Chapter 680: Taking the initiative to migrate to the Rong army, Liu Chan asks for advice

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Cao Rui never despised Zhuge Liang.

But faced with Wang Ji's doubts, Cao Rui could not give an accurate answer.

After thinking for a long time, Cao Rui could only say one sentence slowly:

“Do your best and obey the destiny.

If heaven is fair, you should not have such worries."

If God is fair, he will not allow the big man to see two monsters in the same court.

After hearing Cao Rui's answer, Wang Ji's eyes flashed and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Wang Ji's response to Cao Rui was nothing more than a greeting and an invitation:

"I personally invite you to go out to Yuzhou with Da Sima!"

Faced with Wang Ji's request, Cao Rui agreed without much thought.

He values ​​Wang Ji very highly, and because of this, he will not refuse Wang Ji any opportunity to improve himself.

But Cao Rui's expression was a little solemn, because he knew that the reason why Wang Ji invited himself to Yuzhou instead of Luoyang was because Wang Ji believed that Mi Yang would end up in Jingzhou.

This inference is completely opposite to Cao Xiu and seems quite bold.

But this inference is not without basis.

It is foreseeable that Jingzhou will face dual pressure from Cao Wei and Soochow in the future, and Jingzhou's pressure is far higher than Chang'an.

In this situation, shouldn't Mi Yang, the world's number one general, accept this challenge?

Similarly, Wang Ji is also willing to accept this challenge.

"I will issue an edict to appoint you as General Pingnan."

Cao Rui's words meant that he agreed to Wang Ji's request.

After receiving Cao Rui's permission, Wang Ji bowed and gradually retreated.

Looking at Wang Ji's leaving figure, Cao Rui's mood could no longer be lightened.

If God is fair?

Cao Rui couldn't help but think of what Cao Cao said to him when he was still alive:

“In today’s troubled times, the one with the most power is the one who has power!”

The sound of Cao Cao's domineering declaration was still in Cao Rui's ears, but hearing it then and hearing it now were two completely different moods for Cao Rui.

Father, the sky has changed!


As time went by, the news of Liu Bei's death gradually spread throughout the world.

When this news spread, some people were happy, some were sad, and some were watching the development of the situation in the dark.

Just as Cao Rui and Sun Quan expected, Liu Bei's death had a huge impact on the people of the Han Dynasty.

Liu Bei's position in the hearts of the Han people cannot be replaced by anyone.

But fortunately, the general trend today has changed.

In particular, among the three auxiliary ministers left by Liu Bei, there was Mi Yang, who was very famous in the world.

Intimidated by Mi Yang's reputation, even some of the foreign tribes in Western Xinjiang who had previously been dissatisfied with the Han Dynasty did not dare to show up at this time.

On the contrary, when they learned of Liu Bei's death, many foreign leaders cried more sadly than some Han ministers.

This is not difficult to understand. As long as Liu Bei is around, his benevolent and righteous methods will not make Mi Yang too cruel.

But Mi Yang was different. Even though it was March, the weather in Guanzhong still seemed quite cold. Regarding this abnormal weather, many people in Guanzhong secretly said that it was the souls of hundreds of thousands of Wei troops.

It was suppressed by the deer's hooves and could not be dispersed for a long time.

It's too, too cruel.

The obedience and even panic of the foreign races in the Western Region were somewhat beyond Mi Yang's expectation.

When Liu Bei was still alive, there were some short-minded foreigners who caused rebellion in Tianshui County, so Mi Yang ordered Jiang Wei to lead thousands of Han troops to suppress them.

Unexpectedly, before Jiang Wei's suppressive actions could begin, as soon as the news of Liu Bei's death spread, the slight commotion in the Western Territory instantly calmed down.

According to the report sent back by Jiang Wei, it can be seen that the foreigners in the western border even imitated the Han people and spontaneously began to wear sackcloth and mourn for Liu Bei.

When she first heard the news, Mi Yang was quite puzzled.

He stroked his beard and asked Jiang Ji next to him for his opinion on the matter.

Finally, after Jiang Ji suppressed his laughter and explained, Mi Yang finally understood the reason.

But this didn't make Mi Yang happy.

Mi Yang couldn't help but look at Jiang Ji in surprise, as if asking: How could such rumors that ruined his reputation be allowed to spread?

It is said that this is the case in the current world, and there is no telling what novels will be written by future generations to further damage his reputation!

Facing Mi Yang's silent inquiry, Jiang Ji suppressed the laughter in his heart and chose to respond to Mi Yang with silence.

If you had killed fewer people back then, you wouldn't have had such rumors today.

What Jiang Ji didn't tell Mi Yang was that after some friends learned that he had joined Mi Yang, they wrote to him privately, asking him if Mi Yang was really capable.

This is true for scholars, not to mention common people.

Fortunately, Mi Yang didn't pursue this point further. Mi Yang himself knew that the best way to ignore such rumors was to ignore them.

Otherwise, there will definitely be more bizarre remarks later.

After letting go of the matter, Mi Yang looked at the report sent by Jiang Wei in his hand, and said again to Jiang Ji in front of him:

"Although the Qiang and Di tribes are currently submissive, they are not from my tribe and should not be taken lightly."

Mi Yang, who came from later generations, was very wary of the foreigners in the late Han Dynasty.

"The hussar general is seriously ill, and it seems that his fate is in danger."

Mi Yang said this sentence again.

After hearing Mi Yang's words, Jiang Ji's expression instantly became solemn.

Jiang Ji is definitely a good minister. The good thing is that he is not only wise and strategic, but also has a sense of empathy very quickly.

Although he joined Mi Yang not long ago, he is now focused on Mi Yang's great cause.

"What Da Sima said is true."

"The Hussar General has a remarkable reputation among the Qiang and Di tribes, and is on par with the Grand Sima.

In the future, if there is no hussar general sitting in Chang'an, the Qiang and Di tribes of Qin, Mu, and Chu will inevitably have two minds."

After further confirming Mi Yang's concerns, Jiang Ji then put forward his idea:

"For a complete plan, I think it would be better to move to the army."

The word "immigrant to Rong" in Jiang Ji's mouth successfully attracted Mi Yang's attention.

Just when Mi Yang was about to listen to Jiang Ji's statement further, Ding Feng outside the door came in to report:

"Da Sima, come to the small yellow gate outside the door and say that His Majesty has summoned you."

Ding Feng's report attracted Mi Yang's attention to him.

Since Liu Chan ascended the throne, he has been studying in the palace every day without taking charge of government affairs, and rarely summons him on his own initiative.

And if Liu Chan took the initiative to summon him, it would mean that there was something important that was difficult to decide.

After realizing this, Mi Yang quickly stood up and walked outside.

After taking a few steps, Mi Yang turned back to Jiang Ji and said, "You can write down your military policy on paper and read it carefully when I come back."

After saying this, Mi Yang left the lobby as Jiang Ji watched him off.


Da Sima's Mansion is not far from the palace. It didn't take long for Mi Yang to be escorted by the guards to the outside of Chaoyang Palace.

It is very easy for Mi Yang, who has the privilege of going to the palace with swords and shoes, not to rush into the court, and to praise and worship unknown privileges, to enter the Chaoyang Palace.

After a while, Mi Yang entered the main hall and saw Liu Chan sitting on the throne.

What Mi Yang did not expect was that Zhuge Liang was also present in the palace.

Zhuge Liang was not surprised at Mi Yang, but Zhang Fei's appearance was not.

After Liu Bei's death, Zhang Fei couldn't control his grief and cried in the mourning hall every day.

Later, although Zhang Fei's grief was relieved a lot under the advice of the ministers, he was still unable to see things seriously.

After careful calculation, Mi Yang has not seen Zhang Fei in public for a long time, except for private visits.

What happened today that made Mr. Zhang come out again?

After bowing to Zhuge Liang and Zhang Fei, Mi Yang sat in his seat.

As Mi Yang took his seat, Liu Chan motioned to Huang Hao at the side to send the watch to Mi Yang's hand.

Mi Yang, who received the play list, immediately browsed the contents of the play list.

This memorial was sent by Chen Dao, the general of Zhendong.

What Chen Dao mentioned in the memorial was exactly Sun Quan's dispatch of envoys.

Of course, if it were just this matter, Zhuge Liang could make the decision alone, but the important thing is that Chen Dao clearly stated in the memorial that the Soochow envoy also brought the body of Sun Shangxiang.

Generally, the purpose of the envoys between the two countries is to make good relations with each other, but Sun Quan asked the Soochow envoy to bring Sun Shangxiang's body to Chang'an, not for the purpose of good relations, but to disgust the Han court.

Sun Shiwan, you really haven’t changed at all.

Just when Mi Yang's emotion arose, Zhang Fei, who noticed that Mi Yang had read the contents of the memorial, said angrily:

"The late emperor's body was still cold, but Sun Quan's son used this despicable act in an attempt to tarnish the late emperor's glorious name.

It is tolerable, but what is intolerable!

In my opinion, regardless of whether he is an envoy or not, I will first use a spear to poke a few holes in Zhang Wen's body before I can comfort the late emperor's spirit in heaven."

Now Mi Yang knew why Zhang Fei appeared today.

When Zhang Fei finished speaking, Zhuge Liang signaled Mi Yang with his eyes, asking him to persuade Zhang Fei.

Although Soochow is an enemy country, they sent envoys here in good manners. The Han Dynasty cannot act like a bandit and rob and kill people on the way.

Moreover, Zhang Wen was a first-class celebrity in Jiangdong. If he killed Zhang Wen rashly, it would only arouse the resentment of the people in Jiangdong against the Han Dynasty, which would not be conducive to the Han Dynasty's unification war in the future.

At worst, if you really want to kill, you can't do it blatantly, you have to do it slowly.

After receiving Zhuge Liang's look, Mi Yang immediately looked at Zhang Fei and said:

"If Zhang Wen is killed rashly, it may be in line with Sun Quan's wishes, and it will cause greater harm to the late emperor's reputation. The general should think twice."

Persuading people is a skill, especially persuading people like Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei is not stupid.

Even if he couldn't see Sun Quan's sinister intentions, Zhuge Liang would definitely explain it to him.

And when Zhang Fei knew Sun Quan's sinister intentions, he still threatened to stab Zhang Wen. This was purely due to his feelings for Liu Bei.

So if you want to persuade Zhang Fei, you can't reason with him, you have to talk to him about Liu Bei.

Sure enough, after hearing Mi Yang's words, the anger on Zhang Fei's face dissipated a lot, and he no longer threatened to stab Zhang Wen.

After stabilizing Zhang Fei's mood, Liu Chan's voice sounded again:

"The enemy country has sent its envoys with sinister intentions. How does Grand Sima think he should respond?"

Cousin, what should I do next, please teach me quickly.

Waiting online, expedited!

This chapter has been completed!
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