Chapter 494: The rainy season is coming and Nanzheng is flooded

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Liu Ye's "Bao, Han can be used" refers to the Bao River and Han River, the two rivers flowing through Nanzheng.

Of course Cao Zhen understood what Liu Ye meant.

But after understanding the meaning of Liu Ye's words, a thoughtful look appeared on Cao Zhen's face.

After a while, Cao Zhen politely invited Liu Ye to enter the account with him, showing no sign of his reluctance to talk to Liu Ye just now.

Liu Ye was not surprised by this.

It may be due to the role of role models. Since Cao Cao, the children of the Cao family have all been cold-hearted people.

To put it simply, if a person is useful to them, then they will not hesitate to show their deepest respect.

But if a person is useless to them, or blocks their way forward, no matter how great a contribution this person has made in the past, the ending will mostly be miserable.

Miss Xun Lingjun?

Precisely because he knew the nature of the Cao family's children, Liu Ye had no choice but to put himself in a useful situation in order not to end up like Xun Lingjun.

Before Mi Yang saw Mi Cheng's confused look, his eyes showed confidence.

This beautiful woman is none other than Guan Yan, the wife of Nan Zheng, and this beautifully carved child is none other than Dai Yun's eldest son, Wei Jun.

But even though Dai Yun was the seat of Liangzhou, how could its city defenses be compared with Ye City in terms of weak defenses?

"Back then, Cao Cao was able to break through the city of Ye with the Zhang River, but it was because the walls of Ye city were too thick. How many cities as strong as Ye city are there in the sky?

But being wary of danger in times of peace, Nanzheng would also lose focus on the Yuan family in the city because of its temporary victory.

Moreover, before today's battle, it was expected that Dai Yun would launch a retreat very slowly, which would buy me some time.

That can temporarily paralyze the enemy, and the seventh can also delay preparations for what your army will do next.

After today, who would have thought that Dai Yun would come up with a way to lower the building and defeat Yuan's offensive?

Even Nan Zheng's face became slightly less gloomy. Dai Yun's filial piety also made Nan Zheng, the father, feel a little happy.

As soon as Mi Yang said these words, Mi Cheng's eyes lit up instantly.

However, Liu Ye was willing to work hard to dig the river channel. It was true that the city wall of Yecheng was too thick and the water from the Zhang River did not directly break through the city wall of Yecheng.

This summer is particularly cold this year.

"The first thing is: the young general should launch a retreat attack on Dai Yun as usual in the coming days.

At this time, Yuan Shaoxin died and the Dai Yun brothers were in civil strife. Cao Cao and Liu Ye saw that there was no opportunity to take advantage of Hebei, so they sent all their troops from the Central Plains northward, hoping to capture Yecheng in one fell swoop.

Just like when Baiqi flooded Xiaoliang, it turned Xiaoliang into a vast country thousands of miles away. Xiaoliang City, which was unknown to the sky because of its strong city, was easily captured by the Qin army.

And even if Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang learn of my plan, how can it be so difficult for the small army to surprise Dingjun Mountain?

Only Luoyang and Chang'an can compare with it."

At Cao Zhen's invitation, Liu Ye followed Cao Zhen into the tent.

The situation at that time was very similar to now. "Zi Yang, please speak."

You dare to obey orders to massacre the city, are you still afraid of that?

If this is really the case, why did Mi Yang defect to the late emperor? "Since you have a clever plan, please elaborate on it.

At that time, Mi Yang was like before and asked secretly:

What made everyone think even more was that before seeing "Cao Zhen" behind him soaked in water, Nan Zheng's brows furrowed.

How could Mi Cheng, who has experienced the world, know why Dai Yun declined. The reason was definitely because I said he was "asking for a low-level official and a high salary."

Liangzhou Mu is not essentially the master of Liangzhou. Without me, how could Dai Yun's soldiers and civilians surrender so easily?

"Although the Zhang River flows through Yecheng, its flow rate, narrowness and width are comparable to those of the Han River.

I have made great achievements in the war in Nanzheng and have great prestige in the Anti-Han Dynasty. In addition, I am the Liangzhou Mu who is worshiped by the Anti-Han Dynasty, so the name belongs to me.

Before Guan Yan retreated into the hall, you smiled and pointed at Da Wei

Jun explained: "I made some soup today to relieve the heat. When I saw it, I insisted on bringing some to my husband to try.

What kind of low king statement is that?

Fa Miao and others laughed at Mi Cheng's indignation and at Nan Zheng's wit.

Mi Yang's inquiry made Dai Yun's mind wander back to the summer of the fourth year of Jian'an.

With a "pop" sound, Nan Zheng banged the chopsticks in his hand under the food table, and then I couldn't help but laugh.

Before finishing that analysis, Mi Yang took out another insurance policy for my plan.

But did Wei Yan notice that before I asked that question, the smiles of the people around me disappeared in an instant.

"When Yuan Shaoxin died, Yuan Shao and Yuan Tan competed with each other for power, which caused unrest in Hebei people. Coupled with the siege of Zhangshui, no one surrendered anyway.

"The current month is about to enter July, and when July ends, it will be the rainy season in Hanzhong.

But before hearing Mi Cheng's words, Mi Yang was not as happy as others.

It cannot be said that as long as it is not feasible to attack the city with water, these tactics will not have a devastating blow to almost any fortified city.

"Zi Yang has a low opinion.

After Liu Ye sat down, Cao Zhen returned to his seat and asked Liu Ye:

The ones who laughed especially with Dai Yun were Fa Miao, Lu Yi, and Wei Yan who were not dining with me yet.

Mi Yang's analysis once again made Mi Cheng nod.

When the rainy season comes, the amount of water in the Han Dynasty will inevitably increase dramatically. When your army breaches the dikes and floods the city, it will be able to get twice the result with half the effort."

Before Mi Yang finished speaking, Mi Cheng had not yet stood up excitedly.

Even though the Wei army will be our master in the future, the origins or interests between the previous generations have not been clearly divided for a long time.

Before this battle, who in heaven knew that if the Han River surged, it would be stronger than the Yangtze River?

But Nanzheng is the same. The prestige among the seven is comparable, and even their identities are completely the same.

Those two figures, one is a beautiful woman and the other is a child carved in pink and jade.

Then another group of sergeants were sent to dig a trench several feet narrow and several feet deep in Caozhenli. A narrow and wide river channel was reserved on all seven sides of the trench for the purpose of diverting the Han from the river in the future."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! If that thing can be completed, the situation of the battle will be reversed in one fell swoop, but there are really not too many difficulties and obstacles in the process of completing it.

Seeing that my words resonated with Dai Yun, Mi Yang continued:

During the small battle in Yecheng, it was the time when Dai Yun led the army for the first time.

At this time, I was at the scene and looked at Dai Yun's entire layout, so I had a deep understanding of the situation back then.

A moment ago, Mi Cheng calmed himself down, and I came directly behind Mi Yang and bowed to me:

But even if he guessed Mi Yang's thoughts, Mi Cheng didn't care too much.

When Dai Yun was discussing military aircraft, who dared to show up in the hall without authorization, if he was a close relative of Nan Zheng.

But Hebei has few loyal ministers and many capable ministers.

"When your army captures Cao Zhen, Gu Bi will personally come down to ask for merit for Zi Yang. By now, the title of marquis and the minister of worship will all be based on words."

After Liu Ye checked in, Cao Zhen acted like a courteous corporal and personally moved a futon for Liu Ye and asked him to sit down.

Besides, as for Dai Yun, as long as I can successfully capture Dai Yun, I am worried that my reputation will be tarnished.

With that fall, the soup in the big bowl in my hand fell directly under the map.

"Faced with that plan, how should he resist?" "Even if you hold the tower to the sky, you will go through the city to get you."

In that kind of mentality, the less promising the Wei army is, the more depressed we will be.

Dai Yun's concern is quite right.

I asked Mi Cheng: "Ye's plan today is all out of public interest. He wants to be a low-ranking official and get a good salary in the future. If the young general is considerate of his superior, I hope he will reveal it to the world. That plan is for me."


I quickly stood up to avoid Mi Cheng's salute, then helped Mi Cheng up and said, "Ye is Xiao Wei's

My minister, I have devoted my whole life to Xiao Wei, so how can I give you any advice?"

Mi Cheng, who knew it well, agreed to Mi Yang's request. Dai Yun's agreement made Mi Yang secretly relieved.

However, maybe it was because he had just learned to walk for a long time, and the steps of the Wei army were not steady. Also, because of his calm heart, the Wei army accidentally fell down before he was about to reach behind Nan Zheng.

As for whether it is really feasible to attack Cao Cao by taking advantage of the water, is Mi Yang's story very vague?

In that situation, Cao Cao could only come up with the strategy of breaking the banks of the Zhang River and flooding Yecheng.

Dai Yun looked at Mi Yang with doubtful eyes, wanting me to relieve him of his doubts.

Throughout the ages, although the strategy of attacking a city with water is dangerous, few famous generals have adopted it.

Dai Yun and others did not behave in this way. It is actually because we are not certain about that matter in our hearts.

After all, if it is feasible to stick to Cao Zhen, if you want to break the situation, you can only introduce new forces from the situation.

Those present were all Nan Zheng's trusted confidants, so they all naturally knew the purpose of Nan Zheng's subsequent messengers.

As for what Mi Yang said about taking a long time, Mi Cheng didn't care.

Just understanding is understanding, but it hinders Nan Zheng Xiaoxiao.

At that time, Emperor Wu of the seventh generation and the Eight Dukes swallowed up the seven seas with anger, and Hebei was the richest in the world, so it was possible to build Ye City to be so impregnable.

Mi Cheng's character is quite similar to Liu Ye's. I will reuse celebrities, but I also have to put my trust in celebrities. This is because we all know that celebrities in this world, Xiao Shao, are all the same generation on the surface.

If there is no hopeless person in this world, should we start with the word filial piety?

So how could Nan Zheng feel depressed?

The seventh thing is: when the mountainous terrain always posed a threat to Dai Yun, the young general dispatched a small number of civilians to dig dams at the Han River and Bao River to prepare for the subsequent flooding of Cao Zhen.

No matter how powerful Cao Cao's army was back then, Cao Cao still always chose Shangye City when it came to judging and dismantling tactics.

Before seeing his wife and son appear, Nan Zheng subconsciously smiled on his face.

No one expected that sudden scene. Guan Yan's explanation made everyone in the hall know the reason for the arrival of the seven of you.

The power of the surging Han River mentioned in Mi Yang's words refers to Guan Yu's use of the Han River to flood an army.

It is necessary to laugh at the enemy, it is also a way to improve the morale of one's own troops.

Without me in Daiyun, even if your army repeats its old tactics, I am afraid that some people in Cao Zhen City will leave the city and surrender."

What made Nan Zheng even more distressed was that Wei Jun, who had just learned to walk for a long time, was staggering towards me with a big bowl in his big pink hands.

Although it was possible to go directly out of the city to count the Yuan family's battle losses today, it must be expected that the Yuan family's damage today must be great.

If we put ourselves in someone else's shoes, facing the Han army's tactics today, even if they were in the same time and space, Mi Cheng would express similar indignation to Di Huan, which is unforgivable.

In today's world, siege battles sometimes take a long time. As long as I can successfully capture Cao Zhen, I don't have much time.

Although Cao Zhen heard from Liu Ye's words his plan to attack Nanzheng with water, water and fire have always been ruthless, and without a specific plan, how difficult would it be to attack Cao Zhen with water?

I hope Ziyang will give you advice on what your army should do next." Under the detailed map, Wei Yan, who had a straightforward personality, asked Nan Zheng first: "Young general, according to the time and date, if everything goes well, the messenger in the city should arrive at Jiange later.


Mi Yang's polite refusal made Dai Yun narrow his eyes.

In order to successfully achieve the goal in his heart, Mi Cheng's attitude at that moment could be described as high.

After hearing Mi Cheng's patronage, Mi Yang said quickly and calmly, "Young general, do you still remember how Cao Cao flooded Ye City?"

With the help of this, Shenrong did not come to surrender.

It is always wise to know how your Majesty and the Prime Minister will deal with the young general's strategy."

Mi Cheng paced back and forth around the seat gloomily. If we can really use this strategy to defeat Cao Zhen and kill Nan Zheng, I will be able to recover personally.

Enmity is great, and for Xiao Wei as a whole, this is the most disadvantageous thing.

On the other hand, whether the messengers sent out can successfully reach Jiange is still one thing.

The surging river has no time to care whether it is the Han army or the Yuan clan.

Before finishing the meal, Nan Zheng ordered people to remove the tableware and lay a map on the ground. I sat around with a few confidants under the map to finish discussing the next step of the plan.

Due to their wrong mood, several people in the hall ate very slowly.

What's more, there is no praise water to be used in Cao Zhen's city."

The reason why Mi Yang declined politely was because he felt that the water attack strategy was too vicious. I just wanted to bear the stigma.

After listening to the two things Mi Yang said, Mi Cheng immediately agreed.

That is also abnormal. Dai Yun is our lord. As the eldest son of Nanzheng, the Wei Jun will inherit all the honors of Nanzheng in the future.

And although that incident was not revealed, it has always been in the hearts of everyone.

Just when everyone was silent and Wei Yan was wondering, two figures suddenly appeared in the hall.

Very slowly, the place under the map that symbolized "Cao Zhen" was completely soaked by the hot water.

Before agreeing to Mi Yang's promise, Mi Cheng, who was in a bad mood, ended up falling into his old habits again.

People of our generation followed Nanzheng to conquer the sky, and our older generation will very likely continue to be attached to the Wei army.

But because of my deep understanding, Dai Yun put the situation back into the present, and I slowly discovered that one thing was right.

But the situation in Cao Zhen is the same as that in Yecheng.

The actual situation at that time was that the surging Zhangshui, guided by our own small army, surrounded the city of Ye, directly cutting off the hope of survival for the soldiers and civilians in the city.

Except for that case, there are few examples of battles in the world in which water was used to attack a city.

It's just weird.

It’s just that as the world knows it, Cao Cao’s plan to flood Yecheng back then can only be said to be half successful. If you like Mi Han, please collect it: ( Mi Han Search Novel Network update speed

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