Chapter 78: Liu Zhang and his son

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Chapter 78 Liu Zhang and his son (please follow up)

When he learned that Sun Huan had led more than 6,000 elite soldiers to the public security, Mi Yang issued a military control order to the public security city in order to have a complete plan.

Anyone who dares to join forces secretly, behaves strangely, spreads rumors to cause trouble, or marches together should be thrown into jail and severely punished.

Under Mi Yang's strict military control measures, even if it was broad daylight, apart from the soldiers patrolling the streets, there was no trace of anyone in the huge public security city.

Except for the faint sounds of chickens crowing and dogs barking throughout the Public Security City, the noisy and bustling scene of the past is no longer there.

Tens of thousands of people in the public security city obeyed Mi Yang's order and stayed peacefully in their own homes.

But at this moment, the silence in the police city was broken by dozens of high-pitched and excited voices.

As the gongs of joy sounded, many knights who were ordered by Guan Ping to ride through the streets and alleys of the public security city were spreading a message.

"A great victory! A great victory for Mi Du!"

"Sun Huan's six thousand army was completely wiped out!"

Because these knights could not conceal their excitement, their voices seemed particularly excited.

And as they sounded the gongs in their hands, they, who were distributed in all directions in the public security city, quickly spread the news throughout the entire public security city.

When the soldiers in the military camp heard the news, they could not conceal their excitement and raised their guns in celebration and cheered.

When the common people in the city heard the news, a huge stone in their hearts was finally completely removed, and smiles finally appeared on their faces that had been worried for several days.

When the aristocratic families in the city heard the news, those who were loyal to Liu Bei clapped their hands in celebration, while those who had other thoughts were unspeakably shocked.

Confined in the mansion, they didn't know when Mi Yang would go on an expedition.

But when the news of Mi Yang's return from victory spread throughout the Gong'an City, the entire Gong'an City was silently boiling.

At this time, in the inner city of the police station, in a magnificent mansion near the county government, a young man showed anger on his face after hearing the news.

Unlike most people in the public security city who were moved, excited and happy when they heard the news, after he heard the news, he felt only injustice in his heart.

The richly dressed young man passed through several corridors and attics in the large mansion, and finally came to a high platform.

This young man’s name is Liu Chan.

After Liu Chan arrived at the foot of the high platform, he eagerly climbed to the top of the high platform through the stairs at his feet.

After going up to the high platform, he immediately saw an old man leaning against the window of the high platform, painting at the hands of the old god.

Liu Chan stepped forward and sat down in front of the old man. Then he saw no one around and said to the old man, "Father, did you hear me?"

The old man was concentrating on painting, but when he heard Liu Chan calling him, he turned his head belatedly.

He looked at Liu Chan with a pair of cloudy eyes.

He said to Liu Chan with some confusion, "Why does Chan'er ask this? It's not spring yet, how can I hear the sound of birds singing?"

Hearing his father's answer, Liu Chan couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

Since the father and son were moved to the police station by Liu Bei, his father has been obsessed with painting all day long, and his favorite paintings are all kinds of birds in the world.

Now because he is obsessed with painting birds, his father spends all day long in his mind looking forward to the time when everything revives after spring and he can hear the singing of birds again.

But that’s not what he asked!

The old man in front of Liu Chan was none other than the former Yizhou Shepherd Liu Zhang and Liu Jiyu.

Liu Zhang, who was obsessed with painting, saw a look of disappointment on his face after he answered Liu Chan.

No matter how dazed he was, he now knew that he was answering the wrong question.

Liu Zhang then asked Liu Chan warmly, "Chan'er, since it's not the sound of birds singing, then why did you come to find your father?"

Liu Chan, who was already disappointed with Liu Zhang, felt some hope again in his heart when he heard Liu Zhang asked him again.

He hurriedly said to Liu Zhang, "Just now the news of Mi Yang's return from the victory has spread throughout the public security city. Didn't my father hear about it and feel worried about it?"

Hearing that Liu Chan came here for this, Liu Zhang couldn't help laughing and said, "I am now the person who writes the book. I don't know what the military will do."

"Besides, Mi Yang won today, which is a good thing.

This incident proves that he is capable enough to maintain public security.

I should be happy about this, why should I worry?"

Liu Zhang's words couldn't help but make Liu Chan angry, but facing Liu Zhang, Liu Chan still suppressed his anger and whispered to Liu Zhang,

"My father was originally the lord of Yizhou, but now he is trapped in the police. Didn't he have any complaints against Liu Bei?"

"My father has been in charge of Yizhou for more than ten years, and many ministers in Yizhou still love his father.

If Sun Quan can capture the police, his father can take the opportunity to get rid of Liu Bei's control.

And you can further rely on Sun Quan's army to compete with Liu Bei for Yizhou again.

The people of Shu have their hearts in their hearts, and there is great potential for this!"

Liu Chan looked at Liu Zhang and told Liu Zhang his plan in a generous manner.

Liu Chan also knew that Liu Zhang had already accepted his fate, but he refused.

Liu Chan believed that if Liu Bei had not captured Yizhou, the king of Hanzhong in the world today would never have been Liu Bei but his father Liu Zhang.

Sun Quan was able to capture the truth and falsehood in Jingzhou not only because he spread spies widely in Jingzhou, but also because there were many internal spies in Jingzhou who were bribed by him, and Liu Chan was undoubtedly one of them.

Without Liu Chan's great assistance, it would not have been so easy for Shiren and Jiangdong to get in touch.

Liu Chan thought that every word he said was thinking about Liu Zhang and the future of their father and son.

But Liu Zhang, who had originally had cloudy eyes, immediately regained his clarity after hearing that his son had this intention.

He only asked Liu Chan lightly, "If you do this, what will happen to you and me, my eldest brother?"

Hearing Liu Zhang ask this, Liu Chan's face changed slightly.

After Liu Bei acquired Yizhou, he originally wanted to send Liu Zhang, his father and his son to live in the police station.

But at that time Liu Xun asked for orders to serve Liu Bei.

Liu Bei then ordered Liu Xun to serve as the general of the army in the chariot. Liu Xun made great achievements in the Battle of Hanzhong this year, so Liu Bei left him in Hanzhong to guard Hanzhong with Wei Yan.

Liu Zhang's meaning was very simple. If he did what Liu Chan said, would Liu Xun still have a way to survive after Liu Bei knew everything?

Then Liu Zhang asked Liu Chan, "You all know that people in Shu still care about me, don't Xuande know?"

"Since he knows, why doesn't he kill me to prevent future troubles?"

"Do you think Xuande doesn't dare?"

Liu Zhang's words left Liu Chan speechless again.

From the day Liu Bei captured Yizhou, the lives of the three of them, father and son, were in Liu Bei's hands.

If Liu Bei wanted to attack the three of them, he could just use the excuse of "epidemic".

Liu Bei has not taken action for a long time, not because Liu Bei was afraid of his reputation, but because he didn't want to.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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