Chapter 420 Changes in the Situation: Guo Huai's Arrival

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Chapter 420 The situation changes and Guo Huai arrives

Author: Soy Sauce Mixed History

Chapter 420 The situation changes and Guo Huai arrives

In December of the second year of Emperor Zhangwu of the Han Dynasty, Zhuge Liang, who had just led the Han army to a great victory, left some soldiers and horses to guard the Bo Road, and then led most of the other Han armies to pursue the victory and go south, arriving at the Han Dynasty in Yueqi County.

outside the county.

When Zhuge Liang's army arrived in Chan County, Zhuge Liang's reputation in Nanzhong greatly increased due to the complete victory in the Battle of Bodao.

Therefore, the county magistrate of Chan County, who was originally loyal to Gaoding, immediately took the initiative to open the city gate to welcome Zhuge Liang's army into the city on the day Zhuge Liang led the army.

Naturally, Zhuge Liang could not hide the two sides of the head of the county magistrate of Chan County, but Zhuge Liang had no intention of punishing the magistrate of Chan County.

Chan County is only a small county, and it is difficult to recruit hundreds of county soldiers. Facing the powerful rebels, the county magistrate of Chan County had no choice but to rebel.

If he had not rebelled, Gao Ding would be the leader of the Yi people, and he would very likely be able to massacre the city.

Moreover, the choice of the county magistrate of Chan County is the same as that of most county magistrates in Nanzhong.

Most of the counties in Nanzhong do not all support the rebels. The reason why they choose to rebel is that when the rebellion first broke out, they were alone. In this case, rebellion was the best choice for self-protection.

Of course, if Zhuge Liang was defeated in the Battle of Bodao, then the magistrate of Chan County would definitely become more loyal to Gaoding.

One is positive and the other is negative, both change due to the current situation.

Not only did Zhuge Liang not punish the Magistrate of Chan County, he also comforted the Magistrate of Chan County with words.

Zhuge Liang's attitude made the magistrate of Chan County burst into tears with gratitude.

Seeing that he had appeased the county magistrate of Chan County, Zhuge Liang commanded more than ten thousand Han troops to station in Chan County and repair the city defenses, thinking of using Chan County as a temporary base for him to pacify Yueqi County.

This is also one of the reasons why Zhuge Liang appeased the county magistrate of Chan County. Since Chan County will be his temporary garrison base, the stability of Chan County is of course very important.

The stability of Chan County cannot be separated from the strong support of the county magistrate.

In addition, his attitude towards the Magistrate of Chan County today will be publicized through the mouth of the Magistrate of Chan County sooner or later.

After this incident spread throughout Nanzhong, the county magistrates of other counties who heard about it would not be too resistant to the arrival of Zhuge Liang's Han army.

With this mentality, as long as the situation continues to develop in the favor of the Han army, there will be more people like the Magistrate of Chan County in Nanzhong in the future.

This was Zhuge Liang's political strategy to deal with the Southern Rebellion - only to kill the chief culprits, regardless of subordinates.

After making arrangements for the army to enter Chan County, Zhuge Liang sent a large number of scouts to explore the movements of Gaoding and Meng Huo.

It can be said that the battle outside Bodao County last month dealt a powerful blow to the rebels of Gaoding and Meng Huo, but that battle was not enough to break up the tribes of these two men.

According to the intelligence collected after cleaning up the battlefield, in the Battle of Bodao, more than 1,000 Yi troops out of 10,000 died, more than 2,000 were captured, and the remaining nearly 7,000 people escaped in all directions.

After having a clear understanding of the enemy's losses, even Zhuge Liang once secretly sighed: The Yi people are really good at running.

Only after sighing with emotion, Zhuge Liang realized that there were still several fierce battles to be fought in the war to quell the rebellion in Nanzhong.

If fighting Cao Wei or Jiangdong, even if most of their armies fled after defeat, Zhuge Liang would not have such worries, but the Yi army in Nanzhong was different.

The Yi Army is an army based on tribes. Such an army has the weaknesses of lax military discipline and insufficient training, but it also has very significant advantages.

This advantage is that they have a very strong sense of belonging to their leader, after all, their leader is actually their patriarch.

With this advantage, if the Wei or Wu armies fled in large numbers, many of them might not return to the army. Even if they did, it would take a long time, but the Yi army would not have such worries.

According to Zhuge Liang's calculations, it won't take long for Gao Ding and Meng Huo to reunite most of their scattered tribesmen.

Just a few days after Zhuge Liang led his army and stationed in Chan County, the scouts he sent earlier came back and reported to him the latest intelligence they had found.

"In Gaoding, the two thieves Meng Huo were defeated and fled to Qiongdu, where they collected the defeated troops and restored their military strength."

This latest information means that all Zhuge Liang's previous assumptions have become facts.

Since he had already expected it, Zhuge Liang was not too surprised after getting this military information.

He gave the scout a new mission.

After Zhuge Liang sent a good news to Chengdu, Chengdu naturally fell into joy.

After receiving the good news, the "ruling" prince Liu Chan was even more delighted and could not control himself.

In excitement, Prince Liu Chan specially sent an envoy, Da Sinong Meng Guang, to go south to Zhuge Liang's army to reward the troops.

This incident happened not long ago.

But now Zhuge Liang is going to make a fuss about this matter.

He asked his scouts to spread false news outside Qiongdu that Chengdu was constantly sending reinforcements south.

After the scout got this mission, he immediately set out for the outside of Qiongdu City and went according to plan.

While Zhuge Liang was assigning tasks to the scouts, the surrender commander Li Hui was in Zhuge Liang's tent, reporting some military affairs to him.

After the scouts left, Li Hui was a little confused as to why Zhuge Liang asked the scouts to do this.

"The enemy's defeat is a time when the morale of the army is depressed. Now that our army is stronger than the enemy's, why doesn't the Prime Minister go all out to capture Qiongdu?

Today, the Prime Minister ordered his scouts to spread the news about the continuous flow of reinforcements from our army. Gao Ding and the two thieves Meng Huo were already in panic. Seeing that our troops were gathering in large numbers, they were bound to seek help from everywhere in desperation.

At that time, if Zhu Bao and Yong Kai lead their troops to defend Qiongdu, it will not be so easy to capture Qiongdu."

Hearing Li Hui's worries, Zhuge Liang smiled and said to Li Hui: "What I want is Zhu Bao and Yong Kai coming."

Zhuge Liang's words made Li Hui even more puzzled.

Seeing Li Hui's puzzled expression, Zhuge Liang patiently explained to Li Hui:

"The battle at Bodao is enough to prove that it is easy to defeat the Yi people but not easy to annihilate them. If most of them are not annihilated, the chaos in Nanzhong will never be peaceful.

Moreover, all the rebels in Nanzhong do not belong to each other, and each has its own territory. If our army wants to pacify Nanzhong, it cannot be done without destroying all the rebels.

However, if we lead the troops one by one to pacify them, the terrain in Nanzhong is dangerous and miasma is rampant. This is a very dangerous and time-consuming task.

The counter-Wei forces are ready to make a move, but time does not wait for us.

In this case, I might as well use a plan to lure all the rebels together, gather them together and destroy them, and complete their work in one battle."

Seeing Zhuge Liang's plan, Li Hui admired Zhuge Liang endlessly.

Seeing that Li Hui understood his intention, Zhuge Liang nodded slightly.

Li Hui is the commander-in-chief of Xijiang. After he pacifies Nanzhong in the future, Li Hui will be responsible for all important military and political affairs in Nanzhong.

For the purpose of long-term peace and stability in Nanzhong, Zhuge Liang had to let Li Hui understand the secret to governing Nanzhong.

Soon after, Li Hui, who had reported all military affairs, withdrew from Zhuge Liang's tent.

After Li Hui left the tent, Yang Yi asked to see him outside the tent again.

Hearing that it was Yang Yi who was asking to see him, Zhuge Liang quickly called out to let him in.

Yang Yi walked out of the tent with a happy face. Before he reached Zhuge Liang, he said to Zhuge Liang with joy:

"Prime Minister, Deng Ai led the army to put down the Huang Yuan rebellion not long ago.

Huang Yuan's traitor was beheaded by our army on the spot, and his head has been sent to Chengdu."

When he heard the good news, Zhuge Liang's face also showed joy - he had indeed seen the right person.

Yang Yi walked quickly to Zhuge Liang and handed an unopened battle report to Zhuge Liang.

Although Yang Yi has not read the contents of the battle report, he has just learned everything from the messenger sent by Deng Ai.

Zhuge Liang quickly took the battle report from Yang Yi and unfolded it.

But when Zhuge Liang unfolded the battle report in his hand, he discovered that there were two documents in his battle report.

This abnormal scene immediately alerted Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang first calmly asked Yang Yi to step aside, and then he sat on the main seat and read the two documents sent by Deng Ai.

One of the documents was a report on Deng Ai's battle to quell the Huang Yuan Rebellion. Zhuge Liang read it in just a while.

But when Zhuge Liang picked up another document, he discovered that it was actually a letter.

Zhuge Liang then unfolded the letter and read it.

After reading the contents of the letter, Zhuge Liang couldn't help but sigh.

This letter was exactly what Shi Bao found from Huang Yuan, the letter stating that Sun Quan would fund the Nanzhong rebellion.

As early as when he went south, Zhuge Liang had vaguely guessed that the chaos in Nanzhong had the shadow of Cao Wei behind it.

But what he didn't expect was that Sun Quan was also one of the people behind the rebellion in Nanzhong.

This Sun Quan is so ambitious!

But compared to Sun Quan's ambition, Zhuge Liang was more worried about the deep connection behind this incident.

This letter only mentioned that Sun Quan would assist the Nanzhong rebels. On the surface, this seemed to be a matter between Sun Quan and the Nanzhong rebels.

But Zhuge Liang realized that Sun Quan's behavior was probably under the instruction of Cao Wei.

Otherwise, Sun Quan is a wolf and has great ambitions, but he is also good at lying dormant.

If there was no collusion between Cao and Wei, Sun Quan would not have rashly intervened in Nanzhong on his own side.

Moreover, at the same time that Cao Wei was secretly communicating with Nanzhong, Sun Quan also had a hand in this. Zhuge Liang did not believe that there could be such a coincidence in the world.

Due to his different strategic vision, Zhuge Liang got more hidden information from this letter.

But after getting the hidden information, Zhuge Liang frowned deeply.

This expression rarely appeared on his face, even when he first learned that Cao Wei was planning to attack Hanzhong on a large scale.

The reason why Zhuge Liang behaved like this was not because he was worried that Sun Quan would provide too much help to Nanzhong, nor because he lacked the confidence to face the current situation in Nanzhong, which seemed to be becoming increasingly difficult.

What worries him is that the situation in the world seems to be changing in the direction that he least wants to see.

That situation is - everyone in the world is the enemy.

This is what makes Zhuge Liang, a Crouching Dragon, very worried.

The world may think that the current situation of the Han Dynasty has reached the height he envisioned in "Longzhong Dui", but Zhuge Liang knows that the current Han Dynasty is similar in appearance but not in spirit.

From a territorial point of view, the Han Dynasty currently has good advantages in crossing Jingjing.

But the reason why Zhuge Liang proposed this strategic concept in the first place was because he proposed the "Longzhong Dui" during the time when Jingzhou and Yizhou were both powerful states in the world.

Especially Jingzhou during that period - with a hundred thousand soldiers and ten years of food supply, this was such a tyrannical national power.

When the tyrannical national power is matched with a strategic location that extends in all directions, and a handsome man, then the war potential that Jingzhou can unleash will make everyone fear it.

Only with such arrogant national power can he have the confidence to "xiang Wanluo" and at the same time intimidate the Sun family in Jiangdong, which is located downstream, so that his "Longzhong Versus" strategy is completely possible to succeed.

But now Jingzhou's national power is in ruins and cannot be compared to the same situation.

Even Jingzhou has now become the biggest weakness of the Han Dynasty.

In this case, the current big man just looks quite powerful. If once he falls into a situation where everyone is the enemy, then

Thinking of this, Zhuge Liang can no longer sit still. The information he has received so far is limited. He doesn't know how far the connection between Cao Wei and Sun Quan has reached, but many things must be prepared in advance.

Zhuge Liang immediately leaned over and wrote a memorial, which he had written to Liu Bei.

Even though he knew that Liu Bei was still resting, he discovered things that were crucial to the life and death of the great man, which made him have to report these things to Liu Bei in time.

Zhuge Liang quickly finished writing the memorial in his hand, and then ordered someone to call Yang Yi.

Yang Yi didn't know why Zhuge Liang had just asked him to step back and why he was so anxious to call him in again. But when he came back to Zhuge Liang again, he discovered that there was a solemn look on Zhuge Liang's face that he had never seen before.

Before Yang Yi could ask about Zhuge Liang, Zhuge Liang handed the memorial in his hand to Yang Yi, and then he said to Yang Yi: "Send it to Chengdu quickly from Baili, and must deliver it to your Majesty personally."

It was this sentence that made Yang Yi realize the seriousness of the matter.

He hurriedly took the memorial from Zhuge Liang, and then he heard Zhuge Liang's instructions: "You draft a warrant in my name and send it to Hanjia, so that Deng Ai can quickly lead his army south after receiving the warrant."

Yang Yi heard the urgency in Zhuge Liang's words, and he immediately bowed to accept the order without hesitation.

After giving these two instructions, Zhuge Liang issued the last order to Yang Yi:

"Send the order to the whole army and march towards Qiongdu early tomorrow morning."

After Zhuge Liang finished speaking his last command, Yang Yi hurriedly left Zhuge Liang's tent and went to deliver the orders one by one.

After Yang Yi left, Zhuge Liang seemed a little tired. He rubbed his brow with his fingers.

Zhuge Liang knew why Sun Quan gradually turned to Cao Wei, even though his eldest son Sun Deng was still in Jingzhou.

Sun Quan, or many people in the world, are just afraid that the great man who dominated the world back then will come back.

Once that day comes and the clan is gone, will you still care about a son?

Difficulties in the world are all caused by human desires.

In December of the second year of Emperor Zhangwu of the Han Dynasty, in Chencang City in Liangzhou, Cao Zhen looked at the roster of the army in his hand with a happy face.

It has to be said that Xia Houmao is indeed quite talented in matters of internal affairs.

In just three months, Xiahou Mao had already gathered nearly 60,000 troops for Cao Zhen, as well as countless supplies of food, grass and weapons.

Thinking about it, it won't take long for the 100,000-strong army to be assembled. How could this not make Cao Zhen feel happy?

Just when Cao Zhen was overjoyed, a sergeant came to report that Guo Huai had arrived.

Upon hearing Guo Huai's arrival, Cao Zhen stood up from his seat and quickly summoned Guo Huai in.

It's too late today, so I'll just start with one chapter.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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