Chapter 221 1 versus 2.2 billion! Su Shens overall layout

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It’s not just a matter of “hip delivery”, strength training has begun to be put on the collective agenda.

In other words, if you don't train your strength, you will only run so fast in your life.

If you want to break the ceiling, you must cultivate your true nature as a man.

If you don’t have the strength, how can you get hard?

It must not be possible.

Although it seems to everyone that Su Shen's strength training arrangements are too many, and even exceed the usual running training. This arrangement, now seems to be an extremely unreasonable training model.

Domestically, the "three obediences and one major" are adopted, emphasizing strictness, difficulty, starting from actual combat and a large amount of exercise.

Most of them are running-specific training.

Even too much strength training will affect the running style of yellow people.

Strength training is only suitable for European and American athletes, but we are not suitable to take this path.

This leads to the fact that today's athletes, let alone having a curvy butt, have a "flat" butt.

They are all national-level athletes, but the muscle lines on their bodies are so ordinary that they are almost impossible to show off.

But in this regard, Su Shen's small team has undergone significant changes.

Not to mention Su Shen, Zhou Bing and Zhao Haohuan are already quite good, especially Zhao Haohuan, who will be 18 years old in the new year. All kinds of high-intensity training have begun to be arranged. Under such extreme stimulation and scientific training, the strength has increased rapidly.


Seeing this made Zhou Bing feel a little itchy.

Although the training time in this aspect is not as good as Zhou Bing's, due to the extreme heavy weight stimulation in the past few months, the progress has surpassed Zhou Bing's. This made Zhou Bing very unconvinced. If Su Shen hadn't said with a smile, they didn't have to worry.

, I guess this guy will have to train with the same extreme weight the next day.

Enter the strength room and wait for Zhou Bing and the others to take off their clothes and become shirtless, and then reason with them.

The whole room fell silent.

It’s not that the rest of them are not in good shape. They still have what they should have, and their body fat percentage is not high, but at best they can be called “muscle lines.”

Compared with these people, they are completely dwarfed.

These are all good guys.

From the chest muscles to the latissimus dorsi to the thighs, and even the upper limbs that few people train in China, they are all very muscular and visually impactful.

Especially Su Shen and Zhao Haohuan, they already feel a bit like European and American young athletes.

Even Su Shen's figure is comparable to his shoulders, not a bit.

Even the girl Chen Juan, if you take a closer look, her muscle lines are very good, not much worse than their current bamboo pole figure.

And Chen Juan is a girl.

They are all serious old men, is this...appropriate?

It's a bit embarrassing.

Don't think it's an exaggeration. If you look at the figures of domestic sprinters during this period, and then look at the muscles of European and American black female athletes, there really isn't much difference.

Even others are still victorious.

Especially that Su Shen, oh my God, that ass.

Tsk tsk tsk.

Can an athlete who is a flower grower also be so tall?

No girl can compare to his "roundness and plumpness".

I really don’t know what it feels like to go up and squeeze it.

The men secretly swallowed, and although they were confused, they still started training together.

But it is obvious that there is not so much "dedication".

There is even some fear of training too hard and destroying one's "high center of gravity running method".

Don’t forget, the current “high center of gravity running method” actually means that if the muscles are too developed, it will affect the athlete’s “high center of gravity”.

The theories that you may find ridiculous in later generations are still so true now and occupy a lot of dominant positions.

This issue was still specifically stated in the "Athletics" journal in 2013. It can be seen that by that time, there were still many "disciples" and "disciples".

Let alone now.

Su Shen knew this situation, and it was useless to say anything. If he wanted these people to really work hard and improve their muscles and strength, it was useless to force them. They needed to understand, wake up, and train from the bottom of their hearts.

Just these things will do.

Otherwise, without the cooperation of subjective initiative, everything will be achieved with half the effort.

It's not as simple as memorizing something.

Muscle strength training is a very complex and scientific system.

It's not even a bit easier than the running system.

Of course, I still want to praise Lao Yi by name.

Children who come from rural areas are quite simple.

I feel that the people in the National Youth League know a lot, especially this Su Shen. I was obedient, and what he said was obviously in Chinese, but I was stunned that many words and words didn't understand what they meant.

What a cultural person.

As a rural child, since you don’t understand, you don’t say anything and just do as you are told.

They are better than me anyway.

There is no harm in learning.

After returning from work, I realized that I was "too old".

The basic foundation is far worse than them. If you don't have "child skills", then...

It is even more necessary to work harder to catch up.

In this regard, even Da Liuyang, who had been more serious about endorsements and training in the past, was a little worried.

I'm not sure whether arranging so much strength training is the right path.

After a thorough study of this issue, it is actually even more..."shocking" than Su Shen's previous bet with those traditional coaches.

It can even be said that it is a complete challenge to authority.

When sprinters in China, and even in Asia, generally take the road of lightweighting and technicalization, someone suddenly jumps out and says - your entire country, entire continent, and even the entire race of people are training incorrectly and wrongly.


What does it feel like?

This pressure is not limited to Alexander.

It will even make many old diehards who "rely on their old age" and "sit back and eat nothing" suddenly face the crisis of unemployment.

With such a huge chain of interests, do you think Su Shen can easily stabilize?

Therefore, now he can only not clarify this aspect for the time being, and can only let those who believe in him practice more.

The impact in this area is too great, and it is tantamount to confronting the traditional authority of the entire race.

Su Shen is very clear that he needs to have more wings, more supporters in the small team, and more supporters before he can fully openly challenge.


you can see.

Some of the things Su Shen teaches publicly now, some papers, and some methods are all technical approaches.

At least they are all hanging on and improving technology.

It’s because of technological advancement, and that’s the path that the public now thinks yellow people should take when sprinting.

Starting from this port is actually the point with the least resistance.

Rather than overthrowing the entire system and directly embarking on the path of "fighting against race".

Su Shen will have to take this road sooner or later.

But not yet.

In this regard, Su Shen has made very complete planning steps and appears mature and calm.

Currently, about 37% of the world's population is yellow.

The current 37% is about more than one-third of the world's population, 22 people.

1VS2.2 billion.

How difficult is it?

Su Shen didn't know.

But one day he still has to do it.

And if you think about it, it won't be long.

Waiting for a group of "Sushen-style small league members" to graduate and begin to dominate the domestic and even Asian track and field circles.

That's when he finally sounded the clarion call for counterattack.

He looks forward to that day coming.

Everyone who was sweating profusely in the weight room saw that the members of Su Shen's team were all doing every strength training plan seriously without saying a word. Someone finally couldn't help it anymore and took advantage of the break in training to ask Zhao Haohuan.

He asked Zhou Bing: "Do you usually practice these? Is it too much for us who are running?"

"And we rely on our feet, so why do we spend so much time and energy training our upper limbs?"

Yes, I am afraid that professionals, let alone amateurs, have this question.

If you're a runner, it's easy to train your legs.

What is the point of doing so much upper body training?

"Let's just practice when Tim asks us to do it. Why are there so many reasons?" Zhou Bing is the kind of person who doesn't want to do anything. Anyway, now he has decided on a direction. He will do whatever Su Shen asks him to do, and he will just run away if he is told.

Run, let him roll the iron, ask less and do more.

Anyway, it would be a waste of brain cells to ask, so just don't ask anything and have fun.

Zhao Haohuan thought more about things than Zhou Bing, and said while replenishing water: "Some techniques require physical fitness, such as the bent-arm starting technique. If you don't have the minimum guarantee of upper body strength, you will never be able to practice it in your life."

"Oh, so that's what it is." Everyone suddenly realized.

If these are all for technical services, it is not unacceptable.

In order to realize the technology, just practice it first. They are also very coveted for some of Su Shen's skills.

Zhao Haohuan was actually the first person to understand Su Shen's "difficulties".

Although he came to Su Shen a little later than Zhou Bing, he was smarter than Zhou Bing. He gradually understood that Su Shen may feel in his heart that the body is the guarantee for the performance of skills. Without the body, no technology is useless or can be used.

Perform to the top.

Now he says that he practices these things to develop his skills, but in fact he just changed the order of the sentence.

Although I don't think there is any big problem.

But in fact, it has become a path that focuses on technology and is supplemented by the body, rather than a path that focuses on the body and is assisted by technology.

If you are a smart person, you can still tell the difference between the two.

But this also reflects Su Shen's "black belly".

Since some things cannot be said directly, I will draw a pie first and let you come in and eat it. As you eat, the pie will go down and be digested into a part of your body. If you want to "deny" it again,

It's too late.

At that time, maybe everyone would understand the true meaning of the saying "the body is the guarantee of technology".

However, such deep things and so many steps were all figured out inadvertently while studying Su Shen's thoughts and thinking patterns. How could a 16-year-old boy like him consider so many aspects independently?

From the internal and external environment, entry points, breakthroughs, break the surface, cook the rice, avoid force majeure, insignificant development, etc.

Taking care of everything?

At the same time, there are so many papers and technical work to think about, this brain...

Are they really still human?

Is this a sign of genius both in mind and body?

Every time Zhao Haohuan thinks about this, he feels, well, the brain is really a good thing.

This is definitely a compliment.

At the same time, he glanced at Su Shen's buttocks for no apparent reason, and subconsciously touched his own, feeling...

Well, I also want an ass like Xiao Tian’s.

come on.


Xiao Zhao, you can.

PS: There is another update, it’s around eight o’clock~~~

This update is an addition to yesterday's update. It's really hard to stay up late at night, so it looks like I need to make some adjustments.

Same as yesterday, see you later~~~

This chapter has been completed!
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