Chapter 383: Want to get it first and hold a court meeting

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The meeting between Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang, the emperor and his ministers, could not hide the intricate network of relationships in Chengdu.

Although the dignitaries in Chengdu don't know what exactly Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang said between them.

But anyone with some intelligence can guess that the meeting between the monarch and his minister must be related to Mi Yang's new policy.

So when the news of the meeting between Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang spread in Chengdu, the discussion in Chengdu, which was originally boiling, fell silent for a moment.

When Liu Bei first took over Chengdu, the arrogance of the Yizhou nobles was very arrogant.

Liu Bei was so arrogant that he couldn't help but launch a map cannon and gave all the houses and acres belonging to wealthy families in Chengdu and outside Chengdu to his generals, hoping to give a warning to the Yizhou nobles.

Although Liu Bei's move was not implemented due to Zhao Yun's dissuasion, this incident shows Liu Bei's disgust for the Yizhou gentry and how far the Yizhou gentry went beyond the rules.

Fortunately, there were two right-hand men beside Liu Bei. Together with Liu Bei, they formed an iron triangle and brought the entire Yizhou gentry into a state of ecstasy.

In the political alliance of the iron triangle, the main output is the righteousness of the law that "retribution must be meted out".

At that time, Fa Zheng was the prefect of Shu County and also the minister of law. He was the minister with the highest administrative power except Zhuge Liang.

Under this status, Fazhengxian always boasted about his character of being clear about grudges and retribution.

Then the nobles in Chengdu who had been kind to him were all taken care of by him, and the nobles who had minor conflicts with him were severely punished by him. How many wealthy people from aristocratic families died under Fa Zheng's hands.

Qiao Yu's son died in Taichung, the minister of Fa Zheng.

After all, even if Fazheng was not reused under Liu Zhang, given his family background and background, the only people who could have a grudge against Fazheng were the wealthy and aristocratic families in Yizhou.

Because Fazheng's "retaliation" behavior was too cruel, many wealthy Yizhou families were liquidated and almost collapsed.

Many people signed a petition to Zhuge Liang, hoping that he could report the matter to Liu Bei so that Fazheng would stop being domineering.

After Zhuge Liang found out about this incident, he just appeased those wealthy families who were liquidated, and then he, who always enforced the law impartially, simply ignored the matter as if he had not heard of it.

As for Liu Bei, what he did was to constantly exert power on Fa Zheng, giving him enough power to overthrow everyone.

Gradually, all the wealthy families in Yizhou came back to their senses.

Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang, and Fazheng, these three great men of the day, intentionally formed an iron triangle to attack the powerful families in Yizhou.

From then on, with the cooperation of this iron triangle, the arrogance of many powerful families in Yizhou was completely suppressed.

The "three surprises in one day" in Yizhou that Cao Cao heard about after he captured Hanzhong was precisely due to the skills of this iron triangle.

With this painful lesson, even if the sharp blade Fazheng in Liu Bei's hands has passed away, as long as Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang are still there, the powerful families in Yizhou will have fear in their hearts.

However, what many powerful Yizhou families did not expect was that after Liu Bei met with Zhuge Liang, he still did not issue an edict to express his clear views on the matter.

He didn't even say a good word for Mi Yang's new policy in front of a close minister.

Such political signals gradually made the fear in the hearts of many powerful Yizhou families disappear.

After all, today's scene is different from the past, although many people saw that the uprising in Chengdu was aimed at Mi Yang.

But at least on the surface, whether it was the reason for the Qing Yi or the main speaker of the Qing Yi, everything seemed so fair and reasonable.

A gentleman can deceive him. This trick may not be useful for Fazheng, but it may still be useful for Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang.

After realizing this, many wealthy Yizhou families seemed to be inspired and began to actively plan for the next step.

Soon, as the autumn harvests were underway in various places in Yizhou, the unfavorable news about the autumn harvests in various places also turned into piles of documents, which were reported to Taichung, the minister in Chengdu, at an extremely fast speed.

It's just that during this period of time, for some reason, Shangshu Ling Liu Ba, who had basically no real power, was often on duty in Shangshu Taichung.

However, although the real power in Liu Ba's hands is not as good as before, as long as he still has the status of Shangshu Ling, no one can stop him from reading the numerous documents submitted from various places.

After reading the documents that recorded the progress of autumn harvests in various places, which had been greatly affected by Mi Yang's New Deal, Liu Ba's pale face clearly showed dissatisfaction.

After coughing a few times, he emphatically picked up a document and quickly headed towards the meeting hall where Zhuge Liang was.

When Liu Ba arrived, Zhuge Liang was discussing matters with his subordinates.

Zhuge Liang, who was immersed in the discussion, saw Liu Ba coming with dissatisfaction, and then looked at the document in Liu Ba's hand. He calmly asked his subjects to leave first.

Many of the ministers seemed to have realized something when they saw Liu Ba approaching with a hesitant expression.

So under Zhuge Liang's order, they immediately exited the meeting hall.

After everyone else left, Liu Ba came to Zhuge Liang with documents in hand. However, even though he had many questions to ask, he took the lead in bowing to Zhuge Liang.

Liu Ba didn't think highly of Liu Bei, but he admired Zhuge Liang wholeheartedly.

After Liu Ba bowed, Zhuge Liang gently asked Liu Ba to get up.

After Liu Ba got up, Zhuge Liang, who had already seen through everything, took the lead and asked Liu Ba: "Zichu, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Because he respected Zhuge Liang as a person, Liu Ba had nothing to hide in front of Zhuge Liang.

He said frankly: "Does the Prime Minister just let him continue to act like this?"

The person Liu Ba refers to is Mi Yang.

"His new policy has not yet been implemented, but it has already shaken people's hearts, causing the autumn harvest progress in various places to be greatly delayed, and the country's chaos has already emerged.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content that follows! The national treasury must have nine years of reserves, and food is the foundation of the country. If the prime minister does not stop him, I am afraid that the foundation of the Han Dynasty will become more and more turbulent."

Liu Ba has a high-spirited and high-spirited personality. He doesn't bother to beat around the bush and speaks out his true thoughts.

Maybe he still doesn't really surrender to Liu Bei, but as long as he is Liu Bei's minister, he will think about the big man.

Faced with Liu Ba's concerns, Zhuge Liang's reaction was not as intense as Liu Ba's.

What Liu Ba could see, he had already seen.

He already knows what kind of turmoil and instability the big man is facing now.

He just had some concerns in his heart, but now he has a question.

"Zi Chu wrote a letter to impeach Zicheng before, was it just for Zicheng's new policy?"

Faced with Zhuge Liang's question, Liu Ba suddenly choked up.

In the previous public petition to impeach Mi Yang by hundreds of ministers, Liu Ba was one of the leading ministers because of his status.

But Liu Ba is not someone who can defend himself.

He also knew that with Zhuge Liang's wisdom, there was no need to deceive him with lies, so under Zhuge Liang's gaze, Liu Ba spoke out another layer of his thoughts.

“In the four hundred years since the Han Dynasty, there have been many foreign relatives who have disrupted the government, especially in the former Han Dynasty.

Although Mi Yang has made great achievements, he is still a relative, and the prince is gentle and not a decisive one.

Not only did Your Majesty not take precautions against this hidden danger, he also treated him too favorably, which is not a good thing for the country."

After speaking out his true thoughts, Liu Ba also looked at Zhuge Liang.

He wanted to see if Zhuge Liang had the same view as his.

But it is a pity that Liu Ba did not see any look of approval on Zhuge Liang's face.

This filled Liu Ba's heart with disappointment.

Perhaps many people think that Liu Ba felt that he was not a minister of Yuan Cong, so he always felt uneasy.

But if this reason alone is not enough to make Liu Ba behave like this, after all, among the many ministers who are currently being reused by Liu Bei, how many of them are actually Yuan Cong?

Moreover, Liu Ba himself was a member of the Han clan with a well-established roots.

What really made Liu Ba feel uneasy was that the master he really wanted to serve was not Liu Bei, but Cao Cao.

The most important thing is that Liu Bei also knows this.

Maybe Liu Ba's choice is very puzzling. After all, Liu Bei has always treated him well, and he is a member of the Han Dynasty. However, when scholars choose their masters, they often choose people who have similar sexual interests.

The reason why Liu Ba wanted to worship Cao Cao as his master was because Cao Cao was a strategic leader and his methods of governing the government were to Liu Ba's liking.

If Cao Cao were Mi Yang's monarch, then no matter how outstanding Mi Yang was, Cao Cao would not be at all defensive against him.

In addition, there was a precedent of foreign relatives in the Han Dynasty causing rebellion, so it was impossible for Cao Cao not to check and balance Mi Yang.

In Liu Ba's mind, Cao Cao's method of imperial control is the best way to ensure long-term peace and stability of the country.

But what about Liu Bei?

Liu Ba was a man with a very contradictory personality. On the one hand, he was afraid that Liu Bei would be jealous of him, but on the other hand, he was arrogant and arrogant and did not want to make friends with Zhang Fei to please Liu Bei.

Liu Ba's contradictory character is also reflected in his concept of being a minister.

Even if he doesn't want to serve Liu Bei as his master, as long as he is Liu Bei's minister, he will do good things for Liu Bei.

It is precisely because of this character that Liu Ba cannot turn a blind eye to the hidden dangers of today's powerful men.

From the bottom of his heart, Liu Ba himself did not hate Mi Yang, but he was worried about Mi Yang's further growth.

Human nature is inherently evil, a king is a king and ministers are ministers.

Once the boundaries between monarch and ministers are blurred, what happened in history will happen again.

But why don't your Majesty and the Prime Minister understand such a simple truth?

Liu Ba looked at Zhuge Liang with puzzled eyes.

Facing Liu Ba's puzzled gaze, Zhuge Liang sighed softly.

Liu Ba didn't know what Liu Bei was going to do next, but he did.

So just now he wanted to persuade Liu Ba, hoping that Liu Ba could get out of this quagmire as soon as possible.

But it is a pity that from the look in Liu Ba's eyes and his words just now, it can be seen that Liu Ba cannot be persuaded to come back.

If you have different political views, you can negotiate and work together, but if you have different ideas, then you will have to part ways.

What Liu Ba didn't know was that there were some things that Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei didn't understand, but they chose to believe them.

Zhuge Liang sighed and said to Liu Bayan: "I understand what Zichu said. Your Majesty will not remain indifferent to the turmoil of the Han Dynasty."

After saying this, Zhuge Liang took out a document from his arms. He stood up and came to Liu Ba and handed the document in his hand to Liu Ba for viewing.

Although Liu Ba didn't understand why Zhuge Liang suddenly took out a document, the movements of his hand were not slow at all.

He immediately took the document from Zhuge Liang's hand and read it. After reading the contents of the document, Liu Ba's face showed joy.

Your Majesty is wise after all!

What content in the document would make Liu Ba happy?

This document was written by Liu Bei himself. The content of the document was that Liu Bei wanted Zhuge Liang to draft an edict to announce to the world.

There were two main ideas in that edict. One was to ask Mi Yang to postpone the implementation of the New Deal in Liangzhou, and the other was to hold a great court meeting in Chengdu three days later.

At that time, Liu Bei will discuss with many ministers at the great court meeting whether Mi Yang's new policy should be implemented.

Although Liu Bei did not explicitly veto Mi Yang's new policy, it was a very clear signal that he asked Mi Yang to postpone the implementation of the new policy.

Moreover, Liu Bei chose to resolve this matter at the imperial meeting, which means that as long as the imperial meeting is held smoothly, Mi Yang's new policy is likely to be stillborn.

After all, with the heated debate inside and outside Chengdu, not many ministers in Chengdu supported Mi Yang's new policy.

Under such circumstances, with many ministers united as one, Mi Yang's chaotic government will of course result in failure.

Even Liu Bei would take such a move, which means that he himself may not be optimistic about Mi Yang's new policy.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! After understanding the political signal released by this edict, Liu Ba felt that he was about to bring order to the chaos, how could he not feel happy?

The reason why Zhuge Liang showed this document to Liu Ba was because he wanted Liu Ba to draft the edict.

"I still need to trouble Zichu to write about this matter."

Faced with Zhuge Liang's request, Liu Ba certainly had no reason to refuse.

When Liu Bei proclaimed himself emperor, it was Liu Ba who drafted all the prayers, edicts, and documents needed for him to ascend the throne.

This shows how talented Liu Ba is.

Moreover, drafting edicts for the emperor was also his duty as minister.

Liu Ba bowed to Zhuge Liang and agreed to the matter.

When Liu Ba bowed to Zhuge Liang, Zhuge Liang's eyes had an unspeakable meaning.

What Liu Ba didn't know was that the reason why Zhuge Liang asked him to write this edict had another purpose.

Taking Liu Ba's previous actions as an example, if he were to write this edict, wouldn't it be more exciting for those monsters and monsters?

At that time, many people will jump out automatically.

Unfortunately, Liu Ba did not see Zhuge Liang's other intentions. After he agreed to the matter, he immediately wanted to leave and draft the edict.

But just when Liu Ba reached the door and was about to step out, Zhuge Liang stopped Liu Ba.

Faced with Zhuge Liang's sudden shout, Liu Ba turned his head and looked at Zhuge Liang in confusion.

Zhuge Liang looked at Liu Ba who was turning his back to him. He bowed deeply to Liu Ba and said:

"Zi Chu, let's go!"

Seeing that Zhuge Liang was just saying goodbye to him, Liu Ba disapproved, and finally walked out of Zhuge Liang's meeting hall resolutely.

In the past, perhaps he and Zhuge Liang were on the same path, but everyone had their own ideals.

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