Chapter 631: Cooperation from afar, the tiger is at the end

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When Jiang Wei made the decision to continue marching, several captains soon expressed their confusion.

What puzzled those captains was that even if they continued to march, judging from Xu Chu's marching speed learned from the intelligence, they would probably arrive at Tongguan later than Xu Chu.

After all, compared to the lightly armed Wei army, they carried a lot of baggage, and this baggage would definitely slow down their marching speed.

Seeing that several subordinates were confused, Jiang Wei further expressed his thoughts:

"If we carry our baggage forward, our army will be overtaken or even surpassed by the bandits.

Therefore, in order to avoid this situation from happening, our army should also abandon the baggage and move quickly with light equipment."

When Jiang Wei revealed his plan, all the captains were shocked.

The task Ma Chao gave them was to rush to Tongguan as soon as possible and attack Tongguan if there was an opportunity.

If there is no opportunity to take advantage of it, the camp must be set up as soon as possible for the following army.

And if they did what Jiang Wei said, then none of the tasks assigned by Ma Chao would be completed.

Jiang Wei has recently become famous among the Han army, but compared with Ma Chao, Jiang Wei is just a fledgling "war novice" after all.

In addition to Ma Chao's status, when they learned that Jiang Weixin's order was likely to be contrary to Ma Chao's previous military order, it was normal for several captains to be surprised.

However, the suspicions of several captains did not make Jiang Wei change.

"A general should make a decisive decision when the time comes.

When our army set out, we never expected that Xu Chu would decisively abandon the camp and leave.

Now that our army has learned of this situation, if we don't make corresponding adjustments according to the current situation, wouldn't it be no different from the stupid behavior of trying to find a sword?

Don't worry, gentlemen. If General Hussar is blamed in the future, I will take full responsibility for it.

And I expect that the Hussars General will also want to change the military order at the moment, but it is still far away and the new military order has not yet been sent."

Jiang Wei's words made several captains doubtful, but when they saw Jiang Wei's firm attitude and Jiang Wei's guarantee, they stopped trying to persuade him.

After several captains left, Jiang Weixin's order was quickly conveyed to the entire army.

When they learned that Jiang Wei wanted them to abandon their baggage and rush to Tongguan, the ordinary Han army didn't think it was a big deal.

Thousands of Han troops faithfully carried out Jiang Weixin's orders immediately.

Soon after, a large amount of baggage was decisively abandoned by thousands of Han troops on the march. After completing this, the speed of the lightly armed Han troops was greatly improved.

At least at this time, the marching speed of the Han army was by no means lower than that of the Wei army led by Xu Chu.

Seeing that the marching speed of the entire army had been greatly improved, Jiang Wei showed a smile on his face.

The reason why he insisted on continuing to lead his army to Tongguan was that he could see further than others.

It is not difficult to deduce from Jiang Wei's wisdom that when Ma Chao learned that Xu Chu had abandoned the camp and fled, he would definitely lead his elite cavalry in pursuit.

As a native of Liangzhou, Jiang Wei knew very well how fast the Qiang and Di cavalry would march once they started marching.

It was only a matter of time before Ma Chao caught up with Xu Chu.

In this situation, what Jiang Wei had to do was not to let Xu Chu enter Tongguan before Ma Chao caught up with him.

If Xu Chu enters Tongguan, not only will Ma Chao's plan to hunt Xu Chu fail, but it will also increase the difficulty of attacking Tongguan in the future.

Therefore, what he had to do now was to use the distance advantage at hand to lead his army to Tongguan.

It would not be a problem if he could not attack the city without baggage. He could form an array outside Tongguan so that Xu Chu could not enter Tongguan.

In this way, there is no need to delay too much time. If Ma Chao comes, he will lead his army to support him.

As for the in-situ blocking mentioned by the captains just now, it is actually impossible to achieve it.

Because based on the current surrounding terrain, there is no path that the Wei army must pass through. If you can't line up on the path that the Wei army must pass through, what's the use of trying to block it?

Since we can't stop the enemy on the road they must pass, then stop them at the place where the Wei army must return!

And under the two-pronged siege, can Xu Chu finally have a way out?

Unless he is not a tiger but a bird!


When the Han army under Jiang Wei rapidly advanced towards Tongguan, if you look down at the Guanwei land from the sky, you will find that there are three armies marching towards Tongguan on the Guanwei land outside Tongguan.

The army closest to Tongguan is Jiang Wei's army, and the army farthest from Tongguan is the elite cavalry commanded by Ma Chao.

And sandwiched between the two Han armies, like a sandwich biscuit, was the Wei army commanded by Xu Chu.

As Xu Chu led his army towards Tongguan, he recalled the baggage he had seen all over the ground not long ago.

Xu Chu's face was very heavy.

Judging from the flags on the baggage, it was not difficult for Xu Chu to tell that the baggage belonged to the Han army.

And Xu Chu also knew before that before he abandoned the camp, there was a Han army heading towards Tongguan.

But neither Xu Chu nor Jiang Ji paid much attention to the Han army before - there was a large amount of baggage accompanying the army and the march was slow, so what should they worry about?

But after learning that the Han army abandoned their baggage, Xu Chu's face had always been very heavy.

Even if Xu Chu could not see the intention of the Han army, how could Jiang Ji not see it?

The sad thing is that even if he sees the intention of the Han army now, Xu Chu can only lead the remaining Wei army to continue marching towards Tongguan.

Just as Jiang Wei thought, Tongguan was Xu Chu's way back.

As a beast being hunted, how could he change direction even if he knew that his way back was in danger?

Besides, he had no other direction to change at the moment.

Xu Chu could only hope that when he arrived at Tongguan, he could quickly defeat the Han army with the help of the Tongguan defenders.

After nearly two days of rapid march, Xu Chu, who was riding a horse, finally could vaguely see the majestic outline of Tongguan.

As they continued to move forward, not only Xu Chu saw it, but also the Wei army behind him gradually saw Tongguan.

After seeing Tongguan, which stood among the lofty mountains and was extremely dangerous, some Wei soldiers couldn't help but start cheering.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! In the past two days, in order to boost morale, Xu Chu has been instilling in Wei Jun the concept that they will be safe when they return to Tongguan.

After two days of constant indoctrination, this concept has already penetrated into the hearts of every Wei Jun.

Now Tongguan is not just a pass in their eyes, but their hope!

However, this excitement did not last long. As thousands of Wei soldiers crossed a high slope, a sudden scene appeared in their eyes, which shocked many Wei soldiers.

Under the high slope, outside Tongguan, there was a Han army of thousands of people, led by a young general, quietly waiting for them in formation.

Although the Han army did not build a good camp, it can be seen from the neat and orderly formation of the Han army that these thousands of Han troops are elite soldiers rarely seen in the world.

And can they defeat the Han army in front of them now?

This question couldn't help but arise in the minds of many Wei soldiers.

When they set out from Tongguan, they were also rare elite soldiers in the world.

But after experiencing the battle where they were ambushed by Ma Chao, only about half of their capable soldiers were left.

Apart from this, the lack of military morale is the root cause of their current fear of the Han army.

Victory or defeat is standard issue.

It's just that his own general would abandon the wounded. As the saying goes, the fox will be sad when the rabbit dies. Xu Chu's ruthlessness that day had already left the Wei army following him with lingering fears.

With lingering fears, how many people would sincerely die for Xu Chu?

Many Wei troops couldn't help but shrink back after seeing the Han troops already arrayed.

They had weapons on their waists, but at this moment many Wei soldiers did not have the courage to draw their weapons and fight.

The retreat of many Wei troops was quickly noticed by Xu Chu.

After noticing this scene, Xu Chu couldn't help but feel extremely angry.

The way to survive is right in front of you, but you are afraid of shrinking under such circumstances. You are all a timid and timid person!

In the past, Xu Chu, who had a strong personality, would have killed a few retreating Wei troops to vent his anger.

But now Xu Chu needed them to escort him into Tongguan, so Xu Chu had no choice but to shout:

"As long as we enter Tongguan, our army will be saved!

There are still thousands of our army's defenders in Tongguan, and they will come out to support us!"

After Xu Chu's words of encouragement fell into the ears of many Wei troops, they indeed saved the Wei army's gradually declining military morale to a great extent.

Many Wei troops glanced at Tongguan not far away, and many of them saw a large number of their comrades gathering on the walls of Tongguan.

After realizing this, thousands of Wei troops finally stabilized their morale.

They no longer flinched, but followed Xu Chu decisively again, rushing towards Tongguan together.

Xu Chu was overjoyed that the Wei army's military morale was revived after his death.

Riding on his horse, he raised his sword high, let out a roar, and then rushed towards the Han army formation in front of him.

Xu Chu's physical appearance is stronger than Ma Chao's.

With a sturdy figure, he rode on a tall horse and galloped quickly, like an unstoppable tiger, and he immediately reached the front of the Han army.

The Han troops in the front quickly raised their spears and stabbed Xu Chu, but Xu Chu's many years of military experience already made him rich in battle formations.

With his rich war experience and his outstanding skills, he easily dodged several spears aimed at his face.

After dodging the spears, Xu Chu, who reacted quickly, immediately raised the sword in his hand and slashed at the barrels of the spears.

As a standard weapon in the army, although the body of the long gun in the hands of the Han army was made of wood, it had been treated with special techniques and its hardness could not be regarded as ordinary wood.

But what was unexpected was that under Xu Chu's powerful chop, the barrels of the spears were broken.

It's as fragile as tofu.

Xu Chu's great strength shocked all the Han troops.

Not only that, when the broken gun barrel fell to the ground, Xu Chu raised his knife and cut a Han soldier in front of him in half.

A large amount of blood sprayed out from the broken body of the Han soldier, and the blood splashed on Xu Chu's body as expected.

Drenched with a large amount of blood, the ferocious Xu Chu was like a demon, extremely arrogant and arrogant.

Before the other Han soldiers could react from the shock, Xu Chu rushed into the Han army's array with the sword in his hand.

Whenever the sword flashed in front of Xu Chu, several Han soldiers would die under Xu Chu's sword, and their deaths were quite tragic.

Xu Chu's bravery not only disrupted the formation of the Han army, but also greatly boosted the morale of the Wei army behind him.

The title of "Tiger Marquis" is well-deserved!

Looking at the Han troops in front of him who were like chickens and dogs, Xu Chu's eyes were full of disdain.

Now that Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, and Ma Chao are not here, I have no choice but to be invincible!

Unexpectedly, when Xu Chu looked at the moment, a flash of gun light struck Xu Chu like a swimming dragon.

When the gun light came in front of Xu Chu, a sharp shout rang in Xu Chu's ears:

"Rat! Do you know that Tianshui Jiang Boyue is also here!"

I don’t care if you are a tiger or not, today I will only treat you as a mouse! If you like Mi Han, please bookmark: ( Mi Han’s novel search website has the fastest update speed on the entire Internet.

This chapter has been completed!
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