Chapter 94 Three days have passed Follow up! Don't keep it!

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Chapter 94 Three days have passed (Fourth update, please follow up! Don’t raise it!)

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, three days have passed.

During these three days, Lu Meng, who surrounded the police, had not been idle.

He ordered the tens of thousands of civilians he brought to build camps and build various siege equipment during these three days.

This time Lu Meng attacked Jingzhou. The total number of soldiers in his hands, plus the civilian men he brought with him, totaled nearly 200,000.

This is because thanks to the Yangtze River waterway, it is convenient to transport grain and grass.

Otherwise, just from Jiangdong alone, the number of civilians needed to transport the grain and fodder consumed by the 100,000-strong army would reach hundreds of thousands.

And this huge logistical pressure was enough to drag Jiangdong into the abyss of war.

The Yangtze River is really the mother river of Jiangdong.

In order to capture Jingzhou without fail this time, Sun Quan exhausted all the national power of Jiangdong in order to support Lu Meng in this war of overthrowing the country.

The Battle of Public Security is like the Battle of Changping during the Warring States Period.

After dedicating all the national power of the country, if Sun Quan can successfully capture the Public Security Bureau and then sweep Jingzhou, his strength will be qualitatively improved.

But if his 100,000 troops were under Gong'an City, it would be like the Zhao army being wiped out during the Battle of Changping.

Not to mention how Sun Quan will resist the attacks of Cao Cao and Liu Bei from now on, I am afraid that Sun Quan will not even be able to defeat the Shanyue barbarians in Jiangdong.

In order to win Jingzhou, Sun Quan finally showed the courage to shoot a tiger himself and used all his courage to make a huge gamble.

And Sun Quan's various contributions put pressure on Lu Meng on the front line all the time.

Although this pressure is invisible, as time goes by, it will gradually make Lu Meng unable to breathe.

Just like all kings throughout the ages, when Sun Quan placed all his hopes and all the future of Jiangdong on Lü Meng, Sun Quan also eagerly hoped that Lü Meng would make some achievements to show him.

Maybe it wasn't that Sun Quan didn't trust Lü Meng, but that the Jiangdong aristocratic families who had devoted almost all their efforts to this battle were worried about their homeland and needed Lü Meng on the front line to make some achievements as soon as possible to give them peace of mind.

Sun Tzu's Art of War says: It takes three months to build the oars, culls, and equipment, and it takes another three months to complete them.

Among them, those who are far away from the gate have to move forward with high soil accumulation to attach to their city.

Whether it is repairing the oars, enclosing the sulfur, or quarrying, they are both commonly used siege methods in this era, but at the same time, they are also time-consuming siege methods.

But thanks to the Yangtze River, the mother river to the east of the Yangtze River, Lu Meng could use the power of water transportation to continuously transport the siege equipment from the east of the Yangtze River to the front line.

This is also the real reason why Lu Menghui ordered 100,000 Jiangdong troops to wait for three days.

Just yesterday, many large siege equipment had been transported to the military camp that Lu Meng had just built.

Looking at the many large siege equipment that Sun Quan brought for him, Lu Meng was full of confidence.

Therefore, just this morning, Lu Meng officially issued the order to attack the city.

Because the east of the city was regarded as the main direction for Jiangdong's army to attack the city, Lumont set morning as the time point for attacking the city.

In this way, when the rising sun rises in the east, the Jingzhou defenders facing the Jiangdong army will undoubtedly be facing the sun to defend the city, which will greatly affect their sight.

Lu Meng and several lieutenants of the army stood on the set up chariot, observing the scene in the Public Security City from a high position.

The chariot is a vehicle used by ancient generals to climb high to observe the enemy's situation.

The high-hanging watchtower on the car looks like a bird's nest, hence the name "nest car".

The nest car is equipped with wheels at the bottom and can be pushed.

Two long pillars of solid wood were erected on the vehicle. A pulley shaft (pulley) was set on the top of the pillars, and a small wooden house was tied to the pulley with ropes.

There are 12 observation holes on all sides of the wooden house, and the outside is covered with rawhide to prevent damage from enemy arrows.

The house can accommodate several people. It can be raised several feet by a pulley. When attacking the city, the situation of enemy soldiers in the city can be observed.

Now, at Lu Meng's height, he could look directly at Mi Yang's figure on the city wall.

Looking at the young general standing with his sword in the city wall, Lu Meng was filled with complicated emotions.

If this brave and decisive Mi Yang was born in Jiangdong, then Lü Meng would definitely train him so that he can serve Sun Quan on his own as soon as possible.

But now Mi Yang, the orchid jade tree, is growing in the courtyard of the Han Dynasty, so naturally he, the general of Wu, cannot be allowed to thrive.

Just like how we treated Guan Yu.

Lu Meng himself admired Guan Yu quite a lot, but the two sides had different positions and would eventually become enemies.

The chariot erected high in the enemy's camp also attracted the attention of Mi Yang on the city wall.

Mi Yang couldn't see how many people were in the chao cart because it was blocked by the cabin of the chao cart.

But he knew that Lu Meng must be among them.

However, Mi Yang had no time to take care of Lü Meng in the chariot at this time. When Lü Meng gave the order to attack the city, the attack bugle of the Jiangdong army had already sounded.

The north wind beats the drums.

As hundreds of high-pitched drums sounded in the Jiangdong army formation, hundreds of huge anemone vehicles were slowly pushed out from the Jiangdong army formation.

The chariot is a large platoon vehicle used to siege cities in ancient wars.

The donkey is a four-wheeled vehicle made of large logs. It is covered with rawhide and can hold ten people underneath. It carries soil back and forth to fill the trench. It cannot be damaged by wood or stone. It is also called a wooden donkey.

Under the cover of Shen Shi, the Jiangdong soldiers hiding inside kept approaching Juma outside the moat of the Public Security City.

Mi Yang, who arrived at the Public Security Bureau nearly a month early before the arrival of Lü Meng's army, started to renovate the fortifications in the Public Security City.

One of the defenses that he paid most attention to was the large number of antlers and horses built outside the four walls of Gong'an City.

The young cavalrymen from Jiangdong and Mi Yang did not build these antlers to resist the cavalry.

His purpose was to use the large number of antlers outside the moat to resist horses and slow down the enemy's movements when the Jiangdong army sent soldiers to fill the moat and build a pontoon bridge on the moat.

This means that if Jiangdong's army wants to successfully fill in the moat outside the Public Security City, it must first clear away these antlers and horses.

But under the city guarded by soldiers, it is not that easy to safely and quickly clear the antlers and horses outside the moat.

Sure enough, when Jiangdong's soldiers hid behind Shi and pushed Shi to the outside of the public security moat, their movement was blocked by the large number of antlers and horses.

In order to clear away this large number of antlers and horses, the Jiangdong soldiers hiding in and behind the antlers had to show up.

As soon as they appeared, Mi Yang, who had been observing the movements of Jiangdong soldiers, immediately ordered the Jingzhou soldiers on the city wall to fire arrows.

Under Mi Yang's order, arrows rained down from the public security wall.

Mi Yang ordered the arrows to be fired, but his main purpose was not to kill the advancing Jiangdong soldiers. His main purpose was to destroy the anemone.

He ordered the Jingzhou soldiers to fire rockets!

Anthracite is wrapped with rawhide. Wrapping with rawhide was a major means of defense against enemy fire attacks in this era.

But this does not mean that the anthronium is also protected by rawhide.

When the grease-coated rocket turned into the sickle of death and fell on those Jiangdong soldiers who were the vanguard.

Most of the Jiangdong soldiers who wore cloth armor and were not protected by rawhide were surrounded by flames.

Water and fire are merciless. When these two things fall on oneself, they can most cause a person's panic.

When anyone sees a raging fire starting to burn on their body, the first reaction of anyone is to put out the fire.

And those Jiangdong soldiers were afraid of the rockets on the city wall, so most of the hundreds of Jiangdong soldiers chose to hide in the anemone to put out the fire.

I originally wanted to post the picture as an Easter egg stamp, but found that I couldn't, so I posted it directly in the comment area. Anyone who is interested can check it out.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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