Chapter 529 Boyan takes command and wisely divides the enemy's power

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Chapter 529 Boyan takes command and wisely divides the enemy's power

Author: Soy Sauce Mixed History

Chapter 529 Boyan takes command and wisely divides the enemy's power

The empty lobby was filled with famous ministers and generals from Jiangdong.

Looking at the faces of old and young people, Sun Quan couldn't help but feel proud.

Most of the dozens of important ministers in the hall are either Jiangdong ministers who survived the era of his father and brother, or young talents he has promoted in the past ten years.

Sun Quan, who was well versed in employing people, certainly knew that Jiangdong's most valuable asset was the large group of important officials sitting below him.

They are the greatest confidence in their struggle for world domination.

After lying dormant for several years, today is the time for the Jiangdong Sun family to once again show off its power in the world!

Thinking of this, Sun Quan's expression darkened, and he looked down at a general sitting in the front row.

This general was surprisingly Lu Xun, who had been continuously promoted by Sun Quan in recent years.

I remember that during the Public Security War, Lu Xun was just a partial general and right-wing governor of Jiangdong.

But today, after several years of continuous promotion, Lu Xun is now the right guard of Jiangdong, the general of Zhenbei, and was promoted to the title of Louhou.

Even if I win one game, I just want to win one game.

Even though Lu Xun wanted to brainstorm and let the generals speak freely, after a long discussion, the Jiangdong generals did not give Lu Xun any good suggestions.

This was the only mistake he made in his life.

Boyan, the more I watch it, the more I like it.

He was satisfied with Lu Xun's high fighting spirit, but lamented that he could not conquer it himself this time.

With the blessing of the two factors, the Jiangdong ministers gradually put away their contempt for Lu Xun, especially those generals who were going to accompany the army this time.

Sun Quan's words were calm and firm. When his words fell into Lu Xun's ears, Lu Xun's face became even more joyful.

Sun Quan took off his sword Qingming Sword and handed it to Lu Xun. Then he said to Lu Xun and the Jiangdong ministers present:

"Now you go into battle with the Gu Qingming sword. If anyone dares to violate your moral code during the battle, from the clan members to the elders, you can kill them all with the Gu Qingming sword."

Sun Quan never missed the point when to choose which general. This was something that even the two British masters Liu Bei and Cao Cao could not do.

After all, Lu Xun looks gentle and weak, and seems to be easy to bully.

However, I like it, but Sun Quan did not waste time.

Hefei will not be a strange city to any Jiangdong general.

"I rebelled against Wei's will and now, in the name of the Emperor of the Han Dynasty, I raised 70,000 troops to conquer Huainan.

In fact, with Sun Quan's ability to recognize people, he certainly knew that his military strategy could not be compared with that of his father and brother, but in order to better control Jiangdong, Sun Quan could only continue to conquer personally.

The reason why Sun Quan did not personally conquer Hefei was not because he really trusted Lu Xun to the point of no return. The main reason was that most of the important officials in Jiangdong did not approve of him personally conquering Hefei again.

Lu Xun's promise brought joy to Sun Quan's face.

Because as early as this year, Sun Quan personally led troops to attack Hefei three times.

In this case, our army must not reveal any flaws for the enemy to take advantage of.

When Sun Quan's words fell into the ears of the Jiangdong ministers in the hall, their faces all straightened up.

After all, Jiangxia County is no less important than Huainan.

So Sun Quan naturally thought of letting Lu Xun replace him as the coach of the Northern Expedition.

And if Han Dang led his army to Xunyang with great fanfare, it would be easy for the enemy to mistakenly believe that the real purpose of the Wu army was Jiangxia County.

It is true that the Wu army, which had the advantage of the boats, was able to reach the outside of Hefei safely in the end, even if it was blocked by the Wei army.

Therefore, after that battle, Sun Quan regarded Lu Xun, who had saved his life, very differently.

The teacher of a true king should be able to defeat the people and attack their sins, and should be invincible.

Sun Quan would scold people he disliked and would even go to great lengths to humiliate them.

There are no less than a dozen corresponding plans to capture Hefei.

After arriving in Wancheng, Lu Xun could not afford to rest, so he convened a meeting in front of the army.

Xunyang is the westernmost county of Lujiang County. The most important thing is that Xunyang County is close to Weijiang Xia County where Wenpin is stationed.

Sun Quan knew that his prestige had been damaged after the First World War. At this time, the Northern Expedition to Hefei could not go wrong.

After these three counties fall to our army, the entire Lujiang River will be under the control of our army, and by then our army will be in an invincible position!"

And this is the biggest reason why Sun Quan is ranked among the three greatest heroes in the world.

As Lu Xun left, the generals in the hall also formed two columns and followed Lu Xun towards the hall, heading towards the distant Huainan.

Although the three attacks on Hefei failed, the Jiangdong generals had already become familiar with the terrain around Hefei City after sending troops three times.

In this way, how could the Wu army avoid panic and achieve great results?

Precisely because he knew that the route of advance chosen by Sun Quan was no longer in line with the current actual situation, Lu Xun decisively moved his army to Wancheng.

These two words represent that in this battle, he will have the same power as Sun Quan.

What made Lu Xun happy was not that he had been promoted, but the word "personal expedition" in Sun Quan's words.

But the current situation is different from the past.

Now that he is about to become the third person, how can he not make Lu Xun excited?

Cao Wei's governors in Huainan changed quite frequently, but no matter which governor was in office, they would subconsciously strengthen the defense of this route.

This is not only the speculation in the minds of Jiangdong's ministers, but also the thoughts in Sun Quan's own mind.

Without Lu Xun, Sun Quan might have died at the hands of Mi Yang.

On the other side, the main force of our army was led by me personally, and we took advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness to make a surprise attack on Shu County, Linhu County, and Xiang'an County.

At this moment, the young figure outside Xiakou City appeared in his mind.

Even though Lu Xun had no great military exploits at the moment, even if his qualifications could not convince the public, and many Jiangdong ministers had objections to Lu Xun's command of the army, Sun Quan still chose his own vision in the end.

After using his authority to gild Lu Xun, Sun Quan finally said to Lu Xun with peace of mind:

"Go ahead.

The excitement in Lu Xun's eyes could not be hidden from Sun Quan.

Except for the time when Sun Quan was absent-minded in the 24th year of Jian'an, the other two times Sun Quan was full of energy to win Hefei and shock the world.

The last advantage is that with the presence of boats, as long as Wu Jun is not surrounded by heavy siege, Wu Jun's retreat will always be very stable.

Because of this, the status of Lujiang County in Jiangdong has always been no less than that of Jiangxia County.

Seeing this, Lu Xun could only express his own opinion in the end.

I think our army should be divided into two groups.

This arrangement of Lu Xun's generals was understandable, but Lu Xun's idea of ​​​​recovering the entire Lujiang River puzzled the generals.

On the contrary, this made Sun Quan develop an obsession. The more he lost, the more he had to prove himself with a big victory.

But for those he loved, Sun Quan would continue to show favor to him, as if he treated him as a treasure.

To this day, Lu Xun still believes that if Sun Quan had used his strategy, Mi Yang would not have won the battle of Public Security in the end.

As long as Lujiang County is firmly in hand, it can not only defend Jiangdong's Yangtze River defense line, but also give Jiangdong's army a base north of the Yangtze River to march into Huainan.

In this way, when I face him one day in the future, I will have full confidence in my heart.

Another benefit is that due to Jiangdong's advanced warships, this can also greatly speed up the Wu army's advance, achieving the effect of having more troops and faster speed.

What's more, Sun Quan already knew that Lu Xun was as talented as Zhou Yu back then.

When the wind is against him or he is unsure, Sun Quan will be extremely keen to find talents that can turn the tide.

When Sun Quan was defeated miserably in the first battle by the Public Security Bureau and several people fled outside the Public Security City, Lu Xun was the only one beside him to protect him and help him cross the river.

No general with a strategic mind would dislike the taste of military power, even Lu Xun, who had always had a calm personality.

But it was obvious that none of the dozen or so plans conceived by Sun Quan caught Lu Xun's eyes.

Thinking of this, Lu Xun stood up with a firm look on his face, and then walked out with his head held high.

This is what Sun Quan did in history.

What's more, Sun Quan not only handed the Qingming Sword into Lu Xun's hands, but also specifically said this in front of all the ministers.

But I can't help but think that Lu Xun has a good life.

But if you want to attack Hefei City, you can't rely on boats and naval forces.

One advantage is that it can take advantage of the convenience of water transportation to greatly reduce Wu Jun's logistical pressure.

After making up his mind, Sun Quan personally handed the tiger talisman to Lu Xun. At the same time, Sun Quan said in a deep voice:

They were led by Han Gong all the way, and they were suspected soldiers. They bluffed and went west to find the sun.

Logically speaking, Lu Xun did not need to convene another parliament. He only had to choose one of the dozens of plans.

From now on, the general trend of the world, whether it can be a true tripartite confrontation, all depends on this battle!

Since Sun Quan had already prepared all the matters for the expedition, after Lu Xun left the Taiwei Mansion, he took a group of generals and quickly headed towards Lujiang County by boat.

But in order to ensure victory in this battle, Sun Quan made a more direct move.

After seeing the excitement in Lu Xun's eyes, Sun Quan felt satisfied but also sighed.

This can also be seen from Lu Xun's choice to send troops from Wancheng.

It stands to reason that even though Lu Xun was a rare general in the world, there have been very few wars in Jiangdong in recent years. No matter how good Lu Xun was at fighting, he should not have been promoted so quickly.

But what really made Sun Quan determined was that he was bound to win this battle.

Sun Quan has a very distinct personality, somewhat similar to Cao Pi.

Seeing Sun Quan looking at him, Lu Xun, who had been notified in advance, stood up from his seat and went to the middle of the hall to bow to Sun Quan:


Now I worship you as the general who conquers the north and conquers Huainan on my behalf. I hope you will not disappoint me and the people of the world!"

After hearing Lu Xun's respectful greeting, Sun Quan had a smile on his face.

After the First World War, Sun Quan's reputation was greatly damaged. Therefore, in the face of the dissuasion of most of his important ministers, Sun Quan had to think carefully even though he was reluctant to give up military power.

When the Wu army's infantry disembarked, the Wei army, which already had many cavalry and was prepared, would definitely use various methods to harass the Wu army.

"I will live up to my Majesty!"

But the past will eventually become a fact. Lu Xun only has one thought in his mind now, and that is to continuously improve himself.

When he looked at Zhou Yu before, Lu Meng also looked at him like this.

Due to the convenience of water transportation, Lu Xun and other generals from Jiangdong arrived in Wancheng in just two days.

After seeing Sun Quan's actions, even though he had expected it, this scene still made Lu Xun extremely excited.

But in Lu Xun's view, this route has the most fatal problem. This problem is that no matter how good this route is, you cannot always choose this route!

Over the years, the only generals who have been valued by Sun Quan and led the main force of Jiangdong to fight alone are Zhou Yu and Lu Meng.

It is a pity that in the past decades, except for the victory in the battle against Lujiang, Sun Quan had almost no major military exploits.

Seeing the departing figures of Lu Xun and other generals, Sun Quan thought to himself:

Lu Xun knelt down on one knee and respectfully took the cold tiger talisman from Sun Quan's hand. Then he kowtowed and said:

The opportunity to become famous in the world is waiting for you."

Huainan is actually an empty regional concept, and according to that regional concept, part of Lujiang County also belongs to the Huainan zone.

Well, as for Lu Meng who was sent by the Public Security Bureau to meet Mi Yang in the first battle, that was purely an accident.

As soon as the wind blows smoothly, he wants to conquer it himself.

After hearing Lu Xun's thoughts, the generals couldn't help but look at each other.

Everyone understands the reason.

Sun Quan's words were like magic, raising Lu Xun's fighting spirit to the highest level.

Then he motioned Lu Xun to come forward with his eyes.

This approach has three major benefits.

What Lu Xun wanted to discuss was the specific battle plan for the attack on Hefei.

Previously, under Sun Quan's order, the troops, grain and grass mobilized from all over Jiangdong were all hoarded in Wancheng, the seat of Lujiang County.

In this situation, Wu Jun fell into a situation where although he had a way out, he was unable to protect himself.

He took out a tiger talisman with a cold light from the wooden plate held by the waiter on the side.

Judging from these three advantages, it cannot be said that the route Sun Quan chose to advance the army was wrong.

Then, it’s okay not to mention the process.

"The current Cao Wei Yangzhou Mu is Cao Xiu. I have seen that he fought very bravely and was best at fast attack tactics.

When Sun Quan personally conquered Hefei three times, he always followed the same route - leading his army to Ruxuwu, not far from Jianye City. From here, taking advantage of the convenient water transportation of Ruxuwu, he went directly to Chaohu Lake outside Hefei City.

in waters.

He even lost miserably several times.

The Qingming Sword is the sword that Sun Quan has never left his body for many years. With the blessing of Sun Quan's authority, the Qingming Sword has already become a symbol of the Lord of Jiangdong.

But as time goes on, we don’t know how long this status quo will remain.

Since Sun Quan succeeded to the throne, the military power in Jiangdong has been tightly controlled by him.

As the saying goes, soldiers are valuable and speed is important. You have already sent suspicious soldiers to Xunyang. Why not take advantage of the enemy's paralysis and carelessness and march all the way to the gate of Hefei City?

Wouldn't it be more surprising?

But you chose to regain the three counties of Lujiang.

Although the three counties of Lujiang and Lujiang are under the control of the Wei army, they have never affected the Wu army's march route. If so, what is the use of seizing them?

Because they were puzzled, the generals viewed this as a sign of Lu Xun's cowardice, and this performance was unacceptable to them.

They didn't know that this was an important part of Lu Xun's plan to capture Hefei.

There is one more chapter before 12 o'clock.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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