Chapter 476: Zhu Bao takes the lead and Yong Kai flees

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Zhuge Liang's status is unusual. He is marching south on behalf of the emperor, so the appointment he mentioned can be regarded as an imperial edict.

Hearing that Zhuge Liang was going to appoint him as Zhonglang General, Deng Ai couldn't help but smile with joy.

Since the chaos in the world, military positions have become more and more complicated, but the basic promotion system still follows the standards of the Han Dynasty.

In the military system of the Han Dynasty, we will not talk about the lower-level officers. The middle-level officers start from the captain, and then in order, they are the general of the rank, the general of the miscellaneous title, the general of the title, and finally the general of the heavy title.

It can be said that the position of captain that Deng Ai originally held was the lowest position among middle-level officers.

Now Zhuge Liang is going to appoint Deng Ai as Zhonglang General. This is a big promotion for Deng Ai. How can Deng Ai not be happy?

You must know that among Mi Yang's many subordinates, except for Meng Da, no one has yet obtained a military rank above Zhonglang General.

Deng Ai quickly bowed to Zhuge Liang gratefully: "Thank you, Prime Minister."

At this moment, Deng Ai felt that his hardships yesterday were not in vain.

Facing Deng Ai's thanks, Zhuge Liang looked at the wound on Deng Ai's left arm and smiled.

He just gave Deng Ai what he deserved.

After rewarding Deng Ai, Zhuge Liang asked Deng Ai: "Has the trace of Shi Hui been found?"

In the roar of Daying last night, Shi Hui might also have died.

But if Shi Hui really died in the chaos last night, Deng Ai would have just brought Shi Hui's body to see him.

And since Deng Aiwei brought Shi Hui's body, it means that he probably took advantage of the chaos and escaped last night.

Although after last night's chaos, the tens of thousands of Jiaozhou soldiers have been defeated and there is not enough danger, Zhuge Liang's strategic goal has been achieved.

But it would be the best thing if Shi Hui, the culprit, could also be captured.

Facing Zhuge Liang's inquiry, a thoughtful look appeared on Deng Ai's face.

The reason why he went deep into the camp just now was to find out what happened to Shi Hui. Although he didn't see Shi Hui's body, after careful investigation and questioning, he roughly figured out where Shi Hui might have gone.

"According to Jiang Zu, they saw Shi Hui fleeing outside the camp under the protection of his personal guards last night.

Ax Mountain is surrounded by cliffs on all sides, and the only way out is guarded by soldiers sent by Fu Qian. Even though Shi Hui managed to escape during the chaos last night, Ai expected that he would not succeed in escaping down the mountain now.

Ai concluded that Shi Hui must be hiding somewhere in the forest of Ax Mountain and lingering, waiting for our army to retreat before escaping."

Deng Ai's analysis made Zhuge Liang nodded.

Shi Hui didn't know about the hidden mountain road, so Deng Ai's inference made sense.

Deng Ai saw that Zhuge Liang seemed to be very interested in Shi Hui, so he offered Zhuge Liang a plan:

“It’s the middle of winter now, and the trees are dry and easily ignited.

If the Prime Minister wanted to find out the whereabouts of Shi Hui and others, it would be better to send people to set fire to the mountain. After the fire spread, if Shi Hui did not want to die, he would have no choice but to escape from the mountain forest.

It will not be difficult to capture Corporal Emblem by then."

Deng Ai thought his plan was very good, but Zhuge Liang shook his head after hearing his plan.

"The people of Yelang have always been eating prey in the mountains. If I set the mountain on fire, I might be able to capture Corporal Hui, but after the fire spreads, the livelihood of the people of Yelang will undoubtedly be cut off.

I would not do anything to lose the hearts of Yelang people because of a thief.

In addition, our army should immediately turn eastward and defeat Zhu Bao while he is unaware of Shi Hui's defeat.

After Zhu Bao's defeat, the chaos in Nanzhong will be resolved. This is the top priority of our army.

There is no need for our army to miss a good opportunity by giving a military badge."

Setting fire to the mountain sounds simple, but it is not an easy task to do - there are also many Han troops on the mountain at the moment.

Therefore, before setting fire to the mountain, the Han army must be ordered to retreat to the foot of the mountain one after another. Moreover, no matter how dry the trees are, such a large mountain cannot be burned in a day or two.

Setting fire to the mountains would inevitably waste a lot of time for the Han army, and would also affect the people's sentiments, which Zhuge Liang could not accept.

After listening to Zhuge Liang's words, Deng Ai understood and stopped saying anything.

After temporarily putting aside the matter of Shi Hui's whereabouts, Zhuge Liang immediately ordered the entire army to clean up the battlefield as soon as possible.

There was still an enemy army dozens of miles away to the east, waiting for the Han army to defeat them.


In the early morning of the next day, after cleaning up the battlefield, the Han army, led by Zhuge Liang, detoured from Ax Mountain to the back of Zhu Bao's camp.

Zhu Bao's camp is not far from Ax Mountain.

However, due to the brutal roar of the camp and the control of the main roads of Fushan by the Han army, basically no surviving Jiaozhou soldiers fled to Zhu Bao's camp to report the news.

When the Han army arrived behind Zhu Bao's camp, Zhu Bao did not know that Shi Hui's army was almost completely wiped out.

Because of this, it was certainly impossible for Zhu Bao to send heavy troops to defend the back of his camp. The defensive force behind Zhu Bao's camp was very weak.

Even because the Han army could not avoid fighting for days, Zhu Bao's army and Shi Hui's army made the same mistake-the military morale was slack.

Under such circumstances, after tens of thousands of Han troops arrived at the rear of Zhu Bao's camp, they easily stormed into Zhu Bao's camp under the leadership of the mighty general Zhao Yun.

Perhaps knowing that this battle was the last major battle in the Southern Expedition, the entire Han army worked very hard to kill the enemy.

If you don't work hard, you won't get any credit.

On one side are the rebels who are slack in military morale and poorly trained, and on the other side are the Han troops with strong morale and experienced hundreds of battles. When these two armies met in the camp, the outcome was already doomed.

Under the continuous fierce attacks of the Han army, Zhu Bao's rebels retreated steadily, suffering heavy casualties.

After seeing that the situation was over, problems arose within Zhu Bao's army.

Zhu Bao was a Han Chinese, and most of the generals he appointed were also Han Chinese.

Since they are all Han people, and the Han army's victory is now destined, why do Zhu Bao's generals still sacrifice their lives for him?

Most of Zhuge Liang's subordinates were aware of Zhuge Liang's political slogan of "killing only the first evildoer" in Yuexi County.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! In order to survive, some generals began to lead their troops to cooperate with the Han army to attack the army that was still loyal to Zhu Bao.

Under attack from both inside and outside, Zhu Bao's army, which was already on the verge of collapse, was defeated in an instant.

Zhu Bao, the chief villain, was killed by his subordinates in the rebellious army before he could even escape from the camp.

After hearing that Zhu Bao had been beheaded, Zhuge Liang ordered the Han army to recruit and surrender the remaining rebels.

When most of the rebels saw that Zhu Bao was dead, they abandoned their armor and asked the Han army to surrender.

When the war progressed to this point, it meant that the Han army successfully put down the rebellion in Zangke County.

In just a few days, under the command of Zhuge Liang, the Han army not only reversed the dangerous situation of being surrounded on three sides, but also successfully defeated Shi Hui. The two sides of Zhuge Liang had a total of nearly 20,000 troops.

Suddenly, the counter-insurgency situation in Nanzhong became extremely clear.

After recruiting and surrendering Zhu Bao's rebels, Zhuge Liang turned his attention to the west - where Yong Kai's three thousand troops were stationed.

As long as Yong Kai's three thousand army can be defeated, Yizhou County will be included in the territory of the Han Dynasty again, and by that time, it will be his time for Zhuge Liang to raise his troops and go north!


Shi Hui, Yu Fan, and Sun Huan hid in the forest on Ax Mountain for several days.

These days, they can only make a living by hunting in the mountains and forests, and they are in such a miserable state.

However, no matter how embarrassed they were, Shi Hui and others still did not dare to rush out of the forest before the Han army had completely retreated.

Fortunately, Zhuge Liang did not insist on asking Na Shihui and others, otherwise they might have fallen into the hands of the Han army.

A few days later, after all the Han troops left Ax Mountain, Shihui and his three men walked out of the forest fearfully.

Today, thousands of Jiaozhou soldiers have died or surrendered, and only these three people are left.

How sad!

Even the few personal guards who escaped to protect Shi Hui that night died in the camp because of Protect Shi Hui.

When Shi Hui and the other three walked out of the mountain forest, they couldn't help but look at each other and cry as they felt that they had to survive the disaster.

No one knows how the three of them spent these days. If it were not for their strong belief in survival, I am afraid that the three of them would not be alive today.

After walking out of the mountains and forests, Yu Fan immediately suggested that Shi Hui go and join Zhu Bao.

Zhu Bao and Jiaozhou have always been allies. Looking at this relationship, Zhu Bao will definitely lend a helping hand to Shi Hui.

And without Zhu Bao's help, how could the three of them escape from this dangerous Nanzhong and return to Jiaozhou?

Shi Hui also agreed with Yu Fan's suggestion.

So he immediately took Yu Fan and Sun Huan towards Zhu Bao's camp without hesitation.

But when Shi Hui and the others rushed to a hillside outside Zhu Bao's camp, what they saw almost scared them to death.

The originally neat camp had long since disappeared, leaving only a mess.

This scene immediately made Shi Hui realize a serious fact - Zhu Bao's army was probably defeated by the Han army.

Otherwise it would not be enough to explain the scene they saw in front of them.

After realizing this, the weak Shi Hui and the other three people almost fainted out of breath.

No matter whether Zhu Bao is dead or alive, or what impact the defeat of Zhu Bao's army will have on the current situation in South China.

The most important thing now is that it is difficult for them to get Zhu Bao's rescue!

And if they didn't have Zhu Bao's rescue, how could they return to Jiaozhou?

Without the protection of the army, they may die at any time in the Nanzhong land filled with wild beasts and miasma.

In desperation, Shi Hui proposed to seek Yong Kai's protection.

Yong Kai also had an unclear relationship with Jiaozhou before.

However, Shi Hui's suggestion was flatly rejected by Yu Fan.

"Within a few days, the 20,000-strong army was defeated by the Han army. Could Yong Kai's 3,000-strong army be spared?"

The tone of Yu Fan's rhetorical question was actually explaining a simple truth.

After Zhuge Liang led his army to defeat Zhu Bao's army, his next target was definitely Yong Kai's army.

Since Yong Kai only had 3,000 troops, Zhuge Liang probably didn't even need to attack. As long as tens of thousands of Han troops stood outside the camp, Yong Kai would be frightened and flee back to Yizhou County.

When this layer of truth was broken by Yu Fan, Shi Hui seemed to have had all his strength taken away from him, and his whole body fell directly to the ground.

As he fell to the ground, Shi Hui couldn't help but murmur: "Is it really God who wants to kill me?"

What Shi Hui didn't know was that when he was whispering, Yu Fan's eyes behind him suddenly changed.

Just because Heaven wants to destroy Shi Hui does not mean that Heaven wants to destroy him and Sun Huan.

Thinking of Shi Hui's intimidation to him before, and thinking of Shi Hui's ugly face when he wanted to leave him alone and escape, an idea quietly emerged in Yu Fan's mind.

Yu Fan winked at Sun Huan who was standing aside.

Sun Huan, like Shi Hui, felt that there was no hope in life, but after seeing Yu Fan's eyes, Sun Huan quickly put his ear to Yu Fan's mouth.

As Yu Fan's lips moved, Sun Huan's expression became dark and unclear.

But soon Sun Huan made a decision in his heart.

I saw Sun Huan slowly stand up from behind Shi Hui, and then quietly came behind Shi Hui.

When Sun Huan got closer, the sound of his movement startled Shi Hui.

But before Shi Hui could react, Sun Huan quickly drew out the long sword from his waist and slashed towards Shi Hui's neck.

A cold light flashed, and Shi Hui's head was completely separated from his body. Due to the speed of Sun Huan's sword swing, Shi Hui didn't even have time to cry out in pain.

When Shi Hui's head fell to the ground, Yu Fan stood up, picked up Shi Hui's head, and shouted angrily: "How can a dog thief do evil?"

Then Sun Huan quickly put away his sword and came to Yu Fan's side.

The life-saving method Yu Fan came up with is also very simple.

Now it is impossible for the three of them to return to Jiaozhou safely, but what if there are only two of them left?

It was Shi Hui who led the army against Zhuge Liang before. What does it have to do with Yu Fan and Sun Huan?

It is true that he and Sun Huan accompanied Shi Hui into Nanzhong with their own intentions, but Zhuge Liang did not know this.

As long as he carries Shi Hui's head to the Han army camp, coupled with his sharp tongue, and makes Zhuge Liang believe that he and Sun Huan were coerced by Shi Hui before entering Nanzhong, then Zhuge Liang may send troops to escort him

They returned to Jiangdong.

After all, their leader Sun Quan is still a Taiwei of the Han Dynasty, and he and Sun Huan can also be regarded as Han ministers.

Even if Zhuge Liang didn't believe what he said, the worst outcome would be to become a prisoner of the Han army.

It’s not like I haven’t done it before.

As long as you can save one life, it's nothing.

After looking at each other with Sun Huan, Yu Fan picked up Shi Hui's head and rushed with Sun Huan towards the Han army's camp.


After defeating Zhu Bao's rebels, the Han army took a short rest and then headed towards the direction where Yong Kai's army was stationed under the leadership of Zhuge Liang.

But what Zhuge Liang didn't expect was that when he led his army outside Yong Kai's camp, he saw an empty camp.

It seems that Yong Kai got the news in advance and fled back to Yizhou County decisively to save his life.

Zhuge Liang has no intention of letting go of Yong Kai. Yong Kai can be regarded as the biggest culprit in this Nanzhong rebellion. As long as he is not dead, Nanzhong will not be stable.

Zhuge Liang immediately detached 5,000 Han troops and handed them over to Ma Zhong, asking him to lead the army behind to pursue Yong Kai's rebels.

Zhuge Liang led the remaining Han troops back to the camp, planning to go to the headquarters of Zoke County in a few days to stabilize the situation in Zoke County.

But before Zhuge Liang set out, he received news that surprised him.

"Someone claims to be a loyal minister of Jiangdong, holding a head with a military badge and asking to see him!"

Are there still loyal ministers in Jiangdong? If you like Mi Han, please bookmark it: ( Mi Han’s novel search website has the fastest update speed on the entire Internet.

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