Chapter 313 Potato Stew with Beef

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 After some discussion, some people proposed to make the king a king, while others thought it was inappropriate.

Li Tianmin also encountered difficulties.

After thinking about it, I decided to wait for Ye Qingyun to come back before considering this matter.

Soon, the news that Emperor Gaozu's remains and sword would be returned to Chang'an spread throughout Chang'an.

The whole of Chang'an immediately boiled. .??.

Countless people cheered excitedly.

People I know and people I don’t know are all running to tell each other.

The whole city of Chang'an was filled with joy in an instant.

Many people spontaneously took out the incense tables at home, arranged them neatly, and worshiped toward the north.

Since the last time Mr. Long, the Holy Farmer of the Tang Dynasty, passed away, the people of the Tang Dynasty once again spontaneously paid homage to him.

Condolences to the soldiers who died in the northern border.

Pay homage to the heroic spirit of Emperor Gaozu of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Tianmin ordered a general amnesty for the whole country.

Those who commit minor crimes will be released.

Those who commit serious crimes will be given lighter punishments.

Those convicted of capital crimes will be exempted from capital punishment and will be imprisoned for life.

The Tang Dynasty rarely granted amnesty to the whole country.

Because the Tang Dynasty attached great importance to laws.

It is extremely difficult for those who trigger the law to be forgiven.

As for the amnesty for the world, the emperors of all dynasties put together no more than five times in total.

This is also the first time that Li Tianmin has granted amnesty to the whole country.

Those prisoners who were released and had their sentences reduced were even more grateful.

In addition, Li Tianmin also exempted the people of Chang'an from taxes for two years.

Except for Chang'an, all places were exempted from taxes for half a year.

Everything like this was brought by Ye Qingyun.

Some people may not know the inside story.

But the dignitaries knew it very well.

Without Ye Qingyun, there would be no such great victory in the North.

Not to mention the day when Emperor Gaozu's remains and sword were brought back.

For a time, Ye Qingyun's reputation in Chang'an City soared to the sky.

Some people even regarded Ye Qingyun as the Optimus Prime of the Tang Dynasty.

As long as Ye Qingyun is around, the Tang Dynasty will remain prosperous and strong.
But Ye Qingyun, who was in the north, didn't know all this.

He doesn't care about reputation now, nor does he want to know about national affairs.

He just wanted to watch the pot of beef and potatoes stew in front of him become more mushy quickly.

After settling the matter with the Sirius clan, Ye Qingyun has also been free.

During this free time, I couldn't help but want to get something to eat.

After Ye Qingyun inquired about it, he learned that the Sirius tribe had a kind of beef that was extremely delicious.

It was beef that was unique to the grassland. It was so delicious that even the dignitaries of the Tang Dynasty could not eat it twice a year.

How could Ye Qingyun hold back after hearing this?

Even if he asked someone to go to the Sirius clan.

Regardless of anything else, he directly found the Sirius King Monzar.

When Monzhar saw someone from the Tang Dynasty coming again, he thought that the Tang Dynasty had gone back on its word and wanted to start a war with the Sirius tribe, and he was so frightened.

As a result, it turned out that Ye Qingyun had sent him to ask for beef.

This made Monzar very embarrassed.

Although he was a little speechless, Monzar still gave the visitor the best beef from the Sirius tribe and asked him to take it back to Zijin Pass.

Ever since.

This is the current situation.

Ye Qingyun squatted in front of a pot and stared at it without blinking.

I'm afraid there's something wrong with the heat.

He would also lift the lid of the pot from time to time to see if the beef inside had been stewed to a pulp.

Although it has not been completely stewed, the rich aroma of meat is already permeating the pot.

Ye Qingyun couldn't help but take a deep breath.

This taste!


“It’s really good beef!”

Ye Qingyun couldn't help but admired.

This grassland beef is indeed different from ordinary beef.

If it weren't for the fear of having diarrhea due to uncleanness, Ye Qingyun would have wanted to eat a medium-rare steak directly.

Ye Qingyun is here

When I was in Fuyun Mountain, I had steak once.

That was because he went down the mountain and bought a piece of beef from the market where the beef was being slaughtered.

That's called freshness.

Ye Qingyun enjoyed a good meal of steak.

As a result, I had diarrhea that afternoon.

Ye Qingyun couldn't even remember how many times he ran to the latrine.

My calves were so weak.

From then on, Ye Qingyun made an oath.

I will never eat steak again.

If you want to eat it, eat it fully cooked.

This time I made beef stew with potatoes. Ye Qingyun had been craving this bite for a long time.

He also specially steamed a large iron pot of rice to be mixed with rice later.

Li Yuanxiu also sat on the edge with a stool and waited patiently.

In addition, there are Shen Tianhua and Liu Changyue.

Their eyes were shining brightly, staring at the pot in front of Ye Qingyun.

Zen Master Dahui and Huikong did not come.

They are all monks and cannot eat meat.

"Master, how long until we can eat?"

Li Yuanxiu asked expectantly.

"hold on."

It takes less than a cup of tea.

"Master, can you eat it?"

"Don't be anxious, wait a little longer."

"Master, it seems okay?"

"Why are you in a hurry? There will definitely be something for you to eat. It's indispensable."

"Master, can you let me taste it first?"


Ye Qingyun discovered that Li Yuanxiu seemed to be very greedy.

I remember this kid was not like this at first.

I don’t know who led me astray.


Such a good kid, why is he so greedy?

Ye Qingyun shook his head and wiped the saliva from his mouth.

Goo goo goo goo!

A gurgling sound began to sound in the pot.

Ye Qingyun's eyes lit up and he immediately opened the pot to check.<

"It's done!"

Ye Qingyun immediately put out the firewood under the pot.

Then I sprinkled some more seasoning into the pot.

Stir twice with a spoon.

Looking at the thick soup in the pot, Ye Qingyun couldn't help but get excited.

If you use this to mix with rice, it will be delicious.

Ye Qingyun took out the potato and beef stew and put it in a large basin.

Look back.

Li Yuanxiu and the others even had their meals ready.

One by one, they were holding their rice bowls and staring directly at themselves.

"Look at how useless you are!"

Ye Qingyun couldn't help but curse.

After putting down the basin, Ye Qingyun also quickly went to fill a bowl of rice.

Li Yuanxiu and others have already started eating.

Ye Qingyun also quickly picked up a chopstick of beef.

He couldn't wait to stuff it into his mouth.


Melts in your mouth!

The beef is extremely tender and stewed very soft.

Even without any seasoning, it tastes great.

What's more, under Ye Qingyun's careful cooking, the beef is already thoroughly flavorful.

Absolutely amazing!

"Master! Isn't this delicious?"

Li Yuanxiu looked shocked and said vaguely.

“Absolutely delicious!”

Shen Tianhua was also full of praise.

Liu Changyue also wanted to speak, but her mouth was packed too much, and both sides of her mouth were bulging, so she couldn't speak.

"That's for sure. Don't look at who did it?"

Ye Qingyun said with a proud look on his face.

to be honest.

The deliciousness of this pot of potato stew and beef was beyond Ye Qingyun's imagination.

Potatoes are regular potatoes.

The key is that this beef is indeed very good.

High-end ingredients often require only the simplest cooking methods.

Chef Ye, who has been busy for a long time, plans to mix rice with soup.

This chapter has been completed!
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