Chapter 1208 He turned into light!!!

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"This Qingyun Sect doesn't seem to have anything extraordinary."

Deep in the sky, Sima Shang looked at the Qingyun Sect below and frowned slightly.

Before coming, someone specifically warned Sima Shang.

Be careful with this Qingyun Sect!

And once the formation is completed, don't delay and directly unleash the strongest power of the Heavenly and Earthly Destruction Formation.

Destroy this Qingyun Sect!

This made Sima Shang think that this Qingyun Sect was very powerful, and he was very afraid of it.

But finally I came here to take a look.

That's all.

Moreover, none of the people in this sect can tell whether their cultivation level is high or low, and they seem to be talking too much.

He kept chanting strange slogans like "Old Immortal Qingyun has boundless power."

Can this also be called a sect?

What a bunch of fools.

Sima Shang felt a little disdainful.

And when he saw Gou Li and others flying out, he almost laughed out loud.

Are these a bunch of crooked melons and cracked jujubes?

Except that bald man has a bit of a guru vibe.

Several others are young people.

All of them look like they are stunned.

What strength can it have?


Sima Shang shook his head contemptuously and waved his hand.

The soul-eating black dragon had already crashed down towards the Qingyun Sect.

A gloomy and terrifying aura instantly enveloped the entire Qingyun Sect.


Gou Bu saw this and narrowed his eyes slightly.

No fear.


Surging golden light emerged from all over Zi Gou's body.

Gou Buli's whole body turned golden.

This is the state of being disadvantaged.

If you think together in your mind, you can receive the blessing of the power of the old immortal.

Extremely powerful.

The four of them, Xu Shaoyang, have not reached such a state.

They came side by side with enthusiasm and reverence on their faces.

Shouted in unison.

"Old Immortal Qingyun, his magic power is boundless!"

"My magical power is great, the best in ancient and modern times!"


Boom boom boom boom!!!

Four rays of golden light bloomed from the bodies of Xu Shaoyang and the others.

It's like four pillars of light rising into the sky.

"What the hell is this?"

Seeing this situation, Sima Shang couldn't help but look shocked.

next moment.

The soul-eating black dragon had already crashed into the bodies of Gou Li and the other five people.

I thought that the souls of the five of them would be directly plundered by the soul-eating black dragon.


The golden light merged into one piece.

It turned into a solid barrier.

Block out the soul-eating black dragon.

No matter how the soul-eating black dragon collides, this golden barrier remains unbreakable.

Like a natural chasm!

"How can this be?"

Sima Shang and others were all shocked.

This was the first time they had seen such a situation.

What is the power of the golden light on these people?

Can you actually resist the power of the Heavenly and Earthly Destruction Formation?

"Use the power of the formation to the extreme!"

Sima Shang immediately shouted loudly.


The people of the Sima family behind him immediately dispersed.

Each one maintains a soul-destroying banner.

Eight soul-losing flags, all the souls sealed inside were mobilized.

And it gathered into the body of the soul-eating black dragon.

Buzz buzz!!!

The soul-eating black dragon immediately grew stronger.

It became even more ferocious and terrifying than before.

Power surges!

Bang bang bang!!!

The golden light barrier maintained by Gou Li and others was actually shaken to the point of flickering, and seemed to be unable to hold up.

"Haha, although this golden light is a bit weird, I have used eight soul-destroying banners. The power of the formation is unprecedentedly powerful. How can you guys be able to resist it?"

Seeing this, Sima Shang felt calm and a sneer appeared on his face.

But before he could let go of his sneer.

Sima Shang's expression suddenly solidified again.

"Blessed by the old immortal Qingyun!!!"

"The monsters and ghosts leave quickly!!!"

Goubuli suddenly shouted loudly.

The golden light in his eyes boiled like flames.

this moment.

He became the light!!!

Gou Bu is like a monkey flying in the sky, with a golden light above his head, soaring upwards.

Accompanied by a thud.

Gou Lun's golden bald head directly hit the huge head of the soul-eating black dragon.

The seemingly insignificant Gou was disadvantaged, but at this moment he turned out to be like a golden sharp blade, instantly smashing the soul-eating black dragon into pieces.

The faucet collapsed.

Next comes the body.

Boom boom!!!

With a loud noise, the soul-eating black dragon turned into scattered black energy.

Difficult to condense.

Gou Buli, who was bathed in the golden light, put his hands behind his back and stared directly at Sima Shang in the distance.

Looks cold!

Like a great master!

"I am the great disciple of the Qingyun Sect, so I am in trouble!"

"Where is Xiaoxiao? Tell me your name!"

At this moment, Gou Buli seemed to be the only existence in the world.



Even that bald head that looks a little funny seems to be filled with divine radiance.

"Senior Brother Gou is too fierce!"

"Senior Brother Gou is indeed my senior brother of the Qingyun Sect!"

"As long as I worship Old Immortal Qingyun every day, I can one day reach the realm of Senior Brother!"

In the Qingyun Sect, many disciples looked at Gou Li's figure with admiration, who looked like a great master.

Gou Bu is indeed powerful.

He is nominally the chief disciple of the Qingyun Sect, but in fact he is the founder of the Qingyun Sect.

He was also the first person to become a believer in Qingyun Laoxian.

Under his leadership, the Qingyun Sect has become what it is today.

And the letter from the old immortal Qingyun
The power of admiration is always blessing Gou Bu's body.

Only then did Gou Ni become as powerful as he is now.

Gou Li's belief is even more firm.

He firmly believed in his heart that as long as he believed in the old immortal Qingyun and recited his true name all the time, he would be invincible.

No one can knock yourself down!

With such belief, even the extremely powerful Heavenly and Earthly Destruction Formation would be unable to compete with Gou Li.

"Who is this person? He is so powerful?"

"This Qingyun Sect is too terrifying and should not be provoked!"

"Quickly retreat!"

Sima Shang was in a state of confusion and did not dare to stay any longer.

You need to take people to escape as soon as possible.

But just when Sima Shang wanted to escape into the magic circle.


A huge beast's claw suddenly attacked.

"What is this?"

Sima Shang was immediately stunned.

next moment.

Bang bang bang bang bang!!!

Sima Shang and others were all knocked away by the beast's claws.

Everyone was vomiting blood, and everything was in pieces.

A turtle's head poked out from the depths of the sky, glanced at Sima Shang and others who were knocked out, showed an honest smile, and then disappeared.

Sima Shang and others fell down one by one like broken sacks.


All fell into the Qingyun Sect.

He was directly suppressed by a group of little golden men.

Sima Shang still wanted to resist.

As a result, he was slapped twice in the face and was knocked unconscious on the spot.

Exactly at this moment.

The short old man came with Guo Xiaoyun and others to escape.

Appeared outside the mountain gate of Qingyun Sect.

"What is this place?"

Guo Xiaoyun and others did not know this Qingyun Sect, and looked puzzled.

Especially when I saw that the formation fluctuations here had faded away, I was even more surprised.

"Has the Sima family already slaughtered all the living creatures in this place?"

Guo Xiaoyun's face looked a little heavy.

This chapter has been completed!
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