Chapter 52 Soul Breaking Yuling

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Chapter 52 Yu Ling’s soul is broken

What is handsome talent?

He is also the one who manipulates the situation of the war.

Liu Bei relied heavily on Guan Yu and appointed him as the general guarding Jingzhou. In addition to Liu Bei's trust in Guan Yu's loyalty,

It was also because Liu Bei saw that Guan Yu was a handsome man.

Historically, Guan Yu's defeat was influenced by many factors, but since Mi Yang traveled to the current world, history has already changed.

Under Mi Yang's reminder, Guan Yu had already understood in advance Xu Huang's plan to seize the opportunity to attack the east and attack the west. With such a prophetic advantage, Guan Yu

Guan Yu is capable enough to have absolute control over tonight's battle.

When Guan Yu was preparing to leave Weitou Village a few days ago, he had already given instructions to Pan Jun, Wang Fu and others who were left behind in Weitou Village.

If they find signs of fighting here in Sizhongtun, they will immediately lead the soldiers and horses in the camp to attack Xu Huang's camp.

Most of the scholars in this era were civilized and military-minded, and Pan Jun himself was not bad at commanding troops.

But just in case, Guan Yu was worried that Pan Jun would not be able to lead a big night attack, so before leaving, he specifically told Pan Jun:

"Gong Ming will attack me at night, and you can also attack his camp at night."

"You can go secretly to a few miles outside the camp and ask for more firewood. Gather two bundles together, ten steps away from each other, and form a row vertically and horizontally.

That night a fire broke out, and the fire gathered together. There was a shout in the camp, and it was as if the army was moving."

"If this happens, the general who is guarding the camp will be frightened and will light the beacon fire in the camp to summon Gongming to come back for reinforcements."

After Pan Jun said that he would act according to his plan, Guan Yu finally left with peace of mind.

And tonight, Pan Jun did not disappoint Guan Yu's instructions and acted according to Guan Yu's policy.

Sure enough, Zhao Yan, who was in Xu Huang's camp, hurriedly lit the beacon fire in the camp.

In the dark sky, the black smoke caused by the beacon fire is not easy to detect.

But due to Guan Yu's plan, the outside of Xu Huang's camp was now illuminated by countless torches like daylight.

Moreover, even if the scouts in Xu Huang's army did not detect the beacon warning in their camp in time, they must have seen at a glance the illusion of an army attack created by Pan Jun from a high place.

Because there were not many soldiers and horses left in the camp, after Xu Huang arrived at Sizhongtun, he first sent some scouts to climb up to observe the situation in his camp so that he could detect any situation in time.

When the scouts in Xu Huang's army saw the scene that frightened them, they immediately reported the matter to Xu Huang's deputy general Xu Shang.

After Xu Shang learned the news, he couldn't help but exclaimed and was heard by Xu Huang.

Hearing that his camp was being attacked by Guan Yu's army, Xu Huang was so distraught that he almost fell off his horse.

Most of his troops were cavalry, and the men and horses consumed a huge amount of rations in a day.

In order to support these five thousand cavalry, Cao Cao almost emptied all the grain reserves in Yuzhou and Yanzhou.

The huge amount of food is now in the camp. If the camp is captured by Guan Yu, then the more than 10,000 soldiers and horses under his command will immediately fall into the crisis of running out of food.

Although he is now at a disadvantage in the battle with Guan Yu, Xu Huang's army can still advance and retreat freely with the mobility of the cavalry.

It's just that if the camp is lost and food and grass are cut off, his army of more than 10,000 people will collapse without a fight in less than three days.

Almost in an instant, Xu Huang made a choice in his mind.

Anyway, the current situation on the battlefield is not favorable to them, so it would be better to retreat as soon as possible.

After making a decision in his mind, Xu Huang immediately ordered the gold to retreat.

When the sharp sound of ringing gold sounded, the army on Xu Huang's side felt like they were being amnested.

Just now, under Guan Yu's command, their side had suffered heavy losses.

The army under Xu Huang's command had long wanted to retreat, but due to the fact that the supervisory team composed of Xu Huang's personal soldiers was watching behind them, they forced themselves to continue fighting.

Now that Xu Huang finally gave the order to retreat, the exhausted Wei troops immediately relied on the high mobility of their war horses to retreat.

They quickly pulled out of the battlefield and ran away the way they had come without looking back.

Most of Xu Huang's troops were new soldiers, and the more than 10,000 cavalry troops belonged to many divisions.

When his own side had the upper hand, Xu Huang, who was still in the dark, was still able to command and move them.

But now, although the Wei army has taken the initiative to withdraw from the battlefield, it has actually become a rout.

Under such circumstances, Xu Huang could only watch as the remaining thousands of cavalrymen fled in all directions.

It's just that the camp is in an emergency now, and Xu Huang can't take care of that much. The priority is to return to the camp in time.

In order to ensure that these thousands of cavalry running around could retreat safely, Xu Huang could only personally lead his elite troops to cut off their rear.

Fortunately, these thousands of Wei cavalry were not stupid and knew that they would eventually run back.

Xu Huang's troops and horses are truly considered to be combat troops. With famous generals like Xu Huang commanding them, and with the help of the huge mobility advantage of the cavalry,

Xu Huang finally temporarily repelled the infantry of Guan Yu who were chasing after him.

Just before Xu Huang could breathe a sigh of relief, he saw about a thousand cavalry coming out of the camp in Sizhong in front of him to kill him.

Xu Huang looked at the person in the distance. Is it Guan Yu or who else?

Xu Huang was concerned about the safety of the camp and suppressed the idea of ​​continuing to compete with Guan Yu.

He led the cavalry under his command, quickly followed the pace of the friendly troops in front, and rushed towards his own camp.

When Guan Yu saw this, he was not in a hurry to pursue him.

He summoned Liao Hua and ordered him to temporarily take over the infantry commander's post and stay to clean up the battlefield.

Then he led the cavalry under his command and pursued Xu Huang in the direction where he fled.

Guan Yu has made all kinds of plans to capture Xu Huang tonight, and now of course he is not willing to fail in his success.

In escaping, human potential will be infinitely stimulated.

On the southern ground outside Fancheng, thousands of horsemen were seen galloping towards the north, much faster than when they came.

At such a speed, even though the horses of Guan Yu's cavalry were good horses, they could not catch up with them for a while.

Fortunately, I was running for my life at this time, so there was no need to guarantee confidentiality.

Therefore, most of the thousands of cavalrymen held torches. Otherwise, most of them suffered from night blindness, and most of them would have fled.

Under the rapid galloping, the thousands of Wei cavalry who had the chance to escape from Sizhongtun soon arrived at Ulleung again.

The entrance to Yuling is still so deep, like the huge mouth of an ancient ferocious beast, quietly waiting for its prey to come to the door.

This scene, set against the backdrop of the dark night, makes people feel even more chilled unconsciously.

But at this time, these thousands of cavalry were fleeing for their lives, and they had passed through Ulleung without any obstruction, so they didn't think much about it.

He rushed into the valley of Ulleung so quickly.

Xu Huang, who was behind the thousands of cavalry, saw this scene. Although he wanted to stop it, it was too late.

Moreover, Xu Huang thought about Guan Yu's pursuit behind him and that his own camp was in danger. At this time, his eagerness exceeded his vigilance.

Therefore, he only paused for a while, and then led his own troops and horses into the valley of Ulleung.

The passage in the Ulleung Jung Valley is not narrow, and can normally accommodate a dozen cavalrymen passing through in an orderly manner.

Moreover, the valley is not long, and it will not take too long to rush out of the valley at the speed of the cavalry.

But these are not normal circumstances,

I saw nearly ten thousand Wei cavalry rushing forward after rushing into the valley in Yuling.

This actually caused congestion and greatly delayed their progress out of the valley.

And just after nearly 10,000 Wei cavalrymen had almost all entered the Yuling Valley Road,

At this time, on the mountains on both sides of Yuling, golden drums suddenly sounded together, and the sky was filled with fire.

Countless soldiers wearing Han army uniforms appeared from the mountains and forests. They were densely packed on the mountains on both sides of the Ulleung Valley Road.

They kept waving their weapons and cheering in Jingzhou slang,

Under the dancing of many Han soldiers, dozens of large flags with the word "Guan" fluttered in the wind.

And just after these Jingzhou soldiers appeared, the entrances and exits on the front and rear sides of the valley were also blocked by numerous boulders rolled down from the mountains.

The Wei cavalry, which was already approaching the exit in front, was caught off guard and was knocked down by these huge rocks.

Both men and horses were crushed on the boulder, and they could no longer die.

This shocking turn of events frightened the thousands of Wei cavalrymen.

Crowded in the valley, they kept pushing their horses left and right because of the fear in their hearts.

Because of the crowding, many Wei soldiers were pushed off their horses by their colleagues, and then trampled to death by countless horses on the ground.

For a time, wails and screams kept ringing in the valley in Yuling.

At this time, the Jingzhou soldiers who had already been ambushing on the mountain loaded their long bows with sharp arrows.

Then they raised their long bows and aimed at the Wei cavalry in the Yuling Valley Road, who were like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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