Chapter 475: Cut the mountain into a ladder and cause the camp to roar

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Chapter 475: Cut the mountain into a ladder and cause the camp to roar

Author: Soy Sauce Mixed History

Chapter 475: Cut the mountain into a ladder and cause the camp to roar

The last month of October in the third year of Emperor Zhangwu of the Han Dynasty.

The moonlight of the bright moon appears brighter than the previous moon.

It is true that for the vast majority of people today who suffer from night blindness, the thin moonlight cannot satisfy their need for clear vision.

It was late at night, and the cold wind was blowing in the mountains. To keep out the cold, most of the Jiaozhou soldiers in Fushan had fallen asleep.

Among the thousands of people snoring, in the silent night, it is particularly loud in the steep Ax Mountain.

It has been more than a month since the troops moved their camp in Wanjiao Prefecture to Fushan.

Since that month, the Han army has always been "huddled" without any movement outside the camp. Coupled with the confidence in the terrain of Cuoxu Mountain, the soldiers in Wanjiao Prefecture slept peacefully and soundly.

Not to mention the soldiers from Wanjiao Prefecture who fell asleep in the camp, but some of the soldiers from Jiaozhou Prefecture who were ordered to patrol the mountain roads had already forgotten Shi Hui's instructions due to their mental paralysis.

Either three or two, or one or two teams, the Jiaozhou soldiers who were responsible for guarding the camp, had already huddled together and hid under the dark trees to fall asleep when the cold and sleepiness invaded.

As the night grew darker, the places where soldiers were supposed to be guarding for help had long been in vain.

And when the soldiers in Hushan and Wanjiao Prefecture were all immersed in sleep, they would not have thought that on tomorrow night, an elite Han army would be heading towards Hushan at an extremely fast speed while taking advantage of the darkness.

The Han army camp was not far from the Ax Mountain. After marching for half an hour with three thousand Liangzhou soldiers, Deng Ai finally arrived at the east side of the Ax Mountain.

After arriving in Shandong, Deng Ai couldn't help but look up at the bright moon hanging high in the sky.

Is it true that God bless the man?

That emotion suddenly appeared in Deng Ai's heart.

The thin moonlight may not allow the Jiaozhou soldiers to see, but for the three thousand Liangzhou troops behind him, the moonlight, supplemented by some torch lighting, is enough to prevent their night movements from being greatly affected.

After sighing with emotion, Deng Ai turned his attention to Ax Mountain, a mountain as steep as a knife in front of him.

As Zhuge Liang said, if we don't adopt the usual method of attacking by force, no matter how many and elite the Han army is, they may not be able to attack that mountain.

But fortunately, there was a mountain road to the east of the steep mountain for the Han army to win.

Under the guidance of local guides, Deng Ai quickly led three thousand Liangzhou troops to find the mountain road.

But when he saw the secret mountain road, Deng Ai's brows wrinkled.

Under the mutual reflection of the firelight and moonlight, Deng Ai could clearly see the mountain road in front of him.

But when Deng Ai saw it clearly, he discovered that the road in front of him was more like a small crack with a giant ax than a mountain road.

It’s just that the road is narrow. The most important thing is that the mountain road is not continuous. There are faults in many places.

How to climb if there is no road?

Not only was Deng Ai frowning, but Fu Qian, the deputy general who was following him, also had a look of deep sadness on his face after seeing the mountain path that seemed impossible to climb.

"Colonel Lieutenant."

A soft call came from Fu Qian's mouth.

Although Fu Qian called out the word "camp captain", it is not difficult to know from Fu Qian's tone that he had the intention of retreating.

Normal generals would have that idea.

But it is obvious that Deng Ai's thinking is different from ordinary people.

Deng Ai turned his head and glared at Fu Qian fiercely. Then when he turned back to look at the mountain road, his eyes were already full of determination.

Before coming, Zhuge Liang had told him that the mountain road was hidden and extremely difficult to climb.

It is precisely because of this that Shi Hui missed this place and neglected to take precautions.

If there is a mountain road that is easy to climb, and Shi Hui is not stupid, why not send a large army to garrison it?

But precisely because the mountain road there is steep and difficult to navigate, the enemy was unprepared there. Therefore, if the Liangzhou army climbed up and arrived, they could penetrate directly into the heart of the enemy.

In war, risks are often directly proportional to benefits.

And once Deng Ai takes over Dong's mission, he will have no reason to back down.

Fortunately, Deng Ai had made preparations in advance.

As Deng Ai waved his legs, hundreds of warriors holding iron swords appeared instantly among the array of three thousand Liangzhou troops behind him.

The foundation of the Liangzhou Army originated from the Jingchu warriors Mi Yang recruited outside Xiangyang City.

The land of Jingchu is densely covered with mountains and forests, so in addition to being good at bows and crossbows, Jingchu warriors are also good at climbing rocks.

And those hundreds of strong men with iron swords on their legs were not the best ones who were carefully selected by Deng Ai from thousands of Liangzhou troops and were good at climbing mountains and rocks.

At Deng Ai's order, the hundreds of armed warriors who carried out the order did not hesitate for a moment. They were standing behind with torches in their hands, and immediately strode forward towards the steep mountain road in front of them.

The mountain road is narrow and there is no way to accommodate too many strong men in one place.

Can it be difficult for hundreds of warriors with swords who are good at climbing mountains and rocks?

I saw hundreds of warriors with guns immediately changing their formations, forming a slender formation in a file, and moving forward towards the mountain road ahead.

As they continued to advance, hundreds of warriors soon came across the place that had just caused Deng Ai to frown.

A natural fault blocked the way of hundreds of warriors holding weapons.

Facing the natural barrier, the hundreds of warriors holding swords did not hesitate. The warriors in front waved the swords in their legs and began to dig into the mountain to clear the way.

As the iron sword in the leg continued to swing, rocks were constantly being smashed open and falling to the feet of the strong man in front.

Or if a rock fell, it would be hard to see what was there, but after a certain number of rocks were cut away, a long ladder turned from stone would appear out of thin air in front of hundreds of warriors.

That would deny Deng Ai's method of opening roads based on the Liangzhou Army's characteristics of being good at mountain warfare - cutting mountains into ladders!

History will tell whether he used a similar method to forcibly open up a 700-mile mountain road leading to Chengdu for his army!

When the stone ladder appeared in the east of the foot, the hundreds of warriors at the front did not delay. Perhaps the stone ladder made by the hasty east was not strong, but they did not fear or panic.

As the first strong man stepped on the stone ladder with heavy steps to climb up, the strong men behind him followed one after another, like carps rushing to jump over the dragon gate, one after another stepping on the stone ladder to climb up.

With the help of the moonlight, Fu Qian stared blankly at the scene happening in his eyes.

Did he know for the first time that it was possible to march like this?

But before Fu Qian had been in a daze for a long time, Deng Ai saw that the road ahead had been cleared, and immediately commanded the remaining Liangzhou Army to follow the hundreds of pioneers in an orderly manner.

Because they wanted to cut down the mountain as a ladder, and because it was not easy to climb the steep mountain road at night, the three thousand Liangzhou troops did not advance very fast.

Even though the speed is not fast, the advance of the three thousand Liangzhou Army has never stopped!

The three thousand Liangzhou troops didn't even know what Deng Ai's purpose was in bringing them here tomorrow night, but they were a strong army trained by Mi Yang's strict military methods, so they just needed to know the resolute figure following them in front.


Mountain roads are complex, and mountains can be cut into ladders everywhere.

There will always be some places where it is impossible to just use stones as stairs.

Deng Ai also made some mistakes in those areas.

When he came tomorrow night, he not only asked the soldiers to hold iron swords on their legs, but also asked them to bring a lot of wooden prongs.

In those places where the stones could not be completely covered, Deng Ai ordered his soldiers to insert wooden prongs into the stones or the ground to form a simple trestle.

After the simple trestle was formed, the soldiers in front quickly stepped onto the Canglu Bridge and continued to climb toward the mountain.

Of course, neither the stone staircase nor the trestle can be made temporarily and simply. Even if there are many Liangzhou soldiers in the East who are fixed with their bodies to prevent the stone staircase and the trestle from loosening, when the light is not very good, there may be some Liangzhou soldiers.

Injured by accidental fall.

To the east of the less bright light, as more and more people were injured, the blood on the stone stairs and trestle also shone brightly in the moonlight.

But even after seeing the blood spilled by those comrades, most of the Liangzhou army could not help but continue to climb eastward in the difficult environment.

Finally, at the end of the unremitting climb, the hundreds of warriors at the front successfully climbed onto the mountainside.

When the hundreds of strong men successfully reached the mountainside, except for some of the strong men who spread out to investigate the surrounding situation, the remaining strong men all followed the cloth belts they carried, and then hung the cloth belts on the cliff.


With the help of hundreds of cloth belts, the Liangzhou Army, which had barely reached the mountainside, gradually reached the mountainside under the pull of the strong men.

After Zhai Mule and part of the Liangzhou Army reached the mountainside, they took over the work of the hundreds of warriors and used cloth belts to transport more of their comrades up the mountainside.

This went on and on, and soon after, more than two thousand Liangzhou troops successfully reached the mountainside.

When Deng Ai saw that the Liangzhou army from Shandong was already approaching, a smile appeared on his lips.

Even though his left leg was experiencing severe pain at that time.

Deng Ai was moved to the Central Plains by Cao Cao when he was young. Climbing rocks was not his strong point, but he was not a general and had to lead by example, so he inevitably suffered some injuries during the climb.

But Deng Ai simply bandaged the wound on his left leg, then stood up and conveyed his instructions.

At that time, Deng Ai finally revealed what their mission was tomorrow night.

When more than two thousand Liangzhou troops knew that they were shouldering a major mission tomorrow night, their faces showed excitement.

The Liangzhou army not only had strict military laws, but also generous reward measures. These generous reward measures were a serious burden on Liangzhou's national strength, but Mi Yang never thought of cutting corners on that point.

Because he knew that generous rewards could greatly motivate soldiers to be warlike.

Just like the more than 2,000 Liangzhou troops in the east, they knew that the mission tomorrow night was dangerous, but no one pursued profits. They only wanted the benefits obtained after the war to satisfy them, and they did not mind putting themselves in danger.

After informing him of the mission, Deng Ai Dangdong divided his troops into two groups. He assigned a thousand soldiers to Fu Qian and asked him to head towards Shandong from the mountainside, clearing out the checkpoints on the mountain roads along the way.

This point is very important. If the checkpoints where the mountain roads are located are not removed first, and if the Jiaozhou soldiers react and send heavy troops to those checkpoints, then not only Zhuge Liang's army will not be able to successfully attack, but even his more than 2,000 Liangzhou troops will be unable to attack.

Everyone will be in dire straits.

Later, when Fu Qian led a thousand Liangzhou troops towards Shandong quickly, Deng Ai led Shandong's soldiers and headed towards Shanzai in the dark.

I wish I could successfully capture Dongaxe Mountain tomorrow night. Is it possible to just remove the checkpoint?

Fu Qian led a thousand Liangzhou troops and quickly moved toward the checkpoints set up by Jiaozhou soldiers in the mountains under the moonlight.

Due to the danger, the Jiaozhou soldiers deployed not many troops at the checkpoint.

After all, once an enemy attacks, relying on the checkpoints and having soldiers in Baijiaozhou can block the Han army's attack for a certain period of time.

And within that time, there will be enough troops to come to the rescue.

Both Shi Hui and Yu Fan knew how to fight, but they overlooked one point: what would they do if Han troops appeared behind the pass?

After Fu Qian led his troops to the rear of a checkpoint, he discovered that Coco Shihui and Yu Fan had never thought that the Han army would suddenly appear from halfway up the mountain, so all the defensive measures at the checkpoint were deployed in front.

What surprised Fu Qian the most was that most of the Jiaozhou soldiers guarding the checkpoint were now in a state of deep sleep.

After noticing that scene, Fu Qian immediately led the thousands of soldiers behind him and continued to approach the checkpoint in front of him.

As Fu Qian got closer and closer to the checkpoint, some Jiaozhou soldiers were keenly aware of the anomaly.

In the eyes of those Jiaozhou soldiers, they saw the movement of soldiers marching in the mountains and forests behind.

But because the sound came from the rear, the Jiaozhou soldiers thought that the soldiers advancing here were comrades from the east of Shandong.

Several Jiaozhou soldiers walked towards the place where the strange movement was heard. At the same time, they heard shouts and inquiries.

"Who is coming?"

But just when those Jiaozhou soldiers were asking questions, Fu Qian happened to rush out of the mountain road with the Qianliangzhou army.

Seeing the soldiers with sharp blades on their legs suddenly appear in the darkness, the eyes of the Jiaozhou soldiers suddenly showed huge panic.

Before those Jiaozhou soldiers could react, Fu Qian, who was holding a horizontal knife in his leg, rushed in front of them first. When the horizontal knife in his leg slashed past, a response from Fu Qian also fell into the eyes of those soldiers.

In the ears of the famous Jiaozhou soldiers:

"I am my father-in-law!"

When Deng Ai led the Qianliangzhou Army along the way, they also encountered some obstacles on the way.

However, the closer to the mountain, the more neglected the defenses at the checkpoints were. Deng Ai successfully eliminated the Jiaozhou soldiers in those checkpoints.

Soon after, Shan Zai's camp loomed in sight.

At that moment, Deng Ai did not order the soldiers behind him to continue moving forward.

He ordered the soldiers behind him to disperse.

Deng Ai knew that it would not be easy to break into the enemy's camp by relying on Qianliangzhou's army.

But what if there is another way?

Deng Ai asked the scattered Qianliangzhou troops to take out the trumpets they carried with them.

What are the current generals most afraid of?

It’s just two words: Yingxiao.

Just a moment later, outside the quiet Jiaozhou Army Camp, the thundering drums of the Han army sounded!

That's the second chapter of last month.

The Bright Moon has 2 chapters.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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