of coming out to refute Liu Ba.

But before those ministers could show up, a cold snort came into the ears of the ministers from outside the hall.

"This is complete nonsense, extremely ridiculous."

After hearing this cold snort that directly attacked Liu Ba, many ministers in the hall immediately looked toward the palace door.

Many ministers who recognized the owner of this voice had expressions of surprise or joy on their faces.

Why did he show up today?

When Liu Bei, who was sitting on the throne, heard this voice, he was surprised and subconsciously stood up from the throne.

He wanted to get up and greet this minister who held a special position in his life.

The emperor left his seat and greeted him personally.

This is the status of Han Wei Wei Mi Zhu.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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